Contamination Of Power Lines Under Constant Attacks By Hydro A 'continuous drive to eradi- cate contamination on power line insulators is being speedily and effectively carried out by Ontario Hydro line forces in Metro Toronto and nearby municipalities of Central Re- gion, The attack has been acceler- ated greatly in recent years by the adoption of modern equip- ment which enables the Com- mission's linemen to do the job nearly five times as fast as before. A jet stream of air and clean water is blown under high pressure to wash contam- ination from power line insula- tors. This work is carried out on live power lines without sérvice interruption to cust- omers, Salt Spray Collects The major attack by Hydro work forces is on road salt spray that collects on power He insulators during winter. This has become more acute in| recent years with construction of the overhead sections of the Gardiner Expressway, because transmission lines parallel this main artery. When insulators become coated with salt or other grime they frequently arc in wet weather and cause power outages. The novel idea of using a combination of air and pure water under pressure was the - answer to Hydro's problem of speeding insulator cleanup work. Such a stream does not conduct electricity, So linemen can direct the stream at a pres- sure of 1,000 pounds per square inch on to insulators of power line conductors of 27,600 up to 230,000 voltages without dang- er. The introduction of a standard five-ton truck equip- ped with a 700 gallon tank and a hydraulic lift, insulated buck- et also has aided greatly in speeding up the work. Before the introduction of the mobile spray system of washing power line insulators, the work had to be done in a slow, tedious manner that re- quired a far larger work force to do the task, It also meant i interruption of power service. Previously, when insulators were being cleaned the power lines had to be taken out of service thus depriving custom- ers of power, The linemen were sent scrambling up wooden poles or steel tower structures to clean insulators on the site by manual methods or some- times replacing insulators with new ones. This was costly and time-consuming work. Only Air and Water The only drawback that Hydro work forces have ex- perienced in operating the four modern truck insulator washing units that are on steady clean- ling patrols in Central Region PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, April 22nd -- 15 BURKETON NEWS Several attended the Auction | visited relatives over Easter Sale of Mr. Dalton Eaglish on week-end, .also with them from April 10th. Sudbury were Mr. Ecclestone's brother, his wife and daughter. Sorry to report Mr. English suffered a stroke Good Friday and was taken to hospital. Several from here were among a large crowd at Mr. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ecclestone | McMullen's Auction Sale near and Miss Josephine Archer Yelverton. y 2 : Sympathy i 1 th is from apprehensive eto tistas ympaiiy {3 extended to © and property owners who ae | MgLaughlin family and relatives | sume that the jet stream wash- [I the passing of Mr. E. Me ing the contamination off the 2ughlin. insulators contains some chemi- cal solution. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, - © | Miss Janice Hubbard of Tren- Ontario Hydro line forces do ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller their best to reassure them that any spray which happens to land on auto bodies will not harm the finish. As a more convincing gesture they are having signs printed and placed| Easter Services were well at- on the mobile washing equip- | tended on Sunday morning. ment to advise that only pure water and air are being used in| Mrs. Greta Bailey is spending the jet stream washing over-/a few days with relatives in head power line insulators. Oshawa. and Terri also Mrs. Dorothy Bryan of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- bard. _-- 4 I] . . SR HOPE'S TABLERIT Canada's Finest Quality Fy > PA | | Red or Blue Brand Beef fi | HS 3 : 3 ;. 3 . Prices Effective April 21, 22, 23 & 24 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Blade Bone Removed « o . Short Rib Roast nv. 49- Crosscut Rib or Bone- 55C Ib. less Shoulder Roast Fresh Ground Chuck mn. 59° 4 Royul Guest Rindless 1-1» Pkg. TableRite 12-0z. Pkg. Sliced Side Bacon B5c¢ Sliced Bologna 33 HEINZ FANCY MARSH SEEDLESS or RUBY RED ; ] Tomato Juice J «=== ¢ . u : Size 96's RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY with Pectin c Produce of U.S.A., Can. No. 1 Garden Fresh AYLMER 22 oz. jor C TENDER CARROTS 3 1b. bag DGC * HEIN2 a Produce of U.S.A., Can. No. 1 California's Finest KETCHUP ) #7 bi, 43 EMPEROR GRAPES b. 2° RANGE PEKOE g ; JAFFA ORANGES oii coo ee 00: GO . IGA Tea Bags Pha. of 60. ho In Tomato Sauce 15-0z. Tins Beef or Irish 24-0z, Tin 5) Heinz Beans 4 for 69 Swifts Stew 39. bi: © SAVE THESE PXIRA TAPES eo Prensred 16-07. Jars Sunny Morn Pkg. of 100 Receive an Extra $1040 Tape w . : .KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS, Heinz Mustard ~~ 2 for 39c Tea Bags 65 AIRE DETERGENT. Speelal Deal Pack, Giant Bread & Butter 16-02. Jar 29c. Pkgs. . CRISCO VEGETABLE OIL, 38-0z. Size Heinz Pickles 27: Peek Frean Biscuits 4 for 89. Receive an Extra $4.00 Tape with . GLIDE LIQUID STARCH, 6c. Off, 32-0z. size Heinz 8-0z. Jar 5c. Assorted Pkg. of 20 Extra $2.00 Tape with | dwi 25¢c Neilson Bars c ) ReoLID 'COLOURED MARGARINE, Sandwich Spread 85 a i NIBLRTS, 2.1b. Bag Players Filter, Reg. or King Size Ctn of 200 Apple Pie Hospitality Each 39 TOMATOES, Product of Mexico, CIGARETTES $3.09 Can. No. 1 Grade, 14-0z. Tube FRESHLY GROUND MINCED BEEF, Pkg. AA ------ LL SI TAT TI RITE VIP EDY oy Yd Se £05 Agden