i \ A ™ A hd. i) Ti REAL a ely ah wv Jd HRSRVARE NTT 2) SAVE ¥ THE: PORT tii Soran THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1963 BUSINESS DIRECTORY TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Plano, Theory and Harmony, Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7568 (~~May 30/63 FRI I I MOUNTJIOY Backhoe Service TRENCHES, DRAINS, FOUNDATIONS & SEPTIC TANKS DUG and BACKFILLED Ivan Mountjoy Blackstock 986-4787 1.26--m. oct. Bae a a aS INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult F. G. Croshy TRAVEL AGENT TOURS. AIR, RAIL HOTEL, STEAMSHIP UL. 2-3853 or 3411 UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO 1--June 6/68 Sa a al assy and BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see EMMERSON 985 - 2421 Apex J Service TELEVISION REPAIRS Port Perry -- Phone 985-2282 Leslie McDonald, Service Man Dee. 31/63 EARL WALLACE ROOFING Asphalt" Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminum Roofing Eavestroughing, also Sturgeon Paint | for house or barn. We will contract for all kinds of roof work. 985--7964, L.2p---Sept. 26/63 Phone Port Perry - John Megans Highest Fast Prices Service DEAD- FARM STOCK SERVICE We pick up all farm animals " Phone Blackstock 986-4861 or aT Ru Rat at Rad ut a Ne INSURANCE | PORT PERRY EADE'S NURSING HOME Elderly and Convalescent Patients Semi-Private Accomodation, Men and Women. Tray Service. Reasonable rates "A home away from home" ! Phone: 985-2806 1.25---Sept. 19/68 For Income Tax ALEX SHEPHERD Suite 17, Emmerson Motel, Phone 985-7031 Specializing in small business and farm operations. 1.5--T.F. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Du- pliciters, Cheque Writers, Compto- meters. Three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton |! Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby, Ont. 'MO. 8-5849. Goreski Roofing ASPHALT ROOFING and SIDING { LATHING, METAL WORK INSULATION, FLAT ROOF, Phone PORT PERRY 985-2761 1--Aug. 80/68 CLASSIFIED PHONE 985-2331 \ CLASSIFIED ADS. & COPY MUS) 8E IN BY 9 a.m. WEDNESDAY FOR SALES FOR SALE Lake Scugog, fully equipped cottage, guest house, outhouse. Very private, on leasehold land. $2760.00. Reply Box #42, Port Perry Star. May 30 HOLSTEIN COW FOR SALE --14 years, due June 1. 985-7868. R. Aird. FOR SALE -- l-storey house in Nestleton, 4 rooms with bath, modern kitchen, garage. $7400. with $1000. down. Fred Cook, Real Estate. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894. T.F. |. RIMAR | MEMORIALS I condition. GRANITE MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone : 723-1002 1.5--July 11/68 SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned By f= PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 FOR SALE--Used 14' cedar strip round bottom boat with deck. Reass onable. See it at Birdseye Center, 264 Water St. North, Port Perry, Ont. GIRL'S BICYCLE FOR SALE--in good condition, 985-2208. FOR SALE --Dinette Suite, chrome, black and white, almost new. Metal bed "and" spring, full size. Phone 986-7169. " FOR SALE--Fender Spanish Elec- tric Guitar and Fender amplifier. Phone 986-2420. BICYCLE--24" Girl's, good condi- tion. 985-2840. 5 GRADE HOLSTEIN COW for sale; also one grade Holstein heifer due to freshen. T. Molloy, R.R. 3, Port Perry. Phone 986-2616. re PEL. GASOLINE MOTOR for sale--Bore 2 7%. Stroke 3%. Excellent running 986-2059. FOR SALE--21"" Philco Television. Excellent condition, swivel base. $76.00. 985-2226. ' sale. 985-7732. : Wanted WAITRESS--part time. Apply in person at Haugen's Chicken Barbecue, Manchester, Hwy. 7 & 12. HOME WANTED -- 3 part hound dogs, 1 beagle puppy and 1 part ter- -- On North shore of ' -- Lumber Co. 985-2491. APARTMENT FOR RENT -- 8 rooms and bath. Phone 231w2 Sunderland, collect. TF. STORE FOR RENT--Queen Street, Port Perry. Apply John Ballarg TF 2 PONY MARES and 2 colts for|- BUILDING FOR SALE--Building known as the Raglan Hall, approx. 