14---PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOV. 14th, 1963 Brownies and Leaders attended. | Camp and family. Jim Mott, Sudbury. s. J. A. Johnston, a repre- Glad to report Mrs, Geo.i Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKee; ds of the Silver Star Skelding and Mrs. Jean Me- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mckee; M4. y Mothers placed the Township of | Laughlin able to be home from and Mrs, Lorence o illar 1 BLACKSTOCK NEWS Cartwright Wreath and Mr. | Bowmanville Vhospital and Mr. | Arnold and Barrie, y. onwich Alex Carruthers, Port Hope, the | Bill Taylor progressing favor- | were Sunday hnes gues S 0 : Province of Ontario Wreath, ably in Oshawa hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Bill SrEyson. , Two very fine anniversary |t¥o solos, "My Task" and "Just| py Bert Gibson read the Hon-| Mrs. Chas. Smith and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Chester i son, oa services were held fn' the Unit- | fox Today". CL or Roll. | Percy VanCamp spent Wednes- Kincardine, | we! 8 Yael: ad , ----- i ed Church.Sunday. Rev: HG Bnutitulipagged mums in the ~ Mp and Mrs. Oscar Graham, ! day," Thursday and Friday at'guests of Myr. an rs. Bi i : "hifire e i : . ; ; $ In- J Miss Joyce, and Lester B.A., B.D. of Kingston, United Chtir¢h Sunday were in ,.companied by Mr. and Mrs. | the Central Avea Women's In Forder and yee, at who is Superintendant of Mis- memory of loved ones passed gj) ns Port Perry spent | stitute convention in the Royal | called on sever) othe; friands. sions for Bay of Quinte Con- | on and placed there by Mr. and {eo week-end in Hamilton. | York, Toronto, | Messrs. Brian a olin Jam. ference was guest speaker and' Mrs. Gilbert Marlow and Mr. A family gathering in honor | Mr. and Mys. Anson Taylor, ilton and Merlin Suggitt spen delivered two excellent serm-|and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and of the 35th wedding anniver- | Scarboro; Mr, and Mus. Arnold | last week at the Suggitt Camp ons. His subject in the morn- | children. sarys of Mr. and Mrs. Court-| Taylor and girls; Mr. and Mrs. | near Burks Falls, deer hunting. ing was "What Mean Ye by| Canon Ashmore delivered a ney Graham and Mr. and Mrs. | Roy Taylor and Mrs. J. Forder Brian was fortannis. In Betiing these Stones?" and in the even- fine sermon on the subject of Wilbur Toms was held at the| were Sunday evening dinner |. deer. Matlin has Sono dap ? ing "Widening Horizons". In| Remembrance in St. John's' home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sangh) t 13 weak pau ot oa Pp. the morning the choir sang the | Church Sunday morning. Graham and family Nov. 3rd.| Murray and girls, Cresswe l. Sat 3% Nae Anthem "Praise the Lord Oh! The Community Hall was Guests beside the above men-| Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor apn ay Tes i Ao to Jerusalem' 'and Mr. Ken Hal-' filled Monday morning for the! tioned were Miss Joyce Gra- | leave the last of this month for | 0 red Boor (Monde) io lett, Port Perry sang a solo-- impressive Remembrance Day |ham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- | an Educational Tour of Russia | Oakville y y i i i i : Mrs. J. Roy Ferguson of West "The Earth is the Lord's" At Service conducted by Rev. F.| Laughlin and family, Mr. and and England. \ oly the evening service Mrs. Phy-!: Swann, Bowmanville. The| Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and fam-| Miss Betty McArthur spent' Bank, B.C., who will be visit H SP . . ois . . N . . . 3 te a. lis Barr, Bowmanville sang' Scouts, Guides, Cubs andlily, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Van! the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ig jelatives in Us aren. , Port Perry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Gra- [|] | ham, . : hi Winne I'S Mrs. Vine Cain, Toronto, | na spent the week-end with Mr. and Ys, 24 Haris. 