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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Jan 1963, p. 4

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EEE EEE EEE 4 THE PORT PERRY STAK, THUKS , JANUARY 3ud, tbo » 4 . . | CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH WOMEN SHORTER WEEK? Pi k - R meetings over the taxation issue. 1 HE HURCHES | i ' i . ; ; 1C ering eeve Says Reeve Scott: "I said I would ) P| Monday, January 7th has been set Com let S : 1 Y ; The. Winghem Onlario Advance | was 4 suppest the township assessor, until I oo aside as the day for picking up dis- | p e uccess u ear Times Rides Fence mn such time as (a) judge proved him ANGLICAN CHURCH --- carded Christmas Trees. Anyone tavhan \ A sult, 1 feel ti CHURCH OF ASCENSION ishing to dispose of their tre I Perhaps you have noted that the wrong. s a result, eel that a hme wishing to dispase of theif Yess Rte) , i. nett, Ilda Linstead and Diane Hall :rchants' i : nearby As nt F d new system of assessment is neces- Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D, S.T.M. | asked to bave them out on that day. On the afternoon of Tuesday, Dec. : Merchants' In sore. marLy towns sessme eu ¢ ¢ sang. verses of Silent Night, as the| have heen holding discussions on the sary which will entail a change in the Hoping for your Co-operation. | 11th, the U.C.W. President Mrs. Ed- Sunday, January 6th-- I. ) story unfolded. possibility of closing their stores all MOR RY «here ic assessment setup." 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion SIDNEY DAVIS, jo Leask, wary welsoied Some, A Christmas solo by Mrs. Gordon | day Monday of each week. With all PICKBRING =Thisre whi hew Tove In less complicated language he Dec. 20 Garbage Coll 145 members to the Christmas meeting . ! ment to place the Pickering township ys ec. arbage Collector. . \ : | Robertson was enjoyed. respect to the merchants' problems ) : supports both the status quo 'and PORT PERRY UNITED HURCH held in the Church Sunday School] . : 5:1 assessment squabble in the hands of | : ' 00 An interesting letter wus read by | we think they must be losing their wp change in the system. n iti room. ! p 3 mind Queen's Park, Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Ministet Senior Ci izens An Inipdss) } Mrs. Tom Harris, from the adopted | minds. . , Both Reeve Scott's fence-sitting pressive devotional message | ©. ; They contend that Jt is har t Some 456 appeals against the 1962 : . ut KX Sunday, January 6th-- | was given by Mrs. Merlin Dowson, | Shi, and o pum of money was voted Wily ane Hwy |b is heey og assessment--95 per cent from farm- potiey and the inability fzeitinely Meth son Surdsy Shad Club assisted by Mrs. Harold Honey and LF lL Ha a pointed as | Perhaps this is so, but we think they | €r5--have been in the process mills at ring the (Axalion problem to the 11.00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School Mrs. Sam Cawker. : Mrs. ary . ardy was apponn.cd wl : a i reo "| Brougham. Meanwhile, lawyer Harry provincial government's attention, and 3 At . 3 a representative to the Hospital Auxi- should give a little serious thought A gl on 7 | subsequently, to public attention, have . n--) 3 » I. ' . Qani uring the roll call, nit repre-| ,: : . sorvie 3 : 3 ¥ 1% i 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship The second meeting of the Senior D th I It, Unit P liary meetings. to the service they provide to the A. Newman, QC, champions the theory proved to be stumbling blocks to the ST. JOHN'S Citizens Club will be held in the Muni- sentatives reported on activities and Church calendars and plates arg| public as well. Closing Monday fla the aA, J neds i farmers. