6 -- PORT PERRY STAR, 1965 Blackstock News By Olga Hill Thirty-eight ladies, fifteen of Thursday, Oct. 14th, Women's Institute meeting. Following the singing of the verb--was well answered. In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Stanford Van Camp acted. She also gave a brief report of Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary meeting. Group voted to donate $5.00 toward Hospital Doll arranged. A note of appreciation is to be sent Mr. Hewson who had kindly donated an electric tea kettle to Institute. Mrs. Rich- ard Van Camp reported that a 4-H club on Well Dressed and Well Groomed is started. 4, were voted to be sustained. Mrs. W. W. Van Camp pre- sided for the programme and led in the singing of "The More We Get Together". The Motto -- "Take Time to read, it is the foundation of Wisdom" was prepared by Mrs. W. Archer whom were guests from Maple | Ode and repeating the Collect, | draw. Grove, met in the Community Hall Wednesday SVening | for the | the President extended a hearty welcome. The roll call-----A pro- A committee was ap- pointed to see if a bus load to The resolutions were given attend area convention can be] the second reading and all and in her absence, read by (Continued on Page 7) ¢ The Canada Pension Plan and its benefits If Esther continues to earn this amount from her business until age 65, she and her husband, who is disabled and cannot work, can look forward to a retirement income of $104.17 from the Plan and $75 from Old Age Security-- a total of $179.17 a month. When her husband receives Old Age Sccurity, their income will be $254.17 a month. CPESC Should Esther dic anytime after 1967, having contributed until her death, her husband will reccive a disabled widower's pension of $64.06 a month until he reaches age 65. At that time, or if he is already 65 when Esther dies, his pension under the Plan will be $62.50 a month plus $75 a month Old Age Sccurity. On the death of his wife, Mr. Meyer will also be entitled to a lump sum payment of $500. All benefits under the Plan will maintain their value. The actual benefits payable will probably be higher than those Here is what the Canada Pension Plan will do for people like Esther Meyer, a 50-year-old owner of a small store who makes $5,800 a year. given here since benefits will be adjusted to meet changes in living costs and in wage levels before they are paid and changes in living costs after they become payable. What will the Plan cost you? If, like Esther, you have sclf- employed earnings of $5,800 a year, you will pay $158.40 a year which is 3.6% of $4,400, the maximum amount upon which contributions are payable. Payment will be in instalments in the same way you pay your income tax. vr 4 This advertisement is one of a serics which relates some of the important benefits of the ¢ Canada Pension Plan to individual circumstances. 4 Issued by authority of the Minister of National Health and Welfare, Canada, The Honourable Judy LaMarsh. » 1"