. | { | | 4 * and Cambridge Leaseholders Ltd. was MEMBER OF _ CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION BROOKLIN NEWS "Thursday, July 26th, 1963 WHITBY TWP. COUNCIL NEWS A Regular Meeting of the Council | ing, Secretary of the Town of Whitby Flunning Board under date of June in the Council Chambers, Brooklin on | 28th, 1963 and accompanying copy of | of the Township of Whitby was held Monday, July 8th, 1963 at 7.45 p.m. | ¢ with all members present: Mr. T. K. Creighton, Q.C., Township Solicitor was also present. #19, 20 and 21 were adopted as printed with the following addition to be made to Meeting #19 under the Property Committee Report--*"after a discussion of the state of repair of the Municipal Building, Chairman Sturch advised Council that the whole building is before the property com- mittee," Deputations & Interviews-- Mr. R. E. Dale, Solicitor represent- ing Humberforth Investments Ltd., present to discuss the terms of the draft Water Agreement for the pro-|t posed Shopping Centre. Reeve Good- win asked Mr, Dale to inform Council as to the latest date the water could be supplied & still satisfy his clients. Mr. Dale stated that his Clients have been consulted about final dates for water and water for construction | t must be available by November 1st as the main building must be com- pleted by December 15th next to al- low the Kresge firm to complete the fixturing in time for the anticipated opening of the store. His Clients would prefer a municipal water sup- a Ne ply rather thiana deep well and would agree to put off the drilling of a well until the last possible minute. ( Deputy Reeve Dryden suggested that a municipal water service would be impossible to supply by November Ist with April 1st/64 being a more realistic date. Clause 6 covering tho; { securing of this agreement was ques- tioned both as to the method and the ( equity in 16 acres of undeveloped land to cover $25,800. especially with mortgages ete. having a prior claim. Further to this financial matter, the | referred to the Special Purposes Com- mittee. COMMITTEE REPORTS-- outstanding account .of Mr. Little's in connection with the rezoning: was brought up and Mr. Dale assured Council that this account will be paid very shortly so that the Site Plan discussions with' Mr. Rankin may proceed. The procedure now would, seem: to be the finalizing of the Water Agree- ment and the Site Plan Agreement, followed by a Building Permit and later an Occupancy Permit with a final accounting: prior to the issuance of the Occupancy Permit. i t solution No. 1. July 2nd from Mr, C. E. Crease, Con- sumer Service Engineer for The H.E. P.C. > November date as suggested by Coun. state of repair or replacement of this cil for the report regarding purchase of the Distribution System. and filed. Carried. 1963 was received from the Depart- ment of Public Works advising that Mr. J. B. Hodgson will be available | cuss various items about the new Post Office Building from July 16th to August 2nd. a Road Committee Meeting is antici. pated on July 16th it was agreed to set a date for this meeting at that and filed. Carried. John Lambert, Brooklin. ported that a meeting of this Com- mittee was held on June 256th with all members of Council present except Don. Roberts. Statement to May 31st, 1963 was pre- | 'sented and recommended to be adopt- 'ed at that meeting and various other v letter from Mr. John R. This matter was dealt with by Re- 7. A further letter under date of | promised to try to meet the On Motion this letter was received 8. A letter under date of July 4th, o attend a Council Meeting to dis- In view of the fact that Frost, | Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Whit- by gave acceptance in principle of the general location of Manning Road as On motion the minutes of Meetings | proposed by the Township. ime. On Motion this letter was received | "ne " y | WELFARE -- The Welfa Ac- and filed. Carried. ! ¢ are ' 9. A notice was received from Miss | B. Vickers, Secretary of The Ontario | Municipal Board granting Final Ap-| proval for 'Restricted Area By-law | ported that he would introduce a Re- | 1879 dated the 10th day of June, 1903. | solution to provide for purchasing a | Tank in 547.43 Job No. 2... 338.87 Job No. 4A 666.20 ! 4A--Culverts ....... 30.00 Job No. 4B Job No. 4C ............... 