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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Jan 1966, p. 9

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4 1 EE COMING EVENTS THE ROXY THEATRE pre- sents a fun-filled show of Coun- try Music on SUNDAY, JAN. 16th at 2 p.m. Hear Pdul Evans and his Country Showmen and Jimmy Seymour King of the Blue Grass. | C.F.G.M.'s Al Fi- sher and many others, Adults $1.25, Children 75¢. Door prize, Auction Sale SATURDAY, JAN. 8th at 2.30 p.m,, Woodville Sale Barns, 126 Aberdeen Angus, including one complete dispersal, large «consignment calves, suitable for 4-H work. NORM McINTYRE, Auctioneer REAL ESTATE MARGARET BALLARD REAL ESTATE and STAFF This is the time of year we pause for a moment to give thanks for the prosperous year of 1965 and to our many clients that we have had the privelege to serve. W wish them all a very Happy New Year, L. Stewart, W. Brown, E. Middle- brook, R. W. Smith, R. Laird, G. West, W, Clement, C. Crumb, Von Sherin, R. Glendenning, O. Sevochi, BE. Cordner, L. Tremeer, K. Risebrough, E. Blanchard, H. Timbers, G. Bagshaw, W. Burns, F, Wilkinson, Mr. Ma- son, D. White, G., Parry, C. Wood, C. Johnson, F. Kendrick, Dunwoodco Trust Co., Carley Foods, C. Edmunds, W. English, + G. St. John, M. McRae, A. Plun- kett, IF. St, John, L. Henery, C. . Hallet, G. Wilson, Hi Grant, D. ------0O'Neil,; J. Muir, A. Young, Wi Avery, F. Wilson, C. Parfrey, R. Laird, J. Boland, Carl Bagg, B. Leask, G. Evans, F, Evans, P. Ellis, J. Housser, F. Kerwood, L. Ball, J. Harris, N. Prentice, D. Deboer, J. Dallimore, W. Gribben, H. Palmer, L. Kova, J. Sherin, G. Albi, G. West, R. Tilner, D. Darby, W. Thomson, J. Fallowdown, E. Catherwood, E. Clyde, L. Carson, H. Jackson, V. Tinkle, R. Houghland, R. Ro- derson, D. Rees, R. Harris, B, Snooks, Gray, Farfox & Mont- gomery, R. Burnett, E. Farth- ing, S. Morrison, O. Fretz, Gor- meley Realty Ltd.,, W. Mitterer, J. Black, B. Elliott, Mr, Lemon & Bunnett, G. Frizzel, B. Robin- son, G. Pegg, B. Erickson, J. Szerespi, W, Westwood, R, Adl- sin, F. Reiser, J. Duncan, Mit- chell Lumber, J. Timbers, J, Arnold, Gary Emmons, R, Sti- ver, J. Evans, F'. Lang, J. Mar- tin, B. McLaughlin, Dr. Murray, Manchester Credit Union, J. Fitzpatrick, W. Lever, W. Jef fries, J. Brignall, H, Bradley, I. Dibbs, M. McKenna, IF. Pegg, M. Person, A. Longino, K. Kietrich, D. Stefroy, W. White and for the many customers that put their trust in us for appraisals, listings sales ete. We thank you fiom the bottom of our hearts and please remember to give us a call at any time, We appreci- ate your business and look for- ward to serving you in the New Year of 1966 and many more to come. MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR Sunderland, Ont, Phone 303 v Ya fy . * 11 (ov ¥en Tot \ IV) 4 v - RE CTR h Ns ' vr 2D I AASEE GH DH RE SATA IS RNG) [aA & OHA bovobdanbdiditandidsadibisdumit om dats dos silent libaiad init ott eb deb a REAL ESTATE ~ JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR, BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-8950 A 113 acre farm, soil clay loam and rolling, 2 Barns, Impl. Shed and Garage, also has 1% storey stone house, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 4 piece & 2 piece Bathroom, also oil furnace. Price $560,000 with $25,000 down. Situated in Columbus district. A b room bungalow, 2 years old, on 2% acre lot, has, Kit., L.R. & 3 bedrooms, also 4 piece bath. Price $9,600 with $2,000. down. Situated in Newcastle district. A 100 acre farm, soil clay loam and level, has 2 barns, hen house, work shop & garage, also a 2 storey 8 roomed Brick House with 4 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, heating oil stove. Price $35,000. Situated in Orono dis- triet.- A 5 room frame bungalow, 8 years old on 2% acre lot. Has Kit., L.LR. & 3 bedrooms and 8 piece bath. Price $14,900 with $4,900 down. Situated at Maple Grove. Local Representative: LORNE C. DUFF 24 Perry Street, Port Perry Phone 985-2728 Church Services ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ASCENSION REV. R. C. ROSE Sunday, Jan, 9th-- 9.45 am--Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.--Church School ST. JOHN BLACKSTOCK 11.15 am.--Mornng Prayer 7.30 p.m.--Week of Prayer Service in St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A. Minister Sunday, Jan. 9th-- 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship - 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School ~ PRINCE ALBERT-- 2.00 p.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m,--Sunday School ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister Sunday, Jan. 9th-- 10.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) I. C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, Jan. 9th-- 10 a.m.--Family Bible Sghoo! 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ,United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. Geo. Teskey Sunday, Jan. 9th-- 10.00 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 am.--MANCHESTER 1.16 p.m.--PROSPECT PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors R. Batten & I. MacLean 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morhing Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting EPSOM (Continued) were Mrs. Lillian Hall and Mas- ter Douglas Stewart, Toronto, Misses Elaine and Betty Medd and Mr. Robert Grey of Whitby, Miss Darlene Christie has re- turned to her teaching position in Bradford after spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mrs, G. Jeffery called on her mother Mrs, Wes Cawker of Port Perry on Christmas Day. Sorry to hear Mrs. G. Van Drumel spent a miserable New Year's nursing a bad case of mumps. Hope you soon feel better Anne. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hough- land and family spent Christ- mas with her parents Mr. and Mrs, H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hill of Greenbank entertained Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Taylor one even- ing for Dinner. The Asling family spent Christmas eve with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Asling and all were en- tertained at dinner on Christ- mas Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Clarke of Ash- worth. A Mr. and Mrs. Roy Asling and children of Rockport, were din- ner guests on Boxing day with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Clarke, then before returning home called on Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Asling, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling and Mrs. Wes Cawker. The Geer family celebrated Christmas at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Geer, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. David Prentice and Miss Vera Prentice visited Mr. and Mrs, Len Bach of Oril- lia on Christmeas Day. Keith returned with his grand parents for the remainder of the holiday. Mrs. Harry Geer"s mother Mrs. Florence Middleton and her uncle Mr. Arthur Millar of Whitevale spent the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer visit- ed on Wed, evening with Mr, & Mrs. Chet Geer of Utica. Bill and Bruce Stearman of Grimsby spent Christmas vaca- tion with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry, | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kerry entertained the Kerry & Cottyn families with supper. _ The Ashton family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton for Christmas supper. The Ashton and Asling fa- | milies were entertained on Now) Yars Day at the home of Mr," and Mrs, Keith Ashton. I Callers at the Prentice home during the holiday season were ' Mr. and Mrs. M. MacCannell of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pren- tice, Miss D. Vandenberk of Toronto, Miss J. Fisher of Osh-, awa, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Taylor of Houghton, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kerry ' were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Myers of Zephyr. : Mr. and Mrs, Alan Ashton en- tertained the Strong family on' New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery cele- brated the New Year with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterlin Jeffery of Victoria | Cornets, | Thirty-one members of the] ! Simpson family sat down to Have a Problem ? -- 985-2420 Christmas Dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, | Kerry Millman was home for the Xmas holiday. | Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Lee and family from Port Perry were dinner guests on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Wilson. Mrs. John Millman visited for a few days in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. J, P., Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilson call-' NEWS ed on Mr. and Mrs, Bert Em- blem of Toronto on their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Lee of Toronto were supper guests on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wilson and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elford on New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Kerry and Arnold and Miss Gail Cottyn visited Mr. & Mrs. Earl Li Sed 47 RAT Ard Al od v 15h 4 : pS Ll el nn et TE Sh Ean gi PORT PERRY STAR, Thurs., Jan. 6th, 1966 --9 Howsam on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Gertrude Fralick of Mennissing, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. Prentice on Friday, Mr, Donald Asling and Jer- rold were in Hanover on Wed. Jerrold plans to start a prac- tice in Hanover this summer. Mr, and Mrs, Garry Jackson were with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bai- ley for Christmas, Miss Trudy Brawn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hau- gen for several days last week. Cawker's Food Market SPECIALS FOR JAN. 6-7-8 PILLSBURY Banana Bread BICK'S NESTLE'S Date Bread Mix and Bick's Sweet Gherkins 12... 39: Sweet Mixed Pickles 3202 55 Horne's Instant Coffee 2-43: Chocolate Quick Fresh Ground Beef Boneless Pot Roast Sliced Bacon 1's Pkg. 43 Mix f 1b. 49. Ib. 39- Ib. 45 Ib. 4 Qc Phone 985-2221 FREE DELIVERY Port Perry growing ? Crop Yield Alfalfa 4 tons Barley (Grain) 60 bu, Clover 2 tons Corn (Grain & Stover 100 bu, Corn (Grain) 100 bu. Oats 75 bu, Wheat 40 bu. This chart illustrates the CALL Uxbridge 852-3321 WHY FERTILIZE? Do you know what it takes to produce the crops you're Listed below is a chart showing some of the crops and their Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash removed. (*Legumes obtain part of their nitrogen from the air) after all, its like a bank, we must put in what we take out to maintain a healthy balance, Early Delivery Discounts available, TODAY! UXBRIDGE CO-OPERATIVE CO-OP CORNER By GORD MURRAY Retail Fieldman Uxbridge Co-operative Nitro- Phos- gen phorous Potash 187* 47 180 53 23 5 . 80* 20 TO 130 5b 120 78 36 26 53 23 15 47 21 12 need for fertilizing the soil, Port Perry ZE. 8-4130 1 a Ary IT pr tae a Ln Ta, Dg TS ERR ram; PRES rh. nN pes (\s SR Rr

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