® Ladies Wednesday Night Bowling Team Standing: SIRLENOR vrimiiiinmnniin 27 North Stars .........cenien 26 Hurricanes Flyers .... ' Sunderlands ... Kittyhawks ... Bombers ..... ie JeIB anita Sor Mustangs... Helicopters Lancasters Mosquitoes Over 210: J. Ballard --229, M. St.John--230. D. Menzies--214. M. Wakeford--267, 230. 1 Doupe--288, M. Heayn--218. A. PACE SFC Rives High Singles: ! K. Middleton--291, M. Spears --2177, J. Cookson--268, C. Hastings--245, F. Hastings--241, A. Menzies--232, B. Smith--229, High Triples: K. Middleton--690, C. Hastings -- | 639, M, Spears--630, G. Carnegie-- 1] | Flounders: B. Murry--99, H. Davey--86. Men's Thursday | Night League ; 621, J. Cookson--621. J ER > -" Late = SE i SEA LALA Bd OE sas 3 aN - IAT ' MEYERS aad : SHIRAI STR EES ER EERE ROd ang Gun ...uviisnpein 7 Singles OVer 225: which had as its theme- "The Bible". | Faleons .......ccococovvvvvvvvvvennnnn 2 R. Sweetman--269, 240. D. Low- The Call to Worship was "Thy Word Creams Puffs .uvininpnn 2 cock--236. G. Goode--263. B. Gibson is a lamp unto my feet and a light --301, F. Olsen--231. I. Boyd-----2456. unto my path". The response was re- J. Hadley--245. J. Ballard---260. A. peated in unison. "The Word of God Menzies--231, 272. J. Franssen--290. shall guide my feet, where ever I may C. Watts--266. R. Trudell--239, 241. go; The Word of God shall teach my H. Hall--230. | heart, The things 1 ought to know, (The Word of God shall make me strong and bless me through my whole life long". Blackstock | A new song was learned called, The B-I-B-L-E. The roll call was an- Mrs, Richard VanCamp then pre- (wered with, "Somebody I know and sided and thanked the W.IL for the jjke from the Bible". Mary Lou Mal- invitation to visit. An amusing pan-'.oln took up the offering which was tomine--"A Scene in the Park" was dedicated by Mrs. Taylor. Linda Mc presented by Msds. F. Butt, H. Mc paughlin was appointed to set up the Laughlin, N. Malcolm, K. VanCamp, Worship Centre for the next meeting. and N. Werry. Msds, R. VanCamp, R.| Mys, Taylor told a story about Bible McLaughlin, D. Dorrell and H. Ham- ands called "Four Thousand Horse ilton accompanied by Mrs. H. Grahem gea115", A game called Punchinello ing and very fine services enjoyed | by large congregations Sunday morn- ing. Miss Beryl Hibbs spent 'he week- end in Welland Court; Mis. Clarke in Toronto; Mr. Paisley at his home in Dunnville. Miss Elaine Mountjoy spent the THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1862-5 my cuff links or tie clips. I am go- | my pocket. Atany rate, in the MOSS ing to miss this delightfully feminine | I GATHER column of the Winnipeg disarry. It has become part of my | Tribune next day, I read: "I SAW life. a man walking down Portage Avenue with a woman's silk stocking hang- ing below his coat." While I am glad to learn that the Canadian textile people are keeping | themselves up to date, I must confess! Some woman won $5 for sending in that in this instance I hope they drag | that I SAW feature, and 1 was the week-end with friends in Kingston and on a trip to the Adirondacks. Mr. and Mrs. David Swain and Brent, London, spent the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson and family Scugog were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Swain. Mrs, MacDougald, Midland spent the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Cryderman, Solina, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn "Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin and | a silk stocking is abandoned by one of | matter for a couple of days. their feet a bit. You see, whenever | butt of several family jokes about the This sort of family fun will be wiped out with the spray-gun approach. my daughters, | snitch it. There is | no better car-wash aid than a couple | of old silk stockings, dipped in de-| | suppose I am an old reactionary, tergent. Recently,l. acquired a used but if progress means the end of sheer pair and tucked them in the buck' silk stockings I'm agin it. If the pocket of my trousers, intending to textile industry wants to monkey with put them in the glove compartment of tradition, let it come up with adhe- the car. | forgot about them. Ap- sive shirtrcuffs and ties that need no parently, one of them drooped out of clips. NAO ER OX . ) DASA ASA AN et tt tt tN LE ty : or ' Mr. Russel Spinks spent Wednesday . Olsen 212. B. Colling--922) 211. E.!Team Standings: sang "Cartwright O.N.O. Club", This yg played and the meeting closed TAN oy Ss ol .