¢ SON Vi RIAU APE RX BI FP RRA XS VE SU SL Fla.) PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 17th, 1965< 11 A 'happening of unusual in- terest for Seagrave was the ar- rival for a visit of Mr. "Bill" Keen's two sisters from over- seas. They are Mrs. A. Dorsett and Mrs, N. Harrop of Middle- sex England. Fifty-six years ago the Keen family was broken up and "Bill" sent to Canada. Until he met them in Malton on Thursday he had not seen his sisters in all that time. What a reunion! Bill has been given two weeks holiday from work so it isn't difficult to imagine the pleasure these people will have. Later in the summer (Sept. if not sooner) Mr. and Mrs. "Tommy" Thompson, also from England expect to visit here again. Another event not matcHed every'day is the Diamond Wed- ding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Henningsen which takes place on Tuesday. Both the bride and groom of 60 years are quite well and active. 'Congratulations. Three ladies from Little Bri- tain visited the U.C.W. meet- ing on Tues. evening, June 8. They were Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs, Jacobs, both well-known here, and Mrs, Hoult (wife of Rev. G. Hoult) who spoke to us during the devotional period. Her subject, which was well handled, was, "Mary and Mar- tha" and was based on the verse "Mary hath chosen the better part which shall not be taken from her". Others taking part were Mrs. Nobbs, Mrs. Tait and Mrs. Chas, Short who reviewed the chapter on Brazilian cities Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paula. Routine business followed. The treasury had been enriched considerably from proceeds of the A.O.T.S. concert, the cater- ing for R. Reynold's sale and SEAGRAVE NEWS the disposal of Manse furnish- ings, so $100 was voted to the Board of Stewards and $200 to the basement fund, With a little urging the members decided to again hold bake sales on Friday afternoons during the summer months. Proceeds from the first sale(all members baking) on June 25th will go to Port Perry hospital auxiliary, then the units will alternate starting with Unit 1 unless Sonya would like to have a turn now and then. Regular U.C.W. meetings will be withdrawn during July and August. Mr. McNeil requested a social hour after the final joint ser- vice with Pleasant Pt. and Zion, so this was planned. Unit 1 provided lunch. Those who enjoyed the con- cert given lately by Scarboro A.0.T.S. Glee Club will be in- terested to know that the choir competed in Cincinnati, Ohio, recently and won first prize in their class. Seagrave Manse has been sold to Mr. Bruce Carr of Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Carr are young people with 2 pre-school daugh- ters. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sturman on the birth of their second child, a son. Mr. Orville Boe spent last Monday and Tuesday on grand jury in Whitby. Sunday was hospital visiting day. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright accompanied by Mr. Isaiah Irwin visited Mr. Irwin's sister Mrs. Jas. Ginn in Bow- manville hospital, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson and Mr. J. MacTag- gart visited with Mrs. MacTag- gart in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stan- WES - HEATING ELECTRIC PLUMBING Port Perry, Ont. 985-2473 Office LANE Res. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER and Builders Supplies REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Phone 985-7951 Port Perry ot dish entertained the Moon rela- tives and a few friends at a shower on Saturday evening in honour of Miss Joan Hindley and Mr. Harold Moon whose marriage is planned for July 2. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson had guests from Scar- boro. They were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Denyer, Mr, Billy Eagle- son and his daughter Norma, Also on Saturday Mr. & Mrs. R. Reynolds, Miss Marilyn Mec- Millan, Wayne and Lynda Wanamaker attended the Thornbury family reunion in Woodville legion hall. The Bruce families tried hard to make the news this week. Joyce Bruce had the measles, Mr. Alvin Bruce was hobbling around with a twisted knee. Mrs. Alvin Bruce went visiting in Toronto and Mr, Morley Bruce became first haymaker in the community, With the Howell family over the wegk-end were Mr. Howell's mother, Mrs. Helen Howell, his sister Mrs. J. Ramsey and her two sons Neil and Brian of St. George, Ont. / The baseball boys were idle last week but resume play on Tuesday evening. badd WN SERA A Sunday School attendance bounced back to about normal this week--80, The Jr. girls class contributed a chorus B-I- B-L-E and Mrs. B. Wanamaker and Patricia and Larry Dur- ward contributed to the birth- day box. If Seagrave church attenders seem frustrated, here could be er -- a PRA FIRE W STERNAL ERI part of the reason--service jug- gling. Here is what is ahead: June 20 -- Communion Service 9.30 am. S.S, -- 10.30 a.m. June 27--Joint Farewell Service 10.30 a.m. No S.S. July 4th-- Induction Service 7.80 p.m. (we understand). S.S. ? (likely at 10.30 a.m.). July 11th--Church Service 10 aim. S.S. 11 a.m. UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corbman of Oshawa visited with Mrs, D. Harper on Saturday evening. Visitors with Mr. and Murs. James Mitchell were Mrs, W. Trick of Oshawa, Mrs. Crowell and family, Mrs. Parkins and son of Kinsale, Mr. and Mus. Walt Mitchell and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell and family, Mr .and Mrs. Ivan Gray and son of Port Perry, on Sunday. Sorry to report Mr. Jack Crosier has been ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. Last Euchre of the seasop will be held in Utica Hall on Saturday evening, June 19th. Everyone Welcome. Russnell of Brooklin, Mrs. Lou! NEWS Decoration Service on Sun- day was well attended. Next Sunday Services at the usual hour. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Church at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward of Whitby and Mrs. G. Bentley of Port Perry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ken- dall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. George Harper visited on Sun- day with Mrs. D. Harper. Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Hodgson of Oshawa visited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Chester Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Landry of Tor- onto were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell over the week-end. Dead or Horses and Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. R.R. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-66 Feb. 4/65 DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7998 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex TV Service July/65 Crippled WANTED CARS FOR WRECKING Cartwright Auto Parts 7A Highway, 8 miles East of Port Perry Phone Blackstock 986-4281 Apr.29-June 17 Ph. 985-2806 Port Perry, Ont. Convalescent and Chronic Patients Semi-Private Accommodations EADE'S NURSING HOME Small Enough to be Homey Large Enough for Comfort Tray Service Hospital Bed T.V. - Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates 'Home away from Home' July 81/85 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 389-C-65 ® Cash on the spot © Oct./ 6b GEORGE McPHADEN General Insurance . PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 Office Corner John & North Ste, 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. May 26/66 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS -- SEE EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance Dec. 81/66 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roof- ing. Steel and Aluminum Roofing. EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Dec. 66 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 23 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. June/6b Appleton's RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Cleaned in your home and ready to use the same day. RUG and CARPET SALES VACUUM & POLISHER SALES Phone: Port Perry 985-7704 Whitby 668-4514 Dec. 81/65 BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED ° MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA May 27/66 ' A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 June 24/65 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.6--Feb. 28/66 Land Surveying L. A. DOXSEE, O.L.S. 694 Balaton Ave., Bay Ridges Tel. 284-5411 days 889-5719 evenings Sept. 9/68 Ethel Nottingham CO-OP INSURANCE NEEDS MYRTLE, ONT. Phone 655-4832 Feb./66 ------ 24 HOUR T.V. SERVICE PORT PERRY T.V. Sales & Service 2 yr. Guarantee on all Picture Tubes PHONE 985-2265 Oct. 27/68 Avg. 5/656 I or Crs ov f yg. a FREER aT Te tr Sr FST > ---