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH cipal Building, Wednesday, Jan. 9th Pending, a meetings held in the | 1 ooilable. If anyone is interest- | would mean a two-day week-end and view y he provincia Royernme : An outside judgment of the assess. A A at 2 p.m. An invitation is extended mes, during the year. ed in procuring same, please contact | every housewife would cuss her stores Says Mr. Newman: "I have been ment system is important since there Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A., Minister | = 11 citizens over sixty of Port Splendid annual reports were pre- | Mrs. Edgar Leask. keeper roundly for the extra nuisance appealing my assessments for 43 are twa Zistinet fighting the Sunday, January 6th-- Pery and surrounding area to enjoy sented by the various officers and! Members are asked to keep in mind | of providing for the longer closed | Years. 'I am all for a united front _ The farmers don't want the 10 a.m.--Morning Worship an afternoon of cards, games and a | Conveners, showing a very successful . the World Day of Prayer Service, period. Most merchants are delving with a group king vepresentation heavy taxation, and the township 11 a.m.--Sunday School <ocial time. Mrs. Lorne Duff, Sec'y.! year. The past year could be sums | which will be held in the United into every possibility to develop more to Queen's Park". laine it needs the dollars med up as a year of challenges, and | Church on Friday March Ist. business for their stores. It hardly He said he believes the lawyers in gg 5 nl T i - . new experiences, for the newly form-| During the business session several | seems consistent to expect more busi: the area will support such an organi-| A the same time, Pickering farm. I'he United Church of Canada I D 3 organizati uch inspiration) . wc in fi } : ers would be wise to call upon eco- SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE os We &¥e Mts ed organization. Much inspiration | important projects were supported. | ness in five days a week than they | zation. ould, g . J 1 / t . . 3 I - a Bb has been gained through worship! Mus. Robt. Walker reported for the | are now getting in five and a half Reeve Under Fire ny Be Vingrs Cg Ba goen Rev. C. C. Gilbert, . The regular meeting of the Scugog | periods, Bible study and good fellow-| nominating committee, in the absence: days. io ment departments and institutions. Sunday, January 6th-- Chapter LO.D.E. will be held in the | ship. Members seemed eager to par-| of Mrs. Roy Cornish. Many of the 400 farmers joined an | heir advice ntight help solve the - CUGOG Municipal Building on Monday, Janu. | ticipate in the i ; Be 10 | They are also blind to present day | organization to fight the assessment | |ong-term problem of land values, as- 10.15 a.m.--SCUGOG Municipal Building on Monday, Janu. | ticipate in the interesting, worth- Mrs. S Griff g " : : : ] rs. Sam Griffen expressed appre | trends. In the larger towns the big | levied by Assessment Commissioner| sessment and representation 11.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER ary Tth, at 2.30 p.m. while programmes, featured through-| .i.¢; reliving Prog " . : : : y pre: o : ciation to our retiring President, Mrs. | shopping centres are lengthening their D. Goslin. Goslin is supported by | --+-- -- 11.15--HEAD Sunday School out 1962. Let us re-double our ef-| pioar vg ; : . 5 I torte and make th " ) Jdgar Leask, for splendid leadership | shopping hours rather than reducing | Reeve Sherman Scott. 1.156 p.m.--PROSPECI Euchre SE and make the coming year even | and guidance, during the past year-- | them. They are doing so in cities| Both have been under fire since as- sLien the beginning of the U.C.W. where the help problem is much more | Sessments on every farm in the twp. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Highlighting th WET : Sp 4 : . ' Will be held at Utica Hall, Satur- |. ighlig ting e meeting, was the] The meeting was closed with Bene- | acute than it is in Western Ontario. increased 60, 100 or as much as 200 Pastor--J. H. Brown day, Jan. bth at 8.30 pm. Lunch and interpretation of the Christmas story, | diction. Refreshments were served | These city merchants are out for | per cent this year. Sunday, January 6th-- woud prizes. Admission 50c. read by six Ladies from Unit #4. A| by Unit #5, and a pleasant half-hour | every new customer they can get. Do So angered are farmers that per- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School vocal trio, comprising Georgeen Bur. ! of visiting was enjoyed. the small town merchants want to| sonal insults are hurled at township 11.00 a.m.--"Godlingss Pays" - 7 _-- _ i A hand feed their city competitors with - 7.00 p.n.--"Earth's god Comes" G i H k Y a whole new wave of Monday buyers? AEN lh eo STR YY AT: ; Mond, 70 pmo Young Fenpl Iris Kiocke | Obituary- Co A --_ ir | og og sons vo The Vanishing ; ANNUAL MEETING -- EVEYONE WELCOME -- FRIDAY NIGHT at 7.30 FUNERAL OF WALTER MANNS S Middle Class - - ) , the runenat serve tor water DUTTIATNE N the Ri Ontario County Farm Safety Council Births Boys Hockey Manns, who died at the Oshawa Gen-| oo po 1 0ise of the service egro on e 15€ . 5 WHITAKER -- Mr. and Mrs. Earl ; oe ees 7% oe oe club rule about calling fellow-mem-| WASHINGTON--The U.S. govern- DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE BOARD ROOM JY -- Aire anc: 13. Bal In Port Perry Memorial Arena ie Ab whe He RTIN0 - Panabaker |... hy their given names or nick- | ment reported recently that relatively UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO : Whitaker (nee Stickwood) wish to Port Perry vs. Uxbridge Funeral Chapel, Port Perry, Thurs-{ ler Wi : : \ : : mounce the birth of their daughter cy SIBh 20 day, Dec. 20th s under penalty of a light fine, | few Negroes in cities own homes equal h a te the pi id Ty "RIDAY at 6, » ee. $ or it may be because of i to those ites in simi i - Th J 10th 1.30 2 Debra Diana, on Dee. 2, 1962, in the The services were conducted by Rev. Ny pg Sehnse 92 The gaming) 10 those 47 whites hy similar cireum urs., anuary i ' at ° p.m. he e informality of modern manners, but | stances despite a "spectacular rise" |b} Oshawa General Hospital. We both Ronald Love, minister of Raglan| co if surnames in ordinary life| in Negro incomes during the 1960s { : : ) wish to thank Dr. Ferrier and the Euchre United Church. Interment was in|; notioeabily oh the decline Ny | : The purpose of the meeting is to receive reports. i bd 9 nurses and staff for their kindness. Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Srangios after their introduction et A study by the Housing and Home Elect officers and directors and make plans A Euchre will be held in the Parish The pallbearers were his five sons, each Sti will immediately get on a Finance Agency deseribed the emer- for 1963 Farm Safety programme. 3 Hall of the Church of Ascension on John, Thomas, Elwood, Richard and fi : i i i gence of "a sizeable non-white middle . B h : [ ; ' irst-name basis. The interviewer on rig i 4 1rt Thursday, January 10th at 8.30 p.m. antes and a son-in-law, Thomas| .'