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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Apr 1963, p. 4

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4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1963 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. EB. W. Fuller, B.A, B.D., S.'I'M. Sunday, April 7Tth-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Tuesday, April 9th-- 7.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Wednesday, April 10th-- 10 a.m.--Holy Communion Thursday, April 11th-- 8 p.m.--Holy Communion Friday, April 12th-- 1 to 3 p.m.--Good Friday Devotions PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A. Sunday, April 7th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Jr. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship Minister ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, April 7th-- 10:00 a.m.----Morning Worship 11.00 a.in.--Sunday School. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral Charge Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, April 7th-- 10.156 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER 11.16---HEAD Sunday School 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. ll. Brown Sunday, April 7th-- 9.560 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--*"Memories" 7.00 p.m.--*"Contradictions" Monday, 7.00 p.m.--Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting EVEYONE WELCOME -- There are three things you can do to fight cancer, according to the Canadian Cancer Society: be alert to the symptoms of cancer, information on which is available from your local Society unit; report any new and un- usual symptoms to your doctor--only he can determine if you have cancer and prescribe the proper treatment; and contribute to the appeal of the Canadian Cancer Society to finance Coming Events Films On Russia, Scandinavian countries and the Holy Land, to be presented by Mr. David Pegg of Greenwood, in the Prospect United Church on Wed- nesday, April 10 at 8 p.m. Piano se lections by the Rev. C. Gilbert, Spon. sored by the U.C.W. Everyone wel- Admis=ion 50c., children under 12 yrs. 2bc. P.P.F.S.C. The scenery is ready, the costumes are made, and the children are anxi- ously waiting to stage the 1963 Ice tevue of the P.P.F.S.C. From the first strains of the lovely Strauss waltzes (played by Monto- vani and his orchestra) as the audi- ence arrives to the finale "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" by Mitch Miller, we feel sure an evening of entertain- ment has been prepared that young and old alike will enjoy. We do hope that you will come and support the young people of the skating club at the arena on Friday, April bth. Flower Show Annual Spring Flower Show with a scene from nature at Grace United Church, Scugog, at 8 p.m. Thursday, come. April 11. Miscellaneous program of readings, duets and musical numbers. Fashion show by the children. Prizes given, also lucky number draws. Lunch. Adults 50c. Children 26ec. Apr. 11 Scout Mothers Auxiliary In place of the regular meeting a Pot Luck Spring Party will be held at 'he Scout Hall, Monday, April 15 at 830 p.m. All Scout and Cub mothers are invited to attend whether Smorgashord Supper Myrtle United Church, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 20th, beginning at 4.00 p.m. Adults $1.60, Children 6-16 $1.00, 2-6 .560c. Apr, 18 Help The Guides The Guides will be calling on Sat., April 18, selling home made Easter Eggs, in aid of the Guide Camp. For advance orders, please phone 985-2426, Mrs. G. Nelson, April 11 Hot Supper To be served in Prince Albert Church Parlors, Friday, April 5th, 6 p.m. until all are served. Members of the U.C.W. request your support in aid of decorating the church kit- chen. Admission $1.26 and 60c. Euchre In the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church on Sat., April 6th at 8.80 p.m. sharp. Sponsored by the Senior Citizens Club. Prizes & Lunch. Admission b0c. Honeydale W.I. A one day course entitled "Women's Institute Procedure" will be held in the Anglican Parish Hall, Wed., Apr. 10th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This course deals with duties of officers, proced- ures, reports, etc. also a study of how to make programs and activities more effective. Those attending are asked to bring a box lunch. The ladies of the community are invited to attend. Births IRVINE -- David and Joanne (nee Quan) wish to announce the birth of their son, David Michael, 6 lbs., 8 ozs., at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Monday, April 1, 1963. or not they have been attending re- gularly. = April 11 Junior Hockey Port Perry will have a Junior "C" team next year. The privately spon. sored team is a natural outgrowth of minor hockey league growing in size and calibre in this town in the past number of years. Those who wish to play Junior Hockey next year please phone 985. 