SPORTS -- --CALEN DAR BOWLING Ladies Monday Night League Team Standings Jan. 14th-- Cucumber ........ccenne b 12 Turnips .ooocvcviriniennn b 10 Beans ..... wl 9 Carrots .......covvvieninene 3 8 Radishes .......coeevvnnne 2 1 Potatoes ........... "3 7 Parsnips .......... "wl 1 Peas ........ 4 6 Onions c.ccinsinpine 4 6 Beets .oviiniienninnnnn b 6 Peppers ...... "8 b Cabbages 0 2 Triples Over 600-- T. Hall--619 M. Luke--618 M. Sweetman--616 Singles 200 or Over-- M. Luke--248; T. Hall--241, 216; M. Sweetman--239, 233; N. Jakeman --230; E. DeShane--223; A. Chapman --222; A. Cook--221; M. Amell--220; M. Mahaffy--207; G. Lane--2056; J. Leroux--204; J. Emmerson--203; M. J. Till--200. Triple Link Bowling Team Standing Pts. Black Hawks ....ccccccovveennns 19 Northenders .......cccceevninees 18 Astronauts ...... 9 Snowblows ... 9 Mishots ......... 8 Notsohatz .....ccccvveiriiivvinne 6 High Single-- Cliff Short--246 High Triple-- - Ann Spears--600 Over 200 Singles-- Cliff Short -- 246; Marjorie Wana- maker--202; Russ Pogue--202; Elsie Pogue--209; Glenn Hood--226; Mor- ley Bruce---220; Horace Webster-- 236; Jack Healey--200; Ann Spears-- 230, 280. Men's Thursday Night League | Team Standing-- DelaXe cumini 10 Whiz Bangs .......coeeiin 9 ATCHOrS .vnaiisiisrisssmsnsiin 9 SLATS covviviiieeecieieniannneen 8 Meteors ......oooovvvveeeciieiiiennn, 8 | CAINEGIR winiiriiminismiriiviense 8 Head Pins .......ccocecovvivinnnnn, 1 Legionaires ... 1 Blow Kings ... 6 Black Jacks .. 6 GOOfers .uvvvvvviivinivireiniiens 4 Bill's Ref. .......ccovvevnviinnnn. 2 High Triple for week-- G. Goode--810 High Single for week-- D. Gerhardt---348 Singles over 225 B. Gibson--231; J. Bower--301; B. Williams -- 260; T. Thomas -- 232; H. Hall--290; J. Waldinsperger--241; J. I. Hastings--264, 316; H. DeShane-- 229; J. Owen--236; T. Eden--287; G. Weeden -- 262; A. Menzies - Menzies--239, 268. 234; G Night Bowling January 9th-- Kittyhawks ................ bh 36 Helicopters ... ) 28 Spitfires ..... . 27 Lancasters .......... 2 26 Mustangs ..... dian 26 Jets... . ow P 23 Hurricanes ....... 2 23 Flyers ........ ......... 2 28 Bombers .................. q 28 North Stars ... Bb 21 Mosquitoes .............. 6 20 Sunderlands ............, 2 19 Prides Effective This Week-End WED, - SAT. -- JAN. 16th to 19th AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES . ce 2 49 LIQUID BLEACH JAVEX ....... Nottingham -- 239; J. Ballard -- 258, 228; C. Jeffrey--238; C. Boyd--228; | Ladies Wednesday | | ! Goode--293, 302; D. Gerhardt--348; C. Watts--263; D. Butt--229; J. Frans- sen--236, 227; F. Olsen--230, 289; B.' | | | | Prince Albert HOCKEY Midgets Lose To Whithy Port Midgets minus their regula goalie, Roger Stephens and three players lost a close game to Whitby 6-4, Late in the third period the score was tied 4 to 4, however Whitby Chris Dowson tended goul and made many fine saves; re- gular goalie Roger Stephens is out with a broken finger. This was an exhibition game, not a regular league game, got two to win. Scoring Summary Port Whitby 1--R. Pickard 1---Dalby 2--- Roger Pickard 2--Dair 3--Roger Pickard 4--Jim McMaster 3--Bell (Dalby) 4--Archer 6--Reeson 6--Reeson Next home game, MON., JAN. 21, 8.30 p.m. against Uxbridge. High Triple-- Kacey Harper--683 High Single-- Willa McLaughlin--297 Over 210 Singles-- Willa McLaughlin 207; Ann Chandler --- 276; Mary Enge -- 276; Gloria Hastings -- 261, 223; Betty Collins ---- 210, 283; Beth Oke --- 261; Mary MeGregor- 252, 221; Emily Ba- dour -- 267; Ruth Short -- 248, 218; Helen Bowers 232, 235; Maureen McLaughlin - 241; Kacey Harper ---- 220, 287, 226; Joy Hull 224, 236; Carol Warriner ---232; Merle St. John --227, 210; Amy Miller - 225; Evelyn Summers----222; Frieda Cochrane 223; Aileen Snooks 222; Donna Menzies -- 220; Mabel {Cook 217; Muriel Graham -- 216; Murie Wakeford--214 Over 600 Triples- Kacey Harper- 683; Gloria Hast. Betty Collins --666; Mary MeGrego 636; Ruth Short -- 848; Helen Bowers -623; Shirley Brignall GOK; Merle St. Johu---608; Joy Hull tod; Willa MelLaughlin- -802. . mo mys bi, 32 oz. Poly | oe 0-41 DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOOD .... 15 oz. tins EI eo THIS WEEK'S FRESH SHANKLESS 'PICNICS 1b 43 MEAT FEATURES ° FRESH LEAN Pork Butts Ib. 53¢ MAPLE LEAF Ib. Pkg. WIENERS ............... 4T MAPLE LEAF cdot Grote Rindlors, |. Mr, Pie. SIDE BACON ........ 7 FRESH Ib, | PORK HOCKS . ARPT | MAPLE LEAF 6 or. Pha. BOLOGNA ...... PI | MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 10c. OFF 6 oz. Jar 95¢ In Cold and Snowy Weather Just Call Us AISI SS a FREE DELIVERY DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS PHONE 985-2492 STORE HOURS Daily 8.30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday 8.30 to 1.00 pm. PLENTY of PARKING SPACE ah fo Eoin htt -248; Shirley Brignall: Atom House League McGILL--5 BLACKSTOCK---0 On Wednesday Jan. 8th, McGill's team with Ricky Short in goal shut- out the Blackstock team 65-0. The whole McGill team in victory put up a great team effort against the Black. stock team who played hard even in defeat. The scoring was as follows* 1. D. Bourgeois (R. McGill) R. McGill ~ H. Rodd (J. McFadyn) Gary Waller 6. R. McGill HALL---1 McGILL--1 On Monday Jan. 14th, Hall's team came through with a 4-1 victory over McGill. The game was much closer than the score indicates as both tenns checked and skated hard. D. McCart- ney scored 3 goals for Hall's team and D. Bourgeois and R. McGill played well for McGill's team, The scoring was as follows: Hall--- 1. B. St. John (M. Vanderby) 2. D. McCartney 3. D. McCartney 4. D. McCartney McGill-- 1. D. Bourgeois (R. McGill) Minor Hockey PORT PERRY HOUSE LEAGUE BANTAM The first game saw MeMaster's team defeat Scott's team by a 4 - score. Taylor opened the scoring from Snooks. Then Melaughlin scored from Podres. Raines made it 3-0 unassisted. Vernon scored from Podres and Snooks. Rowntree scored the only goal for Scott's team from «= Its Kendell. The second game saw Pickard's team defent Blackstock 4-0. Brown opened the scoring from Thomas and Porter. Then it was Porter from Ad- derly and Cox and Cawker from Cook and Brown. Brown finiched the scor- ing from Adderly. Hobert Holtby registered the shutout. Penalties-- Thomas for elbowing; Durham for slashing and Lansing for holding the puck. PEE WEE The first game of the Pee Wee House Leagiie saw Newman's team de- feat Espie's 6-1. Parish and Phoenix did all the scoring for Newman's team. Parish had four goals while Phoenix had one goal and two assists Short scored from Hallett for Esple's team's only goal There were two penalties--DeNure and Harper both for slashing. The second gue saw Heard's team defeat Blackstock 5-0. Clarke opened the scoring from Brain and Williams made it 2-0 from P Thompson. Then Davidson scored from Irwin. Then Irwin scored two quick goals with Heayn assisting on the first one. Moore received a penalty for tripping. Paul Taylor registered the shut out as he stopped three break aways by the same player. TYRES In the final game Phinney and Co- chrane teams played to a hard fought. 