hi Od . ' > ' Shp Sh ied labile nate Be bia his od wih a) ye: Tne FAL "ne Ais beeline Sovak aL ey, SP 14 --, PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs., March 18th, 1965 Bowling Standings LADIES MONDAY NIGHT BOWLING League Standing Mar, 15-- Menthols .......ceees 64 Players ...... es 62 Vieeroys ee 46 Embassys 41 Kools ...coovmiinones 41 Exports ... 87 No. 7's ....... 36 Belmonts .... 33 Alpines ....... 32 Gaylords .... Matinees . 27 Cameos ......cevene . 0 27 Standings for Play-Offs: Menthols--111 pts. No. 7's--95 pts. Exports--87 pts. Kools--86 pts. Embassys--=84 pts. Players--82 pts. Viceroys--81 Apines--64 Belmonts--62 Gaylords--b69 Matinees--b7 Cameos--b56 High Single-- Wanda Durham---276 High Triple-- Grace Hastings--686 Over 600 Triples-- Grace Hastings--686; Wanda Durham--623; Joyce Emmerson --617; Edna DeShane--602. Over 200 Singles Wanda Durham -- 204, 276; Edna DeShane -- 278; Grace Hastings--200, 216, 270; Bert Mason -- 266; Joyce Emmerson --242, 247; Doris Phinney--230; Eleanor Shaw -- 224; Shirley Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) LIMITED © YOUR CERTIFIED eo imp lp ~ TRAVEL CONSULTANTS [ [ p A complete travel service throughout the world. | -- No Service Charge -- 4 [' [ 728-6201 (3 lines) eg a oy OSHAWA ] 57 King St. East e¢ UNDER Jessie's Beauty Salon "OPENING SPECIAL" ONE WEEK ONLY -- FROM MARCH 22 to MARCH 27th SHAMPOO AND SET -- $1.25 $12.50 PERMANENT WAVE NOW ONLY NEW MANAGEMENT eo Newman--224; Joyce Storrey-- 221; Alice Scriver -- 220; Flo Daveys--218; Norene Trudel-- 216; Marg, Sweetman -- 215; Eunice Stewart -- 212; Anne Mulder--203, 212; Beth Oke-- 211; Ruth McLean--210; Mary Lee Dowson--206; Beryl Bond --208; Diane Sallows--202, 203; Leona Ptolemy---203. MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Standing March 11th-- Black Jacks ovens T 44 44 Carnegies .. 40 Gibsons... ivi 0 8B Blow Kings ......... 6 32 Head Pins ....... 7 31 Bill's Ref. wir, 8 31 Goofers .....oiveinee Bb 27 Meteors ... wy 2 24 Stars oven. 2 24 Legionaires ............ 0 23 Whiz Bangs .......... 0 28 Over 225 Singles-- R. Sweetman -- 346, 251; R. Willerton---333; G. Goode--326, 305, 265; R. Carnegie--319, 230; J. Wilson--318, 232; L., Wake- ford--276; D. Durham--271; D. Butt--270, 267, 240; G. McHugh --268; L. Burnett--268; R. Me- + Reil==g6iy AL Menzies=261: J. | Dowson--260; W. Marks--260; C. A. Glass--2b5; F. Hastings --253; K. Ashton--251, 238; D. Wallace--251; D. Murray--248; W. St. John--248; J. Notting- ham--247; J. Hadley--244, 239, 227; F. Olsen -- 244, 230; T. Thomas--244, 225; K, Middle- ton--241; R. Doupe -- 239; G. Carnegie -- 234; G. Menzies-- 221, 228; J. Beckett -- 231; R. Howsam--225, Over 600 Triples-- G. Goode--885; D. Butt--777; R. Carnegie--762; R. Willerton --756; J. Wilson -- 733; R. Sweetman -- 724; K. Ashton-- 712; J. Hadley -- 710; G. Mec- Hugh--710; T. Thomas -- 666; J. Dowson--663; A. Menzies-- 663; F, Hastings--655; F. Ol- sen--642; D. Durham--642; W. G. Menzies -- 611; J. Notting- ham---609; R. McNeill--608; K. Middleton--605. H.S.--R. Sweetman--346. H.S.W.H.--R. Sweetman 349. H.T.--G. Goode--885 H.T.W.H.--R. Carnegie--840. LADIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Standings March 10th-- Giraffes Lions 16 Rhinos 12 Bears 11 Leopards .......... se 11 Apes !] Zebras wo 1 Tigers vivir 4 1 Panthers ......... I. 6 6 Elephants . we 8. Bb Crocodies ........... woe O 6 Singles Over 210-- G. Hastings -- 866, 220; R, Cooper--=3800, 278; D. Menzies-- 203, 249; R. Willoughby--261; M. Geer--250, 225; A. Chandler --250, 218; S. Bell--246; B. Bell --244; R. Willams -- 238; M. Doupe--236; E. Doyle--230; M. Cook--229; V. Rider--225; M. Wallace--222; R. Short -- 222; J. Hamilton--222; G, Tassell-- 219; S. Devitt--219; F. Mahaf- fy--=217; R. Moore--215; M. St. John--213; D. Taylor--218; E. Bailey--213. Triples Over 600-- G. Hastings--1767; R. Cooper --1751; D. Menzies -- 699; M. Geer--640; K. Harper--629; J. Hull--622; A, Chandler -- 620; M.