~ Volume 100 Chas. Brignall Hoists New Flag Charles Brignall, caretaker of the Port Perry Post Office was the only person to attend the lowering of the Red Ensign and hoisting the new Red Maple Leaf flag on top of the Post Office building, on Monday, Feb. 15th. Unfortunately, the Star pho- tographer was too late to record the actual flag raising, and had to take the picture after Mr. Brignall had completed the ceremony, and was back on his job in the Post Office. Passes After Long Illness Alexander, known in Port Perry and area in his capacity of secretary- treasurer of Central Ontario High School Area Board died in Uxbridge Hospital on Feb- ruary 11th after three months illness. Mr. Alexander was born in Peterborough in 1887, and was FP active in business life in Ux- bridge since 1909. He was first elected to the Uxbridge High School Board in 1926, on which he has served continuously since. He was ap- pointed scéretary-treasurer in | 1936 and when the Area Board was formed in 1949 he con- retirement last year. Hospital Report Week Ending February 13th Admissions ener ininn 14 Operations ...... 7 Births cece 2 Deaths ......... 1 Discharges oe 12 Remaining oii 25 well | tinued in this position until his i A PORT ( PERRY \_ THURS., FEB. 18th, 1965 Number 22 No Extension Of Deadline Almost two thirds of the prov- fice are sold to new car owners, | ince's drivers are late in the|ete., during the year." Mr. car registration line-up, with | Reesor said. 1 Reach--Harry Phoenix; Town- time running out before the 2 ow deadline of February 28. "We appear to be heading for another last minute rush," said Transport Minister Irwin. Haskett". "I urge all motorists who have not beugnt registra- tian plates vet to do so as early as possible for their own con- venience." The plates went on sale Dec- ember 1 and "there will be ab- solutely no extension of the deadline," Mr. Haskett said, | They can be purchased in per- | son at licence issuing offices, Cor by mail. SEED JUDGING COMPETITION Patient Admissions 88.5% At Local Hospital In 1964 The monthly meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital Board Port Perry, was held at! the hospital on Tuesday even- ing, February 9th, 1965, with! all members present. Letters received from the various Townships advising were I as to the 1965 Appointments to! | the Hospital Board, as follows: ! Corporation of Port Perry-- Chas, Reesor; Township of ship of Scugog--Joseph Dow- | son; Township of Cartwright-- | Merrill Van Camp; County of Ontario--Irving Boyd. Mrs. Hook, the Superintend- ent, advised the meeting that the new Operating Room Light had been ordered, but it wil be a matter of about three months before the installation of the same, Since the beginning of this! year the extra beds in the cor-! ridots at the hospital have been almost continually occupied. | There has been an average of 88.5% occupancy on the general ward during the past year 1964. The hospital is very fortunate' to now have the services of a Registered male nurse on the staff, ona full time basis, in the person of Mr. Robert Brink- man, of Port Perry. The date of the Annual Meet ing of the Hospital has been set for Tuesday, March 23rd, 1965, at 8.30 p.m. at the hos- pital. * * * *® This is not the case in Port Perry according to the local issuer of plates, Mr. Gordon Reesor of Reesor Fuel Lumber. 49 Compete and; On Saturday, Feébruary 6th, | the Ontario County Seed Judg- | ing Competition was held in the Uxbridge Secondary School, "The situation is better than previous vears," Mr. Reesor told the Star on Tuesday morn-| (ith a total of 49 contestants ing. "We receive 3,500 plates taking part | for distribution for the year, | {During th 'ni '0- | and about 2,300 are sold before| tring the momng pro : ry , gramme, contestants were re-! the deadline. i . . | . ' quired to judge classes of cereal "So far this year, we have grains, small seeds, hay, corn | sold about 1,500, and the bal- ijjzge, and identify weeds, ance of about 800 wii be sold | lant specimens and crop seeds. 3: ' before the deadline » he con-| pyring the afternoon proghane.| tirued, "In addition to local' yo the contestants were re-| purchases of plates, we do have | quired to give oral reasons on a number of car owners from four of the classes judged in the Oshawa area coming here (pe morning. when the line-ups get too large The high contestant in the in that City". | competition was David St. | "The balance of the 3,500 Pierre, Claremont, with a total | piates received at the local of-! of 666 points out of a possible For Honours 700. David won the Senior! Championship Award donated by the Ontario County Soil and | Crop Improvement Association. In the Junior Section, Bill Leask, Leaskdale, was high: contestant, with a total of 645 points, and won te Russell Mor- rison Trophy. The Inter-School Trophy was awarded to the Uxbridge Sec-| ondary School. The team mem- bers were David St. Pierre, Bill Leask and Malvin Ross, and the coach was Mr. Ted Smith, Agricultural Teacher at the Uxbridge Secondary School. The Brock High School placed second, and the Port Perry "1st class honours. High School placed third4 The accounts for the month were reviewed and passed for payment, The Operating account $5503.26 Capital account 495.34 Payroll account 9887.61 Funds Needed The campaign for funds for Ontario Heart Foundation, which started on Sunday, Feb. 14th, and is conducted in Port Perry by members of the local . chapter will continue during the month of February. Canvassers will be visiting hemes in Port Perry and area, and residents are requested to give to this most deserving cause. Noted Speaker Will Address C. of C. Members Mrs. R., Oke, president of Poit Perry Chamber of Com- merce informed the Star this week that Mr. K. L. Cutts, sup- erinterdant of Business. De- velopment Division of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will be guest speaker at the annual meeting Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. Mr. Cutts is rated as an ex- cellent speaker and there is a a1eat demand for him all across Canada. He has held various offices within the Imperial Bank of Commerce and as a speaker he has travelled a great deal on the North---Awerican continent. Mrs. Oke urges all members to attend the meeting and bene- fit from the address given by one of the most recommended speakers who ever attended a C. of C. meeting. Students Pass Music Exams At the recent Royal Conserva- tory of Music Examinations held at Port Perry, the follow- ing pupils of Mrs. Florenco Harper, A.T.C.M.,, RM.T. were successful: Grade IX Piano-- Kenneth Webster; Grade V Piano -- Martha Carnegie; Grade I Theory--Judith Batten i. LOCAL RINK WINS JOHN BALLARD LUMBER CO. TROPHY The local rink pictured above and skipped by Ruth Mit. chell of Brooklin won the John Ballard Lumber Co. Trophy last week at their annual bonspiel held in Port Perry Curling arena, The winning team is pictured above. eT Irom left to right: Helen Bathie, scconl; Ruth Mitchell, skip; Mary Jean Heron, lead; Iva Mitchell, vice. --Staff Photo tv & je! #: at 3 RT nN TSAR A a FL AAT ST aT Nagy a LR EE PN LIE I Tes "en, = = Sa a i pl 3 Ve h) 3 py of ly 2 - "a Nt Sp Tha PA {Xs +, E20 ts SRY TON nt NOR ye