ju Fey 2 Merlin. SED ARTS SN 3a Sian Seta a Ean, ae { Toa Sy mie sala 3 3 5 thd Ra AN REN ¢ 8 ER int NS An nL A Eh ia ia 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1962 past 200 years. For a time it was thought that rug hooking was a lost art but in the past six years it has developed in leaps and bqunds, and it is up to this generation to keep it going. Besides hooking rugs, one can : make chair seat covers; table centres; Mrs. Louise Patterson was the guest | o |) hangings and cushion covers, speaker at the regular monthly meet- | Lp.) 1nakes an interesting hobby. ing of the North Group of Columbus| pj, ino the talk a MEY Mrs. Alleyne and daughter Kayla Mrs, K. Strang and family, Ottawa, Mrs, Wm, McLaughlin, Burketon; w [ Blaclkstock | from the Bahamas, spent last week. Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone; Mr. aor) Groceries Winners! NORTH GROUP OF | end with Rev. and Mrs. Romeril and o " ang we Wales Arsh) Shel Mrs. Fred McLaughlin and family, family. Sunday with their family at the home | oy, us, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- coo Columbus of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, Scarboro. The weekly draw for the 1.G.A Ed. Darcey. Friday Mrs. Cecil Hyde Mr. and Mrs, Ron Kester and girls Laughlin and family were Sunday Food Voucher y a2 ) \ yde | My. ¢ Mrs, $ 3, 3 iat i } A ¢ i 3 § y Food Voucher was won on Saturday U | d h h called and Mrs. Argue went home to Zephyr, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archer remained for 2 week OT I dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy by Mr. Ted Jackson. The next Draw nm e ure Mr. Alex Dever is visiting Mr. Toronto with her for a visit. | Mis. Arnold Taylor and girls. nd M Lorne Th McLaughlin and family. will be made on October 13th at Beare oo ny ' ) : and Mrs, Lor ompson. y : at My. and Mus. Jack Webb and fa- Mis. Chas. Venning and Miss Linda | p Welcome to the village, Mr. and Motors Limited. mily, Oakville, spent the week-end spent the week-end with the Dale ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and fa- | Mrs. Dolley and family, Simcoe, who with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis | mily, Scarboro were week-end guests, | moved last week into the apartment (Continued from Page 7) Gunters Napanee. Henry. i | oo | and Miss Jean McKee, Oshawa; Mr, | vacated by Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanlan. { United Church which was held at the| o. presented and several priz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyca and | N Miss Mable VanCamp left Malton | und Mrs. Lloyd Wright and family Mr. Merlin Bailey, Montreal,' spent Modern 0ld Time | home of Mrs. John Whiteoak, of winning rugs were exhibited; ° Nancy, Bronte, visited the Frank | Thursday for a holiday in Europe. and Mrs. Cecil Hill joined them Sun- | the week-end at home. Oshawa. ; Hoskins; Bruce and Ivan Mountjoys over the holiday. Myr. and Mrs. 'Goldie Campbell, Coe Hill were week-end guests of Mr. and The lesson was given by Mrs. White Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer are | day afternoon at Messrs. Roy and Bill It was well attended and prepared. spending a few days with Mr. and | Fergusons. Mrs. Neil Bailey. YO THE MUSIC OF and "How Great Thou Art" was girls spent the week-end with Mr, and | . Mis. Roger Dorrell and family, Ot- At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Gertrude Henry, Doris Griffin, Tor |. COMMENCING basically an Art handed down from | ; onto; Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dysart, | one generation to another for the -- BEST BUY! -- You Save 8¢! Canadian Cheese Festival -- KRAFT 16-0z. Jar \ Mr. Norman McNally, Colborne | . beautifully rendered. = The bysiness spending a few days with Mr. ad! The MELODY-AIRES was taken care of and delicious re- AT BEST BUY! -- You Save 9¢! awa. ' John Hayes introduced Mrs. Patter- |. Alliston, spent the week-end at their' mm ips Sree rey tere respective homes. » l., 0CTO ER 13 : Mrs. Carl Wright and other friends. freshments were served by the host- CLAREMONT Fancy Quality 15-0z, Tins Messrs. Juck , Swain, Glen Ross, | son, who spoke on the subject of Mis, Cecil Ferguson, Mr. and Murs. | AND EVERY OTHER SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and 088, f - Lawrence Butt, Guelph; Ardis McAvr- COMMUNITY HALL Rug Hooking, Mus, Patterson stress- G Gi t : y thur, London; Misses Betty McArthur, ed the point that rug hooking was ea Green Giant J? C Sidney Ierguson and girls, New- | THEREAFTER pd castle and Mr. Bob Dunn, Bowman. | i ra ville were Sunday guests of Mr, and 9 p.m. - 12 pm. $1.60 per couple BEST BUY! -- You Save 8c! -- For Brightness Giant Pkg. | Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Vo Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahm, and fa- | Forder; Mrs. J. Watson; Mr. and Mrs, mily, Port Perry, were Sunday guests | Harry MeLadghlin were Sunday din- of Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm. | ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor; Mrs. J Murray and girls, Cresswell. THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE OMO Detergent 79 BEST BUY! --. You Save 4c! 64-0z. Plastic Container JAVEX vis BLEACH 43: BEST BUY! -- You Save 8c! 1-1b. Bag NABOB COFFEE 73. BEST BUY! -- You Save 13¢! -- Royal Deluxe | Robin Hood «= 2i7 BEST BUY! -- You Save 5¢! 