2443. its three-pronged attack on cancer by means of research, public education and assistance to cancer patien Card of Thanks The family of the late Ellamabel (Helen) Crawford desire to express their deep appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the floral tributes, cards and many acts of kind- ness during their recent bereavement. A special thanks to Rev. E. S. Lin. stead for his comforting message. Card of Thanks The family of the late Marguerito Frances Fitchett would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the floral tributes, expressions of sympathy, and acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement of rn loving mother. We especially wish to thank Rev. E. S. Linstead for his consoling words, Unit 9 of the United Church Women, and the McDermott- Panabaker funeral home for their efficient management of the service. Port Perry Florist NOW OPEN After Repairs CARNOCHAN -- Jim and Gloria (nee Miller), Raglan, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Stephen James, 7 lbs., 8 ozs., at Osh- awa General Hospital on March 30th, 1963. A brother for Cindy. POGUE -- Eric Russell arrived at the Oshawa General Hospital 11.50 p.m., March 27th, 1968, weighing in at 7 lbs.,, 4 ozs. Proud parents are Bill and Elsa. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbours of Scugog Island for the lovely gifts received from them and for the social tea before we left for our new home. George and Doris Hulcoop, for this one-hand operated grease gun with each carton of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartridges RESURRECTION OF A DEAD BODY OR OF A DEAD SOUL, WHICH? Public Address by I.. NIXON Representative of Watch Tower Society SUNDAY, APRIL 7th, 8 p.m. Scout Hall Lilla Street Port Perry, Ont. All Kingdom-Seekers Welcome No Collection Taken Free Free In Memoriam VENNING--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Charles G. Venning who passed away April 7, 1962, A year hag passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away, God took him home--it was his will, Within our hearts he liveth still. Ever remembered and sadly missed by Ella Venning and family. In Memoriam VENNING--In loving memory of a dear father Chas. Venning, who passed away April 7th, 1962, Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who love him sadly missed him, But trust in God to meet again. Ever remembered by Garry, Marie and Penny. In Memoriam VENNING--In loving memory of our dear brother Charles Gilbert Venning who passed away April 7, 1962. Not just today, But every day, In silence we remember. Sadly missed by Lillian and Jack Rahm In Memoriam WILSON -- In loving memory of George Wilson who passed away April 7, 1960. This month comes with sad regret It brings a day we'll never forget. Deep in our hearts you will always stay Loved and remembered every day. Ever remembered by wife Lena and daughter Stella. Anglican Notes By Mary Becker Our parish Lenten programme fea- tured an interesting evening last Sunday, when Rev. David Jones ad- dressed the congregation at a service of Evensong, and then led a discus- sion on the role of the church at home. He outlined some of the changes and pressures that are faced in a commun- ity such as ours during the 1960's, and then asked the question "What is the Role of the Church and Church People with regard to these pressures?" Those present broke up into three small groups, and then reported their findings back to the rest. A social hour followed, with refreshments pro- vided by the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary. There will be a number of services of Holy Communion and Healing