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Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Jul 1963, p. 8

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THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 25h, 1968 #-- " Blackstock (Continued from Front Page) went to bed at 10.00 p.m. A half day hike and an overnight hike added excitement to camp. Saturday night July 6th enthusias- i wulked to a pond on Mr. M. Suggitt's { farm. Here we played games and troduced them tu the camp. At 8B. 30 followed carefully laid trails before u great campfire started and ended | cooking a delicious supper of chicken with hot chocolate and cookies. Good- | and peas. byes were said and tired campers| On Tuesday July 9th second year tic campers met their parents and in- hiked through the woods. campers went on an over night hike. For a mile and a half we walked with our sleeping bags and necessary Sunday afternoon we set out and | camping equipment to Mr. Laughlin's woods, After a supper of hamburg stew and fruit cocktail we "| of cooking this year, even the fourteen night of mosquitoes and a good break- fast we walked back to camp... The food at camp was excellent but a a Dowson' S Food Market Port Perry HITE L 49° price tags mean Special Savings this week! CASH SAVER! -- You Save 7c! -- Heinz Cooked -- 15-0z. fi SPAGHETTI 3:49. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 9c! -- Whité or Coloured Tissue WHITE SWAN 4:49. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 12¢! -- Fancy Quality -- 14's Tin SOCKEYE SALMON 49. CASH SAVER! -- You Save 6c! -- Wagstaffe -- With Pectin - 24-0z. Jar Respoerny, JAM 49 PREPARED MUSTARD WITH THE PURCHASE OF MILD SEASONED 2-1b. Pkg. SKINLESS WIENERS 99. "FOR FRYING OR BARBECUING - Choice, Plump - Grade "A" CHICKENS = 37: FOR Yous SON YENIEN -- PORTION cut 8-03. Flex Pack FRESH SLICED Trend COOKED HAM is SAVE 2c! -- TTT Grapefruit D Drink STOKELY'S PING FEATURE! -- E. D, Smith's Pie Filler - 20-0z. - Save 4c! 20-0z. - Save 4c! PIE FILLER Cherry 37c Apple 29 i YOU SAVE 4c! -- Solid White Meat X 7-0z. Tin SAICO TUNA FISH 39 SAVE 14c! -- 8c Off Pack Giant Size IVORY LIQUID 73 49c FEATURES! 49c¢ FEATURES! SAVE 7c! - York Fancy 15-02. Tins | | SAVE 10c! ol GREEN PERS"... $75: 4c [| Sheneim tia gon To FAVE se; 15-05. Tins | | SAVE 21c! . Supreme Pure Black Kennel Club or Tops mo : PEPPER 4-oz. ti DOG FOOD - 5 for 49¢| | PEPPER . Supreme By SAVE 4c! - Sunspun Saja 24-02. Jar NG Pl 2 for 49¢ DRESS! . -49¢ Fle iixed - Relish - Bread 'n- Butfer SAVE 7c! - Swinette Phe g. of 200's SAVE llc! - Planter's - 10c size cel. bags TISSUES - . . 3 for 49¢c||PEANUTS - . . 6 for 49¢ DISCOUNT PRICES SUPREME FROZEN FOODS Regular 69¢! lant Tube FANCY 2-1b, CREST TOOTH PASTE - 49¢ K IC 4 lar 69c! Bot(l sisson "i: | Kernel Corn49c Regular 73c¢! Bore ~ Botlle FANCY MIXED * 2-1b, Bag LISTERINE - - . . 49¢ V hi 49 lar 6 Pkg. of 10 sitet stages ™ ot | Vegetables 4% SAVE 4c Weston or Sunbeam CHIQUITA The Best 3 Ibs. 49¢ OTTAGE BANANAS on. 2c FRUIT CAKE Deliclous No. 1 Jumbo Size ; CANTALOUPES - - - . . id AULIFLO or eile Fulaz 430 = ench asty, Cris RE No, 2 # £2 BER -. 2 for 25¢ CUCUMBE CASH SAVER! -- You Save 4c! DURHAM CORN STARCH - pkg. 2l¢ 21h, Tin 3 3c BEE HIVE SYRUP CASH SAVER! -- You Save 30¢! -- 13¢ Off Pack - Liquid - 32-02. Size - JOHNSON'S KLEAR 99 CASH SAVER! -- You Save 6¢! -- 160-0z. Imperial Gallon Jug 0 73c CANADA VINEGAR SAVE 9c! - Golden Hour - Cello Bags SAVE 26¢! - Sparkling Scent . 28-03, Size 2 for 49¢ Flavorful home WER" No. 1 iB UL Se i 0%. 1] - e : ORANGES = « - 2fordse | A-1 SAUCE - . .' "3c p------ | Miss Marion Conlin of Toronto. | an: average of '89.9%. sometimes a blazing campfire and an inexperienced cook can ruin the most delicious raw hamburger. 1 must ad- mit the Guides made a very good job first year campers. We had two large beef roasts and pork chops cooked in the bean hole, This bean hole was about 4 feet deep and large enough to hold the roasting pan, The hole was lined with stones. A fire was lit in the hole and kept going until the stones were very hot. Then the pan was placed upon the stones and the hole was filled in with dirt. It was left until the evening meal, All other dishes were cooked over camp fires. Some meals were bacon, sausages, wieners, hamburgers, steak- ettes, fish, chicken, macaroni, veget~ ables and pancakes. | believe every- one enjoyed eating food cooked over a camp fire despite the burnt spots, the raw spots and the flavour of wood cinders, The last night of camp was the most exciting, At camp fire we had a "mock trial", Everyone was tried, convicted and sentenced. Punishment was dished out to suit the crime. Our two finest campers were charged with violating the sixth Guide Law (A Guide is a friend to animals) because they caught some baby toads and kept them overnight in a basket. For punishment they had to spend the rest of the trial sitting together in a large cardboard box. Joan Horton was presented with an official Guide knapsack for being the best all round camper, and Kay Porrell was given the same for being the best 1st year camper. Karren Campbell was chosen as the most cheerful camper and given a book. Nancy Dorrell's patrol was presented with Guida books for being the best patrol at camp, ' Then Saturday July 18th came, what with taking down gadgets and cleaning up this was a busy day: Happy campers met their parents and waving good-byes to their. com- rades set off for home. Prospect The U.C.W, is taking a sum- mer recess during July and Aug- ust. They catered to the dinner, following the lovely wedding of Margaret Dearborn and Jose Des- onsa. Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Braham of Bobcaygeon were present for this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith ac- companied by Irwin and Dale have returned from a plane trip to Cal- gary and Banff. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connell and family of Ottawa were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Conlin and Stancy, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gibson and Mr, Drake of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Durham. Mr., and Mrs. Norman Aldred and daughter -of Toledo, Ohio, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs." Murray Holtby and family, ~ Our congratuations to Bill Holtby who headed Grade IX. class of some 130 students, with Also con- gratulations to our other students who won promotions. - The 8.8. and Church Picnic is scheduled for August 1st, at noon at Cedar Stone Park, Grenbank. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. T. Ganton Webster, who had been in failing health for several years. For many years she and her late husband were among our most active and re- spected citizens. They have left an honored heritage to their sons, | Ashburn Mr. and Mrs. E. Humphrey, Tommy, Gordon, , Barbara, and David are visiting relatives in the Owen Sound district Mr. and Mrs. E. Batten, of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mri. Russell Batten, Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Harrison were-- Mrs. Harry Parker of New Lisk- eard; Mr, and Mrs. Henry Top- pens of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of Seagrave. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Daw and sons Jim, Brian and Stephen re- turned home on Saturday after a two week holiday spending two days at Niagara Falls; four days at a cottage in Perth and a week at Fishtail Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton, sons Ronald and Arnold; Mrs. H. Doble; Mv, 'and 'Mis, Céell' Vicars, Susan and Jimmie motored to Al- gonqiun Park on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Pugh of Claremont visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Ashton, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook left for their home in Phoenix, Ariz. on Monday after spending a month with relatives and friends in the community. Miss Faye . Heron who has a position "in Toronto, spent the week-end [with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron. . Seagrave Mr. and Mrs, G. Wanamaker went all out on a get-together of friends and celebration of birthdays on /Sun- days. Those present were Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Ufford, Heather and Debbie of Dorval; Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Gregor and children Lewis, Dennis and Janice of Hespler; Mr. and Mrs, Don Keeler and family of Oshawa. 'Birthdays being celebrated, that of: Mrs. Keeler,. Mrs. Ufford and Nancy Wanamker." The Gregor family and Debbie Ufford are Yemgining "for a visit, Visitors with-Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt recently were Mr. and Mrs, Andy Keyes, Kenny, Kim, and Dwight, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry, of Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs, Grant Bright and Gail, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Vv. Sharp of Lindsay. L Mr, and Mrs. R. Reynolds and Mr, and Mrs, O. J. Boe visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Reynolds, at their farm north of Barrie. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Mrs. R. Moase, of Toronto is spend- ing some time with' Mr. and Mrs, W, Keen, Rev. E, and Mrs. McNeil are holi- daying at Huntington, Long Island, U.S.A. Mr. John Tristram, who has been working with the Scugog Lumber Co. for the past year, has purchased a home in Port Perry and expects to move in the near future, Mrs, Ross Jackman, of Stittsville is visiting her mother Mrs. C. Tait. Mr'.and Mrs. B. L. Wanamaker and Mr. and Mrs. R. Reynolds are enjoy- ing a trip in the eastern part of Ont, ario. Mr. and Mrs. H. Topping of Mont- real made a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott ang called on many friends, Burnsell, Charles and Horace and their families. : J ¥ Phone 986 + 7962 : CHASER * FOR PRICES ON ° ELECTRIC HEAT