RR ¥ sall and Mrs. John Campbell, both Uxbridge; from Prince Al- bert, Mrs. C. Martyn and Mrs. Ilean Pugh, both Prince Albert; from Port Perry Fashionettes, Miss Alice Dodd and Miss Au- ws drey Kent, both of Port Perry; i from Port Perry Fashion Teens, By Gwen Ballingall ae gee Mrs. Jean Carnochan and Mrs. Grace Bassant, both of Port Perry; from Zephyr, Mrs. Roy Lovely and Mrs. C. Risebrough, both of Uxbridge. In the afternon club members entertained their parents, friends and Women's Institute members with skits, demonstra- tions and exhibits, Comment- ing on these were two visiting Home Economists, Mrs, Mar- garet Taylor, Newmarket and Mss Patricia Wray from Lind- say. This part of the pro- gramme was folowed by a fa- shion parade where all the members modelled their blouse e8. The commentators for the fashion parade did an outstand- fng job in describing each mo- del. It was a very successful 'and enjoyable afternoon. The prvgramme concluded with Mrs, Legion Ladies Auxiliary The meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg- ion Branch 419 which was held on April 13th, was well attend- ed, and we were very pleased to welcome Zone Commander Mrs. G. Williams, who was paying her official visit to the Auxili- ary. The meeting was opened with the presenting of the colours, roll call of officers, and execu- tive, the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, also the minutes of the Execu- tive meeting which was held on March 81st were read and left open for discussion. Matters arising from the min- utes of the Executive meeting were brought before the mem- bership, were voted on and ORR Nc ARN a aaa N oy PAYS ROY . . vite yA , EE | EE ESE SASS BSA AEN SEE ON A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE MEN'S LOAFERS -- OXFORDS 9.95 LADIES LOAFERS -- OXFORDS 8.50 HUSH PUPPIES No Other Shoe Looks This Smart and wears so well Kick them. Scuff them. Grind them In dirt. It takes more than a teenager to wear out Hush Puppies. They're breathin' pigskin, treated with Scotchgard for water and stain repellency. They're built around a steel shank to provide the support a growing foot needs. And they're Hush Puppies BOYS a a . passed. PORT : _ 4-H HomeMaking Clubs One application for membor. PERRY STA be Thursday, April 22nd 3 i ship was accepted. Correspon- "Te 4, dence was read, and bills pass- A S H B UR N N E Ww S [ be Conclude S ® Pp eo t ed for payment, a letter from \ a Pring rojec on ied boy in Korea was Rev. K. A. and Mrs. Heron,| Mrs. W. Fisher, "Peace That i} v. On Saturday. Apri Lo. _ also read. sons Jeffrey and Jordan of Pet-|Jesus Gives". We are always so 3 pe hundred and Sn a wl Bid Disish Jue The Zone Rally which is to|rolia; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mec |pleased to have Miss C. Simp- ths making club members and lead- | ing greetings to the 4-H vi be held in Whitby on May 11th| Andless and family, Don Mills; |son, of Brooklin to speak to us ie ers gathered for the Achieve- a es flor: res ting was discussed. 26 members| Mr. and Mrs. Drew Leper, of | and her message was "Easter," A ment Day at Port Perry High a dc T oy " will 'be attending from this| Toronto; were Sunday guests|and what does it mean to you? oi School. The members exhibited | to the recipionts. y Honours | auxiliary. of Mr. and Mrs.c Edgar Heron. Hymn 214, "Christ the Lord ge. the work completed during this Ricelving Provindial Honours Reports of the Welfare and| Mr. and Mrs. O Bennett, of |is Risen" was sung and Rev. Bl project which consisted of blou- | were Mrs. Janet MeTaggart, Sports committees were given, Whitby were Friday evening | Buntain closed