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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Apr 1963, p. 5

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IS & Men's Thursday BOWLING PLAY-OFFS Championship T. Pins 6682---Carnegie 6639---Meteors 6374----Black Jacks 6318--Whiz Bangs 6093-- Deluxe Archers--5744 5897--Blow Kings Head Pins--5563 | High Triple for week-- J. Owen--1748 High Single for week-- B. Howsam--346 | Singles Over 225-- F. Hastings--247; D. Foster--2381; G. Menzies--251; D. Free--247, 230; | R. Sweetman---240; K. Middleton--273 | M. Gibson--244; 1. Boyd--236; C. But- son--226; A. Brown--226; H. Jeffrey | ---277; C. Popert--275; J. Owen--259, | 318; D. Moore--229; T, Eden--326; G. Goode--260, 228; B. Howsam---346; J. Hadley -- 255; I. Burnett -- 258; C. Bagg--226, 244; J. Redman--228; D. | Butt--266, 261. Triples Over 700 D. Butt--721; L. Burnett--1702; J. Owen---743; T, Eden--1724; G. Goode -703; B. Howsam--1719, Consolation | T. Pins | Legionaires--6516 Goofers--6281 | Stars--6115 | Bill's Ref.--5848 | NOTICE out Meals in an Establishment For the following premises: Any person resident in the li the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Snowblows ... on 24 Mit. H. J. BROWNE, the deputy registrar of Misshots ... 24 the licensing district, whose address is 55 LAKESHORE BLVD. Notsohotz . 24 Rn roa % ONTARIO, at least ten days before the Astronauts iin 21 meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 26th day of March 1963. = 242. KE. Vernon 237. A. Cook Ladies Monday 233. A. Scriver--232. W. Durham - --227, 218. M. Luke--223. I. Hall Night League | --222, 222. A. Edgar--221, 218. G. . Hastings--214, 213, 2*8. M. Sweet- Group 1-- [ man--213. J. Cooke--213. J. Scott Turnips 299155639 --218. J. Goode--209. E. Pogue-- Beets 2794--5440 207. J. Storry--206. M. J. Till-- Carrots 2867--b5146 205. F. Dowson--=200. M. Eden-- Peas 2429--4404 200. Group 2-- - Onions 2481--5034 - R Radishes 23194771 I d Ww d d Beans 2263--4746 da 1S e nes ay Cucumbers 2206--4652 3 h B li Group 3-- Nig ow ng Potatoes 2461--50564 | Jets 37 Parsnips 2301-1888 North Stars 35 Peppers 2235-4860 Kittyhawks 34 Cabbages 22174622 Mustangs 30 Triples Over 600-- Lancasters 26 A. Chapman--696. N. Jakeman Hurricanes 23 --640. G. Hastings--635. A. Edgar "Bombers 22 --630. O. Harrison--614. E. Ver- Sunderlands 20 'non--609. Mosquitoes 20 Singles 200 or Over-- Flyers 16 0. Harrison-- 273. A. Chapman Helicopters 16 --264, 228, 204. R. Underhay-- Spitfires 9 259. M. Burnett--258. I. Vanderby | High Single-- --266. N. Jakeman--253. L. Tripp] M. Harrison--816. --249. F. Davey--248. D. Koch--|High Triple-- OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT Licensing District Number 7 TAKE NOTICE that Royal Canadian Legion Branch #419 of the Village of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the CANADIAN LEGION HALL, 217 MURRAY STREET in the CITY of PETERBOROUGH in the COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH on FRIDAY, the 26th day of APRIL, 1963, at the hour of 10: for the issuance of a Club Licence (Restricted), for the Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine with Meals and Beer with- Royal Canadian Legion Branch #419, situated on the Corner of Bay St. and Simcoe St., in the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. R. Short--710. Over 210-- B. Oke--233, 2562. W. McLaugh- lin--222. M. Healey--281, 270. J. Hull--213. J. Goode--220. R. Moore --224. H. Heard--263. M. Cook-- 226. J. Taylor--269. A. Lown--216. M. MacGregor--241, 222. F. Coch- rane--218. H. Bower--223. V. Ry- der--260. D. Venning--215, 249. J. McLaughlin--227. E. Badour-- 217. S. Brignall--237. M. Baird-- 231, 211. J. Ballard--226, 265. M. Harrison--221, 315. R. Short--231, 283. G. Tassell--217. I. Doupe--210 Triple Link Bowling 00 a.m. o'clock in the forenoon Classified as a Club. Team Standings Points i Black Hawks ...ccoovvivnininennnns 38 Sensing districts may object to Northenders .....cooovvciivininens 37 High Single-- Bill Mark--216 High Triple-- Jack Healey--b561 JOHN A. MAW, President Se TULIP 1 lb. Pkgs. 2 - 4 MARGARINE -of BUDGET-WISE FOOD VALUES ! At Your CARLOAD Food Market, Prince Albert | PRICES EFFECTIVE -- THIS WEEK-END WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY, APR. 3-6 f THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. Tins 2-2 ROSE PICKLES 16 oz. 3' Jar Sweet Mixed | FINEST TENDER LEAN Round or Rump ROAST He MAPLE LEAF -- Cooked Boneless DAISY -- Rindless 1b, Pig, SIDE Bacon ..... .... §7 WIENERS ......... ... 