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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 May 1963, p. 10

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4 8--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1063 'PORT PERRY COUNCIL NEWS (Continued from Front Page) DRAFT LEASE drawn up by Mr. W. T. Harris re Corporation of Port! | Perry and Senior Citizens. RESOLUTION -- That the Town Clerk and Reeve be authorized to sign the lease re Col poration of Port Perry | at Port Perry Athletic Field. --¥ "A The leases over until next meeting. and Senior Citizens Club, then be presented to the Senior Citi- zens Club for their approval and signature. Carried. WASHROOMS and changing house Dowson's Food Market ror pens (RBIRTHOAY BONUS BUY! - You Save 16¢! - Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP BONUS BUY! - You Save 15¢! - Solid White Meat 7-0z. Tins CLOVERLEAF TunaFish 2: 79- BONUS BUY! - You Save 16¢c - Colored 1-1b. Packages SOLO MARGARINE 5:97- BONUS BUY! - You Save 4c! " 16-0z. Ice Box Jar YORK PEANUT BUTTER 43. BONUS BUY! - ROSE PURE JAMS - All Flavours - Royal Deluxe BONUS BUY! - You Save 6c! You Save 17¢! - Raspberry, Strawberry, Fruit Conserve 9-0z. Server Jars 3s CAKE MIXES RoBiN Hoop 37 BONUS BUY! - You Save 8c! SALADA TEA BAGS BONUS BUY! - BALLET N An Specially Selected VALUECHECKD BEEF You Save 4c! - Paper Table NAPKINS or Steak on a Bun -- Lean Beef STEAKETTES For Lunches - Snacks - Maple Leaf Assd. Pack - 16-0z. LUNCHEON Meat 49: Well Trimmed - Lean - Meaty LOIN PORK CHOPS Tender - Young - | Loin 0 SAVE NESTLE'S QUIK INSTANT 1-1b. size 55c 3 to 3%-lb. Average Pork ROAST "| 10¢ 20-0z. tins Package of 60 4 Pigs. of 60's b. -- Ib. or. 23 SAVE 5¢- CULVERHOUSE CHOICE CREAM CORN 4 or §9c SAVE 20¢ - . NESCAFE 6-0z. Jar 89 . 10c OFF PACK COFFEE SAVE 4c! - CRISPIE Sweet Mixed Pickles McLaren's - 15-0z. jars 31 SAVE 8¢ - SAVE-ALL 5 200-it. Rolls 4c OFF PACK WAX PAPER SAVE 9¢! * IRISH 49: _* CHICKEN - 15-0Z. TINS CLARK'S STEWS Sor $1 [SPECIAL OFFE R! -- REG. 43¢ VALUE . Red & White 42nd SA VE ge! - "STOKELY' "48.02. 'tins Pineapple-Grapefruit 2 for 9c SAVE 25c - S PING SAVE, Te - 3c Off Pack Domestic Shortening 31c .LEE Choice Quality PINEAPPLE CRUSHED 20-02. tins S for $1 1-L.B. PKGS REG. 43c! ANGEL WESTON SUNBEAM ECONOMY 2-LB, BAG SUPREME PEAS FRESH FROZEN 49 CAKE 29. SAVE CIGAR ETTES NEW CROP R A Popular 'Brands - Pkgs. 20 . 3 for $1 . 29¢ .Crisp-and-Crunchy . - CUCUMBERS 2 for 29¢ Garden Fresh - No. 1 . 8:1b. poly bag JFEXAS CARROTS 3c. i) eS MUSHROOMS oe FOR SEPTIC TANKS 2 SEPTO-BAC BALLET SERVIETTES 49¢ curonnn ORANGES 49: 1| Luscious, Salmon Flesh CANTALOUPE Tasty New California, No. yo . 10 bs. POTATOES | 89c : 250 to Pkg. Large size | RESOLUTION---That the following statement of accounts be hereby au- thorized for payment: Carried. General Dept. ........cccoeenn $61,976.11 Property & Parks .......... 149.61 Truck & Tractor ........c...... 68.96 Waterworks Dept. ........... 266.68 .. Street Maintenance ........ 479.42 Sidewalks, Acct. ............. 76.80 Private Culverts and Tiling Ditches .....c.c........ 46.12 Brushing Streets (Project #0-1602) ........ 177.01 Construction of New . Sidewalks (#9-1601).... 271.12 $63,497.30 < LETTER from Mr. W. G. Manning dated May 10, 1963--"You may col- 30th, 19638". Filed for reference. Ontario (County) Co-operative Me- dical Services--letter left at the Of- fice by Mr. Alex Johns. Left over for further study. LETTER from the Dept. of High- ways dated May 13, 1963: "Please advise your Council that~I have di- rected an advance payment of Sub- sidy in the amount of $2,400. The amount is 26% of your average sub- sidy payment in the past b years rounded to the nearest $60.00". Filed. LETTER from the Dept. of Public Welfare dated May 15, 1963 re Pro- vincial Widows' Allowances: "A new-type of welfare assistance administered by the Proivnce is now available to widows and unmarried women, without dependants, who have reached 60 years of age. The allowance will be paid up to a maximum of $66.00 monthly where total annual income, including assist- ance is not above $1,140, and where liquid assets do not exceed $1,000." Filed for reference. MEMO--Community Planning As- soc. of Canada, re Annual General Meeting and Dinner at Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto on Friday, May 81, 1963. Filed. COPIES of Resolutions passed at a meeting of the Planning Board on May 17th, 1968: a "The Planning Board recommends to Council they enter into a subdivi- 1 sion agreement with M. Gerrow, whereby the-subdivider pays for the watermain and hydrants and that the Corporation improve the road to their satisfaction at Corporation's expense' RESOLUTION -- That Council ap- proves a subdivision agreement with Mr. M. Gerrow, whereby the subdi- vider pays for the. watermains, hy- drants and that the Corporation im- prove the road and to the Corpora- tion's satisfaction and at the expense .of the Corporation." Carried. 