9) L n a [24d hw - \ ~~ "NOINMATION and 'NO. 1--At Community Hall, MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Village of Port Perry | NOMINATION MEETING | Public Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Village of Port Perry that I require the | presence of the Electors in the | Court Room of the Municipal! Offices on Monday, December 2, 1963 from 17.30 to 8.30 p.m. for the nomination of candi- | dates for: Reeve; Deputy-Reeve ! | Councillors; Public School | Trustees and Hydro-Electrie! Commissioners. Nominations must be in writing and signed by two electors. In the event of a! Poll being required, votes will be taken on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1963! between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. ,and the following will be the places for holding the said Election in the different Polling Sub-Divisions and Re- turning Officers thereof; viz: | POLLING SUB-DIVISION #1 | --Municipal Office, Leonard! D. Colbear, D.R.O. POLLING SUB-DIVISION #2] --United Church Basement, | A. Cecil Heayn, D.R.O.. | POLLING SUB-DIVISION #3 --The Parish Hall, of the Church of Tscension, Joseph Allen, D.R.O. Nov. 28 J. F-RAINE ELECTION NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF REACH | The Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH) are hereby notified that no-! minations for the offices of | REEVES and COUNCILLORS: and Township School Areal Board to form the Council of said Township for 1964 and two Trustees for School Area Board: for: 1964 will be held in the' TOWNSHIP HALL, MAN-' CHESTER Saturday, Novem-! ber 23, 1963, at one o'clock in| the afternoon and in the event! of a Poll being required, the votes of the electors will be! taken on TUESDAY, the 3rd day of DECEMBER, 1963 be- | tween the hours of 10.00 a.m. '_ and 7.00 p.n., at' hy roljgwing places, viz: Electoral Polling Sub-Divisions Utica NO. 2--Gordon Jeffrey's House, Epsom NO. 3--Walter Richardson, Lot 6, Con. 11. NO. 4--At Hall, Greenbank NO. 5--William Keene's ___ House, Seagrave -- - NO. 6--Lou Bond's House, Prince Albert NO. 7--Ernie Willerton's House, Cedar Creek NO. 8--Township Hall, Manchester NO. 9--Hill's Store, Saintfield Clerk's Office, Manchester, Nov, 7th, 1963 wr ALEX. JOHNS, Returning Officer Auction Sales | SAT. NOV. 23rd -- Auction Sale of Furniture, the property of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Midgley at Bert Midgley's residence, Prince Albert. Terms Cash! Sale at 1.30 p.m. C. Heayn, Clerk. Nov. 21 TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. MON., NOV. 25--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Cattle, Imple- ments, Tractor, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the property of Jack | Graziotto, Lot 6, Con. 2, Mari- | posa Twp. at Fingerboard. Terms Cash, Farm Sold... No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Roy Scott, Cler. Noy. 21 | TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. WED., NOV. 27th--C lete Holstein Dispersal, Marydale Herd, Accredited, Listed, Vace.,! Classified, property of Ronald J. Stiver, 7 miles north of Ux- » Farming, Auction Sale of Live- [1961 Chevrolet-Impala- 6-eyl.-- 1959 Olds." 2-door hardtop, | Auction Sales SAT., NOV. 30th--Giving up stock and Implements, 1962 B 414 Int. Tractor, new Plough : and Cultivator, 36 Purebred &|Mrs. Mildred Hope and Lekie Grade Holsteins, Milkingl|Love. A film, "Paul's Early Equipment, Hay, Grain & Straw | Life," conducted by Robert the property of Walter Steiner, [Jeffs and narrated by Mrs. L. Lot 2, Con. "12, North Half | Beacock. of Reach Twp, 2 Concessions] Thursday evening a S.S. south of Victoria Cor's and 1|meeting was held in the church mile east, or 4 miles northeast | Parlours. Mr. Linstead opened of Uxbridge. Terms 'Cash, | the meeting with prayer. Supt. No Reserve as Owner is Giving | Mr. E. Martyn tabled the meet- Al S. S. birthday greetings to up Farming. Machine Sale at ing. After various reports were | Mr. 1.30 p.m. Cattle Sale at 2.30 heard, discussions arose per- p.m. Ward Holmes and Jack | taining to. Christmas functions. Graham, Clerks. | Therefore tentative plans are CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer |being arranged for White Gift Nov. 21 - 28 !Service on Dec. 8. Christmas rconcert booked for Dec. 10. Plus | several other concerns settled, | Brock Motor Sales prior to adjourning. The G.N.S. Club met at the! You are invited to come in and view the 1964 Chevrolet {home of Mrs. Wm. Peel. The! | meeting opened by all repeating! cars and trucks. USED CARS the Lord's Prayer in unison. The president, chaired the business. read by Mrs. 1963 Mercury 4-door sedan, 6-cyl., radio, low mileage 1962 Chevrolet sedan 6-cyl., very clean, low mileage Minutes Dorothy Hope. Kennedy. The gift of money for Christmas has been sent to! | the chosen boy. And each mem-| ber contributed an article for his February birthday. Such gifts as pieces of clothing and games, ete. were received to be packed and mailed immediately. | Mrs. F. Middleton was given | authority to purchase a gift for a member, Mrs. F. Canning, who underwent surgery. Everyone is aware of the Plymouth coach coming-up dance -- tickets are 19556 Pontiac coach ; Pa a 23 . | available. Miniature plans are 1960 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up | jn the making for a Valentine One 1963 Chevrolet truck in dance. 