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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 May 1965, p. 13

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LF, OF tO EEO NCE v Vd / By 0. Hill Tuesday afternoon 14 Mes- sengers met to study more a- bout Brazil. Two Brazilian games were played and the story "The Little Mother" was read by Elizabeth Thompson, The worship service on the Theme--*"Seeking God's Help in |- hard Places" was led by Mrs. Richard Van Camp. A new < hymn "Thanks to God" was learned. The meeting closed with the role playing of parts of the story, Explorers met Tuesday after- noon with ten members attend- ing. The opening ceremony was conducted by Chief Explorer Bob Swain. Worship was given by Eleanor Wright and Linda McLaughlin and offering dedi- cated by Marilyn Duff. Nancy Dorrell told the story from the study book "The Mystery in Brasilia. Some time was spent viewing pictures of Brazil, Fin- ished with the regular closing ceremony, Twenty-one ladies of the Wo- men's Institute mat in the Com- munity Hall Wednesday even- ing May 6th and held a busi- ness meeting and made final arrangements for the 50th an- niversary banquet May 14th. Also the bazaar on May 28th. Decided to ask for a short course in the fall. Voting dele- . gates for the District Amnual were appointed, Voted to do- nate $25.00 to the Fair Board as usual and several other minor items of business were dealt with, Mrs. Velva Bailey pre- sided. Very fine Family Day ser- vices with excellent congrega- ticns were held in both church- es Sunday morning. In the United Church the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Alan John son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson and Freder- ick James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Marlow. Flowers in the Anglican Church were placed by Dr. and Mrs, J. A. McArthur in mem- ory of both their mothers. The {following from Black- stock Hi C attended the Hi C Conference in Kingston from Friday evening until Sunday evening:-- Ron Martyn; Ray Mountjoy; Jim & Margaret Carnaghan; Sharon Larmer; Brian and Judy Mountjoy; De- nis McLaughlin; Doug Assels- tine; Judy Swain; Lorna Wright Linda Gray; Marilyn Adams; Marion Argue and Lyle Smith, Mrs. Jack Purdy, Mrs. Jim Gallagher and Andy and Paul Barker, Toronto, visited Mr, & Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and family Wednes- day. Mr. David Bole and Miss Mi- riam Ferguson, Toronto, visited Mrs. Cecil Hill Tuesday. Two large and three crib quilts were quilted in the C. E. Centre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday by several ladies. These quilts to be sent overseas. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mount- joy and family took Miss Elaine to Kingston, where she has se- cured a job for the summer holidays. « Mr. Larry Hoskin got home from Hamilton College Friday and commenced work at Rund- le's' Garden Centre Oshawa, on Monday. Msds, C. Smith; H. E. Ash- more; S. Van Camp and C. Hill attended the Port Perry hospi- ta) 'tea Saturday afternoon. The Anglican Mother's Day supper Friday evening was very successful. A large number en- joyed the delicious meal and sociability. Sincere sympathy is extended Mrs. Lorne Griffin and daugh- i Sl Blackstock News ter Mrs. A. Garrard, also the brothers and sisters and fami- lies on the sudden death of Mr, Lorne Griffin, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, Burketon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ted McMahon and family, Mr. and' Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family visited her mother Mrs, A. J. Cook, Brooklin Sun- day. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow, Anne and Frederick were:--Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Leask and family, Bar- rie; Miss Ruth Marlow, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low; Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright; Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Thompson & family; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morris, Simcoe spent a few days with Mr .and Mrs. T. Horton and family. Mrs, H. McKee, Norwich, spent the week-end and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cameron, Bowmanille were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ferguson and Alan and Mr. Roy Ferguson. Mrs. D. Little and Sandra, Whitby, spent a few days last week with her mother and Mrs. C. Venning, Linda and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright were: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and William Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Do- reen and Donald," Enniskillen; Mr. Rupert Werry and Mr. Roy Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ploughman Port Perry, called on Mrs. Herb Taylor, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mott, Belle- ville, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, John Venning. Mrs. Alma Fowler is spend- ing a few days with her daugh- ter in Oshawa." Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarboro and Mr. Brown, Osh- awa called Saturday evening & Mrs, J. Forder, Nestleton, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Miss Mable Van Camp is in Toledo, Ohio attending a Y.W. C.A. Convention, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rahm and Mrs. Chas, Venning visited at the Mackey Funeral Home in Lindsay Tuesday, where Mer. Ralph Woods was resting. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning and Mr. and Mrs, Tennyson Samells attended the funeral in Bobcaygeon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son visited Mrs. Wm. Cobble- dick, Orono on Sunday. PERE PE SEE VT EAS BREE A 'MOODS (Continued) tee certainly must have had quite a problem assembling and procuring such valuable pieces of equipment. The well-preserved oldtime costumes procured by Mrs. Charles Bourgeois and her com- mittee made the drawing room scene in the early 20th century realistically authentic. The make-up wizard, Mrs. Archie McEachern, excelled her artis. tic ability in the performers ap- pearances, especially in the male section--they looked like the old fashioned characters one sees in the tintype pictures of long ago. ' The first part of the program depicted a scene of the Thurs- day Night Choral Society. The frivolous maid was taken by Miss Mary Lou Crawford. The fashionably cultured hosts were Mrs, Frank Hastings and Mr. Gordon Reesor. The musically inclined old gentleman was por- trayed by Mr. George Samells and the guest pianist Mr. Glen Taylor distinguished himself with the outstanding rendition of Chopin's Valse. The pantomime acting was unique and well presented and drew out the hidden talent of each individual. Miss Barbara Taylor in her role as the sweet sixteen belle and somewhat of a problem carried out her solo work in quite a professional manner. The melodious solos by Messrs. James Burnett; Charles Hastings and James Rider (not forgetting the yodel- ling by Ted Griffen) was well received. Taking the part of the matrons were Mrs. Charles Bourgeois; Mrs, George Bur- nett; Mrs. Frank Godley; Mrs. Howard Hall; Mrs. Alan Rahm and Mrs. Gordon Reesor. The Fashionable Four Mrs. Arthur Beauchamp; Mrs. Howard Hall; Mrs. Alan Rahm and Mrs. Wil- lim Sharpe rendered delightful harmony in their quartette number, The socialites and Members of the Choral Society were Misses Shirley Dowson; Sandra Harris; Sharon Harris; Lexie Love; Karen Rice; Joanne Shaw; Lynda Short; Barbara Webster and Mrs. Douglas Hil- lier; Messrs. Ricky Ballard; Dale Beare; Ted Griffen; Paul Heayn; Lonnie Mark and Grant Williams. The second portion of the programme was in more serious vein and was comprised of sac- red music. The choir as a whole showed their talented ability and large vocal range in the outstanding rendition of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The Holy City". The me- lodious voice of Mrs. William Sharpe rang sweet and clear in Members Of Hospital Auxiliary Enjoy Succesful Annual Tea Day Beautiful sunny weather fav- oured the Women's Hospital Auxiliary on Saturday, May .8, for their annual Hospital Day Tea which is always held on or near Florence Nightingale's birthday. The Tea was con- vened by Mrs. D, Crozier and Mrs, S. Mumford and the Bake Table with its plentiful supply of delicious home baking was supervised by Mrs, McDermott, assisted by Mrs. Geo, Smith and Mrs. Anson Gerrow. Mrs, Geo. Bell, Mrs. John Hardy and Mrs. Meta Holtby attended"to the kitchen duties while Mrs. H, Dobson, Mrs. Joe Dowson, Mrs. John Franssen and Mrs, V. Canning helped Mrs. Mumford to serve tea to the guests, President Mrs. M. B. Dymond was a gracious hostess and she OF RATER ORY and Mrs. Hook, Hopital Super- visor, took it turn about to pour tea. ' Eleanor of the Florist Shop dorated a beautiful centre piece of purple iris and pink snap- dragons which was drawn for at the conclusion of the tea; Mrs. Geo. Bell being the lucky win- ner. A lovely chiffon cake, baked by Mrs, M. B. Dymond was also drawn for and won by Mrs. Roy Cornish, The next meeting of the Auxiliary will be on Monday, May 16th, If you are in Need of JOB PRINTING Call PORT PERRY STAR PHONE: 985.7383 IN MUSIC her solo "I'll Walk With God" and the closing number "Now God Be With Us" by the entire cast, made a. fitting climax to an outstanding production, Reverend Mr, Rice who acted as master of ceremonies spoke briefly and expressed his plea- sure in the reverend way the Choir opened their programme with the complete rendition of "The Queen", Before dispersing, on behalf of the members of the Choir, Mrs, Douglas Hillier presented Mrs. PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, May 13th, 1965-13 Hastings with a sheaf of Am- erican Beauty Roses and Miss Hasting with a sheaf of Pink Sweethert Rosebuds, a small token in recognition of the many hours spent in training and arranging / this successful eveing. Miss Mary Lou