673.00 JOU INO; 7 .ciiiiniesiisstoineee 20.40 Job No. 8B 929.00 | Balance 1961 and 1962 $1,460.08 New Machinery--Water $6,662.08 More information will be provided in this report in the future upon com- | pletion of the designing of a new re- port form. The road widening along the Wil- son-Ridgely-Banfield property on Gar- rard Road is urgently needed. It was anticipated that the widening would be obtained as part of the proposed | subdivision plan but now this has been changed and expropriation of the necessary property is recommended. With regard to the request for the Township to assume the roads recent- ly constructed in connection with Mr. S. Kozaroff's subdivision the Com- mittee has requested Mr. Callighan to inspect them to see if the Depart- ment of Highways would find them to be acceptable. The Road Accounts | were approved by Resolution No. 12. No. 13. PROPERTY --Chairman Sturch re- On Motion this notice was received | receiving date stamp. The matter of | iarbage "Collection' Tenders-- In response to the recent call for | a subsequent meeting, Tenders for providing n Garbage Col- | lection Service in 5 Specified Areas | office has been-acted on by the Fi- of the Township of Wlitby, Four enders were received (a) R. W. Ball, c) Philip Groeneveld, Courtice; (d) | a cheque protector is still under con- | sideration and will be reported on at | | 1963 be adopted. Carried. Oshawa; (b) City Cartage, Oshawa; action taken. | mittee also recommended that threo "additional office keys be obtained with Collection and Tenders on the same be | to be loane The matter of a cash box for the nance Committee and the Property | Committee is in agreement with the The Property Com- to various Council mem- On Motion: the matter of Garbage one for nd Reeve and the other two | Carried. FINANCE -- Chairman: Dryden re- | The Interim Audit | tems discussed. The properties with | ax arrears for 1960 and prior years, | | tee i of the Property Committee with other hall and office accomodation and also { to consider the possibilities of a new subject to tax sale unless Council by | Reeve bers from ime to time for Commit-! Meetings. Also reported by Chairman Sturch was the arrangement for a Meeting Council members invited to meet with Mr. Howard Doner on Wednesday, July 10th at 7 p.m. to consider pos- sible improvements for the existing building. | COUNTY DELEGATES -- Deputy | Diyden" reported that tho | | a3 of December 31st, 1062 be placed . | various subdivision funds in the ac- "counts were approved by Resolution | | each. Carried. | clusive, amount of accougits $6,276.95. With this information at hand Mr. Creighton was authorized to confer with Mr. Dale and revise the Water Agreement to cover these points. SEO TPIPPP0IOP0A 009090999 Brooklin Library eo CLOSED eo AUG. 3rd at 12 Noon ~---=+ @ RE - OPEN @ AUG. 20th at 2 pm 2000000000000 0900090 000000 CORRESPONDENCE 1. A letter and copyfof a pla ~from Mr. T. W. Styles for Mr. W. D. Ratz, Superintendent of Surveys no- ~ Highway No. 2 and Kendalwood Road _ Motion this correspondence was re- tified the Township of the transfer of both Service Roads (Highway 401) to the Township as of July 13th, 1963. On Motion this letter and plan were veceived andifiled,. Carried. . 2. A letter from The: Workmen's Compensation Board advised Council that maximum coverage for members of a Volunteer Fire Brigade can be increased to $6,000 per mans The present coverage is at the: former By-law directs otherwise, werg dis- cussed with a notice to be sent to these ratepayers warning them that any properties still in this classifica- tion en July 15th, 1963 will be listed for tax sale. The year end surplus shown in the 1962 audit statement amounted to $19,797.16 and the Com- mittee - recommended that $16,000.00 of this be placed in a Reserve for Working Capital subject to the ne- cessary approvals. The investment of Subdividers Funds not presently in- vested was considered and the Com- mittee recommended (1) that various Trust Companies be approached to find the best means of investing this money and (2) that the interest ac- cruing-to the trust funds be averaged and' distributed proportionately as credits to the vario counts. mended that a proper cash' box be purchased for the Township Office. Participation by Township employees in the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer's course was supported by a recommen- dation to reiniburse those employees who partieipate'and successfully com- plete the year's work for the amount Sindividual ac- The Committee' also recom- maximum of $5,000 and is covered by | spent on fees. an insurance policy A © On Motion this letter was reférred to the Fire Committee. Carriedis 8. Final approval of The'Ongario! Municipal Board was received for Re. Chairman Dryden: reported on the various terms and rates offered by three : T¥ust: Companies. Trast: Co., Oshdwa, Ont; Canada Trust Company; Canada Permanent Guaranty stricted Area By-law 18807 (Humber-iimust Coy, Okliwa; Ont. forth .Investments Ltd.) -- Approval date the 20th day.of June, 1063. On Motion this:approval was re- ceived and filed: Carried. ; 4.