7 Cd Se vu Ios LCs. Fo a Pros re ATE rey ro » wae MAFIA RRASATIEL SVG LR) CRE NBER ( LY MO) 'a N H SAE EEE. | TE A FORA WO ia ad® a JAS XR CN verse. following publication. Other rates on request, 6.00 p.m. Classified Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum .60¢. additional insertion .2¢ per word, minimum 40¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per ingertion with four line Additional four lines, .26¢, Billing charge of 25¢ if not not paid by Friday Classified display .90¢ per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7388 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. Classified deadline 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. Second or IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS "LEACH -- In loving memory of George William Leach, who passed away January 21st, 1963. Gone but not forgotten, Ever remembered by Wife and family. SULMAN--In loving memory of a dear father George Ernest, | _ who passed away Jan, 13th, 19586. ' Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod. We bless the hours we had with you Amd leave the rest with God. + Sadly missed by son Peter and daughter-in-law Mayrene CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to friends, family and neighbours for cards and visit during my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kandel and staff of Port Perry Mem- orial Hospital. Orten Michie The family of the late Mrs. Iola Christie Heard wish to ex- press their appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful flor- al tributes received during our recent bereavement. A special thanks to Rev. A. Rice for his words of comfort, to the McDermott - Panabaker Chapel for their kindness, and to Unit 4 of U.C.W. who pre- pared and served a lovely lunch on our return home. I wish to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and kind enquir- ies while I was a patient in Oshawa Hospital and since re- turning home. Debbie Chokman I would like to thank all my friends and relatives for their kindness in my recent stay in hospital. Thanks to Dr. Rennie and especially the nurses and staff of the hospital. Mrs, R. Howard To the many patrons of Mary-Lou's Beauty Salon I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your kind pat- fence and understanding during my recent confinment, Unex- pected (to a degree) staff shortage, and things like water- | heater failure during such a busy time, cause far much con- fusion. However, it's clientle like you who make being in business worthwhile. Hoping to serve you well in the new year. I remain,, sincerely with thanks, Mary-Lou Lowcock "Special thanks to Port Perry. Fire Brigade, Hydro, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Cawker for their help when our, cottage was burned. Henry and Myrtle Thomas BIRTH KEELER--Barbara and Ross wish to announce the birth of their son Shawn Dennis, Janu- ary 11, 1965, at Uxbridge Cott- age Hospital. BUXCEY--Donald and Mar- garet are happy to announce 3 the arrival of their baby girl: Katherine Annette, at Port Perry Community Hospital, January 8, 1965. A sister for Alex, George, Michael and Geof- frey. CAWKER -- Grant & Merna (nee Skerratt) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Ri- chard Curtis at Oshawa General Hospital, January 12, 1965. A brother for Christopher Dale. Special thanks to Drs. Ross and Guselle. ' COMING EVENTS EUCHRE--held at Church of Ascension Parish Hall, Jan. 28, at 8.30 p.m. Admission b0c. Prizes and Lunch "THE FOUR SEASONS OF SONG Presented by the Oshawa Sweet Adelaines at McLaughlin 'Colle- giate, Sat., February 6th at 8 p.m. Tickets available, Phone 985-2786 or 985-7447. BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE Sat. morning, February 5th All bundles (newspapers, maga- zines, etc.) should be placed at sidewalk by 9.00 a.m. or taken to Scout Hall by 11 a.m. Spe- cial pick-up in Manchester, Prince Albert and Seagrave, If papers are missed or for spe- cial [Pick-up Phone 985-2426. 3rd ANNUAL TOUR to FLORIDA MAR. 6 to MAR. 28 inclusive Personally escorted Deluxe airconditioned: bus All transportation, tours, accommodation - included. No night driving For information write: Colmer Travel Service Box 631 BOWMANVILLE or Phone 623-3265 Jan, 21 COMING EVENTS WANTED TO BUY TO RENT GUIDE MOTHERS The regular meeting of the Guide Mothers will be held at the Scout Hall, January 26, at 8 p.m. Catherine Nelson will give a talk and pictures on her camping trips last summer. International Commissioner Mrs. Taylor will be a special | guest. MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT IN PORT PERRY Minor Hockey Night Friday, Jan. 29th. Three Hockey games beginning at 6.30 p.m. Races before each game. Broom Ball Game at 9.00 p.m. Minor Hockey Executive vs. Port Perry Fire Department. Draw for a set of Campbell Golf Clubs and bag, plus door prizes for men, wo- men and children. Bring your skates as there will be public skating for everyone from 9.80 to 10.30. Admission: Adults 50¢ Children under 12 years 10¢. These children are YOUR child- ren. Come out and support them. FOR SALE WATER DELIVERED Call John Nesbitt 986-4254 Feb- 25 SEWING Machines repaired. Older machines a specialty. All work guaranteed, Needles and parts for all makes. 