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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Apr 1964, p. 7

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PROSPECT NEWS Congratulations to Mr. Stan- ley Painter and his bride, the former Miss Cheryle Yates, who were married in All Saints An- glican Church, Whitby, on Apr. 4th, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Dearborn, of Belleville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn, last week-end. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holtby were Mrs. Marie (Hood) Morton and daughter Colleen, of Port Arthur, Mrs. Geo. Hood of Ajax and grand- daughter Mary Chadwick of Toronto, also Mrs, Murray Holt- by. Mr. Stancy Conlin and sister Marion, visited their sister Mrs. O'Connell in Ottawa. Helen and daughter Maureen returned with them tp spend a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conlin. Mrs, Byron Holt- by was entertained here one afternoon. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Frank Martin of Oshawa, with her daughter Mrs. Chumley, called on Mrs. Frank Vernon. Mrs. Martin donated several hand-made articles for Prospect Bazaar, which is being held on May 20, We appreciate her continued interest in this annu- all project. She is leaving soon to visit relatives in Sudbury. The Jr. Choir and organist Willa Holtby, rendered fine WE NOW CARRY A LINE OF [] - Office Supplies IN OUR OFFICE Drop in and see what we have to offer. PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. 985-7388 THE BEST TOP QUALITY ESSO HEATING EQUIPMENT (on easy, 5-year, budget terms) HOME HEAT SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU BURNFIELD BALLARD ~~ LIMITED : Plumbing and Heating Port Perry 985 - 2491 HI ry F372 3 2% 4 2 33 a EAS Vd HER SE a ARS ER TL So DoE REL - AVERITT SHS Pads EO EX id REE FE EF On Communion Sunday six new members were. welcomed: Mr. and Mrs. Legge, by trans- Easter music, including the an-! fer from Manitoulin Is. and the them "Sunrise on a Hill", Geo. | confirmation class: Cathy Ver- Smith sang "The Holy City" | non, Robert Smith, Gordon and accompanied by Rev. C. C. Gil. | Mary Lynn Holtby. bert. Our pastor had a fine Easter message for us. "yp Financial Statement - AUDITOR'S REPORT February 10, 1964 To the Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Township of Scugog, R.R. No. 8, Port Perry, Ontario. Ladies and Gentlemen: We have audited the books and accounts of your munici- pality for the year ended December 31, 1963, and have pre- pared the attached financial statements and supporting sched- ules in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs. Revenue Fund Operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $539.60 after taking into revenue prior years' surplus of $2,807.06 and after providing $1,500.00 for the reserve for working funds. School Area Board At December 31, 1963 this school board had an accumulated surplus of $8,333.66. Pursuant to section 74(b) of the Public Schools Act, this surplus should be taken into consideration in the 1964 budget estimates of the school board and used to re- duce the 1964 levy for public school purposes. We hereby report that in our opinion: 1. The financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial posi- tion of the municipality as at December 31, 1963 and the _ results .of its operations for the year ended on that date. We appreciate t & co-operation received from the -clerk- treasurer during the course of our audit. Respectfully submitted, MONTIETH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants. License No. 2511 LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET \December 31, 1963 ASSETS | General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) ........ $22,658.00 Due from Schools (for Debenture) Collegiate and High .....coeevvvrvrennnnnn, $39,527.65 JE 39,527.65 $62,185.65 LIABILITIES Due to Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed--Sch. 2).... $39,627.65 'Investment in Capital Assets ................. 22,658.00 $62,185.65 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963 ASSETS Cash in Bank .....ooooevevvsveosonssnnns WCET, .$ 782.77 : ; $ 782.17 Due from Province of Ontario .............. oi 2,767.05 Due from Other Municipalities ............ ve 161.30 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 6) .................. 9,248.57 19,248.57 Other, Assets-- . Deferred Charges -- Schedule 8 .... 1,330.36 ~ Total Assets .............. $14,280.04 LIABILITIES - d 'Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) ............. . $ 6,600.00 Accounts Payable ........ RICERCA ENTIRE ¢ 6501.22 Due to Other Municipalities ................ suens 267.82 Due to Schools ry Besessnannnenes CEXTTTY TTT LTT 1,981.90 Reserves (Schedule 8) .......ccrvrnnee reins 4,600.00 Surplus (Form C) ......eenn VIHA 539.60 Total Liabilities and Surplus .... $14,280.04 ------------ - Mrs. Hollingworth and Mrs. ' Mathews of Agincourt spent the wp. PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1964 -- 7 week-end at the home of Brun- sell Webster. \ The April meeting of the U. C.W. will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Vernon on the evening of the 30th. There is an invitation from Seagrave U.C.W. to their Bazaar on Sat., SOOO OOS Scugoy For | Year 1963 April 26th, Mrs. Chambers of Oshawa was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vernon on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Legge spent a few days with their parents and other relatives on Manitoulin Is. recently. REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT December 31, 1963 Balance at beginning of year.... Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) trees snenan Totals of Debit and Credit columns trees ensserertanann Balance of Surplus or Deficit at year end (Form B) Debit Credit Balance $2,807.06 $2,807.06 _-- 539.60 $2,807.06 $3,346.66 $539.60 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1963 REVENUE Actual Total Revenue from Taxation (Sch. 3).... $68,660.99 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario-- Children's Protection .................. $ 372.85 Direct Relief ......ccoooveeurrrvemronon 701.10 Highway Improvement .................... 7,041.81 Unconditional Per Capita Grants.... 1,281.00 Winter Works ......c..ccoooveevrervenrnn, 785.94 Warble Fly ......coocoueeevemeeeeoon 124.60 10,307.30 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax).... 423.80 Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. .......ooveuvenennnnn. 663.70 Other Revenues-- Rents, Concessions and Franchises...... 56.00 Garbage ........coovvveeeeeeeeeee 857.26 Tax Certificates ........ccooevvevvevosoeonnn, 12.65 : 925.90 Miscellaneous-- Deferred Revenue adjustment ........ 2,084.69 Miscellaneous ..........ccooeuerveereerennannn. 69.79 Warble fly control .........oorevnenne., 173.90 Written off and charged back ......... 61.85 2,390.23 Gross Total Revenue .........ooooevvroovnnnnn, 73,361.92 Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy ...................... I 2,807.06 76,168.98 Total Revenue Section ............oeeivonn, $76,168.98 EXPENDITURE Actual General Government-- Executive and Legislative .................. $ 69700 EL ~ Administrative eee, 3,696.14 : 2 ES 2,436.69 $ 6,629.83 Protection to Persons and Property-- : Fire ...eeeevenennn. treater assesses ente tena es © 1,073.00 Law Enforcement... 5.00 Warble Fly ....veeieenesseesnerenssnnn. 381.49 Livestock ......ocevevevonevereneressserssnsnonn, 447.00 1,906.49 Public Works--Roads, Highways and Streets, ete. omnis 15,171.74 Sanitation and Waste Removal .................. 956.26 Conservation of Health .........cccoovvvvvvirnnnnn 49.00 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief Assistance .........coveeveneresnsesnns 979.43 SS 979.43 Education, including debt charges(Sch. 9) 34,411.28 Recreation and Community Services ........ 140.00 Debt. Charges-- Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) 5,605.93 Less own share of school debt charges 5,605.93 Short-term interest & other charges.. 126.47 --_-- 126.47 Taxes written off ........ccoevvevmrrversesesnsnnns 76.71 Joint or Special Expenditures-- County Rates .....cvieeennenerissssesssninns 13,683.18 13,683.18 Provision for Allowances, Reserves and Reserve Funds (Sch. 8 and Form G).. 1,600.00 Gross Total Expenditure .........covevvvvvvvvinnin 75,629.38 Surplus for the Year .......oeiveiiens vives 589.60 Total Expenditure Section ............ccocovivnnn $76,168.98 A d : ; ; ¥

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