hy Re: PR CARA AT i YR a IR] % ey Ee 4g Ay Ps I, #5 > to the point where the Session PORT PERRY STAR, THURS., NOV. 14th, 1963 --11 Repor i From Pp arliament cannot end until this essential By Michael Starr, M.P. | Christmas. The program is . 4 yf PP Li | subject, of course, to the speed taxpayers of the country. (now finds' itself In the same On Monday, November 4th,| ith which Parliament is able| The Prime Minister pointed | position. v ) g - The matter of appointing an-' at the beginning of the day's ) out that the essential Bill a , aie » 3) sitting, the Prime Minister fo Seal hon lo out pre-| mending the Income Tax Act| Other Minister of Agriculture made a statement on Govern-| viously, the most argent busi- ment plans for the considera-| ness before the house of Com- tion of business during the re-| mons at the moment is the pleted. ing deferred. No reason was Next in priority, he said, is given for this deferment. had to be dealt with and com- | for Eastern Canada is also be-| mainder of this Session. He| completion of the consideration | the Bill to deal with surcharges | The establishment of a Cana-, expressed the hope that the|of Estimtaes of the various De-|°D imports order. [diay Devélabment Corporation Session would end before partments. It has n : The aniendmonis to the al p %8 NOW, COME! nical and Vocational Train- ing Assistance Act, he said, | s surance are important and since this | Unemployment Insurance Act. matter is now in the form of] One of the most important per, the Government hopes, ada Pension Plan and this also | . . that the amendments will fol-| has been deferred until the low prior to the end of the| neXt Session of Parliament. Session. I'his decision is based on the Another matter, he pointed | necessity of further discussions «Cl . - out, that the Government hopes | at the *Tederal- Provincial Con- | to have considered. is the re. | ference which is to be held. be- ginning November 25th. istri i ( nstituencies " : . . gl 5 We Ky on 'th oHese ig bi al % wat ty HE icy and legislation were all . 3 Tel S R * - 3 . WIRING last census. ) . part of the program outlined. hy Some of the important items the Government in the Throne | of legislation have been shelved Speech at the beginning of "until Parliament meets again! (his Session. This, at present, , after the New Year. One is is the situation as far as the | the Columbia River situation. work of the House of Commons | There has been a great deal of ' is concerned. 'delay in implementing this. Upon the completion of the has been postponed, as well as, the consideration of the report | of the Gill Commission on the | work has been completed. The | ment had hoped to deal with saying that this Session of prime responsibility of the | this matter expeditiously, it| Parliament began with a Speech from the Throne. The pro- gram of business was for the ensuing Session. Since we had not made much progress on the contents of that.- Speech, he said, the statement made by the Prime Minister this day could be taken as another Speech from the Throne. He labelled it a 'revised bill of fare'. This situation reminds us of the budget and the re- | treats that were made from the "original intentions. a Resolution on the Order Pa- | Pieces of legislation 1s the Can- PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRIC | Agreement, because of the po- Prime Minister's statement a sition taken by the Govern- number of comments were made Ph 985 4713 P irl P | ment of British Columbia. The by various representatives of one - 0 erry former Government experienc-| the opposition parties. The ed the same difficulties and al- | N.D.P. member for Winnipeg. a ----------------me rere, tHOUBH the present' "Govera-t North Centre started out by OC is a Jack-Of-All-Trades. Masterful too. At Oshawa Shopping Centre you can find watch, shoe, and camera repairs, hair- cutting, permanent waving, dry-cleaning, banking, bowling alleys, dining, personal financing. In fact, OC offers you 54 interesting, well-laid-out shops (including a major department store). There's more to see, more to choose from. You'll find everything your family needs--or needs done. Enjoy OC's complete one-stop shop- ping, free parking, fashion selection, and covered mall. Make it a habit. It's a good one. We now have had a number of Non - Confidence Motions. There is one more to be intro- duced, and this will be done on Tuescday, November 12th. Following the disposition of a Non-Confidence Motion, on the second day of the debate, there usually is a little more than one hour left. This is consumed by the Members of the House in bringing forward grievances on a great many subjects. One of the grievances that has been discussed is the eva- siveness of Ministers in an- swering questions put to them 'by Members of the opposition ; parties. As one Member, who has been in the House for a great many--years; representing "the C.C.F. and now the N.D.P., "commented. in effect. that in "the interesting place to shop" ; w "Roe: : HOW 10 GET THERE. FROM HIGHWAY 401 EASTBOUND ~ exit at Thickson Road, take North or South Side Road east to Stevenson Road, then north on Stevenson Road. "OM HIGHWAY 401 WESTBOUND -- Exit at Park Road, north on Park Road to EImgrove Avenue, west on Elmpro.c. - experience. all of the years he has been in Parliament. he has never witnessed more evasiveness by Ministers as he has experien- ced now. Patronage is another favour- ite subject for discussion dur- ing the time when grievances are being aired. Since this Government took over the reins of office patronage is much more evident. fs SN : ~ Co) 3 Peoplein every walk of life go out of their way for 'hlue coal'. Because 'blue coal' in your furnace means safe, clean, dependable warmth in your home. 'blue coal' is colour marked for your protection. Get 'blue coal'--a warm 5077 'blue@ coal' Reesor Fuel and Lumber PORT PERRY 985-7951 pre