a dr' AEA) "Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Slack of R.R. 4, THE PORT PERRY STAR SERVING PORT PERRY, BROOKLIN and SURROUNDING AREAS "Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash" Married at Utica United Church SLACK - GEER WEDDING A pretty wedding was solemnized in the Utica United Church on Satur- day, August 17th, 1963, when Carol Barbara, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Murray Geer of R.R. 1, Port Perry, was united in marriage to Robert Freeman, youngest son of Port Perry. Baskets of white and pink gladioli supported by greenery decorated the altar. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. E. S. Linstead of Port Perry United Church. Mr. Ed- wards, minister of Utica and Epsom United Churches, sang the "Lord's Prayer" during the ceremony and "O Perfect Love" during the signing of the register while Mrs. John Millman accompanied at the organ. The bride was given. in marriage by her father and had chosen a full length gown of silk organza fashioned with a scoop neckline and lily point sleeves. ~The bodice embroidered with floral appliques enhanced a .cum- merbund and bell shaped skirt falling into a chapel train - Her crown of pearls and mohair was held by a bouffant veil of tulle illusion and she carried a bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. The bride's attendants were Miss Phyllis Warren, Port Perry, as mat- ron- of honour, Miss Joan Dick and Barbara Doble both from Sunderland and both nieces of the groom. * They all wore identical dresses of turquoise peau de soie with lace jackets. They were designed with a scoop neckline, thrice quarter length sleeves, fitted bodice and bell shaped skirts. Their head dresses were a crown of match- ing petals and they carried nosegays of white baby mums and pink rose buds. They all wore matching pend- Foe va oe ants gifts of the bride. Mr. Garry Geer, Port Perry, cousin of the bride, was best man. Mr. Bill Slack, Whitby, a brother of the groom and Mr. Doug Geer, Port Perry, a brother of the bride were the ushers They all wore matching cuff links and tie bars gifts of the groom. For the reception held at Utica Community Hall, the bride's mother received the guests wearing pale blue chiffon dress over white coloured taffeta with matching jacket, blue feathered pillbox hat and shoes to match, white gloves and purse. Her corsage was pink carnations and pink roses." Assisting was the groom's mother wearing teal blue figured crepe dress with matching jacket, White accessories and wearing a cor- sage of candy striped carnations. Also assisting was the bride's grand- mother wearing powder blue chiffon dress over silk with lace inserts, beige accessories and wearing white carnations. After the reception the bride pre- sented her bouquet to her grand- mother and following that there was a dance at the hall, For the wedding trip to northern points the bride chose a white em- broidered linen dress with white ac- cessories and wearing a corsage of pink roses. Upon their return the happy couple will reside on the 9th concession of Reach Township. Out of town guests were present from Sunderland, Whitby, Woodstock, Oshawa, Brougham, St. Catharines, and Orillia. The bride and groom were honour- ed at a large community miscellaneous shower at Utica Hall and also Miss Phyllis Warren of Port Perry enter- tained for the bride at a kitchen shower. Cartwright High School The total enrolment at Cartwright High School for this term is 93; en- rolment by grades is as follows: Gr 9--18; Grade 10--29; Grade 11--16; Grade 12--16; Grade 13--14. In ad- dition 4 students are enrolled in the Business and Comerce Branch (Grade 9) at Port Perry High School and &. are enrolled in the Science and Tech- nology Branch (Grade 9) at Uxbridge High School. The teaching staff at the High School this year is as follows: Mr, Gordon Paisley, Principal and teacher of French and Grade 13 Latin; Miss Beryl Hibbs--English and Grade 13 History; Miss Coryn. Clarke--Secience 9 and '10, Chemistry 12, Biology 13, and Girls' Physical Education; Mrs. Joyce Taylor--Latin 10, 11, 12; Geo- graphy 12; Business Practice 9; Mr, Ray Ashton--Mathematics and Grade 11 Physics; Mr. George Alexander-- Bridal Shower for 'Bride to he Wednesday evening a delight for Miss Jo Anne Watson of West Hill, Ont. Jo Anne, a bride-to-be of Sept. 28th .is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson and granddaughter of the late Orpha Fralick Robinson of Scugog Island. Mrs. Grant McDermott, life-long friend of ,the bride's mother enter- tained most of the bride's relatives from the surrounding area, at a Misc shower, whereupon the . bride-to-bo was the recipient of many lovely gifts. id - Among the invited guests were: Mrs. Ray Fralick, Mrs. Margaret Burnett, Mrs, Marion Rowland, Mrs. Maurice Fralick, Mrs. Roy St. John, Mrs. Lillian Ross, Mrs. Karen Huestis, Miss Joan MacDonald, Mrs. Betty Howey and daughter Judith Ann of Peterboro, Mrs, Kay Watson and Miss L133 in Grade Nine. A C. Buchner, B.S.A.