° Bn I amiga Me Head Ping oie Hass Ln was followed by a skit by Gwen Ball-'wity the Hymn, "Jesus Loves Me" : Te Ae HR W A N T E D io Aaughlin--266. J, Kyte--212, M. Enge MeloOrs: ..ivisnornmrsmin 10 inger ) vilee hlin, | REY | inue 'k re | \ NGL a 5 08, 210. J. Edvacde 215: M. Moc a o Soge) Alma Duff, Eileen Milang | "and a Prayer. (Continued on back page) | ® HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR e o on araEmman ts fe ATL OUWEB cic v essie Gunter, Dolly Lee, and Connie Hi C. held their first oting i ' OLD COINS, MEDALS pe \ CQ IN Gregor--216. N. Howsam--213. B. Oke ' Blow KIB? oe 9 Swain This was depicting un after. i C. . weir first meeting in oo I S, 1 poi: HISTORICAL BOOKS, be) --212, 228, W. McLaughlin--224 , : ; A the C. E. Room on Saturday evening, # JASES, ETC. o n % Sia 6s g ' ek Jaks iii es : oen. in 1992.00 reminiscences from Oct. 6th, with 18 members and four " H We carry a complete line of Coin Collector Supplies, i ne e 288 | A " BUGS puns szuias 7 the begikuing of the ON.0, Club. councillors present. Meeting opened Of Many Things Coins, Reference Books, ete. n High Tri lo Ski PEN "h i Mrs. H. Bailey expressed the thanks {yith election of officers ns follows: WILL PAY $25.00 AND UP FOR CANADIAN o gh Triple -egionaires 0 tof the W.I. to the O.N.O. and the Prosident--Paul Rahm By Amrose Hills GOLD COINS » M. Enge--639, Bill's Refrig. . . 6 : i res Is ¢ meeting closed with the singing of Secretray--Cheryl Metcalf ; Apply 4 Deluxe ........ oh The Queen, after which a pleasant N ; SPRAY-ON STOCKINGS? . PH Carnegie 4 : en, delici Treasurer--Denis Mclaughlin ! Bluebird T n F - h B li Goofers 2 soeful hour J spent and a de Pipe The remainder of the evening was} Cunada's textile industry holds an : exaco ° PTS TTT TI TTT IT Re TIT Ir Ir TT TS Carve 1 )§ A . . N . A " 3 P orinig | ow ing ua served by 'we groups © spent in games and dancing to the | interantional textile seminar each 3 1 1 1 Mile N. of Manchester on 12 Hwy. Ny Team Standings: High Single: : ' b held th f t music of records. Bonnie Mountjoy! year to keep itself up to date, and [2 @® OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL MIDNIGHT eo i . ' G. Thomas--33b. lk The Explorers held their first meet- ; or ; prize exciting news is usually the result s Spitfires .....coooiriivirvinnenne. I mn and Jim Carnaghan won the prize H i y NO 3, . . - & Bee mnt B High Triple: ing of the season on Tuesday after for spot dance. Next meeting on! when these experts gather. Exciting A A AAA A A A A A AAS A AS AR A RR RR PALI LT LR - AEE rr mt test 7 B. Gib i 726 school. Mrs. Romeril conducted the Sunday evening, October 28th in the' tv technologists and ladies, that is. EE i EEL L LIER PPTL ROTO . S0n--«b. opening ceremony, worship and elect- Depressing, in this case, to me, GCOS AAA SAAR A ARS ARR KARR Fodman, of the Philadel- 3 phia College of Textiles & Science, 5 was the man who noted that, "there RH is no reason why a very sheer stock- | : ing could not he imitated with a spray y C. E. Room, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright: Leanne and Heather Dorrell spent last week- end with relatives in Bancroft. -----Mus, Charlotte Forder spent Wed- nesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. BARA SOO ANANAAS AAAS AA SEAN ---- lion of officers. Leanne Dorrell was elected Chief Explorer. Bill Thomp- son, Keeper of the Log. Laurie Tur- ner, Keeper of the Treasure. Collecting for U.N.LC.E.F. at Hal- lowe'en was discussed. Members will Thomas '. For Your Convenience i: IDEAL DAIRY BAR : ARENA NOTICE THE PUBLI . i y Carl Wright. of fabrie-like solution applied directly | . . IE , ' AC-ARE INVITED 10. THE ARENA sell United Church Elleatas: Te. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy and | on women's legs." i WILL Bl OPEN DURING THE Wo games were played outside. Followed Mrs. Cecil Hill spent Tuesdny and This thought has disturbed me ever! 4 : Winter Months I by the Closing Ceremony. Thirteen Wednesday with relatives in Peter- | since 1 read abvut it. | live in a 9 ~~ October 18th, 1962, at 8 p.m. | children and two leaders, Mrs. Rom: = 17 NG wood household of females five of them | $8 2] ! ; : a : | hous males from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 4 The meeting will consist of General Business and the eril and 'Donna McLaughlin were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Webb, Tor- { and part of the homelike atmosphess 3 e SEVEN DAYS A NsiI ° i : 5 3 . resent. rere week- rue ve per » i mailin # Syl Sl li Nivkania Election of Officers to the Port Perry Community » . ing_of the Blackstock nto, were Ydelend Hus of My, Vive eon od i I fhe fwailiar: of ee ea TT TT TT TTT TT " > pv d * The-first meeting of the Blackstock} und Mrs. John Ballingal -- visiting stocking, --dangling- from shower=cur- 4 '" _ reng ¥ United Church Messengers took place] their Godson, Bryce. tain rods, drooped over the towel o THIS OPPORTUNTY IS TAKEN TO THANK YOU Ry = ; Get your information first hand--plan to attend in the C. E. Room on Tuesday after| Both Churches in the Village were | holders, or heaped in a gossimer py- W FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE Oct. 11 + school, with 16 boys and girls present. | beautifully decorated for Thanksgiv- | ramid on the drésser where 1 hunt for RT MILTON HEARD, President Mrs. Joyce Taylor with Lynda Kyte assisting took charge of the program AVWBROCIK nom ws DEPARTMENT STORE FORTFERRY 'Every girl needs a | BA ; | N ns EALIG BIN FE : = J ; Na Vaso \ At Your CARLOAD Food Market PRINCE ALBERT AYLMER -- CHOICE PEAS 2 =~ 3c by IRVING POSLUNS How else could she keep so warm i " outdoors while looking so superbly Fwd, AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER AYLMER . well-dressed? LITTLE PRINCESS coats' Ln t : FRUIT are skilfully designed to give be Boston Brown Fancy CREAM Choice Bartlett ' k " jo or Meg i provide. utmost warmth yi Beans Corn Pears ocktai in : 15 oz. Tins 16 oz. Tins 20 oz. Tin 15 oz. Tin from several: luxuri- ; A ¢ a0¢ ¢ "ne ous fabrics, AN 2 -35 2-3 35 21 all qui i ve lined. \ AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE 16 oz. Pkg. CAMP -- 5¢ OFF 16 oz. Btl. vf CARNATION | 3b Pkg. McLARENS Manz Stuffed 3.0%, A a / = 4 iF | Inst. Milk 89c | OLIVES ~~ 33c i e THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES eo CANADA'S FINEST Round or Rump STEAK or ROAST .. 87° MAPLE LEAF HOT DOG 1b. Pkg. WIENERS ........... & FRESH LEAN g | SPARE RIBS .......... 6% PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK- END---Wed. -Sat., OCT. 10 - 13 FREE DELIVERY DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS PHONE 985-2492 A. Caressable black Borg crowns this double- breasted coat of all wool, laminated to foam for extra warmth. Sizes 7+ M4. cis B. Rich suvedella starring a sumptuous Boy lined collar that converts into a hood. Coffee, loden, brown, rust or chamols, in fingertip marie Lear Contry i puser ia | STORE HOURS A on | , warm al ol laminated for weignt- i SAUSAGE ese 0 0 se Fe eu ee ee 53 - Daily 8.30 to 9 p.m. i Se pay . colored ami ily dig on | A ERA 90s. Vaca Ty | = Tusedey 830 io 06 pun A | cvvanee AY D. The Borg liner coat ... . Incredibly sotr and PLENTY of PARKING SPACE | BACK BACON .. warm furlike fabric. Quiltlined for added 1 . Styled by Insulation. Sizes 7-14. AN JELL-0 IRVING POSLUNS a - fa Ty ALL FLAVOURS . ] ] . . E Girls - $24.95, $22.95 Special Line- Men's Suits - Tip Top ty ai : 3 -- ? I ! ; STOCK SIZES -- $59.95. A FOOD MARKETS | | Junior Deb. - $17.95, $22.95 | Girls Coats - $9.95 wos woo PLAID JACKETS_31295 gE : Ladies - $29.95, $39.95 | Ladies Dresses-$6.95, $8.95 "PANTS -- 81288 i anies Aoflnd 4 , : | Charcoal, Grey, Brown, Olive ~ 7 .