«3 AREY THY 5 My X15 ok AL "4 10 - AV DA TO MRL EL Te sa 1 INF Ped 8 danal . PAAR AEN . AR] 32 wh a" y 3 LR ddnthnaieiosiadaboasinsiimdine sdb afin bids 7 FFARR yh PORT PERRY STAR, [YAR whi a2 '. $s 7 AML Thurs, March 18th, 1965 SEAGRAVE NEWS What a lot of people have en- countered that flu bug! Most of the afflicted are not serious- ly ill but Mr. Wm. Pearson Sr. had to be taken to hospital in Port Perry for reamony. Two of our Jomoh, 17 . Butt and Mrs, W. Sturman"are also ill at present. rs. Butt is in Port Perry hospital and Mrs. Sturman 4n Oshawa where she underwent eye surgery. Both are improving. Our church caretaker earned hig salary this week. First on Tuesday evening there was to be a meeting of stewards, trus- tees and the Manse committee, Seagrave members arrived but no one turned up from Zion - Pleasant Point. They were planning to come on Thursday night. The gremlins must have been at work last Sunday when this was announced. Little could be done about Manse business as permission to sell has mot been received from Presbytery, We hope to have a committee meet with the presbytery executive soon to present our plans, Mean. while another meeting has been called to arrange matters be- tween the two groups and plan disposal of the furnishings, "All-out" Sunday will be Easter Sunday, April 18, when dedication of the crosses and also the installation of new of. ficers will take place. A committee to be convened by Lawrence Nicholls was ap. pointed to go ahead with base. ment improvement, Wednesda / night was U.C.W. night. Mrs. Keen conducted the worship which was in charge of the united group. The devotional topic, "Faith in Action" was ably taken by Mrs. A, Bruce who based her ehabelumoa Abn Rede d xtumnis remarks on the faith of the Old Testament patriarchs. Mrs, Hurst and Mrs, Eagleson also had parts. Instead of - the usual missionary study, a recor- ded filmstrip -on Brazil was presented, We are indebted to Mrs. Allan Martyn who helped with this item. Other highlights of the meet- ing were as follows: -- Only 2 sick boxes were sent this month. Last fall we sent $6. as a Christmas' gift to the Formosan girl we have been supporting for 2. years. The "Thank-you" came a few days ago written in Chinese charac- ters but with an accompanying translation, If you want some bargains just slip over to For- mosa. With the $6 she bought, shoes, gloves," underwear, a scarf and a handbag. She en- closed a picture of herself with the articles bought. Mrs, V. Tait volunteered to join the visiting committee making 2 teams of 2 ladies each, Mrs. G, Stone and Mrs. Clements gave the low-down on what the church boards did What's your stand on Mutual Life Ss higher dividends? Mr. Blake Dividends: That's the money you get back from the life in- surance company every year? Interviewer Mr. Blake That's right. Mr. Blake I'd like to know more about it. Where can I...? himdoner Just call your nearest Mutu Life of Canada representative. Well if Mutual Life returns more I'd have to say it's a good thing! Interviewer It's even better when you leave the dividends to accumulate and earn interest; Mr. Blake How much interest? Interviewer Well, this year Mutual Life is paying 5% interest on accumu ML 1 lated dividends. And that's just The Mutual Life one of the options you can choose. ML.65.7C ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICR: WATERLOO, ONTARIO/ ESTABLISHED 1909 REPRESENTATIVE: HERB G. TRAN WHITBY, ONTARIO 136 GARDEN STREET 668-5968 when they met, Our president thought we should clean up so that's what we'll be doing on April 18th. Don't forget. A contest was conducted by Mrs. M, Bruce and the inevit- able lunch served. Now on Thurs. came the usual choir practice followed by a Sunday School meeting with Doug McMillan in charge. This was mainly a planning affair -- Plans for Monther's Day, for Easter Sunday, for S. S. anni- versary and for S., 8S. picnic. These can be reported later as the events come nearer, Action was also taken regarding the re-conditioning of the floor and the purchase of new hymnaries. That brings us to Friday night. The north-east women have done it again for this year. Their box social was quite successful metting about $90. The committee in charge was Mrs, L, Nicholls, Mrs. K. Sturman