eta rar TE Pr TT LR A er Tan This was climaxed by the ex-) pORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965-23 " rince ert ews citing exchange of pretty and 5-2 > useful gifts distributed from the tree provided a seasonable sett- | items. Mrs. F. Olsen explained t) Mrs. Les. Beacock Court Whist, for which prizes colorful tree. Finally, well af-| ing as grandparents, parents & | and displayed a watch purch- To the staff and dover went to Mrs. Parkinson & Mrs. ter midnight all made the dis- friends assembled for the S.S.| ased ny, a for its adopted 16 o the staff and readers: Pugh. And now the pleasant appearing act, after a most . year old girl. May the meaning of feature, the liberal appearance | Memorable party. Supt. Mr. T. Hodgins acted| Finally in rushed radiant Christmas be Deeper-- | ;¢ appetizing & delicious foods| Tuesday night, Dec. 14th the | M.C. for the variety program of | Santa Claus with his customary Its friendships Stronger, provided by Mesdames Roy A.|church sanctuary was compli-| recitations and all the rest of | greeting, Ho-Ho-Ho. He ma- And its hopes Brighter, Hope, Bond, Garvey, Brain and | mented with the usual poinsetti- | usual numbers. Mrs. B. Snel-| turally distributed gifts and As it comes to you this Year. Jeffrey. as, twirling streamers and gay | grove accompanied all musicall sweets to all. The best is wished Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hunter who have reached sixty years of married life. Monday night Dec. 18, Mrs. H. Garvey's new home glittered with Yuletide decorations for the annual party of G.N.S. Club. Nearly twenty-five members and guests enjoyed and partici- pated in the following variety ] 13 program provided by Mrs. Par- kinson, Mrs. Glass and Mrs, K. Middleton. First everyone mo- delled a comic or ancient gar- ) ment, prizes being won by Mrs. M. Christie and Mrs. H. Garvey. Brand naming contest--Mrs. C. Ye Chambers. An amusing series of charades were also run-off. All received a candy cane. Last portion of the program consisted of a few rounds of AP -- ~~ OTN En I caer a - .~ Da Ear "a h Te RIT =n RA I as -- () = ad Np > tvs 2 JR a Yo» SI I) i i. 4 i Wy a i §: Burketon Mr. D. Dignard has taken over the General Store. The Hub- bards have moved to 6 Alexan- der Blvd. Bowmanville. v Mr. Humphrey Hewitt of Tor- , onto a recent guest of Mr. and : | Mrs. John Archer. NZ _ { Mr. Douglas Taylor of Bow- | [4 Y2IGRADE "A" PREDRESSED -- READY FOR OVEN 3 + TT YJ PORE » os manille called on his mother & F E STI VE F X N S | : brother on Monday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Genkin, a WW ; a Murs. Charles Dignard, guests of : Ocean Spray hole or Jellied Mr. and Mrs. Delphis Dignard. Cranberry 7 h Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer 15 oz. tin held a family gathering on Sun- |{ . 20 lbs. and ve 39: 6-14 |b. Avg. Ls Sauce P.P. Manzanilla . ST al ay (g} * *{TABLERITE GRADE "A" -- Specially Selected IGA Stuffed J J ' \ " } 12 oz. jar | YOUNG TURKEYS tec Vs : oo #8 | Chase & Sanborn Instant c | v 20 Ibs. and Us| 6-14 |b. Ag C Coffee 6 oz. jar Black Diamond MW HIROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SLICED Mild | ( | | SIDE BACON 1b. Flat LB. B5¢ 12 oz. wedge hI: ' -- --- \ Cheese SWEET amd JUICY FLORIDA, DOZ. 35c Hosially = SAVE 15 | -- Sizel76's Mince Meat Pie Family Size , |! y . | TANGERINES J Doz. y " Frozen Fancy 2-lb. Poly Bag 2 J | 67: Green Giant 4% May your heart i [[[&,74| B.C. EXSTRA FANCY GRADE -- Size 100's | 7i| DELICIOUS APPLES 5 ro 39. | | PeaseNiblets TW be filled with all PZ FR Ha ' ff the wondrous PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Canada Fancy Grade -- Large Si joy of that first , SA, Lani Fancy Graoe- Largs size PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 22 - 23 - 24 Christmastide. D ANJOU PEARS For 49: We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities DELMONTE FANCY MIXED, MUSTARD, YUM YUM FRUIT COCKTAIL. wf]¢ BICKS PICKLES 1500 20 STOKELY'S FANCY IGA( PLUS DEPOSIT) Honey Pod Peas Js. ins ge GINGER ALE 4 30 oz. bils. 49 AS HOPE'S 16A FOOD MARKET SUTHERLAND WEDNESDAY ................ 8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. ' BROS. ST 0 R E H Oo u R S 7 HURSDAY. eee 8:30 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. : FRIDAY ooo vvvooorn. 8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. TRANSPORT _CLOSED TAS DAY and BOXING DAY UTICA, ONTARIO fi ERK 7X.