1-1 tie. McNab scored for Cochrane's team and Brain scored for Phinney's team. Both goaltenders pulled off some terrific saves. We are glad to see some parents coming out to see the games, but I'm sure the boys would like to see more of the parents out cheering for their favourite son or sons. Blackstock Community Friendship & Visiting Mrs. Harold Martyn Representation on Board of Christian Edueation--Mrs, Ivan Thompson & Mrs. Ralph Larmer > Co-operation in Christian Educa- . tion--Mrs. Ralph Larmer. Co-operation in Missionary Educa- tion--Mrs, Stuart Dorrell. Flowers for the Church--Mrs, Bruce Mountjoy .Literature and Communications-- Mrs, Roy Taylor Manse---Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Mrs. Gordon Strong Membership, Stewardship and Recruiting--Mrs. R. MeLaughlin . Nomination--Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mra. Glenn Larmer Press and Publicity -Mrs, Cecil Hill Programme --Mrs. Romerll and Mrs, Richard VanCamp Social functions and kitchen--Mrs Iarold McLaughlin. and Mrs, Harry VanCamp Pianist--Mrs, Gordon Strong Supply and Social Assistance-- Mra. Kenneth Samells and Mrs, Russel Mountjoy Representative to Board of Stewards--Mrs. Arnold Taylor Unit Leaders #1--Mra. Ross Duff of the #2--Mrs, P. Romeril #8--Mrs. Cecil Hill #4--Mrs. Glenn Larmer Judith Mountjoy played a piano solo. Those present signed cards to send to several friends who are ill. Lunch was served by Unit #4. At. tendance --34 ladies and 6 children. The January meeting of the O.N.O. club was held at the home of Jean Kyte Thursday night with 24 mem- bers present. President Ruby Van Camp conducted the old business then turned the meeting over to the new President. Officers for 1968 are: President--Gwen Ballingal Vice-Pres.---Edith McLaughlin Secretary---Shirley Wheeler Treasurer--Gwenyth Thompson Fruit & Flowers--Elaine Bailey Press and Scrap Book ICileen MeLaughlin Donations of $25.00 each were given to T.B. Christmas Seals; Children's Aid, Retarded Children of Oshawa Branch; and March of Dimes. The members decided to work to- ward a special project this year. A delicious lunch was served by the Hostess and her group. Loyal Orange District Cartwright held its annual meeting at | Blackstock Jan. 8th. All lodges in | the district were represented except 1.0L. #399. After the general busi- discussion arose over the Gov't announcement concerning a National | Anthem and Flag. A committee are | drafting a resolution that any new flag must contain the Union Jack and that God Save the Queen is a perfect National Anthem, especially applic- able to Canada in its second verse The election of officers was con t ducted by County Master, Bro. W. | Taylor and installed by County Mas- | ter of Ontario Bro. W. Brady, as fol- lows: Lodge of ness, Immediate Past Gibbs; WW. Master Bro. R. M.--E. Dorrell; D. M.-- Sandy Moore; Chap.-- 8. VanCamp; Sec'y--H. Swain; Treas.--- W. Murphy; Marshal--Glen Smith; 1st Lect. W. Ferguson; Dep.--D. Prout: Auditors 0. McQuade and Lorne McKee. Semi annual meeting at Tyrone second Tuesday in June. God Save the Queen. A large crowd gathered in the Re- creation Centre Saturday night and enjoyed a social time and daneing in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dayes. Mr. Dalton Dorrell called order, invited the Bride and groom ta the platform, extended the congratu- study The {HE rYukl YEKRY 51 AK, THURS, JANUARY 17th, 1568--6 cellaneaus gifts Both groom and bride expressed their thanks and after they had opened their gifts lunch was served. Prize Winners at the 1.0.B.A. euchre Wednesday night were Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mr. F. Middleton low (playing as a lady) Flem Thompson; ber McLean, prize, Mi. and Mrs. David Rutledge, Ban- croft, were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Earl Tigh gent Mr. Mi. He- who also won the door Low gent visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hon, Oshawa, Sunday. Donna and Janice Paigeter Port Perey, spent the week-end with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mis Graham, Mervyn Mr. und Mrs. Clarence Marlow Sunday with Rev. and Mi Sanderson, Toronto. Mrs. Wesley Bradburn, Mee. Wil bert Avcher and Mrs. B. Van Ryswyk of Blackstock and Mr. Edgar Gibson, Cadmus are still in Port Perey Hos pital. Glad to report they wre im proving 'tho slowly Billy and Robert Vand wimp, Perey spent the week end and Mi Meso Glen VauCamp and Ma were Sunday puests of My Hurry VanCamp and Arthu Greenbank A large spent Milton I'ort und Jack and Mis crowd meeting attended the last Sunday Bible evening, Stone. All are welcome. The Annual 8. 8. meeting was held on Monday evening and the following officers were elected: -- Superintendent -- John Dobson Assistant Supt.--Neil Hunter Secretary--Morley Davidson Assistant Sec.--Keith Bacon Tregsurer--John Thomson Music Comunittee Mrs, A. Harper Mrs. R. Foster, Mrs. F. Phoenix. I'he annual congregational meeting will be held next Monday evening at lS) o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman enter- tained a number of Wick friends last Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snoddon of Val- cntin attended the euchre party lass Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M, attended McGee and family the Golden Wedding cele- bration of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wad lell, of Bethany. Mr. Wallace Foster has figured in another car accident and this time, we understand the car isa complete write ort I'he party held in the Hall last Iriday evening was well attended, cleven tables playing. The high and laude Mrs. Norman Smith and Mrs, Beare. High and low peats were Terry Howsam and Don Blakely. Door prize winner, Mr. John Lhoenix. Next party on Friday, Jan. 20th, with Mr. and Mrs, Norm Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Neil Hunter on the cuchre low were Geo, next meeting will be held Jan committee Always be sure of safe, smooth stops! BRAKE ADJUSTMENT ® (Carefully adjust hrakes i parking brake ® Inspect hydraulic brake lines eo Check and fill master eyvlinder CHEVROLET - Phone 985-7351 CORY for lations of the gathering and asked them to accept the table full of mis- SPECIAL 99¢ Most Models Parts and Materials extra neluding Beare Motors Limited AIR OLDSMOBILE service appointment DEPARTM AWELROCK ENT STORE Window Blinds OIl. FINISH .-- 37 - $1.95 " X 70" COMPLETE SOME CLEARING Dominion Rubbers RANGE PRICES PLASTIC PRE CoO MOULDED Special line for $4.95 ------------------------ -- Men's Rubbers - $1.85 TOE RUBBERS HOUSE DRESSES $3 9, Hu. 9%, 36. 95 Reg. 36. % CURLING BOOTS KEN WATSON Men - $17.95, Women - $16.95 Men's - 25 to 33 SATEEN « PRI LINGERIE ATED -- - PASTED PLAIN CORDS - -- CREPE -- -- PLAIN SHINOS -- WALLPAPER Stock Patterns 200 IN STOCK 15¢. roll roll & up 69e. Special Books for a complete assortment. Room Lots always in stock EE -- i, Me. Greb Kodiak insulated Boots-Waterproof-$22.95 -- Women's -- Boys' -- Girls' COATS and Childrens' SNOW SUITS 13% Discount SPECIAL NTED 95¢. yard 99¢. yard 59c¢. yard 99¢. yard PHONE: 985-2521 PORT PERRY 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.