He FN Ta aR SON LA SY § BUNA SLE £8 HAY DEL COAE0 AIOE TANI UE | | FRA di Hoa 4 These Ontario Hydro officials are discussing the new line tension stringing of 44,000 volt circuits as two linemen in aerial buckets above make adjustments to the corductor traveller. From the left are Zone Construction Superintendent D. John- ston, Uxbridge Area Manager A, C. "Cy" Richardson, Regional Line Maintenance Superintendent Frank Barrett, Construction Superintendent Jack Ryder and Central Region Manager Adam S. Smith. (Ontario Hydro Photo) Schedule On Recorded Vote 0.K. Equalized Assessment After long hours of discussion spread over several days Ont- ario County Council approved a schedule of equalized assess- ment for the year 1966 at its sitting last week. Climax to the discussion came ,late in the afternoon with a recorded vote. A few m'nutes earlier the council had been reminded that to further discussion into an- other day would cost the tax- payers $1,000. This is the cost of one day's sitting of county council. Mem- bers are paid mileage to meet- ings and a small fee for their attendance. The reminder came from Reeve Francis Hockley of Scott Township who pleaded for coun- ty council to reopen discussion on the matter to try and settle the issue. During the long discussion council made four attempts to pass an equalized schedule. On each occasion the attempt was defeated on recorded votes. Opposition to the schedule throughout the discussion was led by Reeve John Dryden of Whitby Township. He complain- ed frequently at what he called the "tremendous fluctuation" in the total assessment of his township. He was joined by several other municipalities, mainly those whose assessment would be go- tng up under the new equaliza- tion agsessmént bylaw. figures as prepared by county assessor G. D. Hepditch. Under the bylaw passed, any appeal would be heard by a county judge. Under the equalization system a landowner in the north of the county and a landowner in the south are assessed on different standards. These standards are then equalized by a factor imposed by the county assessor. In the. aprpoved schedule the total assessment for Whitby next year will be $21,189,176. Ajax will have to pay $18,277,- 051. Pickering's assessment will be $31,026,724, Whitby Town- ship, whose assessment will go up, will pay $10,421,071; East Whitby will pay $4,277,262. Earlier in the day councillors were presented with a fresh by- law which they were asked to approve for a period of three years instead of the customary single year. "This", explained Mr. Hep- ditch, "would cure the fluctua- tion problem in local assess- ment." Reeve Everett Quantrill com- plained strongly, however, that council "could not bind itself down for three years like that". On a recorded vote the bylaw was thrown out of council. __The_municipalities have the| "N . right to appeal their assessment Jam. with with. the. Queen, a 22a WI Ch SF Burketon News Martin Mantel raced his boat ! at Sharbot Lake on Dominion Day. Last week-end Martin and his brother Pete motored to Clayton New York that Martin could at- tend the races there. Mr. Douglas Taylor called on his mother and brother recently. The George Wrights of Hamp- ton called on Mr. and Mrs: Roy Ashton Friday evening. Mr. John Ryan moved away from village on Thursday, to .| Oshawa. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. L. Hall and familyand Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staples to our village. Mrs. E- Bryan visited relatives .|in Kendal recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peeling and girls, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. Mr- Joseph Stephenson is spending a few days in New York, N.Y. A change of our hours for Sunday School will be at 9.30 Church service at 10.30 am. Mrs. Dorothy Bryan, Miss Hil- da Hall and Mrs. G. Wetherup, Oshawa were Sunday guests of | Mr. and Mrs. B- Hubbard. Mrs. Norman Glennie is in the Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. We welcome a number of fam- ilies from Nova Scotia to our Community, who are busy with the Christmas tree plantation. Greenbank WI The May meeting of the W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. E. Clements with a good attend- ance of members and visitors. The Pres., Mrs. N. Smith, opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Roll Call was answered by showing something inherited from Grandmother or Mother. This 'was in keeping with our "Mothers' Meeting". The first choice for our Short Course was "Buttons & Buttonholes; (2) Copper Tooling, The bus trip to City and to Mrs. Graham's home was dis- cussed further. Invitation, June 3rd, to Ash- worth U.C.W. was read. Reports were given: Mrs. Truan on Can. Ind.; Mrs, Couves gave a reading on the Golden Jubilee Celebrations taking place in the Br. Isles. Our Queen Elizabeth, who is a W.I. member is entertaining at a garden party, 9,000 W.I. mem- bers at Buckingham Palace. Mrs. M. Lee reported on Health Home Ec. Mrs. J. Ianson gave an inter- esting report on her stay at Guelph. She also went to see Adelaide Hoodless Home. Snat- ches of her speech are, "Family fs training ground for children for later life". "No one is use- less in this world who lightens the burden of it for others", A child needs the 3A's (1) Affec- tion (2) Acceptance (3) A feel- ing of achievement. Mrs. A. McMillan, Secretary, reminded us of our Booth at Port Perry Fair. Mrs. Dusty gave a reading. The topic was capably taken by Mrs. Tait. Contest by Mrs. Clements, The meeting closed -Social -half- hour followed. PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 8th, 1965-13 Blackstock News By O. Hill There was a good attendance at. all services in the