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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1961, p. 3

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i MEMBER OF CANADIAN WEEKLY ' pny THE STAR EDITORAL PAGE J0th, 1961-- OPEN ART GALLERY . ER District Churches [iioi vi wonds, vio) Anglican Notes & SEASON'S GREETINGS Total No. of patients X-rayed--330| AT LEASKDALE ! In Patients--219 SCUGOG, MANCHESTER, lowing: Gary Carter, Evelyn Slute The Evening Guild met on Dec. 13, Out Patients--111 PROSPECT UNITED CHURCHES [and Valerie Leahy of the Island; To] at the home of Miss M. Jerrett for Karen & Kevin Murphy, Paul Henry, | their annual - Christmas party and 1961 Thursday, December 21st, day on the 29th when many of your a ets Arnold Hodgkins, noted artist and. resident of Leaskdale has taken an- other step toward developing that A? Total No. of X-ray procedures 3859 *e o! It is impossible to send personal Greetings to all our Scugog friends who are interested in the work we do, so we take this opportunity to wish "you one and all a very Happy Christ- mas, and a wonderful New Year. It is lovely that so many of you have remembered us, and we do appreciate your interest and your kind wishes. This will be the week for Christmas Concerts, with a Party for the "Head" School on Wednesday evening; a Party for the "Centre" School on Thursday afternoon, and a Concert at Prospect in the evening, and a Con- cert at Manchester on Friday evening Sunday will be Christmas Sunday when we will have special music, and a message of hope. - We know that there will be a wonderful response, and that our three Churches will be filled. It just wouldn't_ be Christmas if Christ were left out. So much is being written about putting Christ back into Christmas, as though onc could take Hint out at will, and put Him back. He is right in it friends. and always will be. Even though only a few shepherds and wisemen knew that the Christ had come on that first Christmas, there He was. Never forget when life seems to bé cluttered up with trivial things, Ged _ gave us Jesus not for a day, but for keeps. There is a wealth of love and goodwill going forth, even though they may not be making the headlines; but so many are engaged in portray- ing the workings of crime and hate, that they are not always conscious of "the good that is here. Let us have more and more of HOPE. We are the children _of- God, and-at this Season His great Love surrounds us, and en- velopes us. There is a song of joy for everyone, if only we would listen for it. If only we would prepare our hearts for His coming. There is hap- piness for the whole world, and peace at last. We invite all within our area to come and worship with us on Sunday." Come and share your joys with us; for in spite of everything, God's love is continually flowing earthward to us. We are glad to report that our new heating system at Manchester has been _duly_installed, and we had the benefit of it last Sunday, when there was a very good congregation. We are happy that many children are at- tending. There is room for many more, and now that our Auditorium is Carol Aird and Hilda Hoftsee of Man- chester; and to Sandra Greenwood of Prospect. Scugog Twenty-two ladies met at the home of Helen Redman on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 6, for the Christmas meeting of the Head W.A. We were pleased to have our new neighbour, Mrs. Whitters, from the Fulford place as well as Mrs. Middleton, Mrs, Earl Heayn, Mrs. T. Redman, Mrs. East- man, and Reta Rodman. The) program was. typically of a Christmas nature. Following the carol and Scripture reading of the Holy- birth, Myrtle Manns read an article on the origin of the holly, mistletoe, and Christmas tree. The roll call was very interesting and instructive as various Christmas customs of other lands were read. Mrs. T. Redman favoured us with another of her clever "poems entitled, "The Christmas Season". Then there was a variety of serious and amusing «readings by Leona with "I Found Christmas", by Joyce with "The Night Before Christmas" and by Reta Reader with the legend of "The Runaway Angel". Following Clara Whitter's piano number, Reta Wilson presented her favourite reading "I Won't Shop Early for Christmas". Bonnie gave a contest on the Christ- mas Story, which was won. by Leona Barry. A committee was selected to make plans for the Head Community Christ- mas party, and another committee to arrange the Mystery Sister Supper in January. N Betty Reader, as chairman of the nominating committee presented the 'new slate of officers for the new or- ganization of 1962. The following were thereby accepted and informed of the Inaugural Service on Jan. 7. President-- Marie. Healey - Vice-Pres.