wi [AENEAN RB Ly hot § Fig | J 3) YON Yel 2 rey i NFR eR ARTERY iu TEER AERA RASA EPR AAI CLs CGI ER ARSE MEL RARAATUR 6--PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1965 Blackstock News St. John's W.A. held their an- nual meeting on Jan. 22nd. On the invitation of Canon and Mrs. Ashmore the ladies as- sembled at the Rectory at 6.30 p.m. and enjoyed a lovely buffet supper. The meeting opened at 8 p.m. Mrs. Ashmore opened the meeting and read the Scripture passage from Acts of Paul's conversion. After open- ing prayers by the Canon, a life membership was conferred .on Mrs. J. A. McArthur. Canon Ashmore read the service, and Mrs. Ashmore presented the certificate. The oldest member Mrs. J. Forder pinned on the Badge. Mrs. McArthur's two daughters, Mrs. M. Dysart, Pe- terboro and Miss Betty McAr- thur, Toronto, were present and gave their mother a beautiful corsage. The W.A. officers gave their annual reports and all depart- | ments seemed to be in a healthy . were re-! condition. Members minded of the World's Day of Prayer service in Cadmus Church March 5th. Next meet- ing is to be at the home of Mrs. John Hamilton and will be pre- ceded with a dessert lunch. Canon Ashmore closed the meeting with prayer. Services were fairly well at- tended Sunday morning, consid- ering the miserable weather and drifted lanes and driveways. In the United Church the choir sang .an, Anthem "I will Obey the Soir of the Lord" and Rev. Romeril preached on "Our Be- lief in God". In St. John's church Canon Ashmore chose for his sermon the 23rd Psalm and made reference to the pass- ing of Sir Winston Churchill. A memorial service will be held in the church Saturday at 10 a.m. ; The Anna Unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Carl Wright on Tuesday, Jan. 19th. Leader Mrs. Kenneth Samells opened the meeting. Mrs. Mur- ray Byers gave the devotional which had been prepared by Mrs. Carnaghan and due to ill- ness was unable to attend. The theme was Anger and the Serip- ture was taken from Eph, 4. The topic for study was Bra- zil, and each lady told what she had learned about that country. Mrs. Lorne Thompson, also ill, sent a paper she had prepared. This was read by Mrs. Samells as well as some passages from a book on Brazil. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction, after which the hostess served lunch. Eight ladies and two children attended. Eight ladies and one child of Cadace Unit gathered at the Manse at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan, 19th, ~ After partaking of a nice dessert during which some Bra. zilian songs were heard on the record player; Mrs. Romeril conducted an jnformative con test on Facts about Brazil. A panel consisting of Msds. Har old Kyte; Ralph Larmer; Gord. on Paisley and P. Romeril gave very interesting information a- bout life in Brazil. The worship was of Evangeli- cal type ,as customary in Brazil. and consisted of hymn "Ho Leadeth Me"; the repeating by all of Psalm 23 and prayer by Mrs. Romeril, Six members of the Dorcas Unit met at the home of Mrs. Leith .. Byers on Wednesday, "Jan, 20th. Leader Mrs, Walter Wright opened. the meeting. witha ¢all to worship. Hymn "Jesys calls us" was. sung, af- ter which Mrs, Wright read the seri a. passage Luke: 12: 16- A re v £8 ime! ,---- and, offered proper, prayer. The study on "God's Purpose for His People and the Saving Purpose of God in Christ" was dealt with by Murs. Stanford Van Camp; Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mrs. Cecil Hill and a general discussion followed. Following the business period the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Harold McLaughlin was hostess for the Esther Unit on Wednesday evening. Ten ladies attended, Decided»to carry on with the birthday and anniver- sary box. The unit will make bandages or whatever is most needed, to send to Miss Muriel £3 FJ at "A & SSO RE a NRA SV A Stephens, Angola. As at all units the Presbyterial in Osh- awa, eb. 11th was stressed. Leader Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy read an interesting poem "Leaders". The Worship "Fac- ing Life's Problems" was ably dealt with by Msds. Richard Van Camp, Robert Bryans and Stuart Dorrell, Mrs. Mountjoy read a clipping from the Observer. Meeting closed with prayer, after which lunch was served by the hostess. Messengers met Tuesday Jan. 19 after school with 18 children attending. Meeting opened by singing two hymns. Elizabeth Thompson told the story "Then came Carnival", A game was supervised by Mrs. P/McLaugh- lin. All worked on their scrap books. Closed with prayer. Eight members attended the Explorer meeting Tuesday evening. Nancy Dorrell told the story of Trinidad -- "Each one Chooses", Those taking part in the worship period were: Eleanor Wright, Lesie Wright, Linda McLaughlin, Janet Turn- er and Heather Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell spent last week enroute to and from and enjoying the Dairy Farmers of Canada annual Con- vention in Regina to which Dalton was a delegate of Tor- onto Milk Producers. Sunday afternoon Mr. George Wolfe, Canon and Mrs. Ashmore attended service in All Saints Church, Peterboro where Canon Ashmore officiated, and bapti- zed & niece--Kathryn Ann Dob- bin, daughter of Ross Gordon Dobbin and Patricia Ann Dob- bin of Calgary, Alta. Mr. Herbert Vine and family on the sudden death of Mrs. Vine Wednesday night. Mrs, G. V. A. Scott, also Mr, Blake McCoy returned home from hospital Saturday. We wish them a speedy convales- cence. Mrs. Ethel Baker, Peterboro, was week-end guest of Canon H. E. and Mrs. Ashmore. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and sons Whitby and Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs, Wilbert Archer. Mrs. Lorne Thompson spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Danny Calacicco and children, Oshawa. SAVE ? LLL: HUGE DISCOUNTS on all 1964 TIRES NYLON or RAYON CORD TUBE TYPE and TUBELESS WHITEWALLS or BLACKWALLS SNOW TIRES ALL SIZES USED TIRES on these Clearance Specials 6.70 x 15 4 ply Nylonaire $12.45 reg. $16.50 7.50 x 14 4 ply Nylonaire $13.95 reg. $19.50 7.50 x 14 4 ply Champion oY $14.95 reg. $20.45 "7.50 x 14 4 ply Safety Champion $17.45 reg, $24.55 7.50 x 14 4 ply DeLuxe Champion Whitewalls $19.65 reg, $29.65 8.00 x 14 Safety Champion . $19.95 reg. $27.86 Many other sizes & types available at similar savings MOUNTING If you plan to buy << new tires soon... ACT NOW! YOU WON'T MATCH OUR DEALS ALL SNOW TIRES} AT REGULAR PRICE FIRST TIRE SECOND TIRE" AT ' HALF "UNTIL APRIL 30th / 65. ON'ALL TIRES 'PURCHASED NOW PORT PERRY Peel Hardware Lid. 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