4% Na \ JUBILEE -- Small ink Ib. Tray Pak NABISCO Small Pkg. 2 - Ar Shredded Wheat STEAK or Ih. DINNER Hams ...... "79 SAUSAGE TRU |X FREE DRAW ON $5.00 WORTH OF GROCERIES HEREFORD 12 oz. Tin 47 CORNED BEEF with a $6.00 Order or Over. FREE DELIVERY DON'T CARRY HEAVY FOOD PARCELS FOOD MARKLTS PHONE 985-2492 STORE HOURS Dajly 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. PHONE 9865 - 2492 Guide Mothers' Fourteen Mothers attended the Guide Mothers' Auxilinty Mecting held at the home of Mur jorie Jurett n Tuesday, March 26th. After the President welcomed the lidies present, all repeated the Guide Promise. The minutes of the lust mecting were read and adopted and the Trea- surer gave her report showing a bank balance of $123.99. The total proceeds from the Baking Basket sent around to help the Elder- ly Citizens Club get sturted amounted to $44.00 and we are very pleased to have this amount to give to such a good cause, Saturday, April 27th, has been de- cided as "Guide Cookie Day" in Port Perry and Audrey Hall, Norma Gray, Ruby Roach, Dorothy Nelson, Lillian MacDonald and Rita Jefford offered to help the girls in this project, and provide necessary transportation. Everyone helping to meet at the Scout Hall at 10 a.m. Mrs. Louise Carnegie found it ne- cessary to discontinue as Tawny Owl rome time ago but through an over- sight we did not show our apprecia- tion with the usual gift of a cup and However, "Better late than never, Louise" and despite the tardi- ness, we certainly did appreciate your help. saucer, The Girl Guide Camp is being held from June 29th to July 6th and we are very fortunate in having five of our leaders able to take the girls. It is not definite yet, but Captain Nel- son is hoping to be able to take 86 girls this year, 12 more than last year. However, this will mean we will need more tents and equipment so we have planned a Court Whist to be held in the Scout Hall on Thurs- day, April 18th, at 8.30 p.m., 60c. per person, all proceeds to- go in aid of the Girl Guide Camp. The Commit- tee in charge is as follows: --Marg. Sweetman, Gwen Taylor, Norma Gray and Luella Kennedy. The general Guide Mothers' funds are ndt as good as usual as some Mothers have been neglecting to send their 50c. monthly dues. If these dues are not kept up to date, it will be necessary to revert back to money-making plans. Please, Mothers, will you see that this 50c. is sent regularly so that there is suffi- cient money to fulfil our obligations? An amount of $10.00 was required for the Rangers for badges, cte., and the Treasurer made out a cheque for same and one for $2.00 was sent for Council Fees. Also three Guiders are going to a Training Camp at Doe Lake and the regfstration in this con- nection amounted to $6.00 each. There will be a Brownie Fly-up on April 24th for those girls reaching 11 years of age this spring. The Provincial Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday and Friday, April 26th and 26th, and any Mothers interested in attending should contact our President, Audrey Hall. . It was decided to have Mother and Daughter Banquets for the different Companies and Packs some time in May. Further details in this connec- tion will be known at our next Meet- ing. In this bedroom, ~ we'd like to mention, One thing merits special attention, It saves you worry, Running and hurry: It's the convenient BEDROOM EXTENSION! IF YOUR HOME IS BIG ENOUGH TO LIVEIN, IT'S BIG ENOUGH FOR A BEDROOM EXTENSION 1 TO ORDER YOURS, JUST CALL who would care to help the guides make Easter Eggs, please contact Dorothy Nelson. The Mothers were also asked for volunteers to chaperone the Friday Night dance and Merle Short kindly offered to help in this regard. Collection amounted to $3.60. The Meeting then closed with the Mizpah benediction and Group 2 served lunch. Any Mothers volunteer to Liberal News (Continued from page 8) "So when Mr, Diefenbaker and Mr. Starr say that by having a mutual defense poliey---which they arranged for, by the way, and which I accept as necessary -- that we are resigning uur sovereignty, 1 say their position is ridiculous." Mr. Cafik said that such weapons as the Honest John rocket are only useful as defensive devices. He point- ed out that all manufactured goods are obsolete just as soon as they are made, but this does not mean they are useless. "If this were the case, should I stop using