4-door hardtop, automatic & radio very clean 1958 Pontiac 6-cyl. AT 1968 Chev. 4-door sed radio, G-cyl. 1965 stock for immediate deli- It was the wish of all to very at substantial savings sponsor a rummage sale, Friday For A Better Buy! afternoon and evening, Nov. Better Try! |Noy. 22nd. at the recreation room of Mrs. J. Brain. Maybe you own a coat, blouse or skirt that you are willing to discard, fine for that _ 'someone'. - Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs. F. Gibson. Few minor details discussed re- garding same. ' Meeting closed by all repea- . iting the Mizpah Benediction. CHURCH OF ASCENSION | . ANGLICAN BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 235, Sunderland, Ont. A General Motors Chevrolet- Church Services Kennedy and Mrs. Brain. Hot plate served by Mrs. O. Program provided by Mrs. | PORT PERRY STAR, THURS. NOV. 21st, 1963--9 Prince Alpert News | Mrs. O. Brown BU¢st speaker. Rev. Owen R. Orr, M.A. S.T.B. Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1963-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11.30 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School. 7 p.m.--Holy Communion, PORT PERRY - UNITED CHURCH - Rev. E. S. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1963-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m --Kindergarten and Nursery ) 11 a.m.--Morning- Worship ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A., Minister Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1963-- 10.00 a.m.----Church Service 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School Kennedy and Mrs. L. Beacock. Wednesday afternoon our church parlours proved a bee- hive of activity for the annual bazaar. At 2:30 our pastor's wife, Mrs. Linstead voiced an | appropriate message and of- ficially declared the bazaar open. Immediately the prospec- tive buyers from here and there were greeted by the conveners land helpers of various sections. i The bake table laden with ap- petizing foods and Jellies dis- appeared in seconds. The popular aprons of all sizes and colors were sprightly picked up. The sewing and novelty counter exhibited a fan- tastic display of Christmas sug- gestions. The . kiddy corner really paid off, especially on the arrival of the school age. The tea tables revealed lad- ies sparing 4 few more minutes to chat and sip. Appreciation is extended to all who attended taking time from their busy The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. C. C. Gilbert, B.D. Winter Schedule Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1963-- SCUGOG--10.16 a.m, hedule. MANCHESTER--11.15 am. | © ¢C"¢ PROSPECT---1.16 p.m. Mrs. L. Huston has returned ---- from a few days in Toronto. Her father, Mr. F. Wickett hav- ing undergone surgery. Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn and family 11.00 a m.--Morning Worship | were Mr. and Mrs. Wurster and 7.00 PT Worentay family of Niagara Falls and Monday, 7.00 p.m.-- . |Mr. James Noakes, Oakwood. Wadi ne People : INET terme yr Inesday, 8 p.m.-- For the latest PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--J. H. Brewn Sunday, Nov. 24th, 1963-- 9.50 a.m.--Sunday School ---~EVERYONE WELCOME-- Prayer Meeting NOTE--Services being held LIVESTOCK MARKET bridge, at Leaskdale, on Wed., | Nov. 27th, Terms Cash. Sale at 1 O'Clock, Orvan Chambers, | Pedigree Announcements, ! . TED JACKSON, LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneers Nov. 21. ; SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd -- | Auction Sale of household fur- niture, antiques, car, refriger- ator, electric stove, radio, rock- | ing chairs, bedroom suites, tables and chairs, 1931. Ford | coupe, runs excellent -- body | like new. Selling at the Pre | perty of the late JOHN WHIT- NEY, 106 Toronto St. south, Uxbridge (opposjte Medical, Centre). Sale at 1.30 p.m. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer | Wed., 8 temporarily in the QUOTATIONS, Municipal Offices. F ARM INFORMATIONS PENTECOSTAL CHURCH : and Pastors R, Batten & I. MacLean oa, 10 a.m.--Sunday School GOOD MORNING MUSIC 11 a.m.--Morning' Worship : 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service listen to p.m.-- Prayer & Bible Study. 4" 4/C0-OP CORNER --| 1570 on your dial CFOR, Orillia UXBRIDGE CO-OP 'Uxbridge, 862-3321 or If you are in Need of JOB PRINTING Call PORT PERRY STAR PHONE : 985.7383 Port Perry Zenith 84130 Dr. and Mrs. D. B. McAdam | and family of Toronto were | Sunday dinner guests with their | cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and family. Miss Mildred Martyn and Miss Beth Nookum, Toronto spent the week-end at the Al Martyn's. Both are in-training. Company with Mr. and Mrs. B, Snelgrove were their son, Robert Snelgrov, Pickering College and Miss Jean Taylor | -- of Greenbank, 'in-training at Whitby. Mr. Robert Jeffs, 'Teachers' College, Toronto with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffs. Needless to say our commun- ity was shocked to learn the tragic car accident in which Mr. Ron Porter, Oshawa