. Prince Albert News Thé'folk who attended church on Sunday found the guest speaker Rev. Douglas Pilkey's mes#age most informative. He is othe staff of Field Secre- tary for the' M, and M. Dept. Flo¥g) . arrangements were much appreciated, placed by. the family 'of the late Mr. G, Ger- rowand late Mr. G. MacNeal. Offg¥ing gathered by Robert Snelgiove and Don Beacock. onday. night, Jan. 256th Con. gregafional and Sunday School Anppal; meeting was held in the}; ghurch parlors. with our minfiter Rev. A. Rice ably pre. sidbagy: gg Patsy Holtby, secretary for/§.. 8. wrote notes for same, Tréps:; Miss Irene Blain report- ed ;a clear statement on the yeay's finances. Mz, E. Martyn, who has for a nimber of years efficiently & faithfully served as S. S. Supt. sincerely voiced to be relieved of this office as a result the following staff are: Supt. --Mr. Terry Hodgins Assjgt,--Don Beacock Se¢'y---Patsy Holtby Treagprer--Irene Blain Cradle Roll--Mrs. L. Beacock Missionary convenors-- Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. G. Hunter. Piapigt--Jean Snelgrove and Patsy Holtby. Teachers--Mrs, B, Smith, Mrs. M. McKee, Mr. & Mrs, T. Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs, F. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hope, Mrs. S. Lindsay, Mrs, M. Pugh, Mrs. Dorothy Hope, Here's wishing the staff and classes the same high standard during 1965, Congregational meeting then took place with Mrs. H. Holtby voted in as secretary for the evening, Reports were presented by various leaders, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Hope, Mr. Vickery, Mr. C, Love and Mr. A, Martyn, Many interesting subjects were tabled from time to time. One, a former village boy who has grown to be a good friend in the life of. our church, Sir Jas, MeBrien, residing in Tor. onto, who some time ago sent a handsome size cheque to be used as we thought wise. As at previous meetings many volced suggestions as to how to spend this valuable and appre- ciatlve gift. No definite idea is settled upon at present, but a committee is working on the matter, oo Our minister related reference to the faithful work of the con- gregation and its sections. You probably are aware our | church is nearing its Centen- 29th January 1965 The Editor The 'Port Perry Star . Port Perry, Ontario Dear Sir: Another Christmas season has . passed and, from a postal stand- Jole Personalized "Just for You" stationery and thank-you » cards add that extra touch of warmth to your wrrespondence. Your name and address or initials are printed on white or coloured quality writing papers in beautiful raised lettering. The impression is dignified, and oh so charming; yet the cost is very low. Choose your personalized stationery, dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, coasters, matches and playing cards 4rom the many available styles you'll see in the personalized "Just for Yon" sample book. P.8, They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too. \$ | AS THE READER SEES IT | point, we feel it was a success. The expeditious handling of the record volumes of mail, well within the periods prescribed, bore this out. One factor which I feel con- tributed greatly to this success and deserves special recognition was the excellent cooperation and coverage extended by a number of news media during the peak mailing period. Grant- '|-ed, mail volumes of such mag- nitude may be a newsworthy item in themselves, but for or- ganizations, such as yours, to provide a service beyond what normally would be expected, is certainly commendable and ap- preciateds By spreading the word of early mailing and by encouraging correct addressing and bundling of mail, you have renederd a service of inestimable value to our postal operation. Concelvably, the public may not fully understand or even appreciate the value to them of your public service announce. ments, but I can assure you that we in the Department are fully aware of the benefits de- rived and take this means of conveying our thanks. Yours sincerely, W. H. Wilson Deputy Postmaster General Gentlemen: } We have just concluded a very successful Annual Christmas Appeal. The results of this Appeal were due in no small measure to the splendid cooperation which we received from our friends in the press, radio and television who responded so generously to our request for publicity. On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Hospital I has- ten to offer you our sincere thanks. Yours sincerely, C. L. Gundy," Chalrmian, Board of Trustees, Port Perry Star The Hospital For Sick Children January 25, 1966 | nial as a result a maximum ef. fort should be on foot making the occasion a hanner event in the history of the church. Mr. Rice closed the meeting. Friday evening John Hunter played host to a party of teen- agers held in his parents home. The group indulged in games, dancing 'and the customary re- freshments which all blended into a pleasant party. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Cawker and new baby have returned to their home in Oshawa after staying a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt. A speedy. recovery is wished Mrs. F. Middleton who is con- fined to Port Perry hospital. . Mr, and Mra. Ben Smith were guests at the Davey - Tobin wedding in Port Perry Presby- terian' Church on Saturday. Miss Shannon one of our teachers spent the week-end with her parents at Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gibson visit. ed friends in Lindsay and also at the Nursing Home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith were with Mr. and Mrs. J. Heaven, Toronto on Sunday when all enjoyed "Open House" at Hart House. Robert Holtby, a High School student was a member of the team competing in the Jr. Ski Competition, Orillia on Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs. J. Doupe and children spent Sunday with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Doupe. Mr. Arthur Bond has returned to our village after few weeks vigiting with relatives in Tor- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, February 4th 1! onto. and wife Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks,| Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland visited his brother| Wagg, Mr. and Mrs. C. Butson, Port E. Oshawa visited their F.| parents Mr. and Mrs, R. But- son. Blackstock At the annual meeting in Blackstock on Saturday, Jan, 28 1965, Blackstock Fair Board re- viewed plans for the Centen- nial Celebration. According to local records, Blackstock Fair has been au Annual Event since 1866. However a check of the re- cords with the Dept. of Agri- culture reveals that the first fair was probably held in 1861. The first grant was paid in 1862 to Cartwright Agricultural Society by the Board of Agri- culture of Upper Canada in amount $106.30. Receipts for that year were $205.30 and Prize money was Larmer and Neil Werry was appointed to arrange for Cen- tennial Gates, and a Special Centennial Committee Project committee as appointed last year was reconstituted. ~ It is made up 'of President--Walter Wright, Immediate Past Presi- dent--Harvey Graham, Merrill Van Camp, Ernest Swain, Ralph Larmer & Mrs. Gladys. Thomp- "$158.80; A committee "of "Glen" F air Bocrd Plan Centennial In '65 son. The Financial Report was pre- sented by the Sec.-Treasurer and adopted. Members were happy to note that finances were in a healthy if not exactly robust state. The Committee in charge of the Ethel Grant Monture Essay Contest reported that Miss Karen Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell of Nestleton, had won the District competition and had gone on to Provincial level. Provincial re- sults will be announced at the annual Convention of Agricul- tural Societies to be held in Toronto Februgry 24th & 256th. Congratulations were expréss- ed to Karen and thanks to Mr. - and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson who sponsored the contest at the local level. Officers elected for the cur- rent year were: President--Wal- ter Wright; 1st Vice President --Glen Larmer; 2nd Vice Presi- dent -- John Carnaghan; Wo- men's Convenor -- Mrs. Gladys Thompson. Dead or and Crippled Cattle $5.00 to $15.00 Weighing OVER 600 POUNDS According to size and condition. Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL OHARGE Power Equipped Trucks CALL ANYTIME ED. PECONI & SON LTD. RR. #2 WOODVILLE DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 986-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex TV Service July/65 WANTED Ph. 985-2806 Port Perry, Ont. Convalescent and Chronie Patients Semi-Private Accommodations . EADE"S NURSING HOME Small Enough to be Homey Large Enough for Comfort Tray Service Hospital Bed T.V. Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates 'Home away from Home' July 81/66 Horses DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 389-C-65 Cash on the spot @ Oct./685 | For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. May 26/65 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS -- SEE EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 81/66 GEORGE McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts. Dec. 81/65 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 23 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. h June/66 Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE Repairs to all domestic and commercial refrigerators Bulk Coolers REPAIRED Ace Refrigeration 281 WILSON RD. 8. OSHAWA Phone 728-2462 BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA May 27/65 TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7568 Dec, 31/65 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985.2383 Nov. 26/64 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Feb. 28/65 BILL'S Radiator | Repairs (1% miles north of Manchester) PLUGGED UP RADIATORS BOILED OUT AND REPAIRED. "They work like new" Free pick up & delivery Phone 985-7831 Dec. 81/64 5 YOUR BEST BET IS THE CLASSIFIED PAGR