2. "That Corporation of Port Perry secure an agreement. with Clarence Graham whereby Clarence Graham agrees to pay 50%: of cost of water- main on Silver Street before subdi- viding his property adjoining on said Silver St. This agreement to be registered against property of Clar- ence Graham", RESOLUTION--That Council ap- proves of the Planning Board Resolu- iy softens Graham, hat Corp. of Port Perry secure an agreement with Clarence Graham: whereby Clarence Graham agrees tb pay 60% of cost of watermain on Silver Street before subdividing his property adjoining on said Silver st." Carried. ver Street was discussed, his agree- ment was checked over and dealt with by the following resolution: RESOLUTION--That the subdivi- sion agreement as submitted by John Ballard, be approved by Council and that Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. LETTER andi information Memor andum on the Ontario Committee on Taxation. Filed. = LETTER from the Dept. of Muni- cipal Affairs dated May 22, 1968, re draft plan of H, N. Gibson proposed subdivision, ; RESOLUTION--That the plan as submitted by Hoare 1. Gideon be ap- proved by Couneil. " LETTER from ing of High- : ways, dated May 21 1/63 giving appro- val of the Supplementary Road Ex- penditure, By-Law #1879, in the a- mount of $3,000.00 subject to certain conditions. Filed. Prellininary Report re prices on -sewerage system for the Village of Port Perry. Held over for further study. LETTER from Pastor J. H. Brown, dated May 24th, 1068: "Thé Port Perry Baptist' Church has given me authorization to present an application to t e Council of Port '| Perry for the rental of the Court Room in the Municipal Building for Sera) Sundays beginning July 7th, 1963 lect arrears of taxes on properties |. | liable for sale this year until June 3. John Ballard subdivision on Bil- people as the date on which we will! begin construction of a new church building on the site where we now worship. Since our plans call for a building with a full basement, it will be necessary to destroy the present | To Conduct Exams ; David Ouchterlony, member of the structure, leaving us without a place! teaching staff of the Royal Conser- to gather for worship. It will be ne- cessary that we rent facilities from 9.46 a.m. until 12.156 p.m. and from 6.46 p.m. until 8.15 p.m on each Sun- | day for perhaps three months until our own building is able.to be used" - RESOLUTION -- That the Port Perry Baptist Church be given per- mission to rent the Court Rooni on several consecutive Sundays commen- cing July Tth, twice daily, 9.456 am. until 12.16 p.m. and 6.456 p.m. until 8.16 pm. for a single daily rate of $4.00 for each Sunday used." Carried. RESOLUTION--That Roll #681, 1120, 332, 318A and 69, covering 1961 unpaid business tax be turned over to the division Court for collection, Carried. } RESOLUTION--That Roll #1029, 581, 1205, 1206A, 1161, 1120, 317E, 832A, b12A, 677, 818A, 1072 & 69, un. paid business tax for 1962 be turned over to the Division Court for col- lection. Carried. LETTER from the Dept. of Labour re recent changes in the Wages Act as, they affect employers and em- ployees. Filed for reference. MEMO--Welfare Officers' Associa- tion Convention, June 10, 11 and 12th, 1968 at Oshawa, Ontario. It was left with Councillor Ivan Parkinson, Chairman of Welfare, to attend if he finds the dates conveni- ent. i LETTER from the Emergency Mea- sures Organization, May 27, 1963, re Third Reading of Bill No. 91 which is now in force. Filed. REPORTS -- Councillor John Orde «| reported on gravel for Pine Grove Cemetery which was. given the ap- proval of Council. TOPICS REPORTED on to be dis- cussed at the next Regular Meeting. (a) Zoning By-Law for the Village of Port Perry. (b) The amending of the building By-Law to increase the square ft. area requirements for new homes. (¢) Councillor Bruce Beare, Chair- vatory of Music