28' x 60'. Frame building. Tenders received until May 31st, 1963. High- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Apply Roy A. Brown, Raglan, Ontario. May 23 LIVE POULTRY WANTED also new goose & duck feathers and ticks BEST PRICES PAID M. FLATT R.R. 1 Bethany Phone 7-r-13 collect 1"--JE 27/63 Brock Motor Sales WANTED--LICENCED MECHANIC Apply in person 1962 Chev. 6-cyl station wagon, Bel Air, AT. 1961 Chev. Biscayne sedan' 19568 1966 1955 1955 1960 New Chev. Bel Air sedan, very clean Buick 4-door hardtop Chev. coach Pontiac coach Chev. Y%-ton pick-up Chevrolet School Buses in stock Chevrolet cars and trucks in stock for immediate delivery - New Buy your new John Decre baler now, at a special pre-season price-- $1895.00: Phone 235 Sunderland, Ont. TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS ROUTE Reach Township School Board calls for tenders on a school bus route of : approximately 16 miles as follows: -- | Start Greenbank School, west to, Hwy. 12, south to corner of hwy. 12 & 47, west to town line and follow S curve in hwy. 47 and return to town | line, then south to Con. 9 Reach, east | to Hwy. 12, north to Greenbank, east to starting point. A 654 - passenger bus will be required.' Closing date for tenders, June 8th at 6 pm. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further in- formation contact oo Real Estate PORT PERRY. -- For sale or ex- change. We have a 5-room bungalow with all conveniences, a nice land- scaped lot, needs a bit of finishing. Will sell or exchange for a water- front cottage with conveniences. --X-- LOW DOWN PAYMENT near Sun- | derland. Scenic Lv-acre wooded lot with stream. $2000. full price. --)-- NEAR BEAVERTON -- 200 acres, six-room house with conveniences? large hip roof barn; implement shed with metal roof and other farm build- | ings." Ample water supply. Hydro! throughout. Very reasonable down | payment. Full price $12,600. MARGARET BALLARD, Realtor. Sunderland: Phone 303 Auction Sales SAT., JUNE 8th--Auction Sale of Ford Truck, Garden Tractor, Garage Equipment, Tools and Furniture, the property of Walter J. Rogers, Epsom Village. Terms Cash. Sale at One 0'Clock. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. JUNE 1st--Auction Sale of- Farm Stock, Implements, Pony, Trac- for, 20 Cattle, the property of Donald Pomery, Lot 14, Con. 14, Manvers Twp., on Con. 14, 1 mile East of #86 Highway. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT. JUNE 15 -- Large Auction Sale of Household Furniture, G.E, Dryer, Frigidaire Stove, New Bed- room Suites, the property of John Hales, Lot 118, Con. 7, Georgina Twp. on Hwy. 48 at Port Bolster. Terms Cash. No Reserve. This is a large Sale and must start on time. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, JUNE 4th--Giving Up Farming, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, 2 Tractors, Car, Baler, Combine, the property of John Os- born, Lot 14, Concession 11, Brock Twp, % mile east of Derryville, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Owner giving up farming due to ill health. Derryville U.C.W. will serve lunch. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 6-- Eavestroughing Furnaces PRESSURE PUMPS PLUMBING BROOKLIN 655-4591 1---May 30 - Nov. 28/63 Spraying Liquid "\ Ferlilizer in the Evening Pays Off FOR GRAIN FARMERS IN YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 107 field crop checks were made in 1962 in York and Ontario Counties. From these crop checks and. crop , checks 'made from previous years, it has now been proven that profitable results can be obtained from spray- ing a 10-20-10 liquid fertilizer. In- creases of 12 to 26 bushels more per acre. were obtained on grain crops from this method of fertilization. One of the most important features of this type of fertilization is that it is applied when your grain is 6-8" high. This feeds your crop. as it is growing and weight tests show that grain sprayed with this type of liquid fertilizer increases the weight of the grain from 3-4 pounds more per, bushel. Grain also sprayed with this com- plete liquid fertilizer, nitrogen, phos- phorus and potash, also shows a higher protein content. Farmers us- ing this method of fertilization are advised that best results are ob. tained from evening . application, Tests conducted showed very little response from morning applications, fair response from late afternoon ap- plications but the biggest response