_-- 85L. Britai nat P. Perry GREENBANK WJ. The Nov. Meeting of the Greenbank W.I. was held at the home of Mrs, Howard McMillan with 20 members and 6 visitors, Mrs. H. Phoenix, vice-Presi- dent, read a Poem "A Day", welcomed guests and members and thaked Mrs. McMillan for the use of her home. The Roll Call, "Why I con- tinue to be a W.I, member year after year was well answered. Mrs, P. Diamond, delegate to the Central Ont. Area Conven- tion of the W.I's held at the Royal York, Toronto, Nov. 3, 4 and bth brought back a splendid report. Here are a few ex- cerps from her talk. There were 569 registered and 164 Branches represented. The theme--"Women become a part of to-morrow only as they live to-day", was taken from a speech by Mrs. Aroti Dutt of India,* Pres. of the A.C.W.W., given at the 11th Triennial Con- ference, Dublin, Ireland, Sept, 14 - 24. Mrs. Hermansen of Weston, Intermediate Hockey Schedule T7--Port Hope at Cobourg 8--Cobourg at L. Britain 9--Little Britain at Sutton 9--Cobourg at Port Hope 10--Sunderland at Uxbridge 11--Port Hope at P. Perry 14--Little Br. at Cobourg 14--Sunderland at Keswick Jan. 12--Cobourg at Sunderland 15--Uxbridge at L. Britain 16--Port Perry at Port Hope 17--Port Hope at Uxbridge 18--Cobourg at Port Perry 21--Sunderland at Cobourg Jan. 19--Sutton at Sunderland 22--P. Perry at L, Britain 23--Uxbridge at Sutton 23--L. Britain at Port Hope 24--Port Perry at Uxbridpe 25--Sunderland at P, Perry 26--L. Britain at Sunderland] 28--Uxbridge at Cobourg 29--ALL-STAR GAME AT LITTLE BRITAIN 30--Sunderland at P. Hope 31--L. Britain at Uxbridge Feb. 1--Uxbridge at Port Perry 2 Sunderland at L. Britain 5--P/ Hope at L. Britain 6--Hort Perry at Suttpn 6--Cobourg at Port M--Sutton at Uxbridge 9--Uxbridge at Sunderland | 11--Port Perry at Cobourg 12--P. Hope at Sunderland 12--Sutton at L. Britain Feb. 4--Uxbridge at Cobourg | (rve-schedule Dec. 10 game) | Scheduled games between in her talk, stated we should own a good dictionary, Encyclo- pedia of World Literature, have a Library Card, "The more you | read the more you absorb". Mrs. Diamond said we should know our Hand Book, It is printed by the Dept. of Agric. She brought back many good calls. Mr. Anson Geddes of West Hill, who taught in Africa, spoke of the primitive condi- tons there, teracy, poverty and disease, "They must learn to use soap before they can use penicillin", Rev. Capt. Downer spoke at the luncheon. He said the There is much lli= greatest problem of the present century is how to learn to live together in a shrinking world. All the world's problems come back to the human heart. Mrs. Trivers gave up teach- ing to spend time with W.I. or- ganization and found rich re- warding years, had co-operation of all. Next National Conven- tion, Guelph, 1967. Next "A.C. W.W. meeting Detroit or Lan- sing, Mich, Mrs. Donald York, Sutton West said "In Public Relations, the main things we have to sell are our ideals, personalities & enthusiasm. If we believe strongly and sincerely in the principles for which we are stri- ving, then it will not be hard to pass our enthusiasm on to PORT PERRY STAR, others and keep our wonderful organization to the fore. On Thursday evening Pierre Berton spoke to the ladies about the Harold King Farm at Kes- wick, expressing urgent need for a social worker and finan- cial support for the farm. He said there is only one rehabili- tation house for released pri< soners in this area and we need at least a dozen more, All appreciate Mrs. Diamond bringing back such a full re- port and bringing it in such an informative and witty way, Mrs. J, Ianson reported on former W.L.s of Greenbank and gave us her report on Tweeds- muir History, The New Book was on display, Thurs., Jan. 6th, 1966-15 Mrs, F. Phoenix led in a Dis- cussion on the Motto "Teach Children to respect their com- | ¢ . | munity and the older citizens | who built it.' All concluded it was the res- ponsibility of the parent to de- velop the child's intellect, boys learning from fathers and girls from mothers. Mrs. Phoenix also reported on the life of an Indian family, A donation of money and good clothing is being sent to the Harold King Farm, Keswick. A contest on how the provin- ces were named by Mrs, R, Cookman. Meeting closed with the Queen and social half hour was enjoyed by all. Sutton and Port Hope, and Sut- | ton and Cobourg will be 4 point | games for SUTTON ONLY, Co- | bourg and Port Hope have an | extra game scheduled against | each other and these points will count and will give these clubs | the same possible point total. I have been advised that clubs in this League are playing play- ers who haven't signed certifi- cates, Please check game re- ports with certificates of op- posing team and any player playing without a certificate, together with his manager or coach is liable to be suspended. Please note the date of the League ALI STAR game and please co-operate with the com- mittee when asked to promote or participate in this game. J. Crombie, Convenor. FANCY (SAVE 25 PUREX HEINTZ (SAVE 1c) .G.A. FANCY (SAVE 6¢) KRAFT CANADIAN Aylmer Peas Tissues Ai colours Junior Foods 61.00 Apple Sauce 2: 29¢ after Christmas we bet 10 oz. Tins 449° Pkgs. Of 2 Rolls 489° 8 oz. Jars 15 oz. Tins you're h? Ca He. Why not squeeze a little more out of your food dollar at CAN. NO. 1 GRADE, ONT. SNOW GEM POTATOES ---- 89: CALIFORNIA SUNKIST -- SIZE 138s ORANGES 2:79: CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, LOCAL GROWN CELLO ONIONS : soc 15¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, BRADFORD GROWN Cello CARROTS 550 25° Prices Effective January 5-6-7-8, 1966 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. 8 oz. Pkgs. Cheese Slices 2~-63¢ FROZEN FED. GOV. INSPECTED Cod Fillets « rotor 0 39° Hope's Food Market |G A SEERA ALE CRA | hs CATIA SHE fA yg ARY aka 5,0 A FELT XA NES PLR 752 BA : Ma POE yb 3 J I pT NG tm ANNO TO rt - PO a Zan! LA . - I a a ay lp 2&2, = ------ ror ~~