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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Apr 1963, p. 8

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8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1963 BLACKSTOCHK Association Convention in Pickering Mr. and Mis on Saturday. visited Mr. and Mis . , Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Miss |g uphters Continued from Page Seven) Vileen Van Camp and Mrs. Wo Wo (5 Sunday A beautiful picture He Careth for Van Camp spent the week-end with Miss Now Vehuing You with a light over it, has been the Norton Van Camps in Listowel. | Lil Lindeuy. spent placed in the C. E. room by one of Mis. Velva Bailey spent the week- | io) mother Mrs the families of the church. Mis. J. K. Noble of Uxbridge spent a day with her daughter Mrs. Arnold Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mrs. P. Romeril and Mrs. Harold McLaugh- Toronto. Harold Keith Van lin attended a Public School Trustees end with her sister Mrs. Pritchard in Congratulations to Medd and to Mr. Camp on daughters. and Wayne My and My Don and Mrs. | ville called on Mir and Mrs | Joh ind My births of | Mackie Sunday Mr. the and after Blight, Richard and Sunday ~ Dowson's Food Market or vem ap': a at DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save dc! - Sweet Mixed ROSE srano PICKLES 31° DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save 10c¢! - Libby's Fancy a } 16-02. Jar 15-0z. Tins CREAM CORN 3:49: DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save 6¢! Pkg. of 60's TEA BAGS RED ROSE 79°] DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save 6¢! - Royal Deluxe 19-0z. Pkgs. | CAKE MIXES Robin Hood 37° fl DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save 2¢! - Yellow Quik RG ARINE Blue Bonne: 2) F © DISCOUNT SPECIAL! - You Save 1l¢! - Twin Pack - White or Coloured ry 7 Ff ] Y © /4 PENA {ll Vine Ripe No. 1 -- Large Slicers TOMATOES Crisp, Crunchy - No. 1 Jumbo stalk CELERY 21c Sunshine Fresh - No. 1 PU Hite RAG Feature! - Save 30c! - Maple Leaf Feature! - Save 9¢! - Fancy Honey Pod Feature! - Save 4c! - Stokely's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 29. Feature! - Save 4c! -. Stuart House - 12-inch, 25 ft, roll FOIL WRAP Feature! - Save 4c! - Appleford Heavy Duty - 100-ft, roll WAX PAPER Feature! - Save 10c! FRESH BAKED ! WESTON or SUNBEAM HOT CROSS BUNETTES 12 to Pkg. 39c WESTON or SUNBEAM Butter Ruffs Regular 39¢ - Pkg. of 12 35¢c Loose Pack CORN SAVE 14c¢! - Highliner HADDOCK 24-0z. Pkgs. FISH & CHIPS 55c US Ib.29c G 11%-1b, Tins MIDGET HAMS $1.49 15-0z, Tins STOKLEY'S PEAS 41r 69: 3:1b. Package INSTANT CARNATION 79 Feature! - Stuffed Manzanilla AYLMER OLIVES 31c Feature! - Save 4c! - McLaren's - 1-1b. Pkgs. 4 rolls 1 4 . Controlled Atmosphere Fancy 3 1b, poly bag Mcintosh APPLES 39¢ Fresh From Arizona - Lge. bunches reenOnions 3for2 5¢ OCEAN SPRAY SAUCE 15-0z. Tin 2 7c SUNSPUN 48-0z, Tin 31 t4-gallon 89. ; GOLDEN HOUR 29: 1-1b. Box 8 Qc CRANBERRY ICE CREAM CHOCOLATES 8-0z. Jar Save 4c! RELISH SUPREME FANCY Economy 2-1b. Bag GREEN BEANS 55c 16-0z, Jar Save 2¢! 53¢ | 15-0z, Unity Jar 33h Feature! - Save 3c! - Chocolate or Butterscotch - cel, bag VAN KIRK CHIPITS REG. $109! -- ECONOMY TUBE CREST TOOTH PASTE 89c FROZEN FOODS --_ 29c | SPECIALLY SELECTED, VALUE CHECK'D EASTER HAMS FULLY COOKED Mild Cured - Lean - Mouth Watering - Well Trimmed Shank Portions SMOKED | HAMS! 3 Ib. FULLY COOKED - JUST HEAT AND SERVE - Centre Cuts That Satisfy HAM SLICES |b.89c Choice - Plump - 2% to 3 lb. Avg. GRADE 'A" CHICKENS Ib.37c¢ mes eis The Best in Fresh-sliced Extra Lean Trend BACON |b.69¢ For Those In-betwéen Luncheons and Snacks "Trend" LUNCH MEATS 4 pkgs. 89c eA eA AAR NA Brooklin Wall Mr. Dud with Chas. Venning, Linda Hamilton, Oak- and Mrs, Mrs. visiting J. A. Doug his i week-end in Langstaff and Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. i had surgery on her ears. | pital on Friday. . Kerwin all of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. ! Hiram Briggs and daughter of Peter- | awa with his grandparents, Mr. and | | | wood on Sunday. j won second place trophy at Peter- | | { was the D.R.O. | borough on Saturday, April 6, for mother in Bowmanville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Aitcheson and family moved to Stouffville area last week; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephenson and babe moved to an upstair apart- ment in the Martyn Block, and Mr. and Mrs, Dennison and family moved to Erin on Saturday. Sorry to