Auction Sales THURS., OCT. 3rd--Auction Sale of 50 High Grade Short- horns, Hay & Hens, the property of Archie Matchett, Lot 6, Con. 7, Cavan Twp, 2% miles west of Cavan and 1 mile south. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ted Spenceley, Clerk, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS.,; OCT. 3rd -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Hay, Straw, Grain and Furniture, the property of Ju- luis Kruuk, Lot 26, Con. 5, Scott Twp., 2% miles east of Zephyr and 2 mile north of Zephyr Side Road. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer THURS., OCT. 3rd--Auction Sale of 21 Head, Grade Holsteins 23 Pigs, 2 Tractors, Truck, Com- bine, Hay, Straw, Grain, the property of Harry & Peter Ste- vens, Lot 3, Con. 14, Cavan Twp., 83 miles south of Omemee on Old C.N.R. Road and 1 mile east or 3 miles south of Omemee on Queen St. (Town Line) and 1 mile west. (Roads will be signed). Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Ward Holmes and Dick Vaughan, Clerks. CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer SAT:, OCT. 5th--Auction Sale of 50 Grade Shorthorns, Team Horses, 20 Pigs, the property of Ferguson Munro, Lot 23, Con. 2, Brock Twp., just west of Sonya. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. pm. Roy Scott, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., OCT. 5th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Power Lawn Mower, Boston Rockers, Hanging Lamp, Cruet Set, An- "tique Dishes, Muzzle - loading Gun, etc., Estate of the late Margaret Cuthbertson, will be held in the Town of Sutton (High Street). Terms Cash. No Reserve as Sale is called to settle estate. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. NOTE-- This is a large Auction Sale and must start on time. Plan to attend. Je REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer SAT., OCT. 5th--Farm Sold, 'Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements Allis Chalmers W.D. Tractor, 7 ft. Power Mow- er, 4 Sows, 15 Pigs, Hay, Grain, Straw, Some Furniture, 50 Hereford: & - Shorthorn -Cattle, the property of Lloyd Tamblyn, north half of lot 23 and 24, con. 11, Mariposa Twp., 2 miles south of Cambray and 1 mile -west- or-3 miles. north -of -oak- wood and 2 miles east. (Roads will be signed). Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Ward Holmes & Jack Graham, Clerks. . CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer SAT, OCT. 12th--Important Extensive Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Antiques, Carpenter, Sheet Metal and Plumber's Tools, Dishes, Orna- ments, Etec., property belonging to the Estate of the late John Hofley, 9 Orchard Ave, French- man's Bay, just west off Liver- pool Rd., next to Bay Ridges Plaza Shopping Centre. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 12 Noon. James Smith, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, "Auctioneers { ~ - WED., OCT. 16th -- Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements Hay, Grain, 2 Tractors, Potato Equipment, Etec., the property of Ronald Wagg, Lot 24, Con. 1, Uxbridge Twp., 2% miles East of Ballantrae and 1% mile north "of Island Lake. Terms Cash. No reserve as Owner is Giving: Up Farming. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 17th -- Farm "Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw, Grain, Furniture, 45 Holsteins, Ford Tractor No. 860, Ford Dex- ter Diesel Tractor, New Holland Baler, I.H.C. Combine, Etec., the property of Walter Rate, Lot 10, Con. 7, East Gwillimbury Twp., Corner of Hwy. 48 on the Sharon & Mt. Albert Rd. Terms' .Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 12.30 p.m, Rex Smith, Clerk. Mt. Albert U.C.W. will serve Lunch. REG JOHNSON, Auctioneer. '2 row corn cultivator 6 H.P, IMC gasoline engine with '148 feet draw rope and pulleys Approx. 1,000 bushel good Kitchen table. China cabinet Auction Sales FRI., OCT. 18 -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Threshing Machine, Tractors, Implements, Hay, Grain, Straw, Registered Yorkshire Pigs, Fur- niture, Etc., the property of Clifford White, Lot 25, Con. 3, King Twp., Corner of St. John's Sideroad, and 3rd Con. 1% mile north of Aurora and 2% miles west of Yonge St. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. Sale at 1.00 p.m. As this is a large sale it will start sharp on time. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers - | Auction Sale Important Auction Sale, Hol- stein cattle, George White thre- shing machine, 2 Case tractors, farm implements, grain, furni- ture, antiques, etc, at Lot 18, Concession 10, Markham Town- ship, on Pickering Townline, 2 mile North of #7 Highway, pro- perty of "Russell Hamilton, on Saturday, September 28, 1963. Cattle 1 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, bred June 28 . 