--Science, Agric A "complete surprise" made last] | PORT PER Minutes of a regular meeting of Council of the Village of Port Perry, held in the Municipal Office on Fri- day, August 30th, 1963 at 7.30 p.m. PRESENT -- Deputy-Reeve R. A. Kenny in the Chair. Councillors Bruce Beare, Ivan Parkinson and John Orde. MINUTES -- On motion the Min- utes of July 20th, 1963 were adopted as typed. PROPOSED BY-LAW #1381 to provide for the licensing, regulating and governing of owners and drivers of taxi-cabs for the conveyance of passengers within the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry The By- Law was checked and some changes were made. COMMENTS on proposed taxi By- Law by Mrs. Mary Sweetman. The Comments of Mrs. Mary Sweetman re proposed taxi By-Law were noted and changes were made in the By- Law as deemed proper and insofar as it would affect the taxi owners in Port Perry. . The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the revised taxi By-Law to both taxi operators and to our Police Dept., advising them if there are no further changes, the By-Law will be passed at the next regular meeting. DEMONSTRATION of floor ma- chines: Gordon A. MacEachern Ltd., Salesman C. C. Coulter. Price with one wire brush $215.50. Acme Chemical Products, Salesman Herb. Randall, Price with one polisher and one scrub brush $199.50. (Cana- dian make). Council viewed the Municipal floors as cleaned of wax and polished with their machines and then decided on the following resolution. ] "That a Floor Polisher machine, as demonstrated by Acme Chemical Pro- ducts at a price of $199.50, with one over polisher and one scrub brush, be purchased." Carried. DEPUTATIONS: Mr. McNenly brought to the at- tention of Council the necessity for a proper drain at the water tank and RY COUNCIL NEWS the heater in the tank during the Winter was only installed temporarily and he felt that a permanent service should be put in. Mr. Robt. Kenny, Deputy-Reeve, confirmed the necessity of a drain at the water tank and that according to levels taken by the County Engineer, the drain would have to run from Silver St. to Simcoe St., there not being sufficient fall to connect it with the Queen St. Storm sewer without going through private property. It was decided that it would save time and confusion to have the Road Foreman hand out the cheques to the labourers on pay day as covered by the following resolution. RESOLUTION. That Clair Mec- Nenly- pick up the cheques of the town employees working under the Town Foreman each Friday. Carried PASSING ACCOUNTS -- RESOLUTION- That the following statement of accounts be hereby au- thorized for payment: General Dept, .. Property & Park: Street Maint. ... Welfare Dept. Waterworks Dept remand $2,104.32 34.46 910.63 42.63 273.42 $3,365.46 A. C. Richard- Carried _ LETTER from Mr» son re electrical power supply at Well #2: "We shall be checking this and when the results have been obtained, we will be in a position to give a complete answer." Tiled for reference. LETTER from The Ontario Water Resources Commission, 801° Bay St.., Toronto, with questionnaire re plumb- ing contract. The Clerk was in-tructed to fill out the questionnaire re plumbing, as directed by Council. FINES for July, 1963 -- $448.00, Municipal share $225.23. Filed. NOTICE of application to the Ont- 'ario Municipal Board by the Corp. of the Township of Reach for approval that the electrical work to operate' (Continued on Page Three) Port Perry High Starls New Year With a teaching staff of one part- time teacher and twenty-one full time teachers the Central Ontario County Board of Education's Port Perry High School has enrolled 422 pupils with Five teachers have joined the staff as at September 3. The teachers are graduates of Ontario Universities, Toronto, Western, and MacMaster. The teachers are Mr. Burt of Brooklin, Mr. Firth of Schumacher, Miss Her- rema of Richmond Hill, Mr. Hube of St. Catherines, and Mr. MacColl of Sault St. Marie. The members of the teaching and administrative staff are: James E. Bell--Art [.. W. Burt, B.S.A.--Science, Phys. Education Mrs Yvonne Christie, B.A.-- History, Guidance G. K. Cole, B.A.; B.P.H.E.--Math., Phys. Education W. M. Drew, B.A --English School R. J. Firth, B.A.--Math., Phys. Fducation J. I, Jefford, B.Sc.--Industrial Arts Miss Clara Herrema--Physical Edu- cation, English RM. Hube B.A. --History - R. H. Litt, B.A. Vice-Principal, Science J. E. MacColl, B.A.