report Mrs. Wesley Brad- burn is in Port Perry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fewster, Jean and Warren, Bolton; Mrs. Ralph Tip- per and Miss Jeanette McGhee, Tor- onto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Johnston. The threo ludies are cousins of Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLachlan, Osh- awa, called on Mrs. KE. Darcy and Mrs. Ira Argue, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and boys, Oshawa, visited Messrs, Roy and Bill Ferguson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooey, Peterboro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder called on his sister Mrs. Benson Dunn, also on Mr. Wm. Dewell in Oshawa hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vine Cain, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Id Harris, © Mis. J. A, Johnston visited Mrs, G. V. A. Scott in Oshawa hospital on Thursday. Mrs.: John Wotten, Mr. and Mrs, John Archer and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Joknston and family, Bethany. Miss Elaine Mountjoy spent the and Mrs. Howard Charles and family brought her home and visited the Bruce Mountjoys. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham visit- ed friends in Fenelon Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ghapman, Port Perry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shortridge and Bill entertained Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bailey and Sharon Lea of Oshawa; Mrs. A. Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey to a birthday dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Colacieco and | Lesa, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and Miss Ethel Thompson were Sunday guests and Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Orono, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Martin, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. Miss Valerie Faint, Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright. -- Cedar Creek (Crowded out last week) Mrs. Roy Blain is a patient in Osh- awa General Hospital this week. She Mr. and Mrs. Ron Larocque's baby girl was born in Oshawa General Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Art Pollitt and Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Wight and borough and Mr. and Mrs. Atwood MacRae and Linda and Sarl of Osh- awa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Mr. and Mrs. John Den Boer visit- ed friends in Midland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnston of South River were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Morris Doherty and sons, Larry Larocque is staying in Osh- Mrs. Lawson Falkenham, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and daughters of Stouffville visited Mrs. Blain and, Mr. and Mrs. John Green- April Laurie Abramoff, aged six, strute. She also won a second place trophy for solo Baton. April Laurié is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Jones. Attend- ing the N.B.T.A. with her were her mother Mrs. John Guimond of Tor- onto and Mrs. I. G. Jones. The vote result at Cedar Creek on Monday was Cafik 44; Hall 34; and Starr 60. The poll was at Ernie Willerton's house. George Kilpatrick Sam Parm was poll clerk and the scrutineers were Mar. garet Boynton, Frank Vickery, 'Wm, Lambe and John Greenwood. 138 people voted. voter's list.' Mr. and Mrs. George Laruz, of Hamilton visited Mr, and Mrs. Harris on Monday. Leonard Greenwood of Stouffville visited the John Greenwoods on) Mon- day. \, ¢ FOR TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ) : see The Port Perry Star 167 names were on the #7 CARTWRIGHT TWP. COUNCIL (Continued from Front Page) The Board of Education for a municipality of this population shall be 6 members elected at the next mu- nicipal election, with half the elected for a term of two years and the other half (receiving one Also the ! Council may appoint one member annually to vote only on See- ondary School matters, The only other subject of discussion between School Boards and the Council was the calling of Tenders for the Sale of Devitt's S.S. #3 property and it was suggested that the land would probe ably sell much without the building as with it. The School Bds.' then retired and Council after a very brief discussion passed the third reading of By-Law #1092 establishing a Board of Education for this Town- ship of Cartwright, effective January Ist, 1964. A report from representa. tives to Counties Council that a Foam Bank has been set up, for use of Fire Departments