\ jevision programme will call the Apa Which it said provides a sub- FRANSSEN -- Joe and Ruth are ell. celebrity he has met for the first time Sian e untapped market for new EVERYBODY WELCOME happy to announce the arrival of their ---- by his given name and expect a reci- g- Fi » daughter Valerie Marie on Thursday, . procal mark of intimacy. In 21 urban areas studied, the num- i December 27th, 1962 at Oshawa Gen- Butter Surplus Traffic Deaths There are some exceptions to the ber of non-whites earning more than MRS. WALTER CARRUTHERS, HAROLD PAGE, eral Hospital. A Little sister for rule. One cannot imagine the bra-| $4,000 a year increased to 940,000 in Chairman. Secretary-Treasurer - ; . . p y Jennifer, Cynthia and Martin. Could Feed Nation L C d shest interviewer calling Sir Winston 1959 from 59,000 in 1949. R : ow ompare Churchill "Winnie" to his face, al- _ -------- F | M h " though "Good old Winnie" was fre- ox ont S To Christmas quently cheered in that style when ° » Deaths : he was the inspiration of the world _ OTTAWA--As the year ends, there| ¢ypadians came through the four- during the last war; and it is doubt. - On Sale This Week-End KING -- At Port Perry, December | iS enough butter piled up in various| ju. New Year's holiday with about | ful whether anyone has ever dared to i; 27th, 1962, Blanchard King, son of places across Canada to meet the a quarter the number of traffic fata- address Dr. Schweitzer as "Al". - W d S { J ? 4) the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred King and needs of the whole country for eight| ities recorded during the five-day One explanation of the modern cus- Zz e Pi d oy an. - dear father of Jim, Alf., June, Marion, | °F Me months. Christmas holiday period. tom is the equally modern habit of = Glen, Shirley and Sharron, brother of This was reported recently by Agri-| A Canadian Press survey from 6] slovenly enunciation. Surnames are > J [| Ambrose, Jenny, Bill and Allie (Mrs. culture Minister Hamilton ns part of p.m. local times Friday to midnight frequently unusual and sometimes dif- , Merland Norris). Service on Mon-|% year-end review. He did not at-| Tuesday showed 22 road deaths com- ficult to pronounce clearly, while first day, Dec. 31. Interment at Pleasant tempt to forecast 1963 conditions. pared with 86 in the Friday-to-Wed- | names are not. The introducer may I'vint Cemetery. The #overnment Jas May began nesday period a week ago. be unsure of his pronunciation, and "od IR ost a SensMmo he shal o Six. fire deaths, three drownings is inclined to disguise the fact by say- TOWN -- Suddenly, at the Oshawa cents a pound on butter. Retail! 4 cight deaths from other causes|ing something like "Betty Mumble, hon Tusa, . sales increased but butter still had to hushed the over-all New Year's toll] this is Harold Mumble," My Betty ¢ « 4 1063, William Clarence Town of 127 | compete with cheaper spreads such as| yo 39, There were 129 fatalities dur- and Harold are immediately known FOOD MARKETS Parry St. Whitby, (president of W. maga. tink Hite q ing the Christmas holiday last week | that way to each other for the rest C. Town Funeral Chapel Ltd.), dear e result was that butter produc zd 61 in the three-day New Year's|of the evening. If friendship ripens . : rusbund of elon ins oh the | tion ran 40,000,000 pounds ahead of | eekend a year ago. Y from the introduction or a romance Prince Albert lute Georgina Phillips; loving father | sales. This left Canada with year-| phe toll by provinces, with traffic develops, it is to be presumed that ' of Mrs. P. J. Neal (Anna), Mrs. G end butter stocks of 234,000,000 1bs.,| deaths in brackets: Ontario 14 (10); | the surnames are eventually revealed, . Cro : . | compared with 197,000,000 a year age | Byiti i LI hl ; ; CLARK'S MOUNT ROYAI Y * e Gouldburn (Mary), Mrs. J. Elliott 24 208 SI0D00 FIN British Columbia 8 (4); Quebec 6 (3); | Issuers of marriage licences are in- y ¥ ORK (Isobell), John R., Harry F. C. and Rv, Hamilton pads SE ronger Nova Scotia 5 (1); New Brunswick 2 Hilton to be Singhs fongornaig, FANCY CHOICE 18 Off P | ors A. iy he fale Mes oy. Pring | jomand for cheese but he said this {6); Manion 2 he Albarts 3 Q1; oe De os Ir oma 0 CREAM STYLE eanu hd . (Audrey), all o 'hitby; dear step-| toniet X ewfoundian . 