SLANE PR {i STRAY, winidadodicbas Volume 100 Number 44 Truck Hit By Car, Rolls Over Lagoon Site Protested By Ratepayers A letter signed by N. W. Heayn with a petition enclosed was received at the last Port Perry council meeting, protest- ing a site on Simcoe St. North' for a possible lagoon in connec- tion with the proposed sewage system. In addition to protesting the site, the letter asked "that an undertaking be given that no offensive odours will be per- mitted, should this site be used for a lagoon." The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and pe- tition, and state that considera- tion will be given, when a sew- erage system is installed. Fines Increased From $20.To $300. Sharpshooters who use in- sulators on municipal utility power lines for target practice face stiffer penalties. } Under a 1965 amendment to the Public Utilities Act, the Ontario Legislature has raised the maximum fine for this type of vandalism from $20. to $300. Convicted persons are liable for ' all damages arising from the offence. "This offence certainly seems to be on the increase. Apart from causing expensive power failures, stich senseless behavi- our may result in the marks- man electrocuting either him- self or some innocent bystand- er," a Hydro spokesman stated. The truck seen in the above!lanc of Queen Street. picture rolled over on its side| The truck, a 1962 Ford three on Queen Street. after being hit | ton model was driven by Claire by a car on the corner of Scu- | Snoddon and owned by Donald gog & Queen Streets on Thurs- Snoddon of Blackwater. Dam- day afternoon, July 15th. age to the truck was estimated | The car owned and driven by at $1,200. | Mrs. Margot Harding, Montreal, Damage to the car, driven by Que. was heading west on Scu- Mrs. Harding, a 1965 Lincoln gog Street, failed to stop at Cots i . ' ontinental convertible was es- sign and skidded 45 feet hitting ' At Waterloo University iclass of Religious Knowledge. | LAPSE Ne A SY itr til A. 4 LN J goa VY ' a J WF 387, Fal Tile + | ¥2%4 «Clas LLLP) oie / > Rova'ad 2 LARLY, fed DD) Tr FLOP f $7 AY 3 3 AL 1F : I JE 3 Jo piv ty AY AEN BTR PAD SACRA RAIN Dibenostabd mitotane Sok Met aso) Rp rt bs etd li $1,800 damage was caused to this 1965 Lincoln Continental Convertible, owned and driven by Mrs. Margot Harding, Montreal. --Staff Photo Wins Tuition Scholarship. It is interesting to note that § word has been received that! Edwin McCaig, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McCaig, | of Greenbank, has once again brought laurels to this com- munity. This young gentleman who won so many awards when 5 graduating from Port Perry fo District High School last year tv has completed his first year at the Waterloo University win- ning a Tuition Scholarship which includes tuition and fees | for the coming semester along | with the title of University Scholar of Waterloo University. | He :has-also won the award of $25.00 for standing first in the | EDWIN McCAIG At the present moment, Mr. Co Co McCaig is taking a summer Ce oe charge for the United Chae, SWimming Pool Project Approved Mission at Orrville which is near Parry Sound. Congratulations the truck in the right rear dual wheels, The truck, loaded with 140 to this talented young man who is setting such a standard in the Academic Honour Course. timated at $1,800. . Mr. Snoddon suffered a "dis- located shoulder, Mrs. Harding | By Congregation There was a good representa- tion of members at the special "| Satiirday with "baseball "in the | émergencies. was bleeding from a cut to her bales of hay at the time, v hit es y ! vas mouth and loose teeth. hard enough to make the bales shift in position and caused the| Mrs. Harding has been charg- truck to roll over on the west ed with careless driving. 33rd Annual Regatta July 31st, Aug. 1st, 2nd It may be hard to believe, but | afternoon, and horse shoe tour- Lit is stil a fact, that the three | nament in the evening. day regatta held by Lake Scu- ' gog Regatta Association is the largest annual three day event | of its kind held in Canada. As in previous years, the Re- gatta is held over the Civic | Holiday week -end, Saturday, . July 31st, Sunday and Monday, August 1st and 2nd at Caesarea Ontario. The three day event begins Sunday events begin in the morning with the annual bicycle race in the afternoon to be fol- lowed by sailing and motor boat racing. Children's swimming events will take place Monday morning and the 33rd annual regatta will be concluded in the after- noon with canoe and rowboat : ) : races and mixed swimming on Saturday morning with a svents, colourful parade followed by a beauty contest to choose Miss Every possible safety mea- sure will be taken to avoid pos- sible accidents. Patrol boats will be present during the vari- ous competitions, and a St. John's Unit from Oshawa, as well as two nurses will be sta- tioned in the area in case of Regatta for 1965. Elaine Prout and Anita Sherwin, two of the contestants for the title of Miss Regatta will be present during the parade and hand out suck- ers to the children. The field events are held the council meeting, had recom- | Congregational Meeting which Demand For Water | was held immediately after the . morning worshjp service. May Necessitate The purpose of this meeting on | was for the United Church Additional Well | Members to discuss and decide Port Perry council has re-| what was to be done regarding quested that a representative of the new building plans. Ontario Water Resources Com-| The United Church members mission be present at a future | decided to approve the design council meeting to discuss the | for the new extension to the drilling of another well. building proposed by Mr. Ted Griffen, which includes a swim- ming pool in the basement. There will still have to be This decision was made at the last regular meeting of the council and was prompted fron a report by the town foreman, | Many more Artafigemontis re Clair McNenly that No. 2 well | #2rding planning, firancing, had not shown too much im-| etc: before approved by the Oshawa Presbytery of the provement after being acidized The flow of water was only 90 to 100 gals per minute, he stated. .- Mr. C. Goodberry, a repre- sentative of Well Drilling Ltd., United Church of Canada. It is hoped that the entire Port Perry Community will be interested in the development of this novel project. Verona, Ont who met with Reeve J. J. Gibson, councillor | . Bruce Beare and the Town Hospital Report | foreman, Mr. McNenley prior to For Week Ending July 17th Admissions... 21 mended digging a test hole ad Operations wooo 19 Jacent to the well. Emergency Treatment .. 11 The cost of a test hole would | Births 2 be about $1,000 ard the cost of Deaths... Nil a new well would be aprpoxi- | Discharges 29 mately $15,000, Mr. Goodberry Remaining... 14. informed the council Visiting Hours 3-4 20d 32 pon yi v1 | 5 a XA AY ~ Te