A LOE ol COs re a RAL ~ 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Oct. 14th, 1965 Senior Citizens Club There was a good attendance at the Club for the meeting of members on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd at 2 p.m. Mrs, Chapman, president, opened the meeting in the usual manner. Pleased to bear those who are ill are pro- gressing nicely. Business was | discussed, Euchres are very en- couraging; we find for older folks this is a good way to have friendly get together and also to help with expenses. Selling tickets on articles donated by members also swells our funds. There are still tickets to be had [<4 [< & ® 4 @ --LEGION HALL Aaa a a a aa ave oa a o oa 9 a a a a a a a aa oa oo a ao 0 0 oo ROOD A OOD EDD DO OOD Oo & &> HG E> HOOD E Hb Ad VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVOITToveovoroovoovoooeoeoe; SQUIRT APPRECIATION NIGHT b: = BA N Q U I T - 3 Tuesday, October 26th, 7pm. § at PORT PERRY LEGION HALL 4 Admission $8.00 per person S TICKETS AVAILABLE from-- MEMBERS of MINOR SOFTBALL EXECUTIVE --FLAMINGO RESTAURANT For further information contact Bill Taylor or Vin Walker POO O® AAA AAA A A ARO OSCR O ROL CRON OSOROLOROROTOZOROTOSORORMS PVN 4 4 4 Lucky draw (Nov. 10th, first meeting an this month). Two bus loads left Port Perry on Wednesday, Oct. 6th at 9.00 a.m., went through Barrie, then on to Collingwood where all on quilt & wool mat. toured the factory there. They make "Blue Mountain Pottery". It was very educational and most bought some of this love- ly potery as a reminder of this Interesting day. After a pic- nic lunch in a pavilion there, on to Orillia where all spent one hour and half and enjoyed a hot dinner. It was a lovely trip, leaves weren't as colourful as usual, but all enjoyed it, with 4 the careful bus drivers at the steering wheels. They also des- cribed various points of inter- est. Mrs. Demara was unfortun- ate in tripping on sidewalk in Orillia, she was badly shook up. Mr. Hadley bus driver drove her to Port Perry hospital on arri- val home. Mrs. Demara remain- ed there all night and time of writing, are glad to report she is recovering nicely. Next -euchre at Hall, Sat., Oct. 16th at 8.30 p.m. Meeting for members Wednesday 27th Oct. at 2 p.m. Are very pleas- ed with the numbers that pat- ronize the Euchres A record crowdon Sat, Oct. 2nd at the Hall. 22 tables were played, and such a jolly crowd. Prize winners as follows: High lady, Mrs. B. Walkey, score 83. 2nd Mrs. Alf, Prentice, score 77. Consolation Mrs. M. Clark with score of 42. Gent's high, Mr, F. Middleton, score 77. 2nd. Mr. H. McDermaid, score 76. Con- solation (playing as man) Mrs. M. Thomas, score 654. Don't forget coming events listed above, » + Thanksgiving October is here, crops are gathered in Stored for winter, against snow and winds. Thanksgiving day gone, barns filled to the top With plenty of grain, from the wonderful crops What hope seedtime & harvest brings with all its zest, As so many reap for their labour the best. ' We give thanks for these blessings, grown from -- New Chevy Heavies up to 48,000 Ibs, GVW up to 65,000 Ibs. GOW Now there's a great new line of Chevrolet trucks; the 70000 and 80000 Series with GOW ratings up to 65,000 Ibs! There's a now 92" conventional-cab that's best yet for working efficiency. There are new high capacity frames and axles, There's Dow power, right up to the 637 en. in. Diesol and the 478 cu. in, gas. And there's Chevrolet's famous dopondability built right in! T-166 New low-cost Torq-Flow 4-cycle diesels for true economy! Pivo great now 4-cycle Chevrolet Diesels put the accent on savings as nqyer before. Low first cost recovers your investment quickly; low running costs and low maintenance costs put new Chevrolet 4-cycle Diesels in the profit picture for everything from medinm-duty round-the-city work to long highway hauls, New engines New transmissions Chevy has a power plant to suit every job requirement in each weight class --18 engifies, 12 of them brand now for '66. There's new versatility, new big-load capability with both gas and Diesel engines. And you can match powerful Chevrolet engines with the widest choice of transmissions ever -- from 3-speed Synchro-Mesh to 16-speed Spicer... automatics, too! po Phone your Chevrolet Dealer abont any type of truck you want, and axles, self-adjusting brakes on 268-count 'em--268 models! Hero's what's now: bigger engines, more engines, bigger trucks, more trucks, high capacity frames most light and medium duty models. And more! Check the long strong line of Chevrolet Workpower Trucks for '66 now! Chevy's built for bigger things in *66! AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER PHONE 985.7351 BE ARE MOTORS LTD. PORT PERRY, . Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. 0 iy - AY Y Act. ONTARIO IN PORT PERRY QUEEN STREET the seeds When other far off nations are in such great need. Though summer was short, and weather was cool Most farmers are lucky in crops as a rule. We again offer thanks for those riches untold As the leaves on' the trees shed their colours of gold. SCOUT NEWS With the approach of the fall season, activity with Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Rover Crew has commenced. Meetings of all groups have resumed with the exception of B Pack, who will start next Tuesday, October 19th at 7.00 p.m. under the leadership of John Pollard with Charles Reesor Assisting, A Pack meets Monday evening with Cubmaster Gary Fellows and Assistant Don McLaughlin. Wednesday night the two Scout Troops meet under Scoutmaster Bob Bell and Assistants Charles Reesor, Albert Fulford, Allan Fulford and Robert Mansfield. Stanley Ploughman the veteran Cubmaster of the District is in charge of C Pack and their meeting night is Thursday. The Rovers have plans for an active and interesting term under Skipper Wes. Lane. Their meet- ings are held Thursday even- ings at 9.00 p.m. The traditional Apple Day will be held October 23. Su port the Scout Movement in Port Perry by a generous dona- tion when a Cub or Scout ap- proaches you on this day. ' The recent Paper Drive nett- ed almost 13 tons, a new record for modern day drives. The general public are to be com- mended on their splendid co- operation in this project. An- other drive will be held Nov. 27. Church Services ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION REV. R. C. ROSE Sunday, October 17th-- 10 a.m.--Holy Communion Please note change in Hour of Service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, October 17th-- 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School PRINCE ALBERT -- 9:45, am.--Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m---Sunday School. : = - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, October 17th-- PRESBYTERIAN-- 10 a.m.--No Service Anniversary Services at Burns Church, Ashburn, 11 a.m.--Sunday School Oct. 24th -- 11.00 a.m. Anniversary Service, PORT PERRY BAPTIST-CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, October 17th-- 10 a.m.--Family Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pagfora ARGE Rev. Geo. Teor, SCUGOG ' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, October 17th-- 11.00 a.m.--At Head Church, Minister Rev. Geo. Teskey. Soloist Mr. Fred Densham. 7.30 p.m.--Grace Church. Minister Rev. J. H, Staint- on, B.A.,, BD. Music by Kedron Choir. Services cancelled: at Manchester & Prospect. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Syunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service ENE LY B54 455, $f WAI EE A RA LAO AT Hy RS FE BO Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem ? -- 985-2420