- A report covering the month of! June was received from Mr. Ron Yar- row, Dog Control Officer, This re- port showed 6 dogs and 6 pups picked up and destroyed and" 16" days board provided. : On Motion this report was received and filed. Carried. 6. A letter from Mt' R} H, Dale under date of June 28th and enclosure from Eastern Construction Co. Ltd: regarding placement of buildings on the Site Plan for the Shopping. Centre, was considered by Council and on ceived and filed. Carried. 6. A letter from Mr. R. R. Hard- The. current . tax, collections tg the end: of June amounted to- $189,690. with $69,811. of' this: being received late in June and deposited in July. . The 1étter re: Township insurance referred. to. this Committee will be dealt with after a.meeting, with a representative: of. the» Frank Cowan Insurance Co. This meeting. will be held as soon as thé same can he ar- rangedy The various recommendations of the Finance Committee, including the General' Aecounts, were supported by Resolutions. ROADS -- Chairman Gpodwin re- ported that. a meeting. of. this. Com- mittee had been held on July 8rd to deal with various road matters. A Roads Construction report was given on expenditures fo the end of June as follows: Equalized Assessment is the current question before the County Council. The Assessment Committee has met and reversed: the previous decision | and is now recommending acceptance ! of the County Assessor's equalization report. Reeve intend to oppose the adoption of this report. | Reeve Goodwin reported that he and | Mr. Hepditch, County Assessor had | visited several men at the Department | of Municipal Affairs to discuss the Assessment problem, The informat- tion received would tend to support the use of sales analysis as one: of the determining factors in assessing The present report was arrived at by combing analysis and spot. checks. Reeve Goodwin sugested that sales with small down payments, asigned mortgages ete. should be either rejected or depreciated"to true value. In cases where the down pay- ment is 40% or more of the sale price then the sale could be taken at face. value. - The local assessments have not' been' taken into account other than to | obtain a total assessment and Reeve Goodwin suggested that the local as. sessment in each case should be given some importance and averaged' with the sales analysis and spot check factors. - PARKS--Chajrman Goodwin report- ed' that Miss Muir had commenced work as playground supervisor in Willow Park this morning with 73 childrén in atterdance, Off Motion at 11.29 p.m. the hour 'of adjournment was extended to allow the passing of By-Law No. 1887. Carried. " - BY-LAW -- Mr. Don Roberts was granted leave to introdiice a By-law for 'the purpose of expropriating cer- tainiland required for' the widening and! improving of® Garrard Road in thé Township.of Whitby. The By-law was read a first and second time, Counell'went into Come mittee 'of the Whole on: the By-law: The By-law was read a third time, numbered 1887 and passed. The Reeve and Clerk signed the same and the Seal of the Corporation was affixed sales thereto, RESOLUTIONS-- ' 1. Moved that copies of letters from the Town of Whitby and City of Oshawa accepting in principle the ex- tension of Manning Road as a logical arterial road be forwarded to the De- partment of Highways for approval for subsidy purposes on land acquisi- tions and construction. Carried. 2. Moved that the Treasurer and Tax Collector be authorized to pro- céed with tax sale of properties in tax arrears for the years 1957, 1068, 1959 and 1960 and outstanding on July 15, 1963. Carried. 3. Moved that $16,000 of surplus in a Reserve for Working Capital ef- fective immedintely subject to ap- proval of Minister of Municipal Af- fairs, and the necessary By-law be prepared. Carried. 4. Moved that the Treasurer be authorized to investigate the invest. ment of subdividérs - funds with a. trust company with resulting recom- mendations to be veported to Council Carried. 6. Moved that the policy of invest- ment of subdividers funds be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act within the scope of Resolution No. 4, July 8th, 1963. Carried. 6. Moved that the Treasurer be in- structed to show a separation of the counting with intérest accruing to 7. Moved that authorization for purchase of a suitable cash box for use of Township Office be granted. Carried. 