COMBINATION OIL and WOOD -- OIL FURNACES . " PROPANE GAS 4 "HOT WATER HEATERS 3 AIR CONDITIONING CALL = gi PICKARD HARDWARE PORT PERRY Mrs, John Tristram spent last week. Scugog : 3) Grace U.C.W. Mrs. Aldred of Port Perry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. Rol Daniels of Whit- by are spending two weeks at their cottage at Aldred's Beach. Mrs, Cecil Fralick and family in Toronto on Sunday with Mr. Fralick, Mrs. Miriam Fryer of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A, Brodie for a week, Mrs. S. A. Hallows and Edna of Toronto are spending a month at their cottage at Pine Point. They were graciously entertained at afternoon tea by Mrs. Clayton Holt, McLaren's Beach, attending also was Mrs. Chap- pell and her son Peter, --- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vickery of Oshawa are holidaying at their cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wilson, Nancy and David of Goodwood visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, H. Thomas. Mrs. Cliff Croll visiting friends in Vancouver for a couple of weeks. Mr. Wm. Saunders, Mr. Denny Grey of Toronto visited with Pine Pt. friends recently, Mrs, Edward Healey, John, Michell and- Daniel of Toronto are spending five weeks at Pine Point. Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Healey will be visiting with them. Mr. and Mrs, James Gardiner of Toronto at their cottage. Walker and James Jr., joined them for the week- end, Mrs. McDonald of Dunnville with her daughter Mrs. Ray Smith for a short time, Mr, and Mrs. H. Matthews spent Tuesday in Oshawa: Mrs. R. Tetlow is holidaying in Campbellford for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brodie of Scarborough at their cottage for two weeks, ) Mrs. Marg Sanders and four child- ren of Toronto are spending the sum- .mer at Pine Point. * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee, Bill & Betty holidaying at Pine Point; recently they took a three day boat trip in their cabin. cruiser to Sturgeon and Pidgeon Lakes, fishing was excellent. Mrs. G. Minty of McLaren's Beach. Old times back to 1926 were remin- isced. Mr. and Mrs. D. Crozier and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Owan Blakely and Ber- nie and Mrs. Russ Blakely of Picker- ing spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralicks, Mrs. C. L. Fralick is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs, Clark Ross in Toronto. We are sorry to report Mr, C. L, Fralick is in Oshawa Hospital. Keep coming Mr. Fralick. Pleased to report Mr. Russell Hardy is improving good since his recent 'operation, Mrs. J. R. Pearcey of Toronto has been visiting with her father recently. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Taylor and two children of Peterborough spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier, 'of Oshawa at their cottage for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover of Whit- by at their cottage at Pine Point. A group of Boy Scouts enjoyed their stay over night at Aldred's Park. Mrs, Robert Cawker, Ernie and Wendy is visiting with her parents in Manitoba for a month, Mr. and Mrs, A. 'Kreig and girls spent Sunday at their cottage at Bre- chin, The sympathy of the community id extended to the Reader family in the sudden passing of Mr, Charles Reader, Sunday we at Grace were pleased to have Mr. Robert Heayn from Prince Albert with us. Mr, Heayn is a re- cent graduate and sang us a lovely sojo. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Healey held a family re-union on Sunday at their cottage at Pine Point. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Healey of Detroit, Mich, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Healey and family of Toronto, Loretta and husband along with sons David and Tom. Guests numbered twenty-two. , Remember the "cottagers" supper this Friday night at Grace Supper at five p.m. All are welcome, Mr. Merrill of Toronto, Mrs. Thomp- son, Robert and Lee of Maple Beach visited with Mr. and Mrs. Matthews recently. Service at Grace Church at 11.16 am. All are cordially invited to Mrs. Hallows visited with 'Mr, and attend. BOOK NOW for your... Official agent for all 57 King St. E., Oshawa HOLIDAY FOUR SEASONS: TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Airlines, Steamships and Hotels throughout the world ¢ NO SERVICE CHARGE e (tf) Phone: 728-6201 Pssst bIIIIIS | PLUMBING "HYDRO WATER HE PRINCE ALBERT 2x2--Dec, 26/63 Oil Burner Service HEATING ATERS INSTALLED Phone 985-2142 READY TO EAT CAWKER BROS. Swilts Smoked Picnics . rive i Sliced Bacon - I's... 69" Home Cured Beef Tongs 3" " BEEF QUARTERS FOR LOCKERS o ? FREE Town DELIVERY every morning until 11 o'clock (1% Miles North PLUGGED UP BIL RADIATOR REPAIR BOILED OUT i REPAI | L'S bape). "THEY WORK | FREE PICK UP. Lo Pane 963-7681 and po fy Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Pogue and son hel at

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