dine a FIR A SL) ERR ---- _-- BROOKLIN NEWS For Coming Events -- News Haws Aig --_-- =tugatising - -- Church Activities @ Whitby Township Council News 5 A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitby was held in the Council Chambers, Brooklin on Monday, September 24th, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. with Reeve Down, Deputy-Reeve Lovelock and Councillors J. Dryden, D. Roberts and F. Thompson present. On Motion the minutes of Meeting #21 were adopted as printed. Deputations & Interviews Mr, & Mrs. K. M. Nawrot were again present to request permission to build a 1200 sq. ft. house in Agri- cultural Zone. The property on the west side of Thickson Road, south of Taunton Road comprises 8 acres and has been owned by the Nawrots since 1967. Mr. Nawrot felt that in view of the fact that he wourd be retiring within the next two or three years, after which he would be farming full time, that he- should be classed as a farmer and allowd to build according- ly, which calls for a minimum house size of. 1040 sq. ft. Reeve Down advised Mr. Nawrot that their problem would be discussed and they would be notified of their decision. Mr. Walter Labonovich (Whitby Auto Wreckers) was in attendance and advised Council that a recent survey shows that the north side of his fence was enroaching on his neighbour's property by 17 ft. and would have to be moved, and request- ed Council's permission to extend the fence on the west side to enlarge-this area for storing materials and pro« mised that everything from now on would be completely enclosed. This was discussed with Mr, Carter, By-law Enforcement Officer, who felt that this was the only way to keep the yard cleaned up. This was finalized by Resolution No. 1. Mr. Carter, Building Inspector, ad. vised Council that the Brooklin Flour Mills had requested permission to in- stall a tank 6 ft. in diameter by 16 ft. long, on the west side of their pro- --perty for the purpose of storing mo-< lasses. The tank would be situated on the bank near the road. This was discussed and agreed that permission be granted as requested, ~ Correspondence ---- 1. Letter of Sept. 16th, 1962 from Mr. K. M. Nawrot requesting permis- si on tbouild a 1200 sq. ft. house in Agricultural Area was read, together with Minutes of Council Meeting of June 26th, 1961, and Planning Board Minutes of September 1962. This was discussed and finalized by Resolution No. 2, 2. Letter of September 13th, 1962 from Mr. A. R. Schmidt, Supervisor of Zoning Group, Community Plan- ning Branch, Dept. of Municipal Af- fairs, regarding restricted area By- law 1849, and advising that perhaps there is justification for a hearing which might conveniently be held at the same time as that for By-law 1850, whose purpose and effect is neither dissimilar nor unrelated. It was moved that letter be filed, Agreed. 8. Letter of Sept. 19th, 1962 from "Mr. P. J. Van Ginhoven, 14 Heber Down Cres. requesting information regarding the sale of former Fire Hall on Roebuck St. Brooklin and possible use as a radio and T.V. Service Centre. - It was moved that Mr. Van Gin- hoven be advised that at the present time we do not have a clear deed to this property, and Clerk be instructed to follow up re quit claim deed. Carried. ~ 4. (1) Memo from Mr. R. Holder- shaw, Twp. Hall Caretaker, advising that the Baptist Church has a regu- lar monthly billing of $32.00. In Oct- ober they wish to use the whole hall for one week, 1st through the 6th ex- cluding Wednesday night, and asked Council to establish an amount to be charged for these four extra even- ings. It was moved that memo be turned over to the property Committee with power to act, Carried. (2) Memo from Mr. R, Holedrshaw advising that since he had taken no vacation he would like to collect his holiday pay for whatever period it has been compulsory to pay employ- ees this benefit, while he has been in the Township employ. Moved that memo be turned over to the Finance Committee. Carried. 6. A letter from the Ontario Fire Marshal, together with a proclamation proclaiming Oct. 7th to Oct. 13th in- clusive as Fire Prevention Week were considered by Council. On motion the proclamation of Fire Prevention Week from Oct. 7th to Oct. 13th was supported in this muni- cipality with copies of the same to be directed to all schools within the Township. Carried. 6. Tabled from prior meeting. Questionnaire re W. Croxall Estate, 21 lots Plan of subdivision, part of Lot 22, Con. 6. Queen Street, Brook- lin. pt This was discussed and finalized by Res. No. 8. _ 7. (1) Letter of Sept. 12th, 1962 from Oshawa Suburban Road Com- mission re intersection of Highway #12 and County Suburban Road #6, Myrtle, Ont., advising that resolution of the Township Council was present- ed to the Oshawa Suburban Road Com- mission and that the Commission had passed a resolution supporting ours -and-that--the resolution -will- be pre- sented to the Ontario County Road Committee at their next meeting to be held September 21st, 1962. (2) Letter of Sept. 21st, 1962 from Traffic and Planning Studies Section of Department of Highways advising that they had requested that a speed zone study be conducted through the Village of Myrtle and