dur- ing Holy Week, and we hope all An- glicans will take part in the worship of the church at this holy time. Any. one desiring healing for himself oi for another, is welcome at the special services on Wednesday and Thursday next. On Palm Sunday (April 7) there will be Holy Communion at 11.30, in- cluding distribution of Palms and the Dedication of a new set of Altar Linens, Tuesday of Holy Week (April 9) there will be Holy Communion and breakfast at 7.30 a.m. for the Teen- agers of the Parish. A service of Healing with Holy Communion and the Laying on of Hands, will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 10; and on Maundy Thursday there will be a Healing ser- vice with the Last Supper, and tho Annointing with Oil, at 8 o'clock in the evening. On Good Friday, the devotional ser- vice will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. The Senior Public School group will meet with Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. Beck- er for a brief service at 10.80 a.m. on Good Friday. The Women's Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday afternoon, April 9, in the parish hall. The Evening Guild will have its next meeting on Tues., April 16, due to Easter Monday. . The members of the young peoples' group will hold their next meeting on Thursday, April 18th. Dates to keep in mind are the W.A. Easter Tea and Bake Sale on Satur. day, April 20th, and the Evening Guild (Catholic W. League Immaculate Conception Catholic Women's League recently held their March Meeting with Rev. Father Marynen present, Mrs, Leo Amell conducted the usual business session, the highlight being a motion to pur- chase new chairs and work table for our Parish Hall. Nomination forms were distributed to the members with Mrs. Ed Donnelly, Mrs. Ted Kroes and Mrs. Glenn Moase forming the nominating committee to prepare the slate of Officers for our new Execu- tive in April. A panel discussion "The C.W.L.--Its Purpose--Its Bene- fits" was conducted by the Executive of the past two years, Mrs. Leo Amell, Mrs. Frank Whitfield, Mrs. Peter Van Ham and Miss Marjorie Harrison which we feel proved beneficial to all members. Mrs. Glenn Moase and Mrs. Art Colbear acted as Hostess for this meeting and all enjoyed a so- cial half hour. Ashburn Mr. and Mrs. O. Bennett, of Whit- hy, were recent guests of Mrs, M. Sparks. Mrs. A. Reynolds is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutherland of Utica. Mrs. Fred Daw spent Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Downing, Toronto. Several from Ashburn attended the bazaar under the auspices of Kinoven Lodge at Brooklin on Saturday. Members of the W.M.S. and Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Batten on Wednesday, March 27, when bandages and cancer dressings were made. Rev. H. Buntain, B.A. will preach aninversary services at St. Luke Pres- byterian Church, Oshawa on Sunday, April Tth. Rev. D. Sinclair, of Osh- awa will have charge of service in Burn's Church at 11.30 a.m. Spring Rummage Sale on Sat., April 27. The Evening Guild will be sell- ing tickets soon for a morning 'Cof- fee Break" to be held in the parish hall on Wednesday, May 8th from 10 to 11 a.m. Tickets will be 26c. Our-thoughts and prayers are with all in the parish who are sick or shut- in. We join the rest of the com- Thank You I wish to take this opportunity to thank our relatives and friends for their cards, flowers and gifts for Andrew, we received while in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. John Diamond and the nurses and staff of Community Memorial Hospital for their care and kindness. June Crozier and wee Andrew Deaths SCOTT, Harold Douglas--Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Bar- rie, on Sunday, March 31, 1963, Har- old Douglas Scott of 92 Gunn St, Barrie, beloved husband of Lucille Jeffrey, and dear father of Douglas, Gordon, Marie and Galil, all at home, loved son of Roy and Gladys Scott of Seagrave, dear brother of Kenneth of Oakwood and Beverley of Oshawa, in his 40th year. Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home, Barrie until Wednes- day morning, thence to McDermott & Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry for funeral service Thurs, at 2 p.m. Interment Pleasant Point Cemetery. WOOD, Francis W. (Frank) -- At Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, March 31, 1963, Francis W. (Frank) Wood, of Port Perry, Ont. formerly of Pine Grove, in his 66th year; be- loved husband of Eleanor Cox and dear father of Frank Jr., Sylvia (Mrs. Morley Plant), and Marie (Mrs. Ron- ald Beckett), all of Woodbridge; only son of William and the late Annie Bethell Wood, of Pine Grove. Funeral Service April 2nd from Christ's Church (Anglican), Woodbridge, In- terment Hillcrest Cemetery. BOE, James Anderson -- Suddenly at the Queensway Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1963, James A. Boe, (of 296 The Kingsway), dear- ly loved husband of Irene Marshall, dear father of Shirley (Mrs. Jas. Cuthbertson) of Oshawa and Andrea of Toronto, dear brother of Mrs. M. T. Beare of Port Perry, and Mrs. Isaac Waldon of Keswick, in his 66th year. Resting at the Chapel of Mec- Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Friday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. << < munity in mourning the death of Mr. Frank Wood of Port Perry, and ex- tend our sympathy to his wife, Eleanor, and the family. $2.00 or more. CHOW MEIN NOW AV AT TH will be served aft Also Take-Out Service with Free Home Prince Albert -- Free Delivery on Orders of AILABLE er p.m. DAILY DINNER FOR TWO DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD Hamingo wisTAURANT We have secured the services of a Chinese Chef wi th 25 yrs. experie Beginning FRIDAY, APRIL Sth, is. SAperiews Chinese Style Meals Delivery in Port Perry and Make your choice from the Menu below and Phone 385-2112 for Home Delivery FAMOUS CHINESE EGG ROLLS Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or more. $2.76 Beef or Pork Chow Mein ........ $1.10 2 Egg Rolls Card of Thanks Shrimp Chow Mein ..... $1.80 SWEET and SOUR Chicken Chop Suey I wish to thank the friends, rela- Chicken Chow Mein ........... . $1.26 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs .. $1.00 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs tives and organizations for the . Garlic Spare Ribs .............. $1.10 Vegetable Fried Rice. flowers, cards and inquiries during CHOP SUEY Sweet and Sour Chicken ....... $1.60 DINNER FOR FOU my stay in Hospital. A special Beef or Pork Chop Suey ........ $1.00 Bweet and Sour Shrimps ....... $140 1 4g Roll Brom Spas thanks to Dr. John Diamond, nurses Chicken Chop Suey ............... $1.16 Breaded Butter Shrimps ...... $1.26 | Chicken Chow Mein and staff of the Community Mem- Shrimp Chop Suey ................ 1.16 . orial Hospital for their kind attention. : All Orders Include Steamed Rice. Breaded Butter Shrimps Mrs. Margaret Hood. A EW £ss0O PISTOL MATIC EGG FOO YONG Gate Snsze Ribs rm Chicken Egg Foo Yong... $115 RICE Seen 04 Yoo You 7 " A high-quality, one-hand operated grease gun, complete with rimp Egg Foo Yong... $1.20 Shrimp Fried Rice .._ .. $1.25 ' = PALEK TRICIAN SAYs 12" flexible extension hose, Low Esso retail price of $8.25. Pork Egg Foo Yong .............. $1.10 amp Fried Rice P 10 PINs FoR SIX .... $12.00 Yours now at a saving of $5.25 when you purchase one carton rrr or ene Vagetable Fried Rie. 7 : HOW-DO, of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartridges! The sure, economical way CHICKEN Jess A nis ee $ on Shrimp Chow Mein to keep your equipment in top working "> Breaded Almond Chicken .. $2.00 somali al hing To alin po Breaded Almond Chicken condition. Get one soon from your Pineapple Chicken ........... $1.76 Chinese Tea 16 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs Imperial Esso Agent. Diced Chicken Vegetable @ = = rome ) Beef Fried Rice (Large) NEW Esso CHAINSAW TWINLUBE with Almond ............. $1.36 , Pineapple Chicken (Large) The first and only ig fades i Shrimp Egg Foo Yong. chainsaw oil in Canada that will do ° AS HOURS DAILY ° on + | Open -- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday until L00 am, J] °° Open -- Friday and Saturday until 2.00 am. Sunday, 12.00 Midnight THE FLAMINGO RESTAURANT Gordon A. Prentice PORT PERRY YOULL BE SEEING ME IN THE ADS RUN BY YOUR FRIEND HOME HEAT 986-2672 €ss0) a % ARI & By Post Perry =~ Phone 52112 : | GHT WITH THE TIMES . oii a HY Jos Nima pp wh RIAL OIL LIMITED ' ' : i ji .

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