2 Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, full flow 3 Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh, calf by side 4 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, bred June 3 5 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, bred June 12 : Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old bred June 12 8 Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, bred July 10 9 Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh, calf by side 10 Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, bred June 3 11 Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, bred July 24 12 Holstein fat heifer 13 Holstein heifer, bred July 7 14 Holstein heifer, bred Apr. 4 15 heifer calf, 4 months old 2 heifer calves, 6 weeks old Implements, machinery, etc. Case V.A.C. tractor, on rubber, complete with pulley, lights and starter, 3 point hitch. This tractor is exceptionally good, like new Case break away 2 furowed 3 point hitch tractor plow, near new A M.H. 2 furrowed narrow bottom tractor plow Rear end Case manure loader, complete with bucket Model B Case tractor, on steel spade lugs, in splendid condition : Set tandem disc harrows ; New George White steel thresh- ing machine 24 x42, complete with straw cutter, blower, ~. grain thrower, ete. This machine is good as new 7 ft. MH. binder, good McCormick mower, 5 ft. cut M.H. 18 disc grain drill Bissell 3 drum land roller Massey Harris manure spreader Hoe drill for sowing corn 2 - 21 Fleury walking plows Rubber tired wagon and box Fleury scuffler. 10' dump rake Set 4 section drag harrows Spring tooth cultivator, tractor hitch Set Speight wagon farm trucks Miscellaneous Articles 1 H.P. Briggs and Stratton air 'cool gasoline engine ~~ Johnson iron horse 1 H.P. air cooled gasoline engine with foot starter, near new Rite-Way milking machine, with 2 single units, piping, ete. Vega cream separator, motor .driven Co-op cabinet electric milk cooler Chatham fanning mill with bagger, screens, ete., good clutch pulley Set 2,000 lbs. platform scales Set brass mounted breeching -double harness - Set back band team harness Good pig crate. Bag truck 30 almost new cotton grain bags Steel water tank Iron well pump. Pile serap iron Forks, shovels, hoes, chains, and numerous other articles not mentioned mixed grain - Furniture PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. SEPT. 26th, 1963--9 AUCTION SALE Important auction sale of 150 Many other articles and acre farm, registered Aberdeen Angus cattle, tractors, combine, | farm implements, hay, grain, household furniture, etec., on Lot 1, Concession 9, Pickering Twp. on Highway, 5 mile East of Claremont, corner 9th Conces- sion, and Whitby Townline, known as Donileen Farm, Pro- perty of Donald Sanderson, on Wed., Oct. 2nd, 1963. 1 pony mare, good size 1 donkey, female Cattle--registered registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred 2 registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, fresh, calf at foot or registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred 6 registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred 7 registered black Aberdeen 8 9 [e--y -- Ww (S11 Angus cow, pasture bred registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, with calf at side | 10 registered black Aberdeen Angus cow, pasture bred 11 registered black Aberdeen Angus bull, 5 years old Grade Aberdeen Angus Cattle 13 grade Aberdeen Angus heifer, 14 month, open 14 grade Aberdeen Angus heifer, 14 month, epen 15 grade Aberdeen Angus heifer, 14 months old 16 11 Aberdeen Angus steers 12 to 14 mos. old 17 2 Aberdeen Angus bulls, 4 to 5 mos. old, " eligible to register Implements Ford 48N tractor, real good Oliver OC3 bulldozer with in- dustrial front end loader, bucket & snow blade Empire 4 wheel tractor with - pulley and snow blac" 1953 Mercury stake body 'truck, with racks, ete., real good condition MH 3 point hitch grader blade for tractor } 3 point hitch spring tooth cultivator . Wikoms power fertilizer seeder, 3 pt. hiteh Oliver PTO manure spreader Oliver #60 hay and straw baler MC hay chopper, conditioner & mower combination, good Agrotiller Rotary tiller, 8 point hitch Grain and hay elevator on rubber v Forage wagon, heavy duty, on rubber with hydraulic dump 2 furrowed Case tractor plow, 3 pt. hitch Ferguson tractor cultivator stiff tooth White stock trailer, 2 wheel 2 section 'drag harrows hay wagon stock feeder, on rubber J : Case 6 ft. combine, eng. driven hay loader. Steel land roller Silver Line camp trailer, sleep 6 people Mostly all the machinery in this sale is near new, having been purchased in the last 5 years. 4 chairs. 2 kitchen cook stoves '| Cherry bedroom suite, dresser. washtand. Buffet 2 chests of drawers Organ (Thomas Organ & Piano Co.) and stool. 2 odd tables 2 odd beds and springs Steel wardrobe. Baby's crib No. of odd dishes, several antique No. of pictures, several trunks No. of old kitchen chairs 2 rocking chairs. Gramaphone Several clocks 3 odd tables Standard trendle sewing machine Old white pine corner cupboard Several oil lamps ' No. of odd lanterns Coleman oil lamp Other articles. Sale at 1.00. p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. James Smith, Clerk. