2 --~ PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 17th, 1965 Salvation Army Receives $25. From Ladies Legion Auxiliary Gwen Ballingall o~ The general meeting of the ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419, was held on June 8th at the Le- gion hall with a very good at- tendance. Com. M, Jackson, Pres. open- ed the meeting, the colours were presented ,and O Canada was sung, roll call of officers, and executive was read. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, all accounts were read, and a motion passed that these be paid. Correspondence consisting of letters from the Salvation Army, Port Perry Girl Guides, and our adopted boy in Korea, were ready; it was moved by Com. Vera Knott and seconded by Com, Ruby Adderly that we send $25. to the Salvation Army. Moved by Com. Marie Monahan and seconded by Com. Ivy Fines that we renew our adoption of our Korean boy. A thank you letter from the Guides for the donation given them for new flags was appreciated. Com. Ann Spears gave the' financial report, and reports of the Welfare fund, and Birthday box were given, During recess a draw was made, winners were: Com. June Symes, Com. Gwen Ballingall, and Com. Marg Jackson, the proceeds from these monthly draws goes fund to assist needy members. The meeting resumed, and a motion was passed giving the} Treas., Com. Ann Spears auth- ority to pay any bills that may be incurred during the summer recess; a motion was also pass- ed that we replenish the kitchen cupboards with the necessary items. A lengthy discussion was || held to plan a trip this sum-| mer, and was finally solved by |. ballot. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to join us on this trip to Toronto. : The meeting was then ad- journed. Lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. Next meet- ing on the second Tues. in Sept, We wish all members a very pleasant summer. 728-6201 (3 lines A a a CaCI CRO OR ORO OL OI OL OR ORONO OR Od OL OR A OF OS OS OS ORO TRIOS AON Four Seasons Travel(Oshawa) | LIMITED © YOUR CERTIFIED eo TRAVEL CONSULTANTS 4 4 4 4 4 > A complete travel service throughout the world. : -- No Service Charge -- : b 4 ¢ 4 L2al ala a a0) OSHAWA 57 King St. 'East o> TSOP OOPVPOOPOPOO® ToO® A 4 ODL LDA & © into the welfare girls are pictured above. At an impressive ceremony held June 7th in Blackstock, two guides of the 1st Blackstock Guide Company received their Cords" and on May 15th one guide received her "Gold Cord", the highest award in Guiding. The From left to right: Lorna Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter "All Round treme right is iy ara Tad TLR MFT POA SAE CS alk PE Blackstock Girls Receive Guide Awards Wright, Nestleton; Betty Bradburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. girla received "All Round Cords". Ray Bradburn, Burketon. Both On the ex- Marlene Tomchishin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tomchishin, Caesarea, who received her "Gold Cord". --Staff Photo 7:3) 4 CREDIT TERMS 7-111 YOURS There's the "joy of possession" for father, when he relaxes in one of today's good looking recliners, that please mother, too. For Travel Time Give Him A Set Of LUGGAGE SMOKING STAND IS A PRACTICAL AND WELCOME GIFT | CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN REPORTS Cancer Society $300. Over Campaign Quota The 1965 Campaign has in- deed been a successful one. The "quota" for the Port Perry Branch was set at $2,200.00, and we have once more gone well beyond that figure. Many factors contributed to the success of the Campaign-- we'd like to voice appreciation to the following: -- the minis- ters and church organizations for their co-operation on Daf- fodil Sunday -- the dedicated people who were on the Cancer Panel, -- taking time out from busy lives, to answer questions relating to this dread disease-- many questions were answered, and it proved to be a most in- formative and worthwhile even- ing, for everyone present,--to St. Johns Presbyterian Church for use of their Hall,--the Port Perry Star for splendid cover- age during the Campaign,--the organizations for generous con- tributions, and the many cap- tains and canvassers, through- out the canvass area. At the close of the campaign, a tea for the canvasssers was held at Pres. Jean Dymond's, and we'd | like to thank her for opening her spacious home for this de- lightful function. The response and dedication of our volunteer workers, plus the sympathetic interest of the citizens also helped greatly to insure the ultimate success of the campaign. Our progress in this area over the years has been most encouraging. Al- though, each year the campaign promises to be a great deal of hard work on the part of the organizer, canvassers, etc.--we all feel we are doing "our bit" helping others, or we wouldn't be volunteers. This has been an enormously satisfying year, --thank you so much, all of you, for your efforts, enthusiasm and continued loyalty to this humanitarian cause, of great concern to all. When total proceeds were calculated it resulted as fol- lows: Town of Port Perry $1,152.35 Reach Township ... $ 777.96 Scugog Township .. $ 201.26 Cartwright Twp. .... $ 368.45 So $2,500.00 Campaign Chairman, Mabel Cawker PRICED FROM 26.00 WE HAVE THE PERFECT GIFT FOR DAD DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND McDERMOTT-PANAB PHONE 985-2171 PORT AKER LTD. PERRY, ONT. TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY "TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned for the collection and removal of old metal and other old scrap material and junk from the Corporation's dumping ground until Monday, June 21st, 1965 at 4.00 p.m. Information and Tender Forms may be had upon application to the undersigned. The right is reserved to reject any or all Tenders. WM. H. WALLACE, Clerk Township of Whitby, Box 160 Brooklin, Ontario. { a