Crawford was in charge of the tickets and ad- vertising and reports that the choir is delighted with the fi- nancial assistance derived from the support of the many music lovers of this community, Greenbank News A large crowd attended the Christian Family service on Sun- day morning and the selection by the choir, 'Bless This House' was very appropriate for the occasion. Two babies were bap- tized, Jennifer Marilyn, daug- hter of Mr. and Mhs. H. Baird, and Trevor Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Till. Among the visitors at Church on Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone and fam- ily of Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Silner, of Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snoddon and children, of Valentia, and Mrs. M. Fettes, of Toronto. The Greenbank Boys' Triple Trio placed first at Ajax Music Festival on Saturday evening with a mark of 88. Congrat- ulations. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sinclair and David, and Mrs. J. Sinclair of Rexdale, also Mrs. Esau and children, Glenn and Heather were Sunday guests of Mrs. Evelyn Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, Terry, Mark and Scott of Col- umbus and Miss Helen Lee of Whitby were at home with Mr, and Mrs. James Lee on Sunday. Friends and neighbours of Mr. Ernie Luke held a belated get- to-gether in his honour on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dusty. There were seven tables of cards and all enjoyed a good time. Miss Carol Smith spent a couple of days at her home last week. Hook's booth opened during the weekend for the summer season, The Rae Dusty family spent Sunday under the parental roof. The W.I. meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, May 19, at the home of Mrs. E. Clements. Roll Call is to be answered by displaying an article inherited from mother or grandmother. The District Convention will be held at Kinsale on Thursday, May 20, and all Institute mem- bers are welcome to attend. Enrolment begins at 9:15 am, We really believe that Spring has finally arrived, the snow shovels are tucked away for the summer, tha garden tools hau- led out and everything is gear- ed for the season's activities. The hum and whine of lawn mowers will soon be music to our ears. Mr. and Mrs. Robert «Baird and Mr. and Mrs. F. Phoenix and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Parish. Mrs. Harris spent last week in Toronto with her mother. Mr. Laird is home from Port Perry Hospital, much improved in health. : The many friends of Mrs. J. Cook are pleased to hear that she is progressing favourably following surgery in Oshawa General Hospital. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Webster at Uxbridge on Sunday. BURKETON NEWS Mr. Harry Grace, our mail carrier of Routes 2 & 3 went to shawa General Hospital for his operation on Monday, May 3rd. He is reported satisfactory. Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mrs. Grace are keeping up the good work of delivering the mail while Harry is away. Mrs. Greta Bailey spent Thursday of last week in Osh- awa. Sorry to learn Mr, Lorne Grif- fiir of Blackstock had taken ill) while out driving a.car and passed away shortly after being taken home, on Friday. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family. Mr. Douglas Taylor of Bow- manville called at the Liome of his brother Leslie Taylor on Saturday. Several atended the esate sale of Sandy Van Dam on Satur- day, May 8th, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Raby and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. B. Angi, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, Hub- bard, Little Nancy Anue Argue has Scarlet Teena. You are most cordially invited to our Sunday morning Service at 11.50 a,m. and Sunday School a* 10.45. A Baptismal Service will be held on Sunday, May 16. Sunday School Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday May 30th at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A, Car- ter. Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. Bryan, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Peeling and girls, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. S, Grant and family, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. Davey. Ducks On Increase In Scugog Area Conservation Officer Ben Smith at Port Perry forecasts a good increase in duck popu- lations in the Scugog area over last year. This is based on the increased numbers of blacks, mallards, pintals and some reds heads, observed feeding in corn fields bordering the lake. In. creased numbers of bufflehead ard blue-winged teal have also been sighted along the Non. quon River. This is welcome news in view of the gradual de~ crease in, blacks and mallards in the Lake Simeoe District, noted in previous - years' har- NA LR, Aa Xa ew ANN. han --r rtm ZN wre . a ER CE AI A DA WEI Rn Lov 4 tn A rs NT i. PN ex Py eS -

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