village on Sunday. At 10 a.m, in the United Church Mrs. Lorne Thompson sang a solo "Closer Still with Thee O Lord". Rev. Merrill Ferguson, Toronto prea- | "Have cher from the subject: you received the Holy Spirit?" The regular service was held in the Anglican Church at 11 a.m. with Canon Ashmore in charge. At 7.30 pm. the Orangemen and ladies led by Cartwright Band lined up at the Recreation Centre and marched to St. John's Church where Canon Ashmore delivered a wonderful Orange sermon. After service as usual the Orange Order para- ded on all four streets of the village. exercises were held in the United Sunday School Sunday morning. Sev- eral very interesting stories of work covered during the year were told by the children. Open Sunday School will be held throughout the summer with varied programs of film strips, recordings and special speakers. Promotion Congratulations to Lorraine Turner who received 1009 on her Grade 2 Theory examina- tions. See full report of the Pupils of Mrs, Ruth Wilson's pupils eleswhere In paper. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motton & family, Willowdale; Miss Ferne Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Far- mer and Mr. Farmer Sr., Tor- onto were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock and boys. Glen Bea- cock went home with the Mot- tons and Robert Motton stayed with Gordon Beacock for a week. Linda Mountjoy; Lorraine Turner; John Larmer; Russel Carnaghan; Gordie Malcolm and Brian Lee are attending Camps at Quin-Mo-Lac this week. Mrs. Ruby Ramsay Rouse, Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Port Perry and Mrs. Cecil Ham- ilton called on Mrs. Ida Taylor Thursday. Sunday visitors with Mts. Alma Fowler were: Mr. and Mrs. Morley Anderson and Mr. and Mrs, Rupert Byers, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs, George Rutherford, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lorraine and Janet attended the wedding of a niece of Mr. Tur- ner's in Cardinal, Saturday, July 8rd. Miss Rolande Martel of Stoke Centre, Quebec is visiting Miss Lorna Wright for two weeks. Then Lorna will return with her for two weeks. This is an Inter Provincial Student ex- change. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Fer- guson, Misses Miriam and Pau- line, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill. Cheryl Wright is spending this week with the Grant Fer- gusons in Toronto. Sorry to report Mr. Will Hooey still in Port Perry Hos- pital but glad to hear he is improving. Catherine, Susan and Eliza- beth Romeril of Courtice spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Marlow at their cottage, Caesarea were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask and family, Barrie; Dr. and Mrs. John Mar- low and family, Lively; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson & family; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow, Anne and Freddie, . .... Mrs. Muriel Heinsteck, Tor- onto is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wright and the Fred Trewins. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott, Ottawa spent a few days, and Mrs. M- P. Philp, West Hill and Mr. Joe Wilson, Port Perry were Sunday visitors, and Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and Oliver were Mrs. Phena Mountjoy also Mrs. Bill Hallett, Brian and Wayne of Oshawa. Mr. and Ws. Will Forder, Miss Joyce and: Mr. Clint Brown visited friends in Kincardine, and Tiverton and enjoyed a trip around Port Elgin, Owen Sound, etc. over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Millbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham on Sunday. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hannah and Rose Ellen, Hampton were Mr. Sam Gibson, Edmonton, Mrs: V. Nugent, Sudbury, Mrs. G. Gaines,. Whit- by, Mr. Harry Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mr. Earl Dorrell, Blackstock. Mrs. W. Archer is spending this week with relatives at Minden- Mrs. L. Bradley, Bowmanville visited Mrs. [Harold Crawford on' Thursday. Mrs. R. Stinson, Bowmanville visited Mrs. Percy Van Camp Thursday and Mr. nd Mrs. Os- mond Wright Sunday. Safety Meetings (Continued from page 1) Mr. Howard Nodwell, Agri- cultural Engineer for Ontario County, presented an illustrated talk on safety in the operation of farm machinery. Representatives from the St. John Ambulance Association were also present to demon- strate "First Aid" practices in- cluding the more recent tech- niques in artificial respiration. Mr. Bill Cooper, Agricultural presented Red Seal "Awards of Merit" to qualifying 4-H Club Members. To be eligible for this award, a member must sue- cessfully complete six 4-H Ag- ricultural projects with 76% or more. In addition, 4-H Club Members, completing 12 or more 4-H Agricultural projects with 75% or more, were award- ed a Gold Seal "Award of Mer- it" in recognition of their out- standing achievement. Gold Seal recipients were -- Wayne Beath, Oshawa, #2; Doug Batty Assistant Brooklin, #1; Gary Batty, Brooklin, #1; Jack Holliday, Brooklin, #1; Bruce Martyn, Port Perry, #2; George Smith, Port Perry, #2. The 4-H Club Members quali- fying for the six project" Red Seal Awards are as follows: -- John Armstrong, Sunderland, #1; Grant Beath, Oshawa, #2; Harold Guthrie, Whitby, #2; Bill McDonald, Brooklin, #1; Donald McTavish, Uxbridge, #8 Bruce Norton, Claremont, #1; Keith Phoenix, Greenbank; Mal. vin Ross, Uxbridge, #2; Ken- neth Stickwood, Claremont, #2; Bertha and Beatrice Samis, Cannington, #2; Allan Well. man, Claremont, #2; Jim and John Wilson, Waines, Cannington, #1. Representative,. Balsam; Fred Ct ana © EN i Sh ars NE FTE a vy A A [Rg AC I Po ThEuoghy NT «. pe. rr TRALEE <-. SAE ACD: WE er Dd