986-4291, Blackstock. T.F. STUDENTS. See the new Smith-Corona "Corsair" and "Premier" typewriters on dis- play at the Star Office. Im- prove your homework assign- ments and save timel Priced from $79.50. T.F. OFFICE EQUIP. Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Duplicators, Chequewriters, Files, Furniture, We Buy, Sell, Rent, Service. Largest Stock. Budget Terms. New and Used. Low Overhead, Low Prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms --- Trades Jan.23/66 SPACE HEATER-- fully auto- matic, like new. Very reason- able. Call 986-4869 Jan 21 150 HENS, laying, bOc. each. Phone Brooklin 655-4649, USED OFFICE DESK in good condition, Call Star Office. 985-7383. 'BIRD 'CAGE and Stand, or just stand by itself. Phone 985-2542 or 2240. - WORK WANTED RE-UPHOLSTERING -- Have your old furniture re-upholster- ed. Free estimates -- Samples available. © Roy Evans, 178 Bigelow St., Port Perry. Jan, 28 CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair. Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr: service--work guaranteed. . Cattle Clipper Service 87 First Ave. Box 590 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING--Plain painting, al- so special mural and pattern painting. Complete Ree. room finishing. Will build and repair furniture. J, Kronister, Phone 985-7191, after 6 p.m.. Dec. 17 QUALIFIED TEACHER will tutor Grade 4 - 8 pupils in own home. 985-7640. / SECRETARY would like full or part-time employment. Experi- enced typist, 60 w.p.m., filing and doing business with the public. Phone 985-7640. HELP WANTED MEN earn extra money in spare time. Should make $3 per hour depending on ability to learn. For details write Rawleigh, Dept. A-343-17, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. AVON CALLING! . RURAL HOUSEWIVES Avon Cosmetics offers excellent earning opportunity for you-- working in your own commun- ity. Write: Mrs. A, Hawkins, 1 Mandarin Rd., Scarborough, Ont. oR 1 BEDROOM, heated apartment Phone John Bal- T.F down town. lard, 985-7946. 2 BEDROOM Apartment, on ground floor, heated, in Prince Albert. Don Milne. 985-7310. ...HOUSE in village of Nestle- ton, all inside conveniences. available February 15th. 986- 4220. Jan.28 LOST SHETLAND SHEEPDOG, min- ature collie, female, 12 yrs. old. Answers to Bonnie. Phone Mrs, John Hardy 985-7810. Re- ward. ' "MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY Custom Processing Oven Ready while you wait-- Port Perry Packers Ltd. Phone 985-7387 - 7388, Brookkn -656- 4422, T.F. ~ TYPEWRITER NEED REPAIRS? Port Perry Star has arranged to have a repair man in town on Friday, January 29th. If you have a typewriter which needs cleaning, over-hatling or minor repairs, contact 985-7383 and arrange to bring your machine to the Star Office. CASH for obsolete pistols & long arms for Private collector. Send price & description to J. Davidson 578 McCannan Ave., Peterborough. REST HOME RESTFUL, QUIET, MODERN HOME Very Reasonable Rates CALL 986-4869 Jan, 28 MALE HELP WANTED Post Office OSHAWA, LETTER CARRIERS $3630 -- $4380 © For full particulars concerning residence, qualification requirements. and application forms see posters on display at the Post Office and National Employment Service Of- fice. Apply IMMEDIATELY to the Civil Service Com- mission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Quote Competition 65-T-575 Department ONTARIO CHESTERFIELD, 2 piece, wine, in good condition. Phone 852- 3369 after 6 pm ./ FREEZER SPECIALS-- Chick- ens, 3% to 4 lbs. Bushel lots. Phone 985-7393. Chalet Farms Port Perry (formerly Gibsons). YORKSHIRE, also cross-bred hogs, serviceable age & young- er. Fred Milne, Blackwater, Sunderland 3 ring 8. Feb.4 ANYONE interested in purch- (asing Stanley Home Products, i phone Mrs. M. Hope 986-7744, Jan.28 POSTAL Post Office OSHAWA, For full particulars concerning residence, qualification requirements and application forms see posters on display at the Post Office and National Employment Service Of- fice. Apply IMMEDIATELY to the Civil Service Com- mission, 25 8t. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Quote Competition 65-T-572 CLERKS - $3630. -- $4680. Department ONTARIO L\) w AJ