came from spraying in the evening. The use of liquid fertilizer is grow- ing, and more and more farmers are using these high analyses of liquid fertilizer of 10-20-10 and 2-20-18. It is only a few years ago that this liquid fertilizer was introduced to York and Ontario .counties, and farmers who have been using it are well satisfied! HELP YOUR RED CROSS: Prince Albert Our Sunday School anniversary service was held last Sunday. The area of the pulpit was decorated in tulip and other attractive gay spring flowers. The junior choir again ren- dered generous musical numbers with their promising voices, accompanied by Mrs. Snelgrove at the organ. Our guest minister, Rev. Duncan White, Peterboro delivered thoughts based on "Surprise Packages". Our own pastor .Rev. E. S. Linstead assisted in the pulpit. Offering gathered by Bruce Martyn and Grant Beacock. Remember the change of Sunday schedule when worship service at 10 a.m. and Sunday School at 11 a.m. We were happy to see guests at .J our special service and visited at friends including: Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Dobson, Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. C. Newnhams. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Doble, Green- bank were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyns. : Several of our U.C.W. ladies en- joyed attending Blackstock Dessert Tea Thursday afternoon. In the evening others attended the Variety Night at Greenbank. A delegation from our midst were present at the "Spring Breeze" Port Perry. * Mrs, Lloyd Hunter and her neice Mrs. Merrill Van Camp, Blackstock, visited Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and new baby at Yelverton on Friday. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, their son Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gibson and baby; Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Lee and son all of Port Perry. - The day was in honour of Ron Gibson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow, Beamsville spent -Sunday with her father Mr. A. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hunters. Also visited the mother Mrs. A. Robertson who is at present hospitalized. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter were Sunday company with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Nestleton. Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doupe were their sons Mr. and. Mrs. .R. Doupe and baby, Mr. and Mrs. J. Doupe and family all of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, F. Gibson were among the many cousins and friends who attended the 36th wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prentice. The happy occasion of cards, dancing, food and presentation was held in Utica hall Saturday evening. Mrs. Howard Jeffrey visited recent- ly with her aunt Miss Mary Murphy, Oshawa. - Zenith 32800. 2--June 6/63 Auction Sale of Furniture, the Estate of Arthur Elliott, Brooklin, Ontario. Terms Cash. Sale at 6.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 1.6--Feb. 28/64 rier pup, female. Phone 985-2906. Mrs. Pat Love, Sec'y R.R. 2, Port Perry 986-2088, License #232-63 WANTED--Full-time summer help. Apply in person. Kayvan Ladies Wear, Port Perry. June 6 "IN THE COUNTY COU HIS HONOUR JUDGE "J, de N. Kennedy" BETWEEN: OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO Friday, the 24th day of v May, A.D., 1963. TRENCHING EXCAVATING - BACKHOE WORK - WATER LINES TILE TRENCHING, ETC. -- SEPTIC TANKS and Real Estate FARM HOMES BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont. 1--Nov, 21/63. WANTED--Quiet home, room and board for an elderly woman. No nursing or special care required. Box DISPOSAL BEDS » For erry Star. n 7 = 7 fpriettrpe Supplied and Installed i | 4 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE -- 1 ONLY POWER MOWER WITH [ rooms and fireplace, near shopping z / Ken Middleton | abt tir THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, Plaintiff ) ~ and GEORGE ALBERT STONE, Defendant » UPON the application by counsel on behalf of the Plaintiff for an order permitting service of the writ of Summons herein upon the Defendant by = ~~ mailing a true copy thereof to the said Defendant by prepaid registered mail addressed to the said Defendant in care of Marilyn Luke at Port Perry, in the only of Ontario, and mailed on or before the 27th day of May, 1963, and by publishing this order, together with the notice thereon endorsed, once a week for 2 weeks preceding the "7th" day of June, 1968 in the Port Perry Star newspaper published at Port Perry, Ontario, in the presence of counsel ] for the Plaintiff, upon reading the affidavit of Joseph Draper, filed, and the Writ of Summons herein, and upon hearing counsel for the Plaintiff; ny IT IS ORDERED that service of a true copy of Writ of Summons ,in thik action and of a true copy of this Order.by mailing the same by pre- paid registered post, on or before the 27th day of May, 1963, pr to the Defendant in care of Marilyn Luke, Port Perry, Ontario, and by pub- lishing, this order, together with the notice thereon ehdorsed, once a week for 2 weeks preceding the "7th" day of June, 1963 in the Port Perry Star newspaper published at Port Perry, Ontario, shall be good and sufficient service of the said Writ of Summons on the Defendant herein, : 2. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant do enter an appearance-to the said Writ of Summons at the County Court Clerk's Office 5 the Court House, Whitby, Ontario, on or before the "17th" day of June, Phone 303 GILLSON & McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. 1: Dec. 31, '63 centre, 986-7464. ONTARIO Port Perry 985-7548 od a June 27/638 : HOUSE FOR RENT immediately-- Port: Perry Self contained 7 rooms, bath, garage. Ideal location. Phone 086-2134 or 985.2420, WANTED TO RENT--4 or 6 room bungalow with conveniences in area of Port Perry or south to Columbus. Would like possession July 1st. Adults June 6 FOR | : cecece 000000 rms SEPTIC 'TANK NICK'S Cleaning Dead Stock Service! ruone osszzr only: Prove sssao LJ FINGER-TIP STARTING | A=June 6/68 APARTMENT WANTED, Unfur- nished, heated, ground floor, garden, | : » - one adult' Self contdined. in Port i : : "0.B. Folio 265 "J, de N. Kennedy", Back Hoe Digging ' bis aly 1. Apply Box hr on Entered 24/6/63 BA" Judge. SEPTIC TANKS and WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED WATER LINES and TRENCHING IRVINE JEWELL 985-7085 PORT PERRY, ONT. 1.26--June 27/68, NP 0 NOTICE The Plaintiff's claim is for $3,314.26 upon two promissory notés made by " the Defendant, namely: REL - 1. Promissory note dated Sept. 17, 1962 payable on demand to the Plaintiff at Port Perry with interest at 6% per annum as well after as be- * fore maturity and made by the Defendant George Albert Stone........$1,160.00 Interest thereon from April 22, 1963 to May 17, 1968 ...c.iiiinviinnnens 4.91 2. Promissory note dated May 80, 1962 payable on demand to the If You Can Lift A Finger - "You Can Start The New Lawn-Boy : A new starter and twin-spark ignition makes the '63 Lawn-Boy 949, easier to start. Finger-Tip start is a Lawn-Boy exclusive, no other power mower has it, Boynton Farm Equipment Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses. Hogs and small animals removed free For fast service, 24 hours a day ; . i Plaintiff at Port Perry with interest at 6% per annum as well after as before 1 aa wok Prot vin , : Unique Grasscatcher .. . . vacuum %. maturity and made by the Defendant Goocas Albers BON vrs 2,800.00 ' Uxbridge ~ Ulster 2.3519 0. K. Case Dealer | cleansasyou cut. Detaches easily... [[Lnterest thereon from April 2%; 1965 to May 17, 1068 o.com 935 (BD No-charge. to you. We pay all | @ wa as @_ a | SALES and SERVICE for empties in-seconds--~-can't clog, ~~ uni ERE ES TY : $8,464.26 2 IT RR ike A Ba Sanitation Service © ALL FARM NEEDS : Nk re arch 6, 1963, Received ......... $ 50.00 Prop. NICK MONTAGUE | ap OSHA A RY Ww 75 Toa Raeived one idbicion SE P icome No, 172-62 g FORT PERRY 935,220 iG Wax nest HARD ARE ol E : he Aiba SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED ~ 986 - : Yard ; ~ 14.26 oe R/ No. 1, Foxmead BY PUMP EQUIPMENT May 80 No. 533 AEN SEER vi Sh1A20 bs ly of ~ Competitive Prices -- CARNEGIE FT Sn June 27/63--1.6 / 7 Ys tt at tt Pat tPF ng : Tg EEN CO A Tr et