8. Moved that the'speciul report of the Township Auditor to May 31st, 9. Moved that the Council of the Township of Whithy will reimburse amount of dues to its employees who participate and successfully complete the year's work of the Clerk-Treasur- er's course at Queen's University. Carried. . 10. Moved that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby au- thorized to issue cheques on the ac- count of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on General Accounts Sheet No. 7, numbering L to 61 in- Carried. ! 11. Moved that a By-law to expro- priate certain land required for the wideping and improving of Garrard Road be prepared. Carried. 12. Moved that the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are hereby au- thorized to issue cheques on the ac- count of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 7, Numbering 1 to 26 inclusive, amount of accounts $11,418.07. Carried. Both the Reeve and Deputy | ---- ~.drink and may cause illness. For. ~ times hecome infected by scratch: 13. Moved tht the Reeve and the Treasurer be and they are héréby au- thorized to issue chéques on the ac- count of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on welfare Accounts Sheet No. 7, numbering 1 to 6 in- clusive, amount of accounts $346.00. Carried. 14. Moved that a date stamp for receiving mail be purchased for use of the Township of Whitby office. Carried. 16. Moved that the Council do now adjourn to its next regular meeting meeting date and time. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11.45 p.m. REPORT from PARLIAMENT ay MIKE STARR M.P. ~ ONTARIO RIDING The has of Labour announced the continuation of the Minister Municipal Winter Works Ineen- tive Program during the winter of 1963-64 with certain modifi- cations to the program which was instituted some five years ago. "The municipalities participat- ing in this program will be able to borrow money from the Mun- icipnl Development and Loan Fund which has yet to be set up. Some difficulty is being exper- ienced with the legislation as a result of the protests put for- ward by Premier Lesage of Que. who charges that this legislation infringes upen provinelal juris- diction. The outstanding modification is the increased Federal payment on new municipal buildings from $50,000 to $100,000 for each struc- ture. The purpose of this is to encourage municipalities to carry out more work on larger build- ings under this program during the winter months. Federal financial participation under this program has been 509% of the payroll costs. It is now modified to the extent that some municipalities may be able to re- ceive 60% of the payroll costs if they are located in an area in which there has been a high level of unemployment and a slow rate of economic growth. These areas will be designated at a later date. Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario Flies and. Insects -- Get Rid: of Them Matthew B. Dymond, MD, CM. Ontario Minister of Health ground. In addition, It ls a good idea to cut tall grass in the im- mediate vicinity of the cottage. owt, cans should be kept well covered as a measure to help control flies. Refuse should be buried or burned if there is no regular pick-up service, Out. door privies should be made fly proof with ventilators and win. dows screened, and tight, self- closing doors. Seat covers should he provided and the privy con tents covered after each use with chloride of linie, earth or a coal tar disinfectant. If flies and insects' do* get Into the house, they can he eliminated by swatting or by spécial/sprays. Domestic aerosol *bomhs* should be used according to manufac. turers! difections) and never in the vicinity of exposed food. Ex. cept -durings actual use, food should he kept tightly covered. There are many good repellants available which can he quite' effective if used with' diserétion on exposed skin 'surfaces. Care should of courde he taken to pros tect the eyes when any repellant is used, Flies and insects can cause sick. ness and they are a definite nuisance in summer. Your On. tario Department of Health rec ommends that you get rid of them, and thus ensure yourselves a happy and healthy summer. 