my year-old can and give it away ?" Greenbank Next Sunday morning the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob- served, oo Last Sunday morning a reception service was held for twelve young people who have been attending a communicants class during the win- ter under the leadership of Rev. Har- ris. Those uniting with the church were Lynne Foster, Peggy Foster, Patricia Hunter, Marion Pogue, Marie Raines, Barry Beare, Robert Couper- thwaite, Robert Hunter, Edwin Mec- Caig, Keith Phoenix, John Phoenix and Dean Smith. Mrs. Harris, Jo-Anne Harris and Brian Harris transferred their mem- bership from Bath United Church. On Sunday a family party was held at Bowmanville in honour of Mr. and THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1963-8 . Mis. Wallace Parr on their first wed- ding anniversary. Those present were Mrs. C. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ward. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Purr for many more happy anniver- saries, About fifty friends attended the shower for the bride-to-be, Miss L.il- linn Couves, which was held at the home of her parents last Saturday afternoon. Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Baird are en- joying a few holidays in Washington visiting Roberta's sister and husband, Dround Mrs. Peter Young. Miss Marilyn Scott of Oshawa was | the guest of the Lorne Blakely family | on Sunday. Miss Baker of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. Me- Caig and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boe of Beaver- Obituary- MRS. FRANCES M. FITCHETT The death occv.red suddenly at the Port Perry Community Memorial Hos- pital Thursday morning, March 28th of I'rances Marguerite Bryson, beloved wife of the late Hiram Fitchett., Mrs. Fitchett was in her 73rd year. A daughter of the late James and Annic Bryson, the deceased was born at Watford, Ont. and had been a resi- dent of Port Perry for over 40 years. She was a member of the Port Perry United Church and was an active wor- ker in the United Church Women. Mrs. Fitchett was married twice. Her first husband was Frederick Beare, who pre-deceased her some Her second hushand, Hir am Fitchett predeceased her in 1960, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Don- years ago. ton called on Miss Eva Luke on Sun- day. Mr. and Mis. F. Beare attended the funeral of Mrs. H. Fitchett last! Saturday. Apparently the flue bug has lost its punch as few new cases are being reported. Could be all this activity connected with the election campaign | has chased the nasty little fellow underground, if so we hope he will ] dig himself in good and deep. | AMEROCK DEPAR [ 4 $ S the Child on or before APRIL 4 [- 1 $ Year 1963 are eligible. 4 € W. WILLIAMS, @® & Chairman, Public School Board. é Children who will be Five Years of Age in the Calendar R. H. CORNISH, § ald W. Holden (Maxine), of Oshawa and three sons, Clarence of Oshawa; Burgess of Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Bruce Beare, of Port Perry. The funeral service was held at the MceDermott-Panabaker Funeral Cha- pel, Port Perry, on Saturday, March 30th. Interment was held in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Pallbearers were: Earl Wallace, Storey Beare, Bill Holden, Robert Robertson, John Reader and Irving Boyd. FOODIDDOODEDOODIDIODOODIOID SSS D E550 GDH SD EDHbid 4 & - : Notice Re i <@ < . PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 Parents who are planning to send Children to the $ KINDERGARTEN CLASS in September, please register 11th. Send the Child's Name and Date of Birth to the School or Telephone 985-2591, Principal. HDD L, RQ VVVVVVIOTIITPOIIOOPEY TMENT STORE i M8 100) 5 tailors Sport Jackels $29.95 and $35.00 ALL - WOOL Dura Press Panis - $13.95 TERALINE and WOOL PANTS $16.95 > COMPARE! TIP TOPS FAMOUS Medalist READY TO minute! Shop and Craft SUIT COMPARE FABRICS: TIP TOP'S huge purchasing power bring you fabrics found elsewhere in much higher-priced suits! COMPARE TAILORING: "Medalist" is the ready to wear suit with the custom look, crafted by Canada's leading tailors! COMPARE STYLING: "Medalist" is youthfully up-to-the- you'll choose "Medalist!" Ready to Wear - $69.95 with exira pans - $79.95 Reversible All-Weather Cont $70 G8 Jackets raminaea $19.95 "Spring Coats Posluns - $18.95, $29.95 WEAR compare and Coats for Men ALL-WEATHER ra EA LANA rh S PHONE: 985-2521 PORT PERRY Ey

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