Iv Preshylery Of United Church September Meeting In Oshawa Oshawa Presbytery of The United Church of Canada met | on Wednesday, September the 26th, in Simcoe St. United Chyrch, Oshawa, During the morning session an impressive ceremony took place when Mr. Peter R. Foffat, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Moffat of Simcoe St. United Church was received as a candidate for the ministry. Following his reception, the new candidate was presented with a Book of Common Order. Mr, Moffat has entered the first year of aniveysity at Victoria Coliege,*®oronto. An elder brother Richard, who also is a candidate for the ministry has entered the second year of theol- ogy at Emmanuel College, Tor- onto, The president of The Bay of Quinte Conference, Rev. A. E. Larke, of Albert St. United Church, Oshawa addressed the assemply. Mr. Larke spoke of the interest the church has for Oct. 10 FO | (GD) S|) GD) SE) a an Hag am Notice Of HYDRO INTERRUPTION Wednesday, October 16, 1963 12: 45 - 4:15 p.m. PORT PERRY VILLAGE Your co-operdtion is appreciated A. T. COX, Chairman, Hydro Commission particular value in studying the rural scene Rev. Basil Long of Orono, on behalf of a Rural Life Committee told of plans! to visit each rural charge. Mr, Stanley Lancaster, a Ca- pital Funds Director of The | United Church outlined tite pro- gress being made in the 'Stew- ardship Campaign presbytery is conducting. Although the presbytery's Church Extension Council would appreciate addi- tional funds to expand its work, he emphasized that charges are being asked to try and increase their stewardship in all aspects, not just financial. Within the next month, Mr. Lancaster to- gether with other informed lay- men will visit each charge to explain the plan. Presbytery learned that dur- ing the week of October the 27, three leading churchmen will carry out a mission within the area. Rev. Kenneth H. Prior, B.S.A, L.L.D.,, Field Secretary companied by his wife Pear, a graduate nurse. For over 30 years they served agricultural missions in Nigeria and Angola, Africa. Mrs. Prior also did medical work wherever they served. The third member of the group will be Rev. Douglas R. Pilkey, B.A., Field Secretary for the church's Missionary and Maintenance Department in this conference. ON SALE THIS WEEK-END, WED. - SAT., OCT. 2 - 5, at Your CARLOAD FOOD MARKET PRINCE ALBERT HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. Tins 2-39 " | Evaporated MILK 16 oz. Tins 2 - 31 -- DUNCAN HINES Devils Food or White CAKE MIXES 19 oz. Pkgs. 2-83 This Week's MEAT FEATURES FRESH SHANKLESS Ib. PICNICS . ... . 37 ms FRESH LEAN Ib. PORK BUTTS ... dT FRESH MEATY | || With SPARE RIBS ... 57 MAPLE LEAF 1b, Pkg. WIENERS .. 45 MAPLE LEAF 6 oz. Pkg. BOLOGNA ........ 19 - OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS Daily 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. 'Tuesday 8:30 to '1:00 p.m. Winner BRUCE SNELGROVE a $5.00 order or over Phone 985-2492. Liquid Detergent MIR 2 24 oz. [§ (4.1; f0OD MARKLTS Red Bose TEA BAGS 75¢. its people, but pointed out the | PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., OCT. 3rd, 1963-- 5 for World Missions will be ac-| LETTER TO THE EDITOR Cub Master Requests Assistance As many of our readers are | | aware, we had a cub camp sit- | | uated at Mr, Roy Scott's farm, | Seagrave on the Nonquon river, We had an eating shelter 20 x 28, 4 sleeping cabin 12 x 16, a kitchen 10 x 12 and a covered fireplace for cooking. During the fall of 1962 some prank- sters broke into the kitchen and broke or destroyed dishes and cutlery enough to serve 60 boys and leaders We had a cement tile well, which during the month of August 1963 had the cement top removed and filled half full of rubbish including the pump which they had previ- ously destroyed. This was not enough--they burnt the sleep- ing cabin and contents, the heat from which burnt off the posts supporting the west side of the eating shelters. Why? -- this behaviour makes us wonder, why we spend the hours we do to help the boys living all over the Province, to become better citizens. Mr. Scott could very easily have lost his bush as well as his neighbor's Bush. Thank goodness there was no wind or so it would seem at 'the time, for the fire did not spread. I have spent much time at | this camp and have had many | busy as well as enjoyable times | with the cubs.- | At the present time we are sadly in need of leaders. Mr. Eric Lane has found it neces- sary to give up the leadership of A Pack, is it leaves them without a leader. I have C. Pack, which meets on Wednes- day evening, and I am going to assist A Pack on Thursday for a few evenings, as the boys are calling asking when is A Pack going to start. I cannot con- tinue to run two packs, so won't someone please come to my assistance, thank you. Do not forget the paper drive on Saturday, Oct. 5th at 9.00 am. Again I ask for help-- Ladies or gentlemen. Their is a leaders training course at Camp Sam Mac on Oct. 18, 19, 20. The group committee pays your registration. Your District Cub Master, | Stanley Ploughman ! come IN AND TRY THE ALL-NEW Slonim: 'HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Only 18Y2 LBS. (less bar ond chain) MODEL _ 9 ONLY 19 LBS. (less bar ond chain) o New 'Slim-Trim' design for easier hondling. eo New easily accessible con- trols. eo New smooth, free-breathing | operation for cutting. e New low parts prices. GET A FREE trouble-free DEMONSTRATION TODAY! BOYNTON FARM EQUIPMENT General Repairs and Service R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. An Anrnouncement in the Public Interest ~ ONTARIO ARTHAS Briefs Invited on the Subject of the Proposed MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANGE The Government of Ontario has appointed an Enquiry which: 1. Having regard to the maintenance of the physical and material well-being of the people of Ontario, and the social, economic and health benefits to be achieved through the establishment and operation of a feasible medical services insurance programine, shall... Examine and enquire into, hold meetings for the study and discussion of, receive representations in connection with mat- ters related to, and consonant with, the basic principles, pur- poses and objectives of Bill 163 of the 1962-63 session of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario respecting Medical Services Insurance. 2. After due study and consideration, to make recom- - mendations and report upon matters enquired into under the terms set out herein as the commissioners see fit to the Prime Minister and Executive Council of Ontario. Notifications of intention to file briefs should be submitted on or before October 11th and actual briefs (25 copies) no later than November 15th to the Secretary. * DR. J. GERALD HAGEY Chairman T. C. CLARKE, Secretary Room 418, 67 College St. Toronto 1 Telephone 365-4024 "23, RA lll ll etl ll A, Ss,