Report From Parliament By Michael Starr, M.P, June 16/65 The session is progressing very favourably and we are making headway in dealing with Government legislation. The standing committees have been set up and they will start work on the Estimates. There is an improved situation in Parlia- ment and I feel that, this im- provement .is noted 'across the country. The new rules are now being applied and the extra hours are making a noticeable difference in dealing with the matters brought before Parlia- ment. The Government is preparing a white paper on capital pun- ishment. When it is ready it will be tabled in the House for the perusal of the members. Following this, the plan is to have a debate and eventually to have a vote on this very import- ant matter. It has already been established that there will not be the application of party discipline, but each member will be free to vote as his conscience dictates. It is likely that this debate will not take place be- fore the fall of this year, when Parliament will reconvene after the summer recess. During the past week, we have been visited by the Prime Minister of India and he was with us for five days. He and the Prime Minister had: a num- ber of talks, based on the situa- tion in Viet Nam and the United Nations, Their whole objec- tive, according to the communi- que they released, was peace in Viet Nam, and a concern for the future of the United Na- tions, The new maps for the Prov- ince of Ontario were released and published on Tuesday, June 15th. These new boun- daries were arrived at by a Commission set up under an Act passed by Parliament. The new boundaries are based on a population of 70 thousand, with a tolerance of up to 256% either above or be- low the 70 thousand. The po- pulation total was based on the census which was taken in the year 1961. The Riding of Ontario has been divided into two ridings. One of the Ridings will be known as "Oshawa Riding" and will be comprised of the City of Oshawa ,the Town of Whitby and that portion of Whitby Township lying between the City of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby, Since the boundaries were drawn on the 1961 census, the population is shown as 79 thousand. In the past four years this population has in- creased to close to 100 thousand. The rest of Ontario County, with an addition of four new townships on the north end, will compose another Riding and will be known as "Ontario Riding". The question that arises now, is whether the Government will wait to call an election until the new riding boundaries have been established by an Act, or whether they will dissolve Par-, liament prior to that event and hold the election on the basis of existing riding boundaries. If they do, it will be the third Fed- eral election since the census was taken in 1961. There is still a strong rumour that an election in October of this year is quite likely. WES PLUMBING - ELECTRIC Port Perry, Ont. 985-2473 Office LANE HEATING Res. FIRST Q REESOR FUEL $ 'Phone 985-7951 Port Perry LUMBER and Builders Supplies UALITY & LUMBER Ph. 985-2806 Office Corner John & North Ste. Sunday School and Church services were well aftended at Burn's Church on Sunday, June 20th at 10.16 and 11.80 a.m. Two children were presented and dedicated by their parents in the Sacrament of Baptism: "Juli Angela Emm", daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Emm; and "Larry Edward Lynde"; son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lynde; with Rev. H. M. Bun- tain officiating. During the service Mrs. Drew Leaper and Miss Mary Heron sang a duet. The Community Picnic will be held at Geneva Park on Thursday, June 24th. Supper will be served at 6.30 p.m. Miss Donna Sparks, of Carls- bad, New Mexico; and Miss Libby Burns of Oshawa, spent a couple of days last week with Donna's grandmother Mrs. M. Sparks. Mrs. Drew Leaper, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Heron. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Anderson and Mn Raymond Taylor at- ASHBURN NEWS tended the Warden's Banquet at Férn Cottage, Orillia on Thursday, June 17th. Mr. and Mrs, K. Crozier and family of Scugog; Mr. G. Coch- rane of Prospect; Miss Edith Cochrane of Toronto were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Lynde. Mrs. Clyde Playfair, daughter Esther and son Danny, of Tor- onto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Richard- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 24th, 1965 -- 11 was read by Mrs. H. Doble, fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. H. Ashton. Two readings were given by Mrs. W, Routley "When June Time Comes", and "I found God". A solo by Mrs. Edgar Heron "The Sinner and a Song." The guest speaker Mrs. Ellen Curry of Oshawa, was introdu- ced by Mrs. Lorne Parrott. Mrs, Curry described the country son. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Suther- land, Debbie and Neil, of Utica; Mrs. Walter Rogers, of Brook- lin; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Wayne and Allan, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton. Mrs. John Gray, of Whitby, was hostess for the monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class on Tuesday evening June 8th at 8.15 o'clock. The president Mrs. Douglas Ashton presided and opened the meeting with a reading "Pur- pose in Suffering". Hymn 552 "Take My Life and Let it Be" {and the way the people of 8. | Rhodesia live. Mrs. C. Harrison presented Mrs. Curry with a cup and saucer from the class in appre- ciation for her message. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. W. Routley. was sung. The scripture lesson 3 Dead Horses or and Crippled Cattle Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI-& SON LTD. R.R. #2' WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-65 Feb. 4/65 DUFF ELECTRONICS TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Formerly Apex TV Service July/6b WANTED CARS FOR WRECKING Cartwright Auto Parts 7A Highway, 8 miles East of Port Perry Phone Blackstock 986-4281 Apr.29-June 17 Port Perry, Ont. Convalescent and Chronic Patients Semi-Private Accommodations EADE'S NURSING HOME Small Enough to be Homey Large Enough for Comfort Tray Service Hospital Bed T.V. Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates 'Home away from Home' July 81/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 389-C-65 ® Cash on the spot © Oct./65 GEORGE McPHADEN General Insurance PORT PERRY - ONTARIO Telephone 985-2341 | Room #2, Post Office Building For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and farm operations. May 26/65 INSURANCE FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS -- SEE EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-2421 ..Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 81/65 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roof- ing. Steel and Aluminum Roofing. EAVESTROUGHING We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Dec. 65 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 23 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. June/6b6 Appleton's RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Cleaned in your home and ready to use the same day. RUG and CARPET SALES VACUUM & POLISHER: SALES Phone: . Port Perry 985-770 Whitby 668-4514 Dec. 81/65 Aug. 5/66 BUSINESS DIRECTORY WANTED MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA May 27/66 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 June 24/65! Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong Port Perry -- 985-2226 1.5--Feb. 28/66 Land Surveying L. A. DOXSEE, O.L.8. 694 Balaton Ave., Bay Ridges Tel. 284-5411 days 839-5719 evenings | Sept. 9/68. Ethel Nottingham for your CO-OP INSURANCE NEEDS } MYRTLE, ONT. Phone 655-4832 Feb./66 24 HOUR T.V. SERVICE PORT PERRY T.V. Sales & Service 2 yr. Guarantee on all Picture Tubes PHONE 985-2265 Oct. 27/68 CULE In Wat