24 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, Dec. 23d, 1965 IN AND OUT OF From the "Brandon Sun", Man- itoba,--Mrs. Jas. I. Moffatt Sr. who was 89 years of age on Nov. 30, was honored at a fa- mily dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Olive) Carlise of Carroll, Thirty-two members of the family connections were present, Other relatives and friends called to congratulate Mrs. Moffatt, She is an ardent reader, is in good health and takes a keen interest in local affairs. LJ * 3 Professor Walter W. Smelt- zer of the Metallurgy and Me- tallurgical Engineering Dept. of McMaster University, Hamilton will leave on Dec. 30th for a Sabbathical study period at Gottingen, Germany. He will return to McMaster in Septem- ber. Before joining the staff of McMaster in 1959, Dr. Smelt- zer had completed research at the National Research Council, Ottawa and the Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology in [Pitts- burgh, Pa. He will be accompanied by his wife. Obituary ANDREW MacTAGGART A life long resident of Sonya Ontario, Stewart Andrew Mac- Taggart passed peacefully away at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on Dec. 10th, 1965, in his 66th year. Mr. MacTaggart was born at Sonya, Ont., in 1900 the young- er son of the late Donald L. MacTaggart and Flora Camp- bell. He réceived his education at Union School, Brock Town- ship & Port Perry High School, In 1943 he married Wanda M. Finley of Sonya and continued farming on the homestead un- til 1962 when owing to failing health he disposed of the farm and retired to the village. He a member of St. An- drew's | Presbyterian Church, Sonya and a life long Conserva- tive. Left to mourn his passing are his loving wife Wanda, two brothers and three sisters, namely: John of Seagrave; Jen- nie (Mrs. Moase) of Scarboro; Flora of Scarboro; Mabel (Mrs. Acres) of Montreal Que and Donald of Seagrave. Three brothers predeceased him. The funeral service which was held from the Pinkham Funeral Home, Sunderland on Monday, De. 13th was conducted by Rev. Adam Houston, minister of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Sonya, was largely attended & the many beautiful floral offer- ings testified to the esteem in which he was held, Interment was made in Me- Neill's Cemetery, Wick, The Pall Bearers were: Messrs J. J. Gibson, Frank Not- tingham, Albert Jewell, Peter Fish, Malcolm Cameron & Clay- ton Hallett, close friends of the deceased. The flower bearers were: Messrs. Duncan Moase, Carl Moase, James MacTaggart, Perry Finley, Larry Finley, ne- phews of the deceased and two close friends of the deceased Messrs. Angus King and Ross Nottingham. j ing, Wichita peal Wichi- | ta, Kansas. recommended by newspapers, | fit any retail sales situation. broadcasters and Chamber of Commerce managers, To Speak In Port Perry He has been highly that he has been of tremendous | coloured poster which help to their towns and that he [ "Shop Here for Greater Perry Days -- All merchandise guaranteed The sponsors of this program | ticipate _in this event. Mer- They say | will be identified by a two- 'chants and salespeople particu- | pers of this trade territory to reads | larly will benefit from this out- shop Port Perry for "Greater Port | standing sales clinic, If for! Pot Perry Days". Genuine Louisiana Hostess Save 10c¢ POTATO CHIPS Save 10c, 18" Roll, Free Skewers and Tying Cord ALCAN FOIL WRAP 59. Aylmer Save 5c : TOMATO SOUP 4149: TURKEYS Supreme Value Checked (young Toms 20-27 29:43: Maple Leaf (shank portion): SMOKED HAMS Schneider Boneless (3 to 3%-lb. avg.) PICNICS - - HAM SLICES Maple Leaf 1-lIb. Cello Yi SAUSAGE MEAT 1b.49c i LBBvs Fr ¥¢ RASPBERRIES 2 for 89c Grade A (Over 20 1b.) Schneiders 8-oz. SNACK CHUBS 3for69: DEER ER ER EN ERE ERE Ea Red Emperor GRAPES 2:25. Fresh Ocean Spray 1-1b. pkg. ¥ YAMS 2165.29: Cranberries 33c ; Coloured Save 6c SOLO Margarine 2:59. Stuffed Manzanilla arg Pack Marked 39c Club House Olives 3:51 ol BB SB oy BB ER BB BUS BA b.6Sc Ib. 99 Ib. 95 svg.) ~ Abell Save 4c No. 1 i BABY LIMA Beans 29. AER EES ER EN BA ERR ER EEX Fancy Green Save 13c AYLMER PEAS 5:88: ¥ l 15-0z. Tins 13-0z. Twin Pack 59 1-1b. Pkgs. 8-0z. Jars . ¥ ; ; CRANBERRY Sauce 27 % Vi Yi Supreme POULTRY SEASONING, SHAKER 17 Supreme SAGE, SHAKER 15 Save 10c¢ Aunt Mary's Coffee 79 Del Monte Save 6¢ 20-0z. Tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 37. 'Whole or Jellied-Ocean Spray-Save 4c-15-0z. tin 1-1b. Bag Cypress Gardens Pure Save 19¢ 48-0z. Tin ORANGE JUICE 2for 79. Trecsweet Save 9c 434 -0z, Tins LEMON JUICE 5for49- Supreme Cello Bags Assorted Biscuits 3for89- Club Des Millionnaires Save 5¢ Tins SARDINES 3 for 88 EA ATE AE AE AEE AEE Ar SA LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS 15-0z. Pkegs. 12-0z. Pkgs. GREEN PEAS 2ford45c 12-0z. Pkg. Save 4c Tasty SESE 2S Sao Ss So Sab Side SH GILLETTE FEATURES ' Super Reg. 75¢ 5 to P STAINLESS STEEL BLADES .. - G58 Reg. $1.95 5 Blades with Adjustable Razor $1 69 Reg. $1.29 0 RIGHT GUARD... on Age PRESS S05 S00 FESS 5 Si SS BAKERY FEATURES Weston or Sunbeam Reg. 69¢ 24-02. MINCE PIES 59c Weston or Sunbeam Brown 'n' Serve Reg. 35¢ 12 to Pkg. TWIN ROLLS 31 FE HTH MIXED NUTS Ib 59c 93c¢ Sunspun 14 Gal. ICE CREAM GINGER ALE Ige. bts. Pure Spring Supreme 4-1b. Block Christmas Cake $1.93 1-1b. Block 4 Qc 2-1b. Block @7 ¢ Golden Hour Asst, 1-1b, Box CHOCOLATES 89c any reason you have been over- as advertised". | poked please call this news- furnishes practical and wy Every merchant and service or-| paper and you will be contacted hensive sales material that will | ganization in Port Perry will immediately. be given an opportunity to par- | We urge you to join your community minded | newspaper in inviting the shop- 2 for 39¢ ONE FREE DOWSON'S © SPECIALS eo FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. 1