we would be notified of the result of the study. It was moved that Items 7 (1) and 7 (2) be filed. Carried. Committee Reports 1. FINANCE--Chairman M. Love- lock reported that a finance meeting would be held on Thursday, October 4th, at 7.80 p.m. 2, ROADS--MTr, Merrill Ross, Road Superintendent was present and re- ported that he had been in touch with Dr. Robert Thornton School regard- ing their request for "No. Stopping Signs." "They have requested the signs to be placed on the west side of Scott St. from the corner south, as cars stopping - in this area interfere with the children walking to the school guards. It was the feeling of council that signs should also be placed on the south side of Hazelwood from the corner of Scott St. to the School en- trance on Hazelwood. Moved that the Road Superintendent be instructed to purchase (6) five ONTARIO COUNTY eo Farm Family RO Ey , A a A Federation of Agriculture ~~ Sponsors CIA 5 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION [aia Liabilty Te (liability Marri 0 an optional extension) - ® Accident and Sickness ® Automobile e Urban Fire eo AUTOMOBILE Dec. 18/62 Cl A Co-operators Insurance Association ETHEL NOTTINGHAM -- Phone Brooklin 6565-4832 : Myrtle, Ontario eo FARM FAMILY LIABILITY (Liability to employees an optional extension) e ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS x e URBAN FIRE signs, reading "NO STOPPING 8.00 am, to 4.30 p.m. Mon. to Fri." and that white lines be painted on the road designating cross walks where ne- cessary. Carried. Mr. Ross also reported that he had obtained a price for tile in front of Greenway's house. This would re- quire 120 ft. of 18" tile at a cost of $186.63, labour and machine $110.00, for a total price of $296.63. This matter was discussed at length, but no decision reached. It was moved that the Road Board | Wednesday, Carried. Meeting, scheduled for October 3rd be cancelled. 3. PUBLIC WELFARE---No report | 4. TWP. PROPERTY---No report. 6. FIRE -- Chairman F. Thompson | reported that he had spent an after- | noon with Mr. Horton checking the! water line at Myrtle Station and after uncovering a section in Ayers . . : | field, discovered it was only a 3" cast soil pipe and of no use for Hydrants. ; to meet | However they were now investigating | the possibility of using a cistern. SPECIAL PURPOSES--No report. 7. COUNTY COUNCIL -- Deputy Reeve M. Lovelock reported that she is at present on a three day assess- ment survey with the County. 8. NEW BUSINESS--Councillor F. Thompson congratulated all respon- sible - for claning up the Hubbell Cemetery. It was moved that the Clerk be [nstructed to prepare a by-law to ap- point a Court of Revision for next meeting. Agreed. Resolutions This year you have the widest choice ever from GMC. New models! New wheelbases from 163" to 223". You'll get exactly the truck to best suit | September | Mrs. Edna Manns. 1. That the Countil hereby agrees to grant Mr. Walter Labanovich per- mission to erect approximately 60' of board fence, preparatory to moving a portion of fence presently infringing n adjoining property, with the agree- ment that no scrap metals, ete. will appear outside said fence. [It is also understood by all parties that this fence consitutes no addition to the present business. Carried. 2. That the Council of the Town- ship of Whitby can not comply with the request of Mr. and Mrs. Nawrot for permission to build a house with less floor avea than the called for in zoning By-law #1784, on the grounds of said party hei) u full time farmer. Carried. 3. That the Clerk is hereby permit- (vel ty 5 BE a Si 1600 sq. ft. | | in UNICEF at ted to complete the questionnaire re-| ferring to W. Croxall F-tate Plan of subdivision, to comply with the De- {partment of Municipal Affairs, Carried. I. That this Council now adjourns, again on Tuesday, October Oth at 1.30 pam. Carried. Raglan News The President of 1st Raglan Par- ents Committee and Ladies Auxili- ary, Mrs. Lois Luke, gave a warm welcome to some 17 members meeting at the The regular order home of | { | to come and see this interesting movie, at the FH LVCR SP SERS ESIC IPRS oH concern and responsibility. Muys. J. Stark expressed the appreciation of all those present for the thought pro- voking talk. Mrs. J. Bright gave the Treasurer's Report for the Parents Committee, and Mrs. Edna Manns the Treasurer's He THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1962--Y v throughout the Townships were un- able to attend when this film was shown in the Spring at McLaughlin Library in Oshawa, many were turned | awuy because an already packed house. All the members of the Branch will be present to help in any way possible. report for the Ladies Auxiliary. The Secretary, Mrs. J. Lawrence, read the minutes of the last meeting. The gra- titude of the Ladies Auxiliary was expressed for the fine job done by Marleen Lyons, former Baloo of the Ist Raglan Cubs, At a barn dance in his newly fin- ished barn, Stew Bray will give the combined groups an opportunity to serve the lunch, on Oct. 20th. | Because of the local participation Hallowe'en, an exceit- Assignment Children", fea- turing Danny Kaye, will be shown in Daylan Hall, on Oct, 23rd, at 8 o'clock, | followed by a short business meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all! parents and especially to the children, ing film ** The fall season for the Raglan | United Chureh U.C.W. got under way with the meeting at the home of Mrs. l.. Evans'. The President Mrs. Leo nard Slute opened the meeting and the | Seripture was read by Mrs. Doris Nottingham. The main tople of dis- cussion was the forthcoming bazaar on Nov. 24th. There will be another announcement regarding this affair, it | . ood of the meeting was altered to give preference to the special guest, Rev E. E. Fuller rector of St. Thomas Chureh, Brooklin, and the Chureh of the Ascension, Port Perry. My. Ful- ler spoke of the factors that influ ence the life of the child. 