-- Reta Wilson Secretary --Leona Barry Treasurer-- Reta Reader Pianist--Clara Dowson Hospital Rep.-- Dorothy Martyn, and _| are as follows: B 11:30 a.m.-- Seven Lessons. Carols. Singing. seventeen members were present. Miss Connie Snowden showed slides of her recent trip to Europe and gifts were exchanged, Chinese food was deliv- eed from a restaurant in Oshawa. The next meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on January 8. 1962. The Young People's group have been quite active this past week. On Wed- nesday, Dec. 13th, they held their Christmas party and trimmed the Christmas tree in the Church Hall. Then on Thursday, Mr, Gardener and Mr. Fuller took them to the Ontario Hospital in Whitby to sing Christmas Carols. They rounded off the week by holding a very successful Y, P. Rally on Sunday evening, 36 people being present. There will he a meeting of the at 8:00 p.m, senior W.A. met in the Church Hall with fourteen members present, They opened the meeting with the hymn, Living Message" and a prayer for world fellowship. The minutes were read by Mrs. Mulligan in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Whithy. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs, Clarke, It was decided to send Christ- mas cards to various absent members and also to send one to Rev. and Mrs. eight members under 7 years old. Mrs. for making them so successful. 11:30 p,m,--Holy Communion. On Christmas Day the Fullers are entertaining the Pelletiers and the News. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller expect to Young People on Thursday (to-day) | daughter Mrs. Clayton Miller of Rag- On Tuesday, December 12th, the]ers Mrs. Jennie Mason and Mrs. Ber- "0 - Tittle Town of Bethlehem". This | mott-Panabaker Funeral Chapel, with was followed by a literary from "The | Interment at Fine Grove Cemetery. Stackhouse. Mrs. Hayes gave a report | their Christmas Meeting on Tuesday on Little Helpers. We now have thirty. | evening, Dec. 12, in the Parish Hall. Mumford summerized a-chapter of the cluding two guests, Mrs. Kelly De 1 study book entitled "Break of Day".] Gray of Oshawa, and Mrs. Efleen FE The new officers were-- elected for | Spragge of Ajax. Fr. Marynen opened ve and Mrs. Glass the retiring] the meeting with .prayer. There was sident thanked members for their] a short business period after which help and co-operation during the prev- | Father Marynen gave a very insptring ious year: Mrs. Wood led the meeting] talk about Christmas, reminding us to ¥ in the final benediction, Tea was ser- | keep the Christ in Christmas. Then ved by Mrs, Mumford and Mrs. Boyn-| Mrs. Spragge and Mrs. DeGray each # ton. spoke a few words, congratulating Christmas Parties were held over|the League on its good work for a the week-end for members of the] small organization. The highlight of Church School and the Rector would | the évening was a Pot Luck Supper. # like to thank all teachers and helpers | The tables were set up with Christmas Decorations and plenty of food. After The Service next Sunday, Dee. 24, the supper there was the usual ex- change of gifts, followed by "Carol; Aa i Obituary- MRS. GORDON BRUCE Death released Mrs. Gordon Bruce from a lengthy illness on. December 2nd, 1961, at her home, Port Perry. Mrs. Bruce was born Estella Maude Britton, in Manvers Twp., Durham County. Her parents were the late Joseph Britton and his wife the form- er- Martha Renolds. Mrs. Bruce resided in Port Perry for a number of years where she prac. tised as a milliner. In 1930 she mar- Ee TW OW WW Wy ? pact 2 2 wishes for The funeral service was taken hy 3 ried Gordon Bruce. She was a mem- ber of the United Church, Port Perry. Left to mourn her passing are her hushand, Gordon Bruce of Port Perry, lan and four granddaughters, 2 sist- tha Pollard both of Seaforth. Rev. KE. S. Linstead at the MceDer- Catholic Women's League |; The Catholic Women's League held There were twenty-one present in- pool 8 Fide News £ LS 2 SD 7 4 2 hamlet as a culture centre. On Sat, Dec. 16th he opened his newest undertaking 'Deerfoot Gallery'. The gallery, located opposite "Deer- foot Studios" on County Road No. 10, and was the Lyon's homestead. The Pugpase of the plage, Mr. Hodg- kins says, "is to show