10 - PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday May 6th, 1965 Hospital Auxiliary Meeting Springlike weather resulted in a larger attendance at the April meeting held on Monday the 26th at 2.30 p.m. with Mrs, M. B. Dymond presiding. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer repeated in uni- son after which Mrs. B. Wana- maker read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. rosier gave the Treasurer's report and reported receiving two cheques --one from Port Perry U.C.W. for $65.00 and one from Mrs. Roy Honey for $2.00. A letter of thanks will be sent to the donors. Mrs. S. Mumford read - a letter from the Hospital Board requesting that three delegates from the Hospital Auxiliary at- tend their next meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 11th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Manns reported plenty of baby booties on hand ahd a box of booties in dainty pastel shades of blue, pink and white knitted by Mrs, M. McMillan of Oshawa was passed around and admired by all present. A letter of thanks will be sent to Mrs. McMillan for her kindness and generosity. Mrs. Dymond reported that pctted hyacinths had been dis- tributed to all the patient's for Easter as well as candies for the children. Two hydrangeas were placed in the office by|. Eleanor of the Florist Shop. Mrs. Wanamaker announced that 450 forfeit calendars had been given out to the various organizations for action during the month of May. There will be a regional meet- ing of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary on May 7th in Lind- say. Mrs. Dymond reported that the General Electric X-ray ma- chine costing around $2,300 would be most suitable for our hospital, but it was decided to delay decision until after the meeting of the Hospital Board. A thousand place mats ad- vertising the work of the hos- pital have been purchased and will be distributed to local res- taurants. The Annual Hospital Day Tea will be held on Saturday, May 8th in the Municipal Hall from 2.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. There will also be a sale of home baking. Voting on a summer project was postponed until the next meeting when it is hoped mem- bers will have a clearer idea of what they wish to do. IBACBALGHORONOEGEOND ER] SELEY, and BUY THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE Port Perry Star PHONE: 085-7383 MELEE EEEL CELL LLL AN BEES BAY RE . § ie. _ . ». ANT ae JC A EY 4 LY ' ' " . Bw anda RUNYAN 3 APLE [PAN "4 ' TON . . 4 AE [+ ROE SR) "hf EAP NEA DF RMON DPI LIEW ANCY LTRRRACUAL EIR VE. 38) SERA FRY BD Sr RE) #Y Jw NERS A SEAGRAVE NEWS , we know spring has come at last. The ice is out. Ken Wray has officialy opened the cultivating season and Mar- tin Fisher has put the top of his car down. On Tues. Mr. Orville Boe and Mr. Cliff Short appeared be- forc a presbytery committee in Oakwood to assure that our motives were pure when we asked permission to sell the manse. They must have made an impression. Permission was granted. Our hospital report is en- couraging, Mrs. E. Butt who underwent surgery in Uxbridge hospital on Wed is making splendid progress. Mrs. N. Mec- Millan is improving but must spend another week in hospital, Mr. Geo. Imrie is out of hos- pital but of course a fracture doesn't mend in a minute. Mrs. Bessie Fishley, Mr. Cecil Fishley and P. C. Jimmy are on their annual trip to the north country, where they will visit friends in New Liskard. Last week before they left they en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fishley and Donnie of Brooklin and also Mrs. Albert Walker & daughter Gladys of Markdale. Seagrave's fire-bugs were in action last week. Mrs, Tait intended to burn some trash and managed to burn off the school yard property for Roy Scott. Firecrackers in the hands of small boys caused another grass fire down beside the creek. For- tunately our local fire-fighters extinguished both blazes with- out much trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson are at home for a while keeping an eye on father Butt while his wife is in hospital, / Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe and family of Peterboro accomp- aried by Mrs. Adams of Long Branch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Boe. Also The Tobins entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clarke of Oshawa for Sun- day evening dinner. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson accompanied Mr. Howard Leask to Oakwood where they visited Mr. and Mrs, Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Belair called on Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, Rag- lan, on Sunday. The Seagrave Church was converted on Wed.--to oil, 87 loyal people turned up at Sunday School. , The devotional was led by Neil Wanamaker and Mr. McNeil told the story of Moses for the children. It was birthday week for the Shorts-- Jack Short and his sister-in- law Mrs. Ken Short. We like to make it worth- while when we go to the village so on Thursday night there will Communi. cants class and a Sunday School meeting, be choir practice, Same is true for Sunday-- Mother's Day service. Baptis« mal Service and installation of new officers, all at or near 10.30 Sunday morning. No Sunday School. CHECK YOUR SUBSCRIPTION LABEL WES PLUMBING Office - HEATING ELECTRIC Port Perry, Ont. 985-2473 LANE Res. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of tractors, truck, baler, fertilizer drills, forage harvester units, Surge milkers, late model farm power machinery, lumber, house- hold furniture, electric appliances, piano, dishes, glassware, etc., at Prentice's New Idea Farm, Lot 21, Concession 8, Markham * Township, #48 Highway 1-% miles North of Markham Village, the properties of Person Muteh Clark, McLeod Estate, Major Estate and others, on Saturday, May 8th, 1965 Implements, Etec. International #460 diesel trac- tor, C/W live PTO, power steering, 3 pt. or straight draw bar hitch, also #50 McCormick Deering hydraulic control front end loader with 14 yard bucket, less than 1600 reg. hours, good MH #44 standard tractor C/W lights, starter, PTO, ete. McCormick-Deering #46 PTO baler, C/W wagon loader, used only 2 seasons, good working order MF #26 - 15 disc multi-flow tractor fertilizer drill on low rubber, good MF #62 3 furrow tractor plow, 8 pt. hitch, B.N. bottoms Geo, White 18 tooth 3 pt. hitch spring tooth cultivator, near new Case H.D. 17 spring tooth tractor cultivator with inside rubber wheels MH 32 / 18 ins. plate tractor tandem disc harrows with control cut McCormick-Deering 6 section set diamond drag harrow with evener PTO drive field weed sprayer C/W 21' folding spray boom MF 7' cut PTO mower 3 pt. hitch, nearly-ew and good New Idea #200 tractor PTO spreader on agriculture rubber New Idea #400 - 5 parra-bar side delivery rake, near new MI" all steel roller bearing wagon gear, 4 ton capacity, nearly new Rubber tired farm wagon gear David-Bradley all steel roller bearing wagon gear, 3 ton capacity, good 7 2 - 15 x 17" wagon flat racks, C/W standards Mayrath combination 32' ex- tension bale and grain eleva- tor C/W 1 HP electric motor Sale at 1.00 p.m. D.S.T. Terms Mayrath 4 ins. grain auger C/W % HP electric motor Surge B.B. 2 milker vacuum pump C/W 3 HP 60 cycle motor, pipeline, attachment outlet fitting for 22 head 2 single Surge milker units Surge B.B. 1 milker vacuum pump, complete with electric motor Beatty shallow well pressure pumping C/W supply tank, just recently reconditioned 3or 4-14 & 16 steel farm gates Beatty livestock water bowls Bull pen with gate Set block & tackle Milker house wash tank Gehl forage harvester, Contin- ental motor driven C/W windrow, pickup, and direct cut green crop attachments, both quick switch types Gehl forage blower C/W wagon unloader also filler, inside, elbows hood and flexible pipes Clipper Climax seed cleaner C/W electric motor, screens & bagging attachment Oliver 2 row corn planter C/W fertilizer and 8 pt, hitch attachments 7 width set chain drag harrows Woods barn oat roller Scuffler & electric fencer 2 forage wagon boxes with self unloading false ends Ford-Mercury 1953 model M500 stake body 2-4 ton capacity truck . MII Clipper PTO combine C/W scour kleen, late model Cockshutt 13 disc fertilizer tractor drill MH 3 furrow tractor plow I'-B tractor tandem dise harrows 3 pt. hiteh cultivator C/W depths, shoe and shields Grain blower with pipes Meyers portable sprayer with cash on day of sale with clerk, Proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any public with this auction sale. boom 2 barn platform scales Large quantity of plastic hose Turkey or poultry equipment, scalding control tanks, spreaders, feeders, waterers, fencing, ete. Litter carrier tracking, bucket gear, hangers, ete. Several steel fence posts 16 Poultry or turkey crates 9 poultry dressers' rubber aprons Various other farm articles, tools, ete. MH cutting box, hand or power Poultry brooders, waterers, feeders, along with various other poultryman's equipment and supplies, ete. Furniture, Etc. Frigidaire refrigerator 9 cu. ft. near new Moffatt electric range 30" size & good Coffield electric washing machine, good condition G.E. vacuum cleaner C/W attachments Oak dining extension table and 6 chairs. Solid pine chest Kitchen and odd chairs Black walnut dresser, bed & washstands. Mantel radio Odd centre tables Blankets, quilts, pillows, cushions, towellings, linenware Quantity dishes, utensils, lamps & other household effects, ete, Dining room table, Buffet 6 chairs with wicker seats Several small tables. Pine Chest Record case, Washstand Wash basin & pitcher Buffet and table. 2 Mirrors Brass bed & spring Hotpoint washing machine Locomotive washing machine Ironing board. Sewing Machino Lawn mower, Floor polisher 2 chiffrobes » Whale, Woolhead, Cowieson, Fairty, Marble top stgnd, kidney shaped, Library table Iron bed with spi single Several odd chairs, Desk, bench & bookcase to match Philco 21" television sot Ping pong table with bats Ladders, Garden tools Cart lawn barrow Flower pots, ete. 2 small work benches Porcelain top table Portable record player & records. Studio couch 1-% bundles of asphalt shingles 2 lawn benches and shelf Utility cans. Laundry tubs '2 toboggans and ski sets Square top table with double drawers. Floor Lamps Mendelssohn upright piano and stool. Floor Lamp Sparton electric refrigerator, 5 cu. ft. Kerosene Lamps McClary 21" electric range Coal or wood electric range 2 piece chesterfield suite Beatty electric washer Round top extension table 8 matching parlor arm chairs Corner spooled whatnot Combination: china cabinet & secretary desk. End tables Dining, bedroom, kitchen & rorking chairs Chrome table and chairs set Highboy Dresser Treadle sewing machine Square and round top centre tables, Magazine racks Wooden & steel beds, springs and mattresses Spool bed, antique electric table Lamps Coffee tables, ete. Small household electric appliances, also dishes, glassware, utensils, other household effects, ete. Large quantities of various other consignment articles arriving too late for classification listings. No reserve. James Smith & Assistants, clerks. CLARKE, PRENTICE, Auctioneer Markham, phone 640-3686 or 294-3161 liability, properfy damage, or injury to the public in connection X &