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, : Auctioneers. Markham, Ont., phone 294-3161 or 640-3686 Proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any. pub- lie liability, property damage or injury to the public in connec- tion' with this auction sale. | | implements 2,000 bales of good hay Quantity of mixed grain Miscellaneous Articles Pile of cut stove wood Set steel shelvings No. of 200 gal. tanks Set laundry tubs Set child's bob sleighs, heavy duty, good 24 cubic ft. home electric freezer Antique bedroom suite 3 sink units. Bedroom suite | Gardner compressor Danish style 3 piece living room suite, new 2 electric 1 and % H.P. bench saws Many other articles too numerous to mention The farm consists of "150 acres, 75 acres good clay loam, 10 acres maple bush, 3 acres cedar bush, 25 acres sandy loam, balance pasture. One acre Pond, ideal for swimming, skating, and is stock with bass, 2 water holes are available throughout the farm, creek runs down side and through a section of the farm, 3 overflowing springs. The building, ranch bungalow, recreation and laundry rooms in basement, living and dining rooms, large L shaped modern kitchen, family room 12 x 16, fire place with Heatilator, 4 piece bath, 6 bedroom, Propane force gas air heating, 2 car gar- age. Barn is large size 40 x 65, bank barn, loose housing for cattle, water and hydro install- ed, drive shed 25 x 40, 14 x 10 cabin at pond, other features is railway underpass for cattle, fences, corner farm, ideal for skiing, circular drive, grade public school at entrance, high school bus passes door. Close to Claremont, Stouffville, Ux- bridge, Brooklin, Port Perry, '| Lake Scugog, Whitby Golf and Country Club, Curling clubs close, in all only 25 miles com- muting distance to Toronto. This is an ideal stock farm or horse ranch. Very attractive, known as Donileen Stock Farm, on paved highway. Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Terms on farm stock, implements, fur- niture, ete. cash, no reserve. Terms on real estate 10% cash on day of sale, terms for bal- ance made known on day of sale. Farm sold subject to reserve bid. James Smith, clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Markham, Ont. phone 294-3161 or 640-3686 Proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any pub- lic liability, property damage, or injury to the public in con- nection with this auction sale. Brock Motor Sales 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door Station wagon, automatic, 6-cyl. 1962 Volkswagen, very clean 1961 Chevrolet Impala 4-door hardtop, 6-cyl. A.T. white with red trim. 19568 Pontiac coach, very clean 1957 Vauxhall sedan 1955 Pontiac coach 19566 Ford station wagon 19568 GMC 3-ton chassis and cab Some models new Chevrolet cars and trucks in stock - for immediate delivery. You are invited to come in and view the 1964 Chevrolet cars and trucks. WANTED--A car salesman. Apply in person For a Better Buy! Better Try! BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 235, Sunderland, Ont. A General Motors Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Dealer, For Best Results In Job Printing Call Port Perry Star No. of dressers |! Church Services CHURCH OF ASCENSION | ANGLICAN Rev. Owen R. Orr, M.A. S.T.B. | Sunday, Sept, 29th-- St. Michael & All Angels ! 11.30 a m.--Holy Communion 11.30 a.m.--Church School PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister | Sunday, Sept. 29th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Kindergarten and Nursery 11 a.m.--Morning Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, Sept. 29th-- Sunday School will meet with Congregation. Parents are urged to bring children to this Service. 11.00 a.m.--No Sunday School Classes. 10 a.m.--Rally Day Services The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Sunday, Sept. 29th-- 915 a.m.--PROSPECT 10.156 a.m.--MANCHESTER 11.15 a.m.--SCUGOG PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brown Sunday, Sept. 29th-- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship Monday, 7.00 p.m.-- Young People Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting --EVERYONE WELCOME-- NOTE--Services being held temporarily in the . Municipal Offices. SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Sunday, September 29th 11.00 a.m.--Preacher Rev. Gordon Hoult, B.A. 7.30 p.m.--Preacher--Reyv, H. N. Buntain, B.A, At the 7.30 Service The Toronto Lyric Male Choir will lead the singing and give a programme of sacred music. All are invited. Come early to secure seats. Prince Albert On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock™ accompanied his bro- ther Mr. and Mrs. J. Beacock, Nestleton, when all visited at a cottage of a cousin Miss E. Graham and McCrea relatives, Longford Mills. Mr. and Mrs, Tim Raines at- tended the funeral of his bro- ther Mr. Victor Raines. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson whose Tipplar pigeon won second prize in its class at the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur "Tim" Raines and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Fudge attended the funer- al of Tim's brother Mr: Victor Raines, Detroit. The deceased lived in this area at one time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton were pleasantly surprised last Thursday to be visited by cous- ins they had not met for forty years. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Ballard and son of Savannak, Georgia, SOMES (MO) mw a) =) a a a SELL and BUY THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE PORT PERRY STAR PHONE 985-2331 Lats J proven SOT it