of Toronto will con. duct current examinations for the Conservatory in Port Perry on June 10-11, and Sunderland: on June bth. DAVID OUCHTERLONY | pervisor of Branches of the Conservatory of Musie, David lony, who was born in Guelph, auditions between 16500 and dents each year. Before as. his present dutiés he 'held -} the role of adjudicator. | "Good Listening with Mr. preview of music in Toronto, and is' music master posts at Appleby Col lege, Oakville, St. Andwew's College, Aurora, and Upper Canada College, Toronto, A former student of Dr. Healey Willan, Mr. Ouchterlony has also been organist-choirmaster of Holy Trinity and St. Andrew's Churches and cur- rently occuples that position at Tim- othy Eaton Memorial Church in Tor- onto. ' In addition to his teaching and church duties, Mr. Ouchterlony is a member of the Conservatory's Board of Examiners and Board of Studies, a familiar figure at music festivals in Formerly, he conducted the Conservatory Junior Music Club, and made weekly appear- ances on C.B.C. television program- mes dealing with music for children. At present he writes the Toronto Tele- gram Saturday newspaper column, «© n a frequently heard on radio in musical programmes. BGR TA TIE TR) {ADVERTISING PAYS For $94.00 you can have an ad of 1 col. by 5" for the first week, followed by advertising weekly for fifty weeks of 1 col. by 3"... and you can change the wording to suit the season! Your advertising goes into 1000 homes in this shopping area each week -- when you advertise in the Port Perry Star, ~ CAWKER BROS. Rindless Bacon - I's .........55'" SWEET PICKLED Cyro Cottage Rolls ......... 49'" Wing Steaks ................ 79°" o BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS eo FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock man of the Waterworks Dept., recom. | Fg 0 raion mended that a special meeting bel gt called to deal with the extending of | § watermains. The Clerk was instructed to contact : several Municipalities of similar size ] to the Village of Port P&try and en- quire as to the connecting fee for & water services. ADJOURN -- On motion Council | § adjourned, the next meeting to be a ts special meeting at the call of the | ¥& Reeve. Carried. --XX-- Manchester There will be no church service here | 33 Sunday, June 2nd due to special ser-|# vice at Grace Church, Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lidster and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Faulkner and daugh- i ter Eunice of Toronto were guests of | § Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks on Sunday. The U.C.W._ will hold their regular 5 meeting June 6th at the home of Mrs. Fred Lamb at 2 o'clock p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Francis O'Conner, Atherley were guests of-her brother "Mr. Ed Donnelly and family on Sun-|¢® day. Mr. and Mrs, Dyle Thomson, Mur- 1 ray and Ian of Newmarket were with her mother Mus. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Diamond, Wil- lowdale were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Dobson on Sunday. Mr. and Mxs. Harvey Dobson, Port Perry, were supper guests of Mrs, Meta Holtby on Sunday. Mr. Graham Murray of Hawick, Scotland is the guest of Mr. Ted Lamb. Mr. Murray is one.of a group of Jr. Farmers visiting Canada. 2 'Meta Holtby - on UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT | Jackson' S Pastries, 40 Queen St. IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPENING DAY SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Butter Tarts ...... Ean ebiiipiiide Specializing in all KINds Of Pie .....oooovvvvvvrvvonne we. 54 doz. -- - 25e. ; TENDERS will be reteived for hs REDECORATING and PAINTING' of FIVE ROOMS at the COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PORT PERRY: Particulars of the said rooms may be obtained. by enquiring at the Hos- pital Business Office. Tenders to be closed June 6th, 1963, Address Tenders to the Secretary, Community Memorial Hospital, Port, Perry, Ontario. "©. 'May 28, 80 M. HA. sws s Thank You! To the Citizens and Canvassers who responded to our appeal and THANK YOU To our Volunteers Who ¢ cheer the lonely In Hospital and keep our White Cross Centre serving E Ean CANADIAN MENTAL 'weap ASSN : 'Oshawa Onfario. Count} '187 Simeos 8t. 8, Oshawa f= Branch 728-9931 Bi - July 1st has been ¢hosen by. our ny o_o -- - p = > AN ¥

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