1. the Tome -- providing security, stability, and loving care. 2. School -- giving the stimulus of organization and learning. 3. Community- where so- cial skills are developed and work is tested. 4. Church---the ree- I ognition that religion is an every day team | l is hoped that the new Church Hall will be ready for use at that time. Mrs. Clayton Miller will be the after- | noon hostess for the Nov. Tth meeting The Cancer Society, Brooklin Branch, including the Twps. of Fast Whitby and Whitby, strongly urge all women to see the film "Self | Breast Examination" to be given at | the Parish Hall, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Brooklin, on Oct. 23, at 8.00 o'clock. There will be a panel of three | Doctors and a Registered Nurse, to answer any questions. Many women! Canadian | Area voted to continue | lan Hall. i cially The list of officers is as follows. Pres, --Mrs. . Robson Ist Vice-Pres. Mrs. J. K. Lawrence 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. W. Manning See.-Treas.--Mrs, S.J. Stuart | Women's Service--Mrs. J. Hayes Campaign Chairman-- Mus. M. Robinson Co-Chanman----Mys. S. 1. Egan Publicity & Education--Mrs. A, C. Craigie Mod, Advisor--Dr. A. G. Stocks Directors --Mrs, J. F. Carnwith; Heber Downs J. H. Stroud, The the Raglan School with the pre- 5.0.8. (Serve Om School), at a recent meeting in Rag- Mrs. G. Solomon, the Pre- sident, gave a warm welcome espe- new to the School, and also for their benefit, briefly summarized the functions and activities of the S.0.S. It was unani- mously agreed to purchase radios and a record player for the School, also whatever sports equipment that was needed. parents of sent organization to those who were As there were no teachers the meeting was chiefly con- cerned with the material needs of the School. On Oct. 17th, at 8 o'clock, the S.0.S. will meet at the home of Mrs, J. K. Lawrence, The parents of all the children attending School in the Rag- lan area are cordially invited to come, discuss their problems, and assist in the work from which all their school age children benefit. work being done on a local level, it 15 the responsibility of all, not just a this well present, There is good few, to organization. support your work. But that's not all. There are new engines--truck-built engines to give you top power for less cost, and new girder-strong frames to put real backbone into every job. The new suspensions will do a better job for you, too, by giving more load protection and adding to your riding comfort. So before you buy a new truck, see your GMC dealer, he'll show you the best value your dollars have ever known. G60 meaning | Seagrave (Too late for last week) Recent visitors th Mr. and Mis. B. I.. Wanamaker have been Mr. and Mis. Walter Webb of Haliburton and Me. and Mis Mark of Scar- borough. Gordon The kind thoughtfulness of Mrs. V of Sunderland, resulted in several Sunderland and | Seagrave people. On Thursday after- | noon Mrs. O. Will visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. LL. Wanamaker; Mie. and Mrs. Rob Johnson were with Meo and Mes, H, Eagleson; Mis, Gor- rell spent the afternoon with My. and Murs. Milton Stone; then collected her | carload in the evening, for the jour- home. "So shines a good deed in a naughty world", (Portia in the Merchant of Venice). Gorell pleasure to I ney Myo and Mis Bruce French and fa- mily and My. and Mrs. Art Moage of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. € MacTaggart, Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson spent a k-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Tristram and family at Nobel. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Ray Rahm, on the birth of a son. recent wee Two very successful Anniversary Services were hold on Sunday. Rev. | Harris of Greenbank, being the speak- er in the morning and Rev. G. C. Gil- bert, of Scugog, in the evening. The Seugog Choir were in charge of the music in the evening. The first Rally of Group 1, of Lind- "say Preshyterial U.C.W. was held: at Sunderland, on Tuesday, Sept. 2bth, Illeven ladies from Seagrave were present, and all agreed that it was an enjoyable and profitable day. The well planned and Mrs. G. Stone of whole service was conducted by Seagrave. was THERE'S EXTRA VALUE IN EVERY GMC TRUCK Bob Archer Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7361 PREY y- Rd & hd RN oe Sls Xn --- Ur a, TR ihe A own nt v i IC i " \b & g & : XK