SOAS tL BERS RT Ae i JUN hs . + Prince Albert News Our worship service was can- celled on Sunday owing to special anniversary in Port Pewy where several from our midst attended. One of our comparatively new members Mrs. F. Brooks played hostess for the April meeting of the U.C.W. when sixteen ladies gathered in her new home. Well -arranged devotion was given by Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs, Wilson and Mrs, Smith. An explanatory talk from the Study Book, Trinidad and its customs was ably given by Mrs. Holtby. This interesting paper ended by listening to a couple of records peytaining to their native music and song. The Vice president Mrs. Newnham occupied the chair for business in the absence of the regular president Mrs, Roy Hope. Minutes and several notes of correspondents and invitations read by secretary Mrs. Holtby. Treasurer's report given by Mrs. Jewell. Kitchen commit- tee stated the extra shelves had been installed in cupboards. Basement piano is also re-tuned. It was voiced that four shut- ins had received flowers from the daffodil arrangement: in the church a few weeks ago. Mrs. Pugh, hospital representative, distributed the forfeit calen- dars among the members, in aid of hospital work. She also an- nounced the Hospital Tea on Saturday, May 8th. Thank you for the donation received from Scugog Cub & Scout Pack for use of church kitchen facilities during banquet. Members were reminded to continue collecting "Canada Packer" labels. The committee acting for Dessert Luncheon an- ncunced their accomplishments. Being no further business the meeting closed by all repeating Mizpah benediction. A delici- ous lunch was served by Mes- dames Holtby, Smith and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Jeffrey, all of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- Your Neighbourhood PHARMACISTS ANNOUNCE Additional hours for dispensing your prescriptions Roginaing May 10, one pharmacy will be open 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday and Open each Friday evening - Thursday evenings. until 9 p.m. as usual. For emergency service at other times, call your Pharmacist at his home. S. R. BRUTON, Phm. B. A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. LX y | XY ' . PEPE PART NE L836 £ RE Ah S ne colm Bailey of Utica and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jeffrey of Scu- gog Island were all recent Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snelgroves and mother Mus. Wm. Jeffrey, Mr. Bruce Martyn is home from Waterloo University and has secured work in Oshawa un- til the fall term of schooling. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock ac- companied Mr, and Mrs. .G. Hunter on an enjoyable trip to Dundalk and other places of in- terest on Sunday. Mrs. Sarjantson and Mrs. Mulvey left last Saturday via chartered DeNure bis lines to California. Glad to learn Mrs, Fear and i| Mrs. Snelgrove are home from the hospital, --_------ Manchester News The U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Joshua Dobson on Thursday, May 6th at 2 p.m, Mr. and Mrs, James Cochrane who have been viisting at the Mitchell home returned to their heme in Georgia last week. Mr .and Mrs. Herman Walker | of Brooklin were supper guests PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs, May 6th, 1965 -- 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, J, Torrens and family of Kingston visited at the Johnston home on the week- | end. Mr. Tony 'Vandervoort is a patient 'in Toronto General Hospital. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Tony. Miss Eunice Roach, who has completed her first year at York University is at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dunford and baby daughter, Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Harrison of Cobourg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Best and family on Sun- day. Miss May Brown of Green- wood was a guest at the Frank J. Dobson on Johnston home last Wednesday. The many friends of Mrs. Jim Young of Oshawa regret to learn that she is seriously ill. Best wishes go out to her for her complete recovery. Cig ACCORDIAN GUITAR INSTRUCTION IN YOUR HOME (in town or rural area) INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED "at one low monthly rate Write for: Free ability test Free Demonstration lesson tc: Box 27, Port Perry Star @ OS® POPOV OOOTOOTIY 728-6201 3 lines) SOP OV O® & OBES Koa RCECEOROSOROROZOTOREY Fo our - Seasons Travel(Oshawa) LIMITED ®¢ YOUR CERTIFIED eo "TRAVEL CON SULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. -- No Service Charge OSHAWA 57 King St, East $ Fabulous Furniture BLITZ SALE WILSON'S FURNITURE IN OSHAWA Don't Miss These Tremendous Give-Away Bargains and Sensational Savings 6 x 9 Borderless Linoleums .........ccccooovveeennnn. $ 2.99 5 Pce. Chrome Kitchen Suites ......c.ccun......... 34.88 2 Pce. Chesterfield Suites, Frieze Covers. Foam Cushions ......... 139.00 Flake Foam Pillows .....ccoociiviiivviinieiinienennnnnn 99 Crib Mattresses (spring filled) ......ccoovevveenne 6.88 3 Pce. Bedroom Suites (Walnut Fin.) ........ 93.00 Swivel Rockers, Hi/Back ......cooovevveveeennennnn. 27.00 Smooth Top Mattresses ....ccocevevveveevvcrveniinnnns 26.00 Aluminum and Saran Lawn Chairs ............ 3.87 Decorator Cushions, while they last ............ 59 |! Bunk Beds Complete with Springs and Mattressess ..occiiveeiiiieivniieenionne 57.00 ASS'T TOILET SOAP LIQUID DETERGENT LESTOIL ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES JOHNSON'S BEAUTIFLOR WAX POST ALPHA BIT ATR. FRESH SHANKLESS PICNICS . 33: RUSH DOWN --THIS WEEKEND ONLY Many More Bargains - Too Numerous to List 20 CHURCH ST. WILSON'S FURNITURE OSHAWA CAMAY weve 445 PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK-END WED. - SAT, MAY 6 - 8 At your CARLOAD Food Market, 15 oz. 43 Dn BOC 20.63 S or wo §T¢ FRESH PORK BUTTS FRESH SIDE SPARE RIBS DEVON RINDLESS SIDE BACON SAUSAGE BOGLOGNA MRS. ~ MEATS -- WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW Prince Albert AE, AYLMER Peas & Carrots 61.00 b. PC b HC Ib. pkg. 63 Ib. platter pak 63 i17¢ 6 oz. pkg. L. FENTON FREE DRAW 0 AND PAIR OF PILLOW SLIPS WITH a $5.00 ORDER or OVER N A COTTON SHEET