paintings which have a meaning for everyone without the responsibility of catering to ads and fashions in art expression. To present a type of fine art which js known to endure, not old, not new, Sut timeless." Christmas he Causeway Bowling Lanes Frank Hastings, REE Steven's Wayside Market MYRTLE ® Open Daily from 9 a.m. STATION to 6 pm. e (RE CRE CRE RE ERR (NE 6356 SG No RY HOLIDAY WISHES a holiday season aglow with gl the good things that help to make our lives brighter. Here's wishing you Earl Wallace PORT PERRY ONO ROW NOE ONTARIO Port Perry EERE CRD NL The cheerlest of greetings and good wishes to all our friends. May * your holiday season he a happy one. Charlie 3 Coffee Shop 'PORT ONTARIO ob SOF GF No ob OF NO ATNTNTN: ada TATNTNTNE NE i SET be away visiting relatives in Mont-| The residents of Fairview Lodge warm and comfortable, we hope that many more will join us in Praise. The Ladies have done a good work, and we say "Thank you Ladies, and thank you Wes Lane for a job well done." The orders of Service for our In- augural Service of our Women on Sunday, Jan. 7th have arrived. Let- ters are going out to all our families inviting them to join 'with us in get ting The United Church Women start- ed. We say "Farewell" to our W.As. - and W.M.Ss. and we go forth to meet the new organization. As God has blessed our endeavours of the past, so we pray that His blessing may rest upon all our Ladics, and through Myrtle Manns Sick Committee--Ruth Heayn, and Betty Reader While the bounteous pot luck lunch was being arranged by the group leaders, Betty Reader gave us food for thought on a contest of picking words from the Christmas "stocking". Finally, the new President, Marie expressed words of thanks for our confidence in her and with a few words of appreciation to the former President, Myrtle Manns, presented her with a lovely versatile dish of Italian pottery. Myrtle then fittingly thanked the group and Marle closed real for about four days between Christmas and New Year. There will be a celebration of Holy Communion on New Years Day. The Rector would like to see a good con- gregation as this is a most befitting way in which to begin the New Year. Community Mem. Hospital News About a year ago "New X-ray Equipment for our Hospital" was at e Christmas™, the 1st Port Perry Guide Company. The program included:--a voeal duet hy Catherine Jeffrey and Martha Car- Ig negie, a piano solo by Bonnie Cawker, a piano and saxaphone duet by Ca- therine Nelson and Susan Roach; a Christmas Pageant in which all. guides: took part entitled "O 'Come Ye to Bethlehem"; a vocal duet by Sharon Kade and Catherine Jeffrey; a piano solo" by Gail Forder; a reading, "The Night Before Christmas" by Cather- ine Jefford; a dance by Nancy Dy- mond, and concluded by a saxaphone » piano duet "We Wish You a Merry The residents were then were entertained Friday, Dee. 15th by ' ® true, deep of Christmas make the season bright for you and yours. Slater's EVE NE RENT NENTS SS Newp 3 NS 2 Q jo INTIS the leading of the Holy Spirit, that|the year's meetings by requesting all | the consideration and discussion stage. SERVICE STATION they will be brought together in 'The | to sing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds".| The Women's Hospital Auxiliary served tea and Jioebaked cookies, , be 2 _ United Church Women. The four Pre- _ i '| willingly offered to be responsible for |= The -program--was--tested 'by Miss & SNACK BAR Let the bells sling Sout ud : r " oy . . 'Grace' efore lunch was serve practica half the cost of the X-ray equipment, inches and Mrs. Cawker and judged Port Perry, Ont rio & , n * sidents nominated are: Scugog 'Gi : a clear to proclaim to one and all Uh Mrs. Henry Thomas; Scugog 'Head' and interesting gifts were passed out] which was $7,600.00. The Municipali- | worthy of a Company Player Certifi- Mrs, William Healey; Manchester ! Mrs. Grant Franklin; and Prospect Mrs. Murray Holtby. All Presidents our best wishes for a holiday season ¢ filled with joy and good fellowship. from our Mystery Sisters. ties of Port Perry, Reach, Cartwright | cate. This will he the first award of and Scugog contributed a total of | this character won by a Port Perry $4000.00 based on a ratio of patient | Guide Company. The hostesses fou and their executive will be duly in-| Please note, the Head Community| days for 1960. the evening were Judy Dagenais and stalled at the Inaugural Service, Christmas Party, sponsored by the Catherine Nelson. Manchester