L Port Perry Council News Minutes of a regular meet | Zoning By-law be processed the ing of Council of the Village of Port Perry held in the Munici- pal Office on Tuesday, June 22nd, 1965 at 7.30 p.m. Present--Reeve J. J. Gibson, Deputy-Reeve Irving A. Boyd, Councillors R. A. Kenny, Bruce F. Beare and Ivan Parkinson. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 7th, 1965 were adopted as typed. Province Divided Into 10 Regions Mr, G. P. Branch of The De- partment of Economics and De- velopment re Fundamental Principles of the Regional De- velopment Program. Mr. Branch started out by stating that his purpose in meeting with Council was to ex- plain the regional economics and not regional government, as "is often confused with regional econmics. He stated that Ont- ario is divided into ten regions, of which nine have already been formed, leavng one to be formed which will comprise Ontario, Halton, Peel and York Counties. He went on to mention that the purpose of dividing Ontario Province into zones is for the development of natural resour- ces and manpower. Each Municipality pays for the privilege of belonging to the Association .06c. per capita and each Municipality is entit- led to two representatives. Mr. Branch reported that an inaugural meeting would most likely be held this Fall at which two representatives from each Municipality will be able to at- tend. RESOLUTION--That the fol- lowing Statement of Accounts be hereby authorized for pay- ment: -- Gen. Department ....$2,016.78 [Property & Parks ... 113.32 Street Maintenance 1,002.49 Truck & Tractor ...... 78.68 Waterworks Dept. .. 4,582.58 Waterworks, OWRC 1.00 Carried © $7,794.85 Camping Fees LETTER from the Depart- ment of Energy & Resources Management re Approved Parks under The Parks Assistance Act "In accordances with Section 2 (¢) of the Regulations per- taining to The Parks Assistance Act, fees shall be collected for the admission or parking of ve- hicles and the use of park facili- ties, which are not less than those charged in provincial parks. For your information, the fol- lowing is the revised schedule of fees now in effect in all pro- vincial parks. 1. Vehicle entry--3$1.00 per day or $5.00 per year. 2. Camping permit-- $1.50 per day or $9.00 week. From the above, it will be seen that the cost of camping on a day-to-day basis, would be $2.50 per day, plus any addi- tional charges for hydro ser- vice, use of laundry or shower facilities, ete." Council decided to leave the schedule of rates for the Village of Port Perry as is, for the time being. ' Zoning By-Law LETTER from The Canadian Mitchell Associates Ltd. re the Village Zoning By-law, "We wish to acknowledge your letter dated 6th May, 1965 which has been directed to me for a reply. In order that your | following steps should be taken: 1. If any further changes are desired in either the prelimin- ary zoning map or the draft of the Zoning By-law, Council should advise us and these will be incorporated into the neces- sary documents. We would re- commend that the map and by- law as presently conceived be adopted by Council, but if Council feels that it should be changed, revisions could be in- corporated at this time when the by-law is still in a very flexible condition. 2. When the By-law is in an acceptable form by Council it should then be passed after it has been suitably prepared by the Village Solicitor. 3. After passing by Council the Village Solicitor should be instructed to follow the require- ments of section 80(ii) of the Planning Act. 4. After Council has given three readings of the By-law we will prepare the final map of 1"=400" scale for reproduction by the Village. . If it is still felt by Council that another Public Meeting should be held, then this could be arranged, Although the at- tendance at the first Public Meeting was quite low, under the provisions of the Planning Act the ratepayers were ade- quately notified by means of the advertisement in the local paper and the availability of the plan and by-law at the Municipal Offices. If it is the decision of Coun- cil to incorporate any additional changes to the by-law as now constituted or arranged for a further Public Meeting we would be most pleased to co- operate. We trust that this is the in- formation you require, and if any further questions arise please do not hesitate to con- tact this office." Council felt that the zoning by-law should be completed at the earliest possible date and the following resolution was passed: "That the Zoning Map and By-Law as presently conceived be adopted by 'Council, subjeet to the following changes: (1) Lot 187, 188, 189, 190, South side Scugog St. be Con- servation Area--now marker as Agricultural. (2) Lot 103, 104, South side of Scugog St. be Agricultural rather than R.1". Carried. OWRC To Finance Sewage Project LETTER from The Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs re Municipal Works Assistance Program. "The Application for a Com- mitment for a Loan No. A694 dated March 29, 1965, submitted on behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry in respect of construction of sew- age work has been under review. It is noted that a copy of the order of the Ontario Municipal Board granting approval by the Board for the project as pro- vided for in Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act has not been received. A com- mitment to make a loan cannot be given until a copy of this order is received by the Muni- cipal Subsidies Branch. Therefore, if you have not already done so, an application should be made immediately to the Board for such approval, ad- vising "them that the municipal council wishes to finance a por in Section IX of the Memoran- dum of the Minister of Munici- pal Affairs dated the 4th of November, 1963. It is also important that any information requested by the Subsidies Branch and not al- ready submitted, be forwarded | as soon as possible. I would point out that the forgiveness of repayment of one-quarter of the loan only re- lates to the costs incurred be- fore April 1, 1966, therefore in order to obtain the maximum benefit under this Program, the project must be completed be- fore April 1, 1966". Council, having discussed this matter with Department officials, passed the following resolution: "That as the Village of Port Perry is considering the start of a three-phase Sewerage Pro- ject and as the Sewerage Re- port as prepared by Canadian Mitchell Associates is presently in the hands of the O0.W.R.C,, it would seem that the comple- tion of all three stages as one project would be much more de- sirable--this would not be pos- sible as a debenture charge. Therefore, we request Ontario Water Resources Commission to take over and finance the entire project, selling the pro- ject back to the Village of Port PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 1st, 1965 -- 5 Perry on a yearly or similar mutually suitable basis." LETTER from Mr. John R. Frost, Clerk of the Town of Whitby, dated May 18, 1965 re Resolution pertaining to the cost of education. No action taken. MEMO--Mrs. Isobel Holmes reported that Mrs. Alice Gra- ham, a former resident of Port Perry and now at Fairview Lodge will be 100 years old on June 25,'1965. If Council see fit to have a letter of recogni. tion written to Mrs. Graham. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter on behalf of Council congratulgfing Mrs, Graham on her 100th Birthday. LETTER from the Children's Aid Society dated June 15th, 1965. "I am writing at the request of Our Planning Committee to see if you can provide us with information which will assist us in our endeavour. It would be very helpful to know if you have any estimate of the growth expected in your muni- cipality during the next ten years. We would be interested in knowing your expected pop- ulation growth and also as- sessment growth." The Clerk was instructed to make an estimate of the re- quested information. for the Children's Aid Society. Copies of Resolutions and Rules of Procedures as dealt with by the Committee of Ad justment at a meeting of June 16th, 1965. ' The Resolutions were read by the Reeve, as passed by the Committee of Adjustment, and then Council passed the follow- ing Resolution. "That the Municipality of Port Perry approve the recom- mendation re wages for the Committee of Adjustment as suggested by the Committee of Adjustment. 23% Of Taxes Now Collected MEMO--Information re Cur- rent Tax Collections and Build- ing Permit Data. The current taxes are collect- ed in 2 instalments, The 1st inst. is due May 6th and the 2nd Sept. 23rd. The total taxes are $199,088.89 of which $111,342.00 has been collected to date, including dis- counts of $493.91 or approxime ately 559% of the taxes have been collected to June 16, 1965, Building Permits to date-- 14 new houses (single dwellings) Value $187,000. (continued on page 8) AT YOUR CARLOAD FOOD MARKET, FO PRINCE ALBERT Welchade Grape Drink 32 OL. 37 ERT YORK 16 oz. Ice Box Ja, PEANUT BUTTER 49 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 OL. a4 Ra... ME Carnation Inst. Milk 3 Ib. Pkg. 1.19 RL iP ATS NEWPORT 8 QT. PKG. FLUFFS CEREAL 45° STEAK -- | ROUND Every 10 oz. Jar INST. COFFEE CHEERY MORN or FREE: Genuine Wm. A. Rogers RUMP (Oneida) Spoon Enclosed In s1.49 CANADA'S FINEST } TENDER A. lb. o ROAST 79: LEAN TENDER LOIN RAW OR OVER tion of the cost of the project || = "\ under this Program, as outlined WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S MRS. BRUCE CUMMINGS FREE DRAW ON PUNCH BOWL SET WITH A $5.00 ORDER PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY JUNE 30th - JULY 3rd MAPLE LEAF SWEET MAPLE LEAF DAISY Rindless SANI- PORK CHOPS © £9c COTTAGE ROLLS 1» 5c Pkg. of Each Wieners & Wiener Buns 5 Oc SIDE BACON TOILET FLUSH Jus, | PICKLED Ib. 4 9c y.J 20 oz. Tins 3 Je A Er REN ee MENTE Se Loh b 4 wu in. Wy Sa ROA oy 7 eT a) et Pe RC Pe A Ea Ero ST oA - ds rian, by, we 4 241 f er AGH 5 ns Norn 2 0 3 To pe SA ome Rae StS Pe os SE i Ory) a ER a Te A A ------ Tra? 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