AV AUCTION SALE 50 HEAD OF GRADE AND PURE-BRED HOLSTEINS, COWS AND HEIFERS. "FRESH AND CLOSE TO CALVING" MILK SHIPPERS REPLENISH YOUR QUOTAS NOW. Tuesday, November 12, 1963 at 1.30 p.m. These cattle have been carefully selected by our buyers for this special Auction Sale. All catte are vaccinated. T.B. and Brucellosis accredited area. Terms cash, unless otherwise arranged before sale time. No reserve. Sale to be held at the farm of Kahn Bros., Brooklin, Ont. on No. 7 Highway, first farm West of Brooklin. Across from Brooklin sub-division. Com 2/89 55% Sockey? Va size © 1 \h. Bag b or. 0 | | | | | i Mr. da | Hopkins were Tuesday evening! ' guests of Mr. Murs. Ashburn News By Vera Leach The sincere sympathy of the | community is extended to Mr. {and Mrs. Lambert Kroes and. family in the death of Mrs. TKroes' father in an accident in: Holland last week. Mrs. Edgar Heron; Mrs. Rus- sell Batten and Mrs. ton attended a | Training School for C.0.C. Ex- | plorers and C. G. I. T. Leaders at Lindsay on Saturday. = Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins; and Mrs. Wm. Hopkins; Mrs, W. Hopkins Sr.; Hopkins and Mr. Walter and Mrs. James Peddie, Claremont. Mrs. H. Doble spent the week- end with her sons in Toronto. Mrs. Edgar Reynolds; Mus, Thank-Offering meeting in St. Luke's Presbyterian The Sacrament of Holy Com- " munion was observed in Burn's Church on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at: with Rev. H. Bun- 11.30 a.m. tain in chargé. During the service Mrs. W. Hamilton, Messrs. Alfred Fish- t er and. Roy. Gaudaur. sang. -. _ PRICES EFFECTIVE -- ~ NOVEMBER 6-7-8-9 G. Middle- | Leadership | Miss Hil- | Heron; Mrs. A.|a pleasant evening. M. Sparks and: C. Harrison attended the Church, | ' Oshawa on Wednesday evening. ' COTTAGE ROLL LEAN MEATY FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS .... 5% MAPLE LEAF RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON ........ 65 v PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOV, 7th, 1963--15 Minor Softball Association Elect Executives F or '64 Season By Vin Walker -- The Port Perry and District Minor Softball Association held a general meeting on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, to clean up the final business for 1963 season. " Don Cochrane 1st Vice Presi- . dent chaired the meeting in the absence of President Carl Luke. Treasurer Elmer Lee reported that the Association will have | almost $400.00 in the bank to start off the 1964 season. A report on the banquet was given with 114 in with every one present enjoying Three new directors were in- stalled in the Executive; Joe Fowler; Don Gray and Chas. Bourgeois, three very good soft- ball men who will be of great help to the Executive. Directors Tod Becker and attendance | John Boothman resigned their' posts and it was with regret . that these were accepted. Both men were fine workers in the -organizing. of.. this. association Hast year-and--it--is hoped-they remain in a coaching capacity. Three amendments were dis- cussed for the 1964 Softball Convention in Owen Sound on April +13 'and 4; to raise the Squirt age from 10 years to 11 vears; to split the Squirt, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget series into an A and B series (A over 10,000 population, B under 10,- 000 pop). and to change the Bantam pitching distance to 40 ft. from the present 35 ft., the base length to 55 ft. Plans for a Bantam league in the area were discussed as well as the forming of a Junior Club; both these items were tabled to the first meeting in the spring. It was agreed to call a meet- ing about the first of March, 1964 to prepare for the new season. This brought to a conclusion the first season of the Port Perry and District Minor Soft- ~ball--Assoeciation:- $33333313282383382828282808283082828888282828888888882828228282288888828282288228282282888888888888888888288820888888888 BARGAIN HUNTER LEAN, ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM 2 GAL 79¢ MILD, CURED, Whole or Half SWEET PICKLED or PEAMEAL 39" LB. 1 Lb. Pkg. 1 Lb. Pkg. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS .... 45 "We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. CALIFORNIA EMPEROR No. 1 GRADE Grapes 2-25 DOZ. ORANGES .......... 50 ANJOU PEARS . 5 for 35 QT. BOX BRUSSEL SPROUTS . 25 FRASERVALE Frozen 2-1b. pag Feury Peas ..... 39 14 oz. Pkg. ¢ Potato Chips BY AO 3 VALENTIA SWEET & JUICY HOSPITALITY "yo Each { ¢ Raisin Pie ...... 39 7 B.C., EXTRA FANCY Angelus White or Coloured 1-lb. Pkg. ; ¢ Marshmallows .. 39 ite A NO. 1 GRADE RASPBERRY Each GEIR : oD x ¢ Sponge Cake ... 35 CHOICE CUT CHUMA-2¢ OFF DOMESTIC--2¢ OFF York Wax Beans ... MAPLE LEAF PEAR SHAPED CANNED HAMS SHORTENING UR | | Maple Lea Lard ... CANADA PACKERS Bargain Hunters Specials 15 oz. Ting 2-29 1%; 1b. Pin: 51.38 15 oz. Tins DOG FOOD ....... 8-69 1-1b. Pkg. 1-1b. Pkgs. 2-3% Remember! at BEARE MOTORS YOU GET A CHANCE TO WIN A - IGA FOOD CERTIFICATE Last Week's Winner was MR. L. ANDREWS, Simcoe St., S., Pt. Perry HOPE IGA MARKET Port Perry Ontario LUCKY DRAW WINNERS AT HOPE'S 1.G.A 1st Prize--Mr. F. Vickery, R.R. 4 Port Perry ($15.00 Food Voucher) 2nd Prize--Mrs. M. Rodd, Greenbank (Christmas Cake) . 3rd Prize--Mrs, Dunsmoor, Blackstock (Christmas Cake) . LAST FRIDAY. 4th Prize--Mrs. Carol Slack, Uxbridge (Christmas Cake) 5th Prize--Mr. H. Hughes, Port Perry (1 Case Pop) 6th Prize--Murs. P. Jemmett, Port Perry (1 Case Pop)'