5 : ! Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred 'Brown, ] In top picture to the left Mrs. Barbara, Wendy and Debby, . E. M. Culp presenting the Osh-1 0, ti0c6' and Debbie Norris, awa and District University | Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Women's Club Scholarship to Barber and Laurie, Oshawa, Bonnie Wallace. To the right, were Sunday guests of Mr. and } ¢ Mrs. David Enge presenting, Mrs. Bob Brian and family. the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Misses Isabel Henry, .Bow- Port Perry Legion Scholarship | manville and Shirley Carter, ..to_Bruce Ballinger. In centre Maple Grove were week-end picture are the four top award, guests of Mrs. Lewis Henry. winners from left Keith Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Maunt- winner of the Atkinson Foun- joy visited Mr. and Mrs, Leith dation Bursary, Leslie Morgan, | Byers Sunday. the Dominion Bursary and the rs. Margaret Carley and Governor's Scholarship of Mc-| Miss Anne spent the week-end - Master University, Bruce Ball- | with Mr. and Mrs. [arold inger, the Ontario Scholarship Swain. and family. and the Dominion Provincial Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce and Scholarship, Bonnie: Wallace the | children Port Perry visited, Mr. p Ontario Scholarship 'and the! and Mrs. Wes Bearce and Mrs, Bell Scholarship, Queen's Uni- Crawford Wednesday evening. versity. In the bottom picture A good. number of 1a ies en- are the honour graduates..From | joyed the bus trip, to. Toronto left in back row: Robert Jeffs, | Wednesday. Seme., nde. the Leslie Morgan, Bruce Ballinger,' Women's Institute conyention, % ¢ i A a : James Ross, Lloyd Wilson, some shopped and others visit- § Keith Wilson, Front Row: Sus-| ed. i an Adderley, Dorothy Tripp,| Mrs. Alma Fowler is visiting 1 ; Bonnie Wallace, Mildred Mar-| in Oshawa. FFTHAN * i Ly Ra tyn. Star Photos Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam- : ; : jells and girls, Bowmanville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells. Misses Elaine Mountjoy, Kingston; Gertrude Henry and Doris Griffin, Toronto, spent the week-end at their respective 4 o | homes. |Greenbank W.I. The regular meeting of Greenbank W.I. was held on go i" Oct. 16th at the home. of (Mrs. A. Couves. After the opening procedures, : the 'President. :wel- comed the visitors and thanked the group in charge. The Roll Call was answered by members | reading an interesting article on "Home & Country". Moved : and seconded and carried that I or the Institute pay half the cost of wiring the hall. 'Moved and seconded that the delegate be given $26.00 for expenses. It was moved and seconded that thank you letters be written to the one who loaned the stove for use of our "Creative 'Cook- o " ery Class, also to 'the Shorgas 'Co. "Ltd. Five conveners gave reports. i a "Mrs. Couves, Public Relations Convener gave a sumpiary of 'her' recent "trip to 'thé British Isles and Continent. The meet- ing closed with reading by Mrs. Anderson and the singing of © a 1'the Queen & Institute Grace. Lunch was served to 19 'mem- bers and five visitors.. a. . Two carloads of. Greenbank ladies had -an enjoyable after- - noon among Pickering ladies, celebrating their fifty-fifth An- niversary. ; The Greenbank W.I. will hold 8 its monthly meeting on Nov. 20th, 8.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H, McMillan. Motto -- A Compliment is a § gift that should not be thrown away carelessly. Roll Call-- Favourite Book I've read. Hos- | tesses--Mrs. H. McMillan, Mrs. # oh G. Blair, Mrs. R. Cookman. In order to give better ser- vice 'to subscribers and -ad- "vertisers the 'Star now has two new telephone numbers. » ~The number to dial is 985- 1383. : | If this number is busy, your call will "antomatjeally switch over to' the second number 985-7384. : & i --_-- - i --o------