2 fr LA) - ERTL \ ACA ATS Site enh a AY ih a A a A 1 13 PARP LEY SW bs ia sisi heind verse. following publication. Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. / Classified Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, ete.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line Additional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not not paid by Friday Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. Ns Classified deadline 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. Second and IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS ALDRED--In loving memory of Ira Aldred who passed away June b, 1958. Lovingly remembered by wife Laura, sons Cameron .& Douglas & Families ROBERTSON -- In loving memory of mother and grand- mother Pearl Robertson, who passed away June 1, 1963. "Well done, good and faithful servant." Matthew 25-21. Lovingly remembered by Grant, Eva and family. PARKER--In loving memory of Bill Parker, who passed away June 2, 1962. "] was looking down the road to see Bill coming home again That road so long and lonely now to me. I seem to hear him singing or humming a refrain, Until through tears past years I seem to see." "I live again the bygone days when we are all at home I gaze upon his picture on the wall, . I feel his presence daily for never would he roam It seems as though he's never left at all." "As the long days become fewer they all become more sweet But when I reach the end of it, dear Bill and I shall meet. I look forward to our meeting and our happy greeting, for We shall then be re-united to live forever more." Sadly missed by Mother and Col. Sterling LeR. Spicer. CARD OF THANKS MRS. W. R. TRISTRAM, would like to thank all the nurses and doctor J. Diamond for their services so kindly ren- dered during my recent stay in " Hospital. relatives, friends and neigh- bers for cards, flowers & gifts while in Port Perry hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and heepital staff. Sincere grati- tude to Dr. McIntyre and thanks to Dr. Diamond. Also apprecia- tion to neighbours who sent baking to my family. Mrs, John Tristram Mrs. W. Durham and family wish to extend their sincere tharks to their kind friends for their thoughtfulness in sending cerds and beautiful plants at the time of the recent death of Whitney Durham, Dobson A.T.C.M. We would like to thank friends and neighbours of Cadmus and Cadmus U.C.W. for the gift & money presented to us. Stewart & Verna McQuade Mr. and Mrs. Ken Goreski wish to thank their friends and neighboyt's of Prospect for the presentation, and enjoyable evening held for them last Thursday. I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for their kind thoughts, cards and flowers while I was in hospital and since coming home. And a special thanks to my family for their thoughtful | attention during these weeks. Also the Rebekah Lodge, UCW | Units, The Scout Mothers, the Honeydale Institute, Shirley In- stitute, The Senior Citizens Club. Mrs. Hazel Duff BIRTH ~ JAMES--Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. James (nee McColl, Reg. N.) rand 7.30 p.m. [ Duncan White, MA, B.D., Field tion. COMING EVENTS BLACKSTOCK United Church Sunday School Anniversary, Svrday, June 6, at 11.00 a.m. Speaker Rev. Secretary for Christian Educa- Music by children's choir in morning. Boys' Training School in the evening. June 8 The Junior and intermediate pupils of Mrs. J. E. Jackson, A.T.C.M., R.M.T. will hold their Annual Recital on Monday ev- ening, June 14 at 7.45 in the United Church. The Intermediate and Sr. pupils with the vocal pupils of Mrs. Grace Hastings will have their recital on Thursday even- ing, June 24th at 8 o'clock in thc United Church. Junel BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE SATURDAY, JUNE 5th All bundles (newspapers, maga- zines, ete. should be placed at sidewalk by 9.30 a.m. or taken to Scéut Hall by 11 a.m. Spe- cia) pick-up in Manchester, Prince Albert and Seagrave. If papers are missed or for special pick-up Phone 985-2426. June 8 BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, Friday, June 4th. $160. Jackpot in 51 numbers. Winner |: of 50-50 Draw Clarke W. Trent, Box 23, Oakwood, Ont. I1.0O.D.E. MEETING Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. Meet- ing will be held Monday, June 7th, at 2.30 p.m. at the summer home of Mrs. W. T. Harris. BINGO, Thursday, June 3rd at 8 p.m. Legion Hall, Bay St. Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary are happy to announce the birth | Royal Canadian Legion. Jack- of their son, Andrew Douglas, on May 20, 1965, at St. Joseph's Hcspital, London, Ont. MOORE -- Douglas and Mar- lene (nee Lyon) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Valerie Lynn, 6 lbs., 12 ozs., on May 12th, 1965, at Port Perry Community Hospital. COMING EVENTS EUCHRE, Saturday, June 5th: at Oddfellows Hall. Sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Lunch, MRS. MARIE TAYLOR A.R.C.T. (Piano) A.R.C.T. (Organ) R.M.T. presents SENIOR RECITAL Monday, June 21st, 8 p.m. Port Perry United Church Grade VIII to A.R.C.T. Guest Vocal Artists Dianne Hall, So- prano, Kenneth Hallett, Bari- tone. JUNIOR and INTERMEDIATE RECITAL Friday, June 25th, 8 p.m. Port Perry United Church Beginners to Grade VII. Guest Senior Pianist Mary Clarke-- Grade X. SENIOR RECITAL Presbyterian Church Hall, Uxbridge Wednesday, June 23rd, 8 p.m. Guest Vocal Artist Mrs/ Elsie une 17 pot $120.00. Legion Jackpot $60. in 17 numbers. BLACKSTOCK U.C.W. Spring Tea on Wed., June 9th at 2 p.m, Demonstration of flower ar- ranging, by Mrs. A. Meiklejohn, member of the Toronto Garden Club, to be held in Recreation Centre. Admission 75e. C.W.L. will hold a Tea & Bake Sale in the Catholic Parish Hall Saturday, June 12th, 2 p.m. un- til 5 p.m. Door prize. U.C.W. AFTERNOON TEA, Bake Sale & Bazaar, to be opened by Rev. Miss Winnifred Bridges, at 2.30 p.m., Wed, June 16th, in Scugog Head Memorial Church. June 10 SCUGOG CHAPTER ILO.D.E. is sponsoring the Hospital Tag Day, June 4 & 5th. Girl Guides are canvassing the town. Please be generous in your support of our local hospital. FOR SALE SEWING Machines repaired. Older machines a specialty. All work guaranteed, Needles and parts for all makes. 986-4291, Blackstock. T.F. 6 CU. FT. FRIG., good condi- tion, suitable for cottage $25.00. 936-2745. 3 PIECE BEDROOM Suite, double bed, springs included. Good condition. $40. Phone 985-2070. FOR SALE 30" TV TOWER INSTALLED $39.50 PORT PERRY T.V. Phone 985-2265 Prince Albert T.F. GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan.23/66 1ST LITTER SOWS and choice lot of serviceable age hogs. These hogs are guaranteed. Fred Milne, Blackwater, Sun- derland 3-R-3. June 8 HONDA Motorbike, Sales & Service, 254 miles per gallon, low cost insurance, $299.00 full price, all models 50 to 300 C.C. in stock. $15.00 monthly FREE home demonstration, phone Orval McLean or see them to- day at MIDTOWN FURNI- TURE & SPORTS, Lindsay, Ont. May 20-June 24 DEKALB HYBRID CORN CO. We still have a good supply of 29-45-56-59 seed corn; also Sudax for green feed. Ralph Veitch, Dealer, Uxbridge 852- 3913. June 3 SURGE - Sales and Service Ontario County Representative Murray W. Jackson R.R. 1, Oshawa. Phone 723-1800 June 17 OFFICE EQUIP. Typewriters, Adders, Cashiers, Duplicators, Chequewriters, Files, Furniture. We Buy, Sell, Rent, Service. Largest Stock. Budget Terms. New and Used. Low Overhead, Low Prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan MAPLE SYRUP--$6. per gal. --9 gallons available. Roto- tiller, used ,in good condition $75.00. Also new, first-line passenger car tires. Phone 985- 2963 after 6 p.m. ' GURNEY electric stove, warm- ing oven. 4 Burners. $40.00. 985-7997. MIXED dry hardwood. Deliver. 986-4737. Will SIX GELDS, $35, each Phone 985-2630. INTERNATIONAL 3 bar hay rake, $75.00. 985-7588. TOY FOX TERRIER Pups, white with black markings, 6 weeks old. Phone 985-2397. 1954 CHEV. 2-door, good con- dition; also one antique reclin- ing chair and Aladdin Coal Oil Lamp. 985-7626. SEVERAL good used Cream Separators, guaranteed, Also parts to fit most makes. Black- stock 986-4387. June 10 NEW 3 bedroom home in Port Perry, electric heat, carport, rec. room, near schools, % acre lot. Phone 985-2423 after four. REGISTERED Polled Short- horn Bull, dark red, 2 years old. Good breeding condition, proven sire, Apply Bill Slater, R.R. #1, Orono, Ont. Tel. 3166 J. REFRIGERATOR, -- Westing- house, newly reconditioned. Phone 985-2192. JOHN DEERE SIDE RAKE, good condition. Heayn Bros. Phone 985-2739 or 985-7849. A 12 H. OUTBOARD MOTOR, Vi- king, 5 gal. tank. Good condi- tion. Phone 985-2748. 1300, YEAR OLD H & N hens. Laying over 80%. Owner has sold farm. Phone Blackstock 986-4771. HOSKIN'S BLACKSTOCK 'Bale elevators, 16-40 ft. Wagons, 3 to b tons Fencing supplies & batteries Baler & binder twine 1960 Jeep -- Willys 1962 Ford 4 door sedan 1 used 2 furrow plow, Rubber-tired wheelbarrow, Tractor, truck & car tires. (Calcium loader for tractor tires) Rotary lawn mowers & roto-tillers PHONE 986-4971 WANTED TO BUY FARM--100 acres or more, pre- ferably with good buildings and water supply. Purchaser has substantial cash. Write REG. A. POWELL, Steeles Ave. E,, Milliken, Ont, June 17 WESTERN SADDLE, must be in serviceable condition. Phone 985-2192. WANTED BOOKS -- On the Shores of Scugog, Farmer; Ontario County Historical At- las; Peel County Historical At- las. R. Death, Ashburn, Ont. STEEL LITTER Carrier pole, approx. 30 to 32 ft. Phone 985-7417. ° WANTED HORSES or PONIES to break or train. Call evenings 656- 3488 Brooklin, ' HELP WANTED COOK'S HELPER wanted. Ap- ply Haugen's Bar-B-Q, Man- chester. Phone 985-2402. BRICKLAYER'S Helper want- ed. Start at $1.80 per hour. Phone 985-7144. EXPERIENCED married man soon for dairy farm, with good references. Well equipped barn, brick house, all conveniences, aiso electric stove. Wages up to $250. Fred Milne, Phone Sunderland 3-r-3, Blackwater. FARM WIVES Make Avon Available in your Community Excellent Earnings Possible Write to Mrs, S. FitzGerald Box 143 Newmarket, Ont. WE REQUIRE a local man to handle our established business in this area as well as giving us honest and sincere sales rep- resentation. Must - have car, age no barrier, send me your name, address and phone num- ber to Paul Dodson, 343% George St. North, Peterborough, Ont, 1