4 'y. . | father of Mrs. E. Pogson (Marjorie), co scarcely be significant in reduc-| prince Edward Island and Saskat-| Bennet was so addressed even by his S U R F and Leslie of Whitby and Earl of ing the ue surplus. Only seven | .howan were fatality- free. wife. The father of a family was en- Juice R N u er \ i 3 : . % ) s ' nei te To gen Roti Ent SF the ot mil spl in| our ive death were i eta, | id to reper and recived tke mi Glant Pl. + at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, nes Tor. batter aud B1 por cont for The survey does not include indus- | of it in the formal mode of address, 48 oz. Tin . 16 oz. Ice Box Jar Whitby, for service in All Saints An. fluid sal The r : p trial accidents, slayings or known Nowadays he is fortunate if he re: glican Church on Friday, Jan. 4, 1963, uid sales. The rest is kept on farms. | ¢,icides. ceives the respect without the token. 25 - 5 C 43 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn ---- " -- em Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister the Rev EE EE ve v7 v7 7 - ; A ' A RR RN, . R S. ghrmetrong. ent af. Punt Card of Thanks = O N'HIS WEEKS MEAT I'EATURES o Mr. Town was a resident of Por a . Perry many years ago. I would like to thank the nurses PLAZA THEATRE 0 h 3 FRESH LEAN MEATY and Staff of Oshawa Hospital and : - S awa ! Dr. Rennie and Dr. McKay. I would ; - LB : 3 also like to Cg all those who sent NG... ADD A MOTION PICTURE TO THE WONDERS OF THE WORD! . y flowers, cards, or came to see me : . ia Sand HE Ob ] In Memoriam while I was in hospital or since re- Stl Wud : CANADA'S FINEST TENDER HARRISON--In loving memory of | turning home. § ROUND & uk ! a dear mother and grandmother who Mrs. Leta Doupe i OR fe : or th passed away Jan. 6th, 1962. RUMP i Thinking of the thoughtful things ar 0 an S That you have said and done; : f h k BURNS : S HOT DOG MAPLE LEAF CORNMEAI And ling you 5 Jide Toze MANNS--In the midst of our sor- ; } BURNS ear Mom, for each and every row we wish to express our thanks to Ww B k B B | . Fy ? a one, ] Dr. Witzell and Dr. Rowsell of Osh. 1 e n e 3 S ac acon 0 0 [| n a Boer vensaired bid daughter awa; the nurses and staff of 6F Wing, TONY Uli i p By the Piece ................ 1h 29¢ Merle, son-in-law Harry, grand- 1 \ . i children Denny Ronnie Vicky Oshiaia General Hospital; our many th Pkg. 45 1 1b 85 Centre Cut Pieces : 2 sv relatives, friends and neighbours for CURTIS BRUNER ° or Sliced Ib 39¢ and Cindy. | {1,0 kindness and sympathy shown us fhe in the loss of a loving father, Mr a te HAROLD HECHT prouction o) FR In Memoriam | Na uw oe i cong TARAS BUIBA 7. #7 ERY J Rev. R. H. Love for his consoling BOF £4 ay? a | DON'T CARRY HEAVY ; o he 0 - ' a] iN a LEACH--In loving memory of my | words, all who sent sympathy cards, CHRISTINE KAUFMANN nego WALDO SALT vs KARL TUNBERS FOOD PARCELS SALAD & COO + dear husband, Roy, who passed away | also the donors of many floral offer LEE THOMPSON HRD HECHT mince EASTMANCOLOR oc PHONE 985-2492 » KING Jam. 9, 1960. © | ings; the Raglan UCW and commun: Youd rasy Aun orion uJ : " 0 1 L He ig gone but not forgotten, ity neighbors, Shirley Neighbors, Port . ; . ; In my lonely hours of thinking - Perry Neighbors, Seugog Head UCW, STARTING THURSDAY DECEMBER 27th STORE HOURS Thoughts of him are always near. | Local 2784, 205, 1017 Robson Learner ' aa 16 v * Days of sadness will come o'er me,| Co. Pedlar People Ltd. Also our SHOW TIMES--week-days--1.00, 3.00, 5.10, 7:16 and 9.25 Daily 8.30.to 9 p.m. b-07, BY); g C Many think the wound is healed thanks to McDermott-Panabaker Fun: SUNDAY -- 2.00, 4.10, 6.20, 8.80 Tuesday 8.30 to 1.00 pm. : . , But they little know the sorrow eral Home for their kind and efficient PI ENTY. 3 TY of PARKI That lies in the heart concealed. management, 4 NG SPACE Sadly missed by wife Mabel. --The Manns Family

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