~-- Womer one welcome. _ DANCE at CLUB BAYVIEW "GUIDE MOTHERS and Lindsay, Bo oh : ; (Classified Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum .60¢. Second or additional insertion .2¢ per word, minimum 40¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per verse. following publication. Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. insertion with four line Additional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not not paid by Friday Classified display .90¢ per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. Classified deadline 6.00 p.m. Tuesday. NOTICE CHANGE OF DATE - : n's Hospital Auxiliary. Date. and time of the Annual Meeting has been changed from November 18 to November 25 at 2.30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall. Nov. 21 ANNUAL MEETING Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held on Monday, Novem- ber 25th at 2:30 p.m. in Port Perry Municipal Hall. Every- | Nov. 21° | CHRISTMAS BAZAAR At the Church of the Ascen- sion. Parish Hall on Saturday, November 30, at 2 p.m. Tea Room, Novelties, Home Baking and . Delicatessen. , Sponsored by the Evening Guild. Nov.28 FLORIDA TOUR 22 days chartered air condi- tioned bus, personally conduct- ed. No night driving, excellent accommbodation, January 11 to, February 1. For information telephone 723-1927 or Bowman- ville 623-3265 or write Colmer | Travel Service, P.O, Box 631, Bowmanville. Nov, 28 Saturday, November 23rd. Sponsored by the Prince Albert Service -Club.--For information call 985-2000. 50-50 Draw will be made, Nov. 21 BAZAAR Raglan U.C.W. Bazaar, Sat., + Kandel and the nurses of the -- COMING EVENTS = CARD OF THANKS THANK, YOU We would like to thank our friends and -neighbours--for-the- received at the shower held at the home of Kay Jackson and the shower given by my Special Commer- cial Class mates. We would also, at this time like to ex- lovely gifts | press our appreciation for the lovely presentation given by the Scugog Community. As the years pass, we. will cherish these gifts and always remem- ber our Scugog friends. Jim & Bonnie Ballingall I would like to express my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends for their lovely cards, flowers, fruit, gifts and kind inquiries during my recent stay in the hospital. My spe- cial thanks to Dr. Rennie, Dr. Dr. Lee, and the nurses of the Oshawa General Hospital. 1 to Charles Brignall for rapid assistance. Beatrice Lee Thanks are extended to my relatives, neighbours & friends who sent me fruit, flowers and cards, during my stay in Ross Memorial Hospital, Also thanks to Drs. Hollows & -Woodman-and-staff: : Mrs, Ila Keen Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Boe wish to thank all their friends and neighbours for the many Nov. 23, at 2.30 p.m. in the Christian. Education Building. kind expressions of sympathy at the time of their bereave- | Bake "Sale, Tea Room and No-; ment. velties. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and TEA Of the United Church, Port | Perry U.C.W. will be held on! a dear Saturday, November 23, 1963 at | George Till, who passed away # | Nov. 24. 1961. 2.30 p.m. EUCHRE Utica Hall, Saturday, Nov. 28 at "830 p.m. Prizes. Lunch, Admission 50c. BINGO ; Thursday, November 21st at 8 pam. Sharp. Legion Hall, Bay St. Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Cana- Nov. 21! IN MEMORIAM TILL--In loving memory of husband and father, Lovingly remembered by his wife Edith, and family. of a dear mother and grand- mother, "Ada DeShane, passed away Nov. 21st, 1960. Mother, you are not forgotten, Though in earth you are no more, dian, Legion. Jackpot" $140.00. DIABETIC MEETING ; { To be held in McLaughlin | Hall, 338 Simcoe St. N., Osh-. awa, Thurs, Nov. 28, at 8.16 p.m. . Dr. Robert Ehrlick of Sick Children Hospital will be showing slides. Sponsored by the niothers group, Cow DOLL DRAW 'Dolls for the Hospital Auxi- liary Draw, Dec. 14th, will be 1st prize--+$60.00; 2nd prize-- $25.00, 3rd prize--$15.00. The regular monthly meeting of the Guide Mothers Auxiliary will be held at 8 p.m. on Tues- day, November 26th, at the home of Miss Marjorie Jarrett, 204 Casimir Street. © BIRTH * HOWSAM--Harold and Joyce wish to announce the arrival of their son Bradley: Grant on Still in memory you are with us As you always were befoer. Lovingly remembered by Harry, Edna and grand- b children Kathy and Ricky. DeSHANE--In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Ada DeShane, who passed away Nov. 21st, 1960. In my heart your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mother, I do not think of you. Lovingly remembered by, Audrey, Howard and grand- «children, Sharron and Howard. WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES---Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--n0¢ pair, 24 Hr. service--work guaranteed, Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box 590 turday, Nov, 9, 1963. A 10 a 4 Ph brother for Heather J Fa Uxbridge, Ont. . ; Dec, 26/68 * HELP WANTED | HELP WANTED -- Waitresses, full or part time. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel, Osh- awa, T.F. HELF WANTED -- Full or part-time. Apply to Flamingo Restaurant, Port Perry. T.F. MAN WANTED Immediately, for cutting in small bush. ply . in person. Fred Milne, Blackwater. Sunderland 3-r-3. HELP WANTED--Real Estate Salesman Wanted for Port Perry - Brooklin Area to start immediately, Full training program provided. We are members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board. Call or write: TOM SHEA Thos. N. Shea Ltd., Realtors MARKHAM, Ont. Phone Markham 294-1372 AVON TERRITORY OPEN Customers waiting to be served. Housewives can qualify. P.O. Box 512, Oshawa, Ont. MAN WANTED--Good nearby Rawleigh business now open, If willing to conduct Home Service Business with good profit, write Rawleigh's, Dept. K-343-45, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. HELP WANTED-- Applications will be received by the under- signed until December 2, 1963 Treasurer, Business Adminis- trator for the Central Ontario County District High School Board. Salary will be $3,500. per year and mileage. Appli- Ap- | REAL ESTATE SALESMAN | for the position of Secretary-! FOR SALE YORKSHIRE BOARS, service age; approved for $30.00 Gvt, premium to purchaser; also North Country Cheviot ram { lambs. Larmer Bros. Nestleton | R.R. 2. Phone 986-4813. Nov.21 ' 2 PRS. GIRLS' Sizes 2 and 4. | 985-2804. EMPIRE COAL or wood stove | with reservoir, good condition, | 986-7497. 1948 MERCURY pick-up, use- | 1 | | | | Figure Skates, Call after 6 p.m, heaters, $10. pullets 5 mos, old, $1.00, Roos- ters 6 lb, average $1.25. Phone 985-7767. | '58 OLDS. 88, 2-door hardtop, 39000 miles. 985-2747. GIRL'S WHITE Figure Skates size 2. 985-2541. Nov. 7 & Nov. 21 | ROASTING CHICKENS, dres- 2539. i sed, freshly killed, 5%-6 Ibs. | average, 45c. lb, delivered. | 985-7125. | GIRLS 3-picce white oxlon win- | ter outfit, size 3. 985- 23, 12 PIGS, 8 weeks old. N. B. { Johnson, 985-2069, Scugog P.O. 2 LOTS on North St, Port ! Perry. One lot with a house and garage. Phone 985-2874, | Port Perry. WASHING MACHINE, good | condition. 985-7869. | ~ WANTED TO BUY | 1 | - - sot si mer wo in Hardwood logs and bush lots. Maple, Basswood, Oak, Ash, ful only for farm. $50; 2 Space- | each; Chickens, cants please state age, qualifi- | Elm, ete. Deal with an estab-! cations and experience, if any. lished company and be sure of | Further information may be ob- | best prices, measurement and! tained from Mr. H, B. Lockie, | payment, We will help you REAL ESTATE FOR SALE { SUNDERLAND . -- Figgyland (for sale. Approximate 94 acres cand a fabulous variety of | Buildings thereon including "about every thing. Many busi- | ness possibilities, sales barn, i commercial hog raising. Deep run of sand and gravel deposits. For price ete, contact MARGARET BALLARD - Sunderland, Out. Phone 303. MISCELLANEOUS | NEED a MORTGAGE LOAN? Private party to invest in 1st | and 2nd mortgages; agreements for sale and mortgages pur- ' chased. Low rates; your mort- gage problems gladly discussed. No fees, no waiting. Call any ' time. Oshawa 723-3211 or 725- Dec. 12 Office NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG NOMINATION MEETING 7 Public notice--is-hereby given "to the electors of the Township of Scugog, that 1 require the ! presence of the electors in Scu- 'gog Town Hall on Saturday "28rd day of November, 1963 'from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the , purpose of nominating candi- dates to the offices of Reeve, Council and School Area Board. Nominations must be in writ- ing and signed by two electors. "If a proposed candidate is ab- "sent his consent must be in | writing and be presented with | the nomination. In the event that a poll is required votes will be taken on Saturday, Nov. 30th, 1963 at the Town Hall between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Port Perry Hospital, also to] wish to convey my 2pprociation) his | Lindsay. | | shing machine, DeSHANE--In loving memory |" who | __ [3 ring 3, Chairman, Zephyr, | Telephone 473-6910. Mail ap- plications to Mr. Norman Alex- ander, Secretary - Treasurer, Box 340, Uxbridge, Ont. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- One housekeeping room in Port Perry. Apply Box 68, Port Perry Star. ~~ TORENT | TO RENT -- 3 rooms to rent, ' 87 Lilla" St. S. Bath and gar- age. No smoking or drinking. 985-2139. | WANTED WANTED--Used wringer wa- good condition, 655-3721. WANTED -- Load of straw. 985-7767. LOST LOST--from Chalk Lake Park pasture, 1 steer, Holstein & Hereford cross. Reesor Bros. Phone collect 294-1608. | FOR SALE ! [ | Office "Equipment | Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, { Duplicators, Cheque Writers, Comptometers. Three hundred | new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, { Whitby, Ont. MO. 8-5849. TF FOR SALE -- Roto-tiller, 4 Tine, used 2 summers. $75.00. | Box Trailer $60. 985-2535. Nov. 21 ! WANTED to buy--books, maps, | atlases, old magazines, National Geographics. MARG & MOR- GAN SELF, 621 Shakespeare Ave., Oshawa. 728-5707 Dec.12 | HOGS, ' serviceable age and sow; also stove and furnace wood by truck-load. Fred Milne Blackwater, Call Sunderland ing 3, oe Nov. 21 HARD and SOFT SLABS, 4ft, or re-sawed 12", 'also' body hardwood. Geo. Heaslip, Black- stock 986-4226. ~~ Nov.28 younger,' one (1) second-litter ! Ontario. | farm your bush on a substan-| | tial yield basis. Please write for prompt estimates on large ! or small lots. : | H. M. KYTE LUMBER Co. Ltd. . Blackstock & Mount Albert ~ MISCELLANEOUS | | --- { t COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES | TO WIT: i --BY VIRTUE - OF- A - WAR- | RANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing date the 19th day of in arrears of taxes in the County 1 of Ontario will be held at the | Court House, Whitby, 'at the | hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon on the 10th day of Decem- hereby given that the list of | lands for sale has been published | in the Ontario Gazette in the is- {sue of September 7th, 1963. Copies of the sgid list may be had at my office., DATED at Whitby, this 9th day of September, A.D. 1963. WM. G. MANNING, Treasurer, County of Ontario, 416 Centre Street South, WHITBY, Ontario. Dec. 5/63 ir Notice CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Form 3, Sec. 12 Voters' List, 1963, Corporation of the Village of Port Perry, County of Ontario. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that T have posted up at my 'office at Port Perry on the 4th day of November, 1963, the list of all persons entitled to vote | in the Municipality at Munici- | pal Elections and that such list 'remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all | voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the laét day for appeal be- ing the 18th day' of November, 1963. : Dated this 4th day of Novem- ber, 1963. ; John F. Raines, Clerk, Village of Port Perry. August, 1963, the sale of lands | ber, 1963; unless the taxes and' costs are sooner paid. Notice is | SID CHANDLER, Clerk, i Nov. 21 | NOTICE . TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG NOTICE OF COURT OF i REVISION i The 1963 Court of. Revision i for the Twp, of Scugog will be i held in the Town Hall, Scugog ! Island, on Tuesday 26th day of ' November, 1963 at the hour of 1.30 p.m., to hear all appeals against assessment and such business as comes before the Court. Nov. 21 VOTERS' LIST TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG County of Ontario Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance to the Voters List Act R.S.0. 1960, and that I have posted up at my office at Scugog on the 8th day of Nov- ember, 1963 the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions. y I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions last day of appeal being 26th day of November, 1968. Dated this 8th day of Nov- ember, 1963. SID CHANDLER, Clerk. Nov. 21 Attention Farmers We are arranging a tour of TORONTO STOCKYARDS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 For tickets and information Contact Uxbridge Co-op Port Perry ZEnith 84130 Nov, 21 WM. KROONTJE Well Digging and Compressor Work Phone: Oshawa 728-3864 Clean-Outs & Deepenings SID CHANDLER, Clerk. corrected according to law, the Feb.27 Lis 1 « on Bea." | STAR CLASSIFIED PAGE ~~ n a [24d #5 hw