1/1/63 It's summer and: vacation time agalh, hut this Jos" He} méan"a holiday from good health prac- tices. One of the nulsanées in an otherwise happy time of the! yeur may he flies and biting: insects. Besides being an annoyance, fliew can also contaminate food and tunately] the biting insects of On- tario have more of a nuisance value than publie' health import. ance, but insect bites may some: ing, and so cause disability. The more common prevalent biting intects are' mosquitoes. Fortunately, most" of the mos. quitoes found in Ontario vaca. tion areas are of early seusonal occurrence, and except at night and usually. outdoors, are not very sighificant late in the sum. mer. Cottagers can do much to mini. mize the unpleasant effects of flies and insects. The first, most obvious answer is to screen the premises effectively, All windows and doors should he proteéted hy «wreens. In order to discourage inserts from approaching near buildings insectiéidal sprays can be used outdoors, Particular at. tention should be given to the in. side of the eaves and to the walls for about one foot-up-from the tions on the work of the Department of Healtn in this 0 Lr topics for these columns, should be sent to the Dire-tor of Information and Publicity, Ontario Department of Hea.:h. Queen's Park, Toronto. 2 When this program was initi- ated, while I was Minister of Labour, it was initially author- ized for a 6% month period, and then was subsequently extended yearly to include the month of May. In othér words, the program ran from October 15 to May 30. The present Government proposes to cut this period down to six months, commencing November | and ending April 30. The Government emphasizes the tact that it does not intend to stretch out this program by an additional month next spring, as has been, the case In the past years. The reason why it was extended to the end of May in the past was because of the experience of certain municipalities located in areas where they were unable to proceed with any type of work during the winter months, and consequently they were unable to participate in the program. The additional month gave them this opportunity. Now the Government osing that this done away with. is prop- extra month be There is no question in my mind but that prior to April 30 the municipalities of Canada wil be hammering away at the door of the Government, requesting and demanding that this program be extended to the end of May. This program has been a worth- while one in that it gave work to those who were seasonally unem- of Many Things by Ambrose Hills THE GUESSING GAME Just as long as governments play such a large part in our lives, Canadians must indulge in 4 costly guessing game before each federal and provincial bud- get. With a stroke of the pen, for example, Mr. Gordon increased the price of old homes about 59, and the cost of new ones by u similar amount. The guessing game 15 a dif- ficult one. Why did Mr. Gordon choose building material, for ex- ample? One might have thought that food, clothing, and shelter would be among the last things eyed for tax exploitation. If you bought a house before the budget came out, vou did a fine stroke of business; if you put it off, vou lost plenty. However, it might have been automobiles, or yachts, or shoes, or something else. There is no telling where the tax axe is going to fall. The only escape from indis- criminate taxation is to persuade governments to spend less; and to spend what they do more ef- ficiently and effectively. Tor when governments spend, they must tax in the same degree. The money must come from the people; and the old notion that it is paid only by the rich, or even chiefly by the rich, has now heen dispelled. Taxes enter the structure and we all pay. The real time to do your guess price ployed during the winter months. While the Government is mak- ing .statenients to the effect that they are putting forward meas-| ures to stimulate and expand the economy, the curtailment of the municipal winter works program! does not bear this out and I would be very much surprised if this program is.as successful as it has been in the past winters. Ge (* 3 JOIN THE FUN! e¢ EVERYBODY FREE! 4 4 4 + L 4 L 4 4 L 4 ® 4 B ® [ J - 4 i 2 LJ { ¢ i i 4 ® ' i L 4 L 4 4 4 HOEDOWN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT! i OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE '9 to 11 pm. Have the time of your life! Shop . . .. then hop to the hoedown-ingest square dance music of them all! Wilkie. Ranger and His Orchestra ' Bring. the whole family! KING ST. W. AT STEVENSON RD. Cancellations at 5 p.m. in cage of rain ing about the budget is when there is an election campaign. You can assess the cost of the promised goodies. If promises are kept, you know-you will have to pay for them. They will be in the budget somewhere, though only the TFinance Minister and his chosen advisers know where. It could be houses or it could be ice skates. But it will be some where, sure as death. See * Grr rors rr rll no WW WW "a aaa a ade a J LAB ao 4 OOOO POO OOOUYYOOOOOIN VVVVVIVVVIVIITITIIOIP00000000000 00 e OOOO D bold oa WELCOME! eo ODED DEE Olli ili iid lll dB BB PVT TTIVITITTIIITTOTITIOPIIIIIIIIIII099900000 ven