11-0z. Bottles THURS., FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 - 12 - 13 CAWKER BROS. Boneless Pot Roast .......... 45" Prime Rib Roast ............ 69°" I SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls ................ 50°" FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock JAMES STEWART, JOHN WAYNE, JOHN FORD "The Man Who Shot | LIBERTY VALANCE" Cartoon e¢ NOTE OUR POLICY eo ONLY ONE SHOW EVERY THURSDAY and SATURDAY ~ Doors Open at 7.30 pm. TWO.SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Sharp Doors Open at 6.30 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2 p.m. -- Doors Open 1.30 Theatre Closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday VALUE CHECK'D -- ROUND Steak or Roast BONELESS CHOICE : Te Rump Roast Ib. 89¢ Stewing Beef 1b.59c EXTRA LEAN -- GROUND TENDER BEEF CHUCK 15.59 FEATURE! -- You Save 20c! -- MAN SIZE FACE - ELLE TISSUES 3i79- FEATURE! -- You Save 6¢! -- CHEESE 1-1b, Size KRAFT Velveeta 57- FEATURE! -- You Save 16c! 9-0z. Jars - with Pectin : JAMS & JELLIES 3:59: FEATURE! -- You Save 6c! -- SOLID WHITE MEAT 7-0z, Tin GOLD SEAL TUNA FISH 39- FEATURE! -- Save 10c - 4c Off 16-0z. 39¢ Save 16c - Tc Off - 32-0z. Bot. - Ib ELECTRA 225 HARDTOP SEDAN 4-door 6-window pillarless sedan . . . one of 5 great new Electras, N/ 4 LESABRE 2-DOOR HARDTOP - d-window pillarless sedan , . . one of 7 LeSabre beauties for *63, Buick is a new breed of beauty for 1963. Irom its bold new Advanced Thrust engineering gives you the maximum car control LESTOIL Liquid Detergent 7 3- FEATURE! -- You Save 12¢! -- PINK LOTION 82.0z, Size DEBBIE DETERGENT 67- FEATURE! -- Save 6¢! -- FLINT STONE FIGURINES in Pkg. of 60 TEA BAGS MotherParkers 7 9: FRESH DAILY! -- SUNBEAM RASPBERRY DA FROZEN FOODS [fF = Save 6¢! - Fraservale - 24-o0z. Pkg. CALIFORNIA ICEBERG is £ eS" 39< J ETice 37 35 SUPREME 2-1b. Economy Bag Crisp and Crunchy - Good Size GREEN PEAS 49c¢ [| Cucumbers 2for25 E mical, nutritious ON SALE THIS WEEK Nee" COLDEN [| Cabbage 2 for 25¢ BOOK DICTIONARY | Sweet, Juley - Good Size each 99¢ Reg. 39c - Pkg. of 6 Oranges doz 49c | grille to the sleckly thandsome rear deck, there's a new, longer silhouette that's distinctively Buick... beautifully Buick. But styling is not the only area of Buick advancement. You'll find luxurious new interfors, with new fabrics and trim, clegantly: catering to your comfort. There are newly designed instrument panels, too, that further accentuate Buick's interior refinement. And just as Buick hag set a new standard in styling, Buick's engi- neering has also gone to greater heights. There are new and mighty Wildcat V8 engines. Unmatched smoothness with exclu- sive Turbine Drive (standard on all full-size Buicks). And LESABRE « WILDCAT ¢ INVICTA + ELECTRA 225 + RIVIERA + SPECIAL e A NEW RIVIERA Here's the '63 car that's completely unique--different from any other car in the world--the Rivicra. Ex- clusive in design, featuresiand craftsman- ship, Riviera is another-classic masterpiece of Buick style and quality," interior of the Buick Riviera above, 1 Boldly advanced design and engineering are through-the-line characteristics of Buick for 1963. You see more than a hint of both in the handsome instrument panel, as well as the distinctively appointed and upholstered whether on curves or in crosswinds. There are other advancements like the new Delcotron generator that keeps charging your bat-. tery even when your engine is idling. There's the new, improved heater and defroster with "cool air" defrosting. © You'll have to sce the new Buick to get the full 1963 story. There are 17 models in 5 distinct series this year. See them all and you'll know why __you belong in a Buick You belong in a for 1963. See, too, /, the nine happy trim- size Buick Specials. Whitewall tires optional at extra cost 2 Fak ' x A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE : #11630 : - ] WY TTT TI RE RR NEW WILDCAT SERIES Wildcat, the . Thenewadjustable tilt steering star among the '63 Buick's hot performers * | wheel * locks into any 6f seven comes in sparkling new 2 and 4-door hard« positions to suit your desired tops and a flashing convertible, Exciting driving position. To get in or performance . . . exhilarating sport car feel } olit, just flip the wheel up, + Tacy appearance . that's Wildeat! "optional al extra coi By -- Bob Archer Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PHONE 985-7361 Ga