-8t. John=4612;-M.-Cook--607 B. Bell--606; R, Willams--&601. 4-H Club Activities chiviti e eighth meeting of the "Fashionettes" was held at the home of Miss Alice Dodd, the leader. The meeting was open- ed by repeating the 4-H Pledge. This was followed by Mary Lou Thomas reading 'her notes of the preceding meeting. Then the Roll Call was read. There.was no subject matter for this meeting so the girls continued with Group Work, The girls judged Costume Charts. The meeting was closed by repeating the 4-H Creed. a * * On March 3rd another meet- ing was held at the home of Miss Dodd, There were no opening or closing ceremonies, | The girls just worked on their covers for the Record Books. ' ven LES SEA 24 Yeats, BIOLOGY LECTURE ON TV -- Introduction of closed circuit television for lectures at Queen's University has provided a new teaching aid this year, Above, first-year Biology students attend a lecture delivered via the television screen, Such lectures are supplemented by laboratory work and other. lectures delivered in person by the teaching staff. Queen's University, Public Relations Dep't., February, 1063, Port Perry U.C.W. In the absence of Mrs. Grif- fen, Mrs. Cornish took ¢he chair for the March 9th Gén. eral meeting of the U.C.W. 8he opened the meeting with the poem "A little gift from Tro land." Unit 6 had hires of the Pe- votional Exercises with Miss M. Harris and Mrs, A. Bidick a: leaders. Mrs, Hall, recording Sekre- tary called for reports from Rll of the units. Mrs. Dowson reporting for unit 8, announced an "Oppor- tunity Sale" on Mar. 27 from 1-6 in the basement of the - church. Tea will be served at the sale by Unit 4, Mrs, M. Williams urged that subscriptions to Observer be sent in at once. Mrs. Cornish reported on the new drapes, Mrs, McDonald, supply convener, announged that she had wool on hand for dietribution. Mrs. Cawker reported for sho flower committee. Mrs. MM. Dowson reported on cards gent ,she also announced that used Christmas cards could be given to Mrs. Myers for the retawled children at Smith Falls, Unit 1 had charge of the pro- gramme. Mrs. Hardy gave a brief introduction to the filmi on Trinidad after which there was some discussion, Mrs. Audrey Hall very ably operated the projector for the film showing, Unit 2 served lunch for the social hour at the close of the meeting. Greenbank News Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Hadwin & Allan were Sunday visitorg of Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter visited Mr. George Simmons at Scarborough hospital, Sunday. Mr. Alex Leask had the mis- fortune to break his left hand recently. Bob and Jim Hunter accome panied by Danny, John & Mur- ray Stone enjoyed the sports man show at Toronto last Sat- urday. Mr. Ed. Phoenix of London visited Mr, and Mrs. Fred Phoenix last week-end. Women's Institute monthly meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Stone on Wednesday, March 24th, Mrs. R. Shier will show pictures of trip out west. All ladies are asked to bring a jar of jam to be donated to hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dobson of Brampton visited Mr, and Mrs, John Dobson on week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blair visited Miss M. Blair of Fair- view Lodge last Sunday after noon, and later visited Mrs, Blair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B Risebrough of Sandford. RED CROSS| IS ALWAYS THERE WITHYQUR HELP pr ------ ww -- yg --