Cubs and Scouts went | Sunday School will be held in the Doupe's Store PRINCE 3 BERT, ONTARIO din inindindiiindintindindieds The remainder of the cost of setting I up the x-ray Department was con- ' Carol singing on Monday evening. | Head Church on Saturday, Dec, 283, at tributed from the Capital Account of Di - D » This is a service of love, and we know 8:00 p.m. There will be a program the Hospital, amounting to approxi- istrict omas i that many elderly folk who are shut | given by the children. Attendance mately $2000.00. in have enjoyed the presence of these | awards will be distributed. We hope A great deal of renovation was re- | STOUFFVILLE PLANNING TO bundles of energy, and have been|to have Santa arrive in time to pass 'quired to accommodate the new Picker | AD -TO SEWAGE DISPOSAL b) FR « -- lt ys \ a + a aL "cheered by their sweet young voices. | out gifts and treats. The members of X-ray Machine and equipment. An-| PLANT Many thanks boys, leaders and chauf- | various classes will be given an oppor-| ji1or room was renovated to provide| Stouffville municipal council has feurs. The Island Cubs had a Party | tunity of presenting White Gifts of an office for the use of the X-ray | received word from the Central Mort- | and under the able direction of Geo.|canned or packaged food to be sent Technologist and the Radiologist. This | gage & Housing Corp. that they are Freeman have been making: Christ to a home for young, unfortunate room also provided for storage of | prepared to finance the proposed ad- rw, uw rg ne a Ns 3 ' oo rps nd] nh | or Lg a { ; mas gifts in wood. mothers in Toronto. records and films, dition to the town's sewage disposal V t In oir for us to wind up the us}. By the beginning of August the X- | plant. The existing plant was. built os i ness of the year, as soon as possible, ray Department was completely or- for a population of 2500 with an over- 3 k 3 ; { we will have our Congregational| Christmas parties for the School ganized with Mr. W. Marx, B.A, load to 8,000. This capacity is now BE SRN Meeting during the week of January ikiren wil be Tield at.the Head i R.T.(R) coming to the hospital on more than eighty per cent used up. 7th and should be ready for the An-| ednesday evening for grades 4, b, Monday, Wednesday and Friday after- The addition planned will bring the I ha --nual-Meetings of the Stewards and | 6, and at the Centre on Thursday = "0, Tuesday and Thursday capacity up to 5,000 population, 2a the Official Board before the end of | afternoon for grades 1, 2, and 8. mornings, Mr. Marx {s responsible It has heen explained to council the month. We have every reason to for taking all X-rays and keeping the that it is imperative that the work be } * believe that this will be our best re- necessary records, : completed in 1962 in order that a port yet. Dr. Barry M. Woods, Radiologist, | government grant can be obtained, We have a very special birthday comes to the Hospital on Tuesday and | It is necessary that approval be oh- coming up on December 29th, when Thursday morning of each week to] tained from a least three departments ~~ Mvrs,- Hannah Johnson of Manchester assist with X-ray procedures, inter-|of government which further makes A Serr es Sr SL ae O.. thanks and best wishes for a very happy holiday season to all of you whose patronage , « we value so highly. Sig Zar A fry a SOEs go ne ri To Celebrate 95th Birthday or a Holiday richly reward- ing in good; cheer and pipes: ~N J will-be ninety seven, God is gracious | -----} pret-and report on all films taken. -]it necessary that an immediate start | Kay Van's 2 y 'to many of His choice souls, and we "Congratulations to Mrs. Job Graham The following statistics give an ac- | be made on the paper work involved. Go rdo : Pp oy i : your. friends, do wish' you Mrs. John | who 'will celebrate her 96th birthday | curate picture of the volume of work| The estimated cost fs $64,000 and Xk: di o Ww oraon rentice ! son, every joy at this Christmas Sea- | on December 28th. Mrs. Graham lives | done in the new: X-ray Department | the loan required would. be' in the d 15 ear IMPERIAL OI. AGENT son, and a wonderful and peaceful | with her daughter Mrs. Boundey. from August 1, 1961 to November | neighborhood of $48,000, Port Perry, Ontario PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ; A ALAN ine te le i SE ESE SE RERINENIRI MINIM MIMO MO MO MO MOM RW 0 WN CREW SW OW OW SW a a a REA

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