--Latin, French R. L. MacDonald, B.A --Geo., Commercial irant C. MacDonald, B.A.--Principal Miss Jane Moore, B.A.--English, Phys. Education J. R. Musselman, B P.H.E.--Science, Phys. Education Miss Aileen Parker, B.A.--Home Economics I. W. Parkinson, B.A.--Math. : M. W. Pashler, B.A.;B.S.W.--English, French DJ. Payne, B.A. --History, Geography Mrs. Caroline Saunders--Commenreial J.M. Scott, B.A.--French Mrs. Louise Carnegie--Secretary PORT PERRY ROD & GUN CLUB Hunter Safety Training Hunter safety classes are now be- ing held by O. O. Hamilton, for en- rolment call 986-2414 after 3.30 p.m. or call at 114 Perry St. South. The duck hunting season for wild fowl opens on September 21st. It is necessary that those who do not have a gun license, take this hunting safe- ty course so they can purchase their gun license, for the fall season, it is necessary that they have a gun li- cense to keep on the safe side of the game laws, This course takes four lectures a- long with their field work to be able to get their competence card that they may purchase a gun license from the license issuer. Students are taught the safe way History, Geography 9, 10, 11, Boys' Physical Education. ) Lo Susan Watson and Mrs. Cecil Fralick, way in which to identify their game, what to do and not to do while out hunting, this takes four, one and a half hours each evening classes at the arrangements of the student including their field work, the different types of game and birds, Draw Winner Winner of the transistor radio which was drawn at the Squirt Tour- nament on Saturday, Sept. 7th was Mr. Earl Kowasky, 194 Colborne St., Simcoe, Ont. Draw Winner Winner of the 50/60 Draw held at the Legion Hall Saturday, September 7th, 1963 was Mr. J. Copeland, Co- bourg, Ontario. Total $206. Seller of winning ticket Ralph MecNenley. Next Draw October bth. PORT PERRY, ONT, Honeydale W.L The August meeting was held at the Palmer Memorial Park. President Mrs. Nelson Williams opened the meeting and Sec. Mrs. H. Honey read the minutes. The busi- ness was brief. The members were sorry to hear that Mrs. W. Long was leaving Port Perry to reside in Toronto. A small remembrance was presented to her by Mrs. S. Cawker, District Presi- dent Games and races added to the day's enjoyment, but the biggest race of down just as we were about to have lunch. The Senior Citizens building acted as shelter from the storm and lunch was served. * - * The September meeting was held at the Anglican Parish Hall. Presi- dent Mrs. N. Williams called the meet- The Ladies sang the Institute Ode and repeated the Mary Stewart Collect. See'y Mrs. H "Honey read the minutes. The Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Audrey Kent. The New Institute crest was displayed and Mrs. L. Patterson was thanked and complimented on her excellent craftsmanship. Sec'y Mrs. H. Honey read the correspondence The mem- bers answered the Roll Call by nam- ing the article which they had either made or grown and brought to he sold. ing to order. Standing convenors read as follows: were Mrs. J. H. Hardy--Historical re- search and Current Events Reading on Mrs. Leonard Trivers - President F.W.1.0. Mrs. Wm. Moase--Citizenship and Education The Topie--Progress of Education and Autoniation New Educational classes for adults. (Continued on back page) V. Wor. Brother Norman W. Heayn At the regular meeting of Fidel- ity Lodge A. F. & A.M. on Tues- day evening, August 11, V. Wor. Bro. Norman W. Heayn was pres- ented with the regalia of Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. He received his appointment at the annual communication of Grand Lodge in July. R. Wor. Bro. Wm. J. Carnegie made thé presentation on behalf of Ont- in which to carry their firearms, the " THURS., SEPTEMBER 12th, 1¢ The annual picnic got under way and everyone had an enjoyable time. the day occured when the rain eame 163 above two to the students who have brought honour to Congratulations this community and through thei ability and have been awarded several scholarships for accomplishments their achievements. Miss Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wal- lace, Bigelow Street, Port Perry, held the X11 results of Di-trict Bonnie Frances stunding in Grade the Port High School. highest Perry Bonnie has received all of her edu- and ha the Student Council and Literary Society cation in the local schools been a prominent member of School Papers, she has recetvied seve eral scholarships & bursaries, among which was the $100.00 Central ont- ario District High School Board of Education Scholarship: Dao- County the unnamed scholarship from Queen's University for $500.00 and the recent one of $900.00 which she will be able to accept by receiving $600.00 for the coming