was a fatal victim. The Porter family resided in our village some 12 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove accompanied Mr. and Mrs. D. Milne, Port Perry when all at- tended Little Theatre, Oshawa on Wednesday evening. GREENBANK NEWS Next Sunday morning church service will be in charge of the U.C.W. with Mrs. Mabel Stevens of Newmarket as the! Several Greenbank ladies at-, | tended the bazaar at Pinedale mond pil R lon Wed. afternoon of last week. evenin 'ere in Toronto to see [reasurer's report by Mrs. O. pn ¢ b Sroming were 1 Harry Guy had the hon- our of opening the bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Malyon of Uxbridge were Sunday guests | of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baird. -- Several from here---attended L the funeral of the late William ' { Bagshaw of Sunderland on Mon- day afternoon. Sympathy is ex- tended to the family in their. bereavement. Miss Olive Real of Port Perry' spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. Symonds of Uxbridge spent Sunday with the. { Neil Hunter family. Mr. and Mrs. K. Sweetman of Port Perry were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask. Mrs. Dave Thompson and Jim | spent the week-end with rel- | atives in Scarboro. i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kerry en-: tertained on Saturday evening! in honour of Mr and Mrs. H.! Thomas on their wedding an-, niversary. i Some 95 members and friends of the Pt. Perry United Church | Women, attended the Friend-| ship Tea, held in the Sunday School room, Tues., Nov. 12th. This tea was a new venture in' the social life of the U.C.W., and proved very successful. The atmosphere was indeed friendly, and all present enjoy- ed themselves to the utmost. Entering the Chureh we were mast graciously received by the Committee in charge, and a name tag was given to each one to wear. The Pres. of the U.C.W. Mrs. Merlin Dowson welcomed . the Ladies very cordially, and op- ened: the Programme with Prayer. Mrs, Wm. Moase and Mrs. Ben Pickard of Unit #4 conducted an educational Bible | Contest on the Book of John. Miss Diane Hall favoured with a solo, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Wes. Lane. Soft music was rendered throughout the afternoon by Mrs, Ted Jackson, Mrs. Wes. Lane and Mrs. Frank Godley. The services of Mrs. John Hoskin and Mrs. Mary Hardy were much fpnreciated in the nursery. The refreshments were served by Units #8 and 5. We'd like to express sincere! the Miss Susan was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beare spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bunker, Rich- Hill and on Saturday "Sound of Music". Misses Marjorie and Marion Bromell of Whitby at Miss M. Blair's over the week-end. Mr. Orvan Blakely and son, Bernie--of Pickering "visited at Gordon Blair's on Sunday. Mr. John Leask and Mr. N. Raines at the Royal this week. John is assisting with the Ro- . mandale herd of cattle and Neil with the Elmeroft herd. Mrs. Tomlinson has gone to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Bar- ker of Madoc. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Art Couves who celebrated i their silver wedding anniversary last Saturday. A surprise party arranged by their daughters marked the happy occasion. We are sorry to report the death of at Newmarket of Mrs. Frank Moore, a former resi- dent of this community. Mrs. Henry Leask and Lucille visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask last week. UCW. TEA WELL ATTENDED thanks to the Committee, and to all others who contributed to the success of this social event. * *k * UNIT #3 Mrs.- Harold Honey was hos- tess for the Nov. meeting of Unit #3 with 7 members and 1 visitor present. The leader Mrs. Stan. Ploughman opened the meeting with a Remem- brance Day Hymn. Mrs. Aubrey Buchner gave an interesting review of the Study Book "On Asia's Rim" and a discussion period follow- ed. The Devotional was con- ducted by Mrs. A. Buchner, Mrs. E. Whitter and Mrs. S. Cawker, the theme being "Fruit of Peace". _ Mrs. H. Honey thanked mem- bers for assistance given for Congregational Banquet, and gave the list of food needed for . . the Friendship Tea and the Bazaar. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. Walker and Mrs. A. Buchner. oo The Dec. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G, Thomas, with Mrs. I. Wakeford and Mrs. A. Sandison providing lunch. address. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO. NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF : CEDAR POSTS SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. Separate Sealed Tenders marked Supply Contract No. SA-63-3564 will be received by the District Engineer, Department of Highways, 138 Hope Street, North, Box 129, Port Hope, Ontario, until 12.00 o'clock Noon E.S.T. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th; 1963 "Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender forms and envelopes m#&y be obtained by calling at or by mail ad- dressed to the District Engineer at thé above mentioned The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. | DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, SA-63-3564 ONTARIO ONTARIO.