and Mrs. K. Short. Program was by local artists with Cliff Short as chairman. Vocal solos were given by Gor- don Short and Larry :Short, a piano duet by Mrs. Chas. Short and Mrs. Tobin, a panel game * |'by Mrs. Abraham, won by Mau- reen Tobin and Glenn Stone, a reading by Glenn Wanamaker and piao solos by Sylvia Wana- maker, Catharine Nicholls and Calvin + Nicholls. And who should be the auctioneer but Lawrence Nicholls F.L.Q.! Mrs, V. Tait spent a few days with ~ her sister-in-law Mrs, Brown in Oshawa, while away she attended Kedron church and was. much impressed with the lady minister of that charge. Mr. and Mrs. Heard of Smith's Falls visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto recently, Mra. Heard is a sister of Mrs. Otto. Week-end visitors with the B. L. Wanamakers were MY. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Littie Britain on Saturday and' Mf. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker and family on Sunday. On Friday Mrs, Robt. Nod.' well left for Kentucky to' vif her sister Mrs. Lowry and | A sist her in moving to a ae home. Mr. W, Tristram and ME, Robb of Scarboro called « on ME, and Mrs. Eagleson Sunday oft ternoon, Sunday School attends) was down to 938 this week. Hallet read the scripture al little Carol Ann Sturman, year old, deposited bit day money after considerable per: suasion from her father. Neil' Wanamaker was. superintend- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds say they have decided to build post in Port Perry. We hope they will:.change their minds Jot stay around. Mr. . aid. Glenn Hood were 3 'Re nolds for supper on Sunds po ) UTICA Utica "U.C.W. The Utica "U.C.W." held their monthly meeting on Wed- nesday, March 10th at the home of Mrs, Larry Kendall with 10 members present, The meeting was opened by the president Mrs. Robert Thorndyke, followed by a devo- tional period led by Mrs. Ray- mond Edwards and Mrs, Larry Kendall who used as the theme of the service "The Bond of Peace". Following the devotional the business of the meeting was discussed and two new commit- tee's were formed. Mrs. B. Mitchell, and Mrs. Wm. Dunn are to be in charge of the Flower committee. Mrs, Wm. Goslin will be in charge of pro- gramming for the year and Mrs, Larry Kendall will assist her. At the conclusion of the busi- ness meeting the program fol- lowed in the form of a short play entitled "A Student Min- ister on a Home Mission Field", The ladies participating in the play were Mrs. M. Storie, Mrs, B. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Goslin, and Mrs. Bruce Geer. At the close of the-play the women broke into panels after which a group discussion was led by Mrs. Kendall, All presént ap. peared to enjoy the prepared programme and seemed to gain knowledge of a Home mission field. The next meeting of the Utica "U.C.W." is to be held. at. the home of Mrs. Brute: Miller on April 14th at 8.30 pm, The meeting. was closed by: the Benediction followed by 'ar delightful lunch supplied by Mrs, R. MacDonald and Mrs, B, 5: 3 Mitchell. Twenty-three tables of Fuchs re were played in Community. Hall on Saturday evening. Le dies First -- Dorothy McDiare mid; Ladies Second -- Noring Card; Cons. -- Kathy Goslin, Gent's First -- Grant Bright; Gent's Second--Gordon Smith; Cons.--Gar. Freeburn. Mr, Harry Kendall of Hawke stone" visited on Wednesday. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Slack supper guests with Mr. & Mra. "Murray Geer on Sunday. This Community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Lula Searle, Our sym+ pathy goes out to the bereaved faniily and friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Boxall of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Storie and family. The Ladies of the U.C.W: met in the basement of United Church on Thursday afternodn and presented Mrs, H. Walker with gifts and a dainty lunch was served. Mrs, Walker hag been a faithful worker for many years and will soon b§ leaving for her mew home in Brooklin, WINTER HOME COMFORT LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR HEATING FUEL THIS WINTER We can supply you with either HEATING OIL or COAL Both Products are of Top Quality REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone 985-7951 ---