the meeting with 6 ses, colour charts and costume | Greenwood Club, Miss Sheila ard a report on the Rummage visitors with Mrs M. Sparks. |prayer. WE charts. The work exhibited had | Disney, Mt. Zion Club and Miss sale. Mrs. H. Buntain, Port Perry| The Sacrament of Holy Com- been done with great pride and | pamela Warren, Quaker Hill The May meeting will be held | was hostess to the members of | Munion was observed in the {8 / care. The junior members did | cub. or. Monday May 3rd, due to the [the Ladies Bible Class, Wed, |Burn's Church on Sunday, Apr. 130 particularly well in this sewing| Receiving County Honours | fact that the Zone Rally is be«| April 14th, at 8 p.m. 18th at 11:30 a.m. i project, thanks to the able were: Susan Britton and Patsy | "8 held on the regular night. Mrs. Douglas Ashton presided Rev. H. Buntain chose for his we fundies 24 patisnes Oo heir Lewis, Altona; Cheryl Paradine,| with all business concluded | and opened the meeting by a "The Invitation of a fi Mrs. Jim Harper and Miss J '| Bethesda; Dorothy Downey and Pres. M. Jackson introduced |reading a poem "Let Us Go! Risen Tost." The choir sang as et : 8 cute) Lynda Rutherford, Brooklin;| rs, Williams who thanked us|On" Hymn 209, "Beneath the?" Easter anthem, "He Lives Wi Lowy Cl extn) from Beth. Ingrid Anonby, Claremont; | 5). the welcome she had re- Cross," was sung. The Scripture Again." he hy i J Tirta] Lavy, in Jean Gardiner, Greenwood; | ceived, She then gave her ad-| Lesson, St. Luke 24:verses 1-36] Preparatory Service was well 0 I es Sisahursty Donna Tripp, Bethesda; Gracy vice on several matters that had | was read by Mrs. C. Harrison, | *t!"ded Good Friday evening. 3 , . A. Per | Bassant, Port Perry; Barbara] yeep, brought out in the meet- | followed by Prayer by Mrs. E (NNEEEEEEN se and Mrs. M. Hoogsteen, both of | Campsall, Gloria Cox and Betty ing and explained how these | Heron ¥ ¥ Co bei be? Progeny $0 Carmien}, dua 430% Raolsy Quahgr Hil Son, things should be dealt with, her| The minutes and correspon- SELL and BUY dhe «2 - M, "ln artyn, Bonn a ; i " NE Sum oth of Claremont; from | Jean Snelgrove of Prince Al- ee He ree nasty dence was read and offering THROUGH THE Bh 3 : : ved. _.7Y Sastwand, Hs & es bert. . said that she was very pleased| A, Raster PYOREAITR Was CLASSIFIED PHS rs. fichard de| Miss Austra Janitis, Home| ith manner in which the meet-| tine 6 AR Boer, Goodwood; from Green-| Economist for Ontario County ings were conducted given consisting of three read- oy wood, Mrs. J. Kingstone, Clare- | presented the 4-H Homemaking ings "Splinters from the Cross", SECTION fhe mont and Mrs. C, McTaggart, | Club sterling spoons to all the| After the close of the meet-|by Mrs. D. Ashton, "The Tri- OF THE NA Locust Hill; from Mt. Zion, Mrs. | members who completed this|ing a social hour was enjoyed | umphant Cross" by Mrs. F. hE C. Disney, Brooklin and Mrs. | unit successfully. and a lunch of sandwiches,|Lynde, and "Only Borrowed" Port Perry Star RY Edgar Johnson, Uxbridge; from cake and ice cream and coffee |by Mrs. W. Routley. A vocal : ER Quaker Hill, Mrs. James Camp- was. served, duet by Mrs W Hamilton and PHONE : 985.7383 is v Ri SRR ¢ Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) LIMITED e¢ YOUR CERTIFIED eo TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. -- No Service Charge -- the smartest shoe ever to come off a designer's drawing board. (Dad wears the same shoe, only bigger, to the Boys' <71.95 : le) ih appt 4 ind Children 6.95 Harri in | +795 Greb Oxfords SISMAN - MEN'S TT ! 728-6201 OSHAWA k j ines) 67 King 81. 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