in the United Counties. The Fire Agreement with Port Perry, the latter making available to this municipality the use of their Fire De. partment and Equipment, was signed, sealed and a copy ordered returned for their records. A letter from tho Dept. of Labour asking if By-Law #1007 appointing Mr. George Stani- land of Blackstock as Trench Inspect- or for this Municipality was stil in effect, reported not repealed. The in the township in good shape and Council finally planned Roads In- spection for Easter Monday, April 16th. Resolutions were passed retaining the United Counties Roads Dept. again doing the oiling program for Cartwright and also retaining Mn, George Totten as consulting engineer for a planned concrete bridge on the olved. one number less votes) for Counties year. for as PREP 0000000003480000000080000000000408000808308008001 yo x oF ' third Concession line--Tenders to be called. Roads Superintendent again attend the short two day Roads School at the University of Toronto in May. Road Bills for $2,224.40 and General Ace't paid. Council also moved that the at next Council Meeting. Tuesday, May 7th. for $1,820.80 were approved | The new Building By-Law No. 1090 was given the second reading and to be prepared for final passing Meeting adjourned to the next regular date of --YV. Malcolm, Clerk UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 UXBRIDGE PH. UL 2-3661 ROXY MANAGER and LESSEE T. BURROWS THURSDAY - ONE SHOW ONLY STARTING AT 8 P.M. DOORS OPEN 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY CONTINUOUS From 7:00 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:00 P.M. -- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 12, 13 Vincent Price in Edgar Allen Poe's Novel "THE PIT & THE PENDULUM" In Color Recommended adult entertainment Also Walt Disney's "HORSE WITH THE FLYING TAIL" SATURDAY MATINEE -- "CONQUEST OF SPACE Also Walt Disney's "HORSE WITH A FLYING TAIL" CAPTAIN VIDEO -- Chapter 6 SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW--APRIL 15th at 12.05 p.m. "SCREAM OF FEAR" with Susan Strasbery Andy Clyde Comedy -- Also "RANCH LIRE" in B.C. In Color Recommended Adult Entertainment MON., TUES., WED., APRIL 15, 16, 17, at 7.30 p.m. Sandra Dee and John Gavin in A Family Picture "TAMMY TELL ME TRUE" Also Walt Disney's "CRUISE OF AN EAGLE" I EEEEEEEEREEEER EEE EEEEENEEENEENEENEREEENSRNEENSEENEENEESEEEREENEEEEEEEE § LAWN-BOY NOW HAS i lL FINGER-TIP START If you can lift a finger you can start the new Lawn-Boy . . . starting effort has beenreduced an incredible 94%, CAWKER BROS. Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls ... 49°" Boneless Pot Roast Beef ....... 45" BraisingRib ................. 39" © BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock Lightweight magnesium construction ¢ 2 Speed throttle control e Extra Quiet Safety Discharge Chute oop ony $909 Bf) for a demonstration. EE ERR EER C rest HARDWARE No. $33 PORT PERRY, ONT. TIILLILLLILILILLLILILILLLLILLILILILILILILLILLLLLLL CARNEGIE BROS. : : RCA SS SAAB R EAR RA I ot ot A oro BEI888eEste sen tenestee ise teste sssitssstsssstesetessstitttetesetistttistttitettttesss $112 Lot 18, Con. 5. (Subject to Grand Lodge Approval). Copies of Specifications, Blue Prints and other information can be procured from the Chairman of Building Committee, George Beare, Uxbridge R.R. 3, 'or Bruce Beare at the Star Office, Port Perry. (for a $10.00 deposite fee). Closing date of Tenders, April 18th, 1968. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE K. BEARE, Uxbridge R.R. 3. Chairman of Building Committee. Phone : Port Perry 985-7746 aad eee a ES SI NN, TENDERS : : Oddfellows Lodge Hall, Port Perry SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- signed for the erection of a Lodge Hall, Reach Township. 2 1800000080080 00804 BE EF EPP aR 00 hes seas ttantatientsntsss rececocoscnd resses » 1000000000000 000004 H H H H H roo H BUY rocrosoned ATTENTION | ALL OWNERS OF TIMKEN SILENT AUTOMATIC ~~ HEATING EQUIPMENT McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Lid. IS THE AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER FOR TIMKEN EQUIPMENT THIS SERVICE and FURNACE CLEAN OUT is now Provided FREE to our resi- dential Furnace Oil Customers ~ GET EXPERT TIMKEN SERVICE FREE McLAUGHLIN'S FURNACE FUEL OIL Call 723-3481 (Oshawa) Today 111t1011t tiie 111t titrate 01t SER IREIR IRIEL Itt ttt ttt LLL LLL LLL LL LR RRA R REL E $3544 ITI 007 ro00000resssssy 23333 Pio BE eg A E---- or ---- oy

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