10 -- PORT PERRY, STAR, Thursday, February 18th, 1965 PROSPECT NEWS The. U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Burnsell Webster on Thursday evening with twelve members and eight visitors pre- sent. The worship service was conducted by Marion Webster, opening with the hymn "0 Spirit of the living God", fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Dearborn read Ps. 180. Marion read the topic on Hope by Dr. George Pidgeon, concluding with' prayer, Miss Margaret Vernon favored with the solo "Sunshine of Your Smile", accompanied by Willa Holtby. Lucille Gray read two poems, one of which follows: -- The Beauties of Friendship It is my joy in life to find At every turning of the road The strong arms of a comrade kind To help me onward with my load; And since I have no gold to give, "And Tove alone must make amends, My only prayer is, while I live - - - God make me worthy of my friends. --Frank Dempster Sherman Nancy Webster entertained with a piano solo "Fairy Wed- ding Waltz". The devotions concluded with the hymn "Take time to be holy". Lucille chaired the business session, with its regular reports and discussion.. There was an invitation from Scugog U.C.W. to join them for their Flower Show, on evening of March 17. Marion presented the commit- tees for the bazaar to be held May 12th, It was decided to have an evening of films at the church on evening of March 12. |} Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Stevenson |g ¥8 of Brooklin will show pictures of their trip to the British Isles last fall. Silver collection. Ruby Smith invited us to her (} home for the March meeting to ! be held on Wed., March 10th. Please bring articles for the Norway House bale. and Prayer. The committee in charge, Marion, Mrs. Dearborn and Lu- cille, served a delicious hot lunch, We were pleased to meet our new friends, Mrs. Fal- lis, Mrs. Woodhead and Mrs. Pustin. Valentines were , ex- changed. The following S. 9. perfect attendance certificates were presented recently: -- 3rd yr. Janette Holtby; bth yr. Susan & Ruth Smitherman and Karen Smith; 6th yr. Marie Holtby, Dale Smith, Bill and Muriel Gray; 7th yr. Nancy Webster, Glen and Douglas Holtby; 8th yr., gold plated pin, Donovan and Irwin Smith and Roger Holtby; 9th yr., a wreath pin, The meet- |}¥ ing closed with the Theme Song |! Honeydale Perseus owned jointly by Harold W. Honey, Seagrave and Jackson Bros. Brooklin has received Honorable Mention as All-Cana- dian Junior Yearling Holstein bull, Junior and Grand Champion at the Ontario He was County Black and White Day at Port Perry, first and Reserve Junior Champion at Peter- boro Championship Show and third at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. . --The Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada. Brantford, Ontario. | Bruce Smith, Mary Lynn Holt- by gid Kathy Vernon. Mrs. Woodhead has returned from visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fyon, hus- band and family of Montreal. Mr. Jack Miendl recently vi- sited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Miendl of Winnipeg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED Dead Horses or and Crippled Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. R.R. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 302-C-65 Feb. 4/66 DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex TV Service July/65 Ph. 985-2806 Port Perry, Ont. Convalescent and Chronic Patients Semi-Private Accommodations 'EADE"S NURSING HOME Small Enough to be Homey Large Enough for Comfort Tray Service Hospital Bed T.V. Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates 'Home away from Home' July 31/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. "Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 389-C-65 ® Cash on the spot @ Oct./ 66 For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. May 26/65 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS -- SEE EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 81/66 GEORGE McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Sts, Dec. 31/66 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 23 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. June/66 Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE Repairs to all domestic and commercial refrigerators Bulk Coolers REPAIRED Ace Refrigeration 281 WILSON RD. 8. OSHAWA Phone 728-2452 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA May 27/65 TEACHING PIANO EDITH PLATFORD, A.T.CM Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. Any age, any grade. Special courses for beginners. For appointment phone 985-7563 Dec, 81/65 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 Mar, 26/65 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armsirong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/66 Cy SELL and BUY THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION 'OF THE Port Perry Star PHONE: 985-7388 Senior Citizens C lub Unfortunately some of us could not attend the meeting & Pot Luck Supper at the (Club on Wed.,, February 10th, on ac- count of icy roads, but 28 mem- bers braved the weather and enjoyed a jolly get together. There wasn't much business dis- cussed that day, and we are hopihg for nicer weather for the next meeting to be held at Club at 2 p.m., February 24th. Some of the members kindly pick up those who do not drive and those who did attend en- joyed shuffle board game and cards after supper. Pictures to be shown by Mr, Buckland was cancelled so all please watch for further notice, as it will be very entertaining and we want to see a nice crowd out as they are well worth seeing. We extend our deepest sym- pathy to Mr. E. Fralick and his family in the passing of Mrs. Fralick. She was--a faithful member of our Club . We hope members who are ill at present are recovering nicely. Don't forget our nexb euchre to be held at the Citizen's Hall on Saturday, February 20th at 8.30 p.m, Good prizes and nice lunch served by group in charge --The last euchre on Feb, 6th. was well attended. 18 tables of euchre were played and everyone seemed to be having a food time. There were a num- ber from outside vicinities and '| a goodly number from Oshawa. We thank everyone for patron- izing these euchres. The lucky winners of last euchre as fol- lows: Ladies high--- Mrs. O. Lane, score 74; Ladies second-- Mrs. E. Ploughman, score 72; Consolation--Mrs. Bright, score 89. Gent's high--Mr, H. Mec- Dearmid, score--177; Gent's 2nd --Mr. H. Hill, score 75; Conso- lation--Mr. A, Johns, score 40. Don't forget date of next euchre --we promise you all a pleasant evening. * + 2 The days are getting longer, soon it will be Spring, Skating & curling will be over, and then the strong March winds, Snow is fine for skiing, for skating on ice very neat, But Oh! what a trial when slippery to keep upon ones feet. [ce is a menace when driving, cars are a must these days, And unless we take to walking, there is no other way. Welcome to spring, also lovely summer to come, And especially we say this for most of us older ones. Let Personalized "Just for You" stationery and thank-you cards add that extra touch of warmth to your wrrespondence. Your name and address or initials are printed on wile or Siouved qua Ng papers in beautiful raised lettering. The impression is dignified, and oh 80 charming; yet the cost is very low. Choose your personalized stationery, dinner napkins, cocktail napkins, coasters, matches and playing cards £rom the many available styles you'll see in the personalized "Just for You™ sample book, P.8. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends too. Port Perry STAR CO., LIMITED