LILA § SOA ME CNA RE L $i FORN Splendid reports were receiv-| The Oshawa Presbyterial translation. Mrs, George Birtch, ed from committee chairmen. | United Church Women's Annual | Toronto, will be the guest evens Mrs. J. Gray made =a spss) meeting to be held in St. An- ing speaker. eria Top pms dels bo 5 hou drews Church, Oshawa on Feb-| Delegates were enlisted to at- onto for Overseas Relief. ruary 15th, 1966. In the after- | tend the General Conference noon a drama from Kingston | Which will be hosted this year day, Jan. 20th, 1966 g® A Meetin Mrs. G. C. Pirie, presented | will be presented and to appre- | oF Harmony Uniled Church on » the financial report and Mrs, | ciate this drama the ladies were r M. E. Leask reported on Allo-| asked to read th YBook of Jonah| After the adoption of the re- supplying a delicious | cations, and if possible the modern | ports the meeting was closed. tea. Y Millicent Luke, president| Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, nomination the meeting with Bible | secretary, reported several va- and prayer. Mrs, Wm, | cancies in the presbyterial exe- secretary read the roll] cutive to be filled and wished officers and presidents. | co-operation in this endeavour, WES LANE PLUMBING - HEATING : ELECTRIC WE ARE EXPANDING you are between the age of 22 and 60, ambitious, good ts and character, Own a car, you may qualify as our esentative. This is a full time, permanent career sion, for the right man. We are interested in you, if can sell or believe you can. ie man chosen, will be carefully selected, professionally aised, for strong sales potential, He will receive basic ling, and field training, then sent at our expense to 'Canadian Sales Schools." is is a real business opportunity for the right man (or an). All replies will be acknowledged, Send name, ess & phone number to: BOX 11, PORT PERRY STAR. Port Perry, Ont. Office 985-2473 Res. T pet + Fl ° e eo o Thousands of Canadians are joining the 0 ar : eAdmiration : * t : ¢ LJ Montcalnr S-33 2-door hardtop. b I ° : ° ° Meteor' rich look of luxury is one big reason 3 ; Meteor's elegant comfort is Meteor's beautiful style is another reason another reason One of the first things people notice in a new Your eyes just naturally snap to attention at Meteor is the beautiful interior luxury. Once the first sight of a new Meteor. You simply you've scen Metcor's comfortable, deep, foam- cannot resist Meteor's distinctive beauty . . padded seats, there's no stopping you from clean, crisp, sculptured lines and tasteful use of " sitting in them and surrounding yourself in trim accents. Meteor's sweeping roofline and Meteor clegance. Fabrics are rich, lavish. Soft, gently tapered rear deck draw admiring looks supple crinkle grain vinyl has the look and feel wherever they're seen: An optional vinyl roof of fine leather. A number of people joined the adds town car fashion to the ultra-glamorous Meteor Admiration Socicty the moment they look of Meteor 2 and 4-door hardtops. In fact, discovered and experienced all this elegance many people join the Meteor Admiration ¥v and prestige in a popular price car. Society for Meteor's good looks alone. Join now--take a membership drive M t | the prestige car in the popular price field v R BUYING ING A Y DEALER, Port Perry Test drive the exciting Comet, Meteor, Mercury, Anglia, Cortina at your Mercury Dealer 6G. i. WILLIAMS MOTORS LTD. Pho ne 985-2352