term and the balance of $300. to be applied toward the second year, Bonnie will be leaving toward the end Saturday, Sept. 7, will go down as one of the finest softball days ever held in Port Perry as the 1963 0. A. S.A. Squirt Championship Tournament was held at the local softball park. Three fine softball games were run off as the weather kept the minor official a little concerned but nothing developed. The first game was a good con- test as Cobourg Legion won out over Scarboro Bendale [ions hy the score of 6 to 3. Searboro star- ted strong scoring 3 runs in the first inning but Cobourg closed | good the door their from then on and did scoring in the first fourth (3), and sixth 1) for the win. Cobourg picked up 7 while Scarboro had R hits. Alexander (23, David for Scarboro. Umpires -- C. Bourgeios plate, | | G. Harper, bases. a The second game saw Galt Leg- ion defeat Simcoe Skatelands 18 to 2. It looked as if Simcoe came up with a bad game as they ap- peared to be a lot better elub than the score indicated. Simcoe picked up but" 4 hits as they hit well but the Galt boys came up with the good plave to nip them out. Galt had 16 hits! as they hit well and often and| seemed to have the hig bats soing | for them. Don Scott pitched the win Galt Legion. Don Melnally the loss for Simcoe. Umpires--G. Warriner, plate, B.| Harper, bases. The Championship Final turned out to be as fine a finish as one could expect ag the boys from Galt came through with a 9 to 8 win to take home the trophy for the third straight year. Cobourg star- ted strong as they scored 2 runs in the first, 3 in the fifth and in the for t took | Galt Legion Wins 0.ASA. | Squirt Tournament hits, Stratford pitched the win for! ch. al r | Cobourg; Doug Wray took the loss | Waggner from New Toronto pres- EMERGENCY NUMBERS PORT PERRY POLICE -- 985-2686 FIRE -- 986-2846 MED. CENTRE--985-7801 Biagle Copy 19 $2.60 Per Year, Congratulations to Honour Students 3s of this month to attend Queen's Uni- versity at Kingston where she has been enrolled for the honour course in Languages. Mr. Bruce Thomas Ballinger, eldeat son of Mr. and Mrs Gordon W. Bal- linger, Caleb Street, Port Perry ob- tained the second highest standing in the Grade XII resylts. Bruce will also the Scholarship for $100.00 and" was awarded the Laura I.. Jones prize for the highest stand- Grade XIII English and the 'ort Perry Branch Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxilinry Scholarship, This honour student, has been keenly ace receive yr on iN ) tive in athletics; during his school Executive. Besides being awarded days was quite prominent in the the AB. Cawker Frophy for the | (el and field events, basketball and highest standing in five Upper football. He also won the Best Actor Award in 1961. Bruce will be leav- ing shortly to attend McMaster Uni- versity at Hamilton and plans to take the honour course in Mathematics and Science, minion Provincial Bursary of FH00.00:.L Both Bonnie and Bruce have been close competitors for top marks all through their high school days and have finally won their laurels and re. ceived just rewards. Their friends and schoolmates extend best wishes to them both for a brilliant and success- ful future in their chosen professions. [Galt scored in the second (1), third (I), a big fifth inning for {1 runs, 2.in the sixth and then the (winner in the seventh on a walk jand two hits. Don Scott pitched the win for (Galt allowing 11 hits. David Alex- {ander took the loss as he allowed 13 hits. I The Cobourg boys gave the Galt boys a real scare in this one and Ldeserve a lot of credit for the fine "showing they put on. The Galt boys are worthy Champs as they fare a well coached club with a knowledge of the game for boys under ten years of age. ! At the conclusion of the game President, Andy Davidson from presented the Lauria Motors trophy to the Galt Legion Iixecutive Member, J. Van rented the Championship crests. This brought to a conclusion a fine day of softball and a job well done by the Port Perry and District Minor Softball Associa- tion for 1963. By Celebrating 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs GG. Oldfield, Simcoe Street Port Perry, formerly of Tor- [onto will mark their golden wedding anniversary on September 24th. They were married in Port Perry in 1918. Mr. Oldfield retired ten years ago, after 42 years of service with the Toronto Board of Education. They are members of the United Church in Port Perry. They have two daughters, Mrs. F. M. Kelly (Dorothy) of New Zealand and Mrs. M. Sanford (Margaret) of Toronto They have four grand. children, A family dinner will be held in ario District. seventh inning another big 3 runs. Toronto to celebrate the occasion, a eh NR ean