{AE HE MASS erg Municipal Planning On Monday night representatives of Planning Boards and Municipal Councils from Port Perry and Uxbridge and the Townships of Uxbridge and Scott met in the office of the De- partment of Agreculture in Uxbridge. The purpose of the meeting was to gain added information on the duties and responsibilities of a local Planning Board. Invited to attend, explain and give answers to the many questions arising were two representatives from the Commun- Discussed in Uxbridge D. Thorburn and J. O. E. Pearson, About 25 persons attended the meeting and through a question and answer period that lasted for about two hours Mr. Thorburn cleared many questions pertinent to the municipali- ties represented, Mr. D. Thorburn who conducted the meeting is seen in the above picture flanked on the left by E. Bradbury, Uxbridge mayor, and Robert Nesbitt, deputy-reeve of Uxbridge Town- : - ? i $y ' F] . » EEEEEEEEE---- ---- eT UPR. SN Ee E------ PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs, May 6th, 1965 -- 5 organ and piano arrangements was appreciated, but the abe sence of the choir and their fine musical background was deeply felt and made folk realize what an asset a good choir is to the welfare of the Church. The Devotions were in charge of Mr. Rice and in place of a sermon a dialogue concerning the history of the Port Perry Congregation, and a discussion of its future was carried out. This reminiscing proved of great interest to those who ate tended to pay tribute to the ones who built this beautiful Church and made such a sacri- fice to provide the coming gen- erations such a pleasant place | . ; to meet and worship. Several of the members sup- plied information and history of the Church. Mrs. Silas Rey- nolds supplied a picture of the complete Ross Family and a short report of the work of Mr. Aaron Ross. Mrs. C. C. Jef- 1 frey prepared an interesting papen referring to several fa- milies that were prominent and ardent workers in the Church. Mr. Wentworth Watson read several items of interest glean» ed from the records of years ago and it was interesting to ity Planning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs, DEPARTMENT STORE SUNDAY, 7 MAY 9th. Kayser Nylon HOSIERY FINE GIFTS s119-129-139-150 Hornell BLOUSES 598 - 498 - 69s LADIES SLIPS 298 - 398 - 495 PURSES White - Bzige - Black - Brown - Navy sD9g- J9s5-4os-os 95 Scarves Nylon Gloves sf95 - P95 POSLUN All Weather Coats 1895 - 2295 LADIES LINGERIE $2.98 - 3.98 $2.98 - 3.98 Arnel Gowns Pyjamas SLIPPERS Happy Hopper $52.99 - 3.99 Sweaters $3.98 - 5.95 Gracia Shoes ORTHOPEDIC 1295 - 1495 f Chemical Weed Control has been one of the great ship and on the right by reeve Francis Hockley, Scott Township hear the old familiar names and Port Perry Councillor Bruce Beare. --Staff Photo | read from the membership re- 7 7 | cords by Mr. Gordon Reesor. As - ~~ | usual the highlight of this his- U. C. Anniversary tery of the Church was brought to the fore by Mr. R. B. Small- (Continued) | man, wose wonderful memory At the close of the service, a, reached into the past and des- reception was held in the Sun-| eribed vividly many happy inci- day School rooms, at which the | dents that have taken. place in United Church Women served the Church. It is with regret luncheon, while the members| that space does not permit giv- and guests mingled, reminiscing | ing his address in detail. Mrs. and renewing old friendships.! R. B. Smallman spoke briefly Mrs. Roy H. Cornish and Mrs. and was proud to announce that Samuel A. Cawker received the | she was one of the longest re- | guests and the caterer, Mrs. | gular members to be in attend- | Norman Heayn and her com- arce at this happy occasion, and mittee, carried out the arrange- | is still an active member in the nients in fine fashion. ! church organizations. The evening service was some-| Mrs. Frank Hastings gave a what different to former years. ! brief report regarding the his- It was quite informal with the | tory of the beginning of the congregation enjoying an old- Church Choir. | fashioned sing-song of beloved! The anniversary givings did hymns which were old stand-| not meet with the expectations bys of our forefathers. The| of the allocation set Kut it is music which was supplied by | hoped that by the time all do- | Mrs. Frank Hastings, assisted | nations are received it will as by Mrs, Frank Godley, with | usual come up to standard. By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Co-operative J) WEEDS ROB EXPENSIVE CROPS benefits of erop production in the past 10 years. WHY should we use it? 1. Weeds absorb necessary moisture and nutri- enls from the soil. 2. They crowd out sceds and grain you plant. 3. They feed on fertilizer you sow. 4. Harvesting is more difficult beeause of green weeds. DO CHEMICALS KILI, SEEDS? NOT IF. PROPERLY USED. Some difficulty in the past has caused a few farmers to lose faith in chemicals, however a mistake in appli- cation or wrong material is to blame. Your Co-Op has a complete line of weed chemicals including the Butyric Sprays. For more information, call either the mill or myself. PS. Don't wait till late to inspect. your sprayer. A good weed-kill starts with a properly adjusted sprayor. UXBRIDGE CO-OPERATIVE UXBRIDGE 852-332) PORT PERRY ZE. 8-4130 - < ONERTR - a rea « a a 2 : a wn weds oh. -- a SNE STE