[OVO SUNY 1" - PORT PERRY 'STAR, Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 1966 i) Also Mr, Local Teacher Shows Job Possibilities To Students (SERVE OUR SCHOOL) Here is a summary of news and events for the past few months. Our members were fortunate in having as a guest speaker at our November meeting, Mr. S. McNair, guidance instructor, Port Perry High School. Mr, McNair informed the members of the 4 year courses available to the students, The opportunities for further education and job placement on completion of these courses are many and varied and should offer something of interest to all the students, McNair discussed the counselling - "available to students and parents and men- tioned the intelligence and apti- tude tests given at the high school. Mr. McNair brought along to the meeting several charts and pamphlets to illustrate his in- teresting' & informative speech. Many thanks to Mr. McNair for taking the time and effort to come and speak to our group. On December 15th our mem- bers were taken on a tour of the Ontario County court house. Our pleasant and informative guide was Mr. Wm. Manning, the clerk-treasurer for Ontario County. | ES The tour was most interesting and enlightening and a large group were in attendance. At the conclusion of the tour all were invited back to Raglan public school for lunch. 'We were fortunate in having favourable weather for our January meeting, Our president, Mary June Smith, welcomed the members and we repeated the Lord's prayer, followed by the reading of the minutes and the treasur- er's report, Mrs. Marshall, principal of Raglan public school, thanked the members of the S.0.S. club on behalf of all the teachers (Mrs. Robertson, Mrs, Magee & Miss Zarubin) for the evening Burketon News (Too late for last week) The U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. B. Hubbard, Bowman- ville on Tuesday evening. Mr, A. R. Hubbard was presented with a Twin Light-<Dresser Lamp on behalf of the Burke- ton U.C.W., Sunday School and |' Hi C Group, Mr. A. R, Hub- bard expressed thanks to all for their. kindness. A social evening was he'd at "the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. R. Argue on Friday evening. Win- ners being High Lady--Mrs. H, Larmer; High Gent -- J. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ashton of Toronto were Tuesday even- fing and Wednesday guests of Mr, ard Mrs. Leslie, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, Burnet® Power and Donald were week - end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Sympathy of the Community fs extended to the relatives in the passing of Mr. Henry Ash- ton of Haydon. Sorry to report Mr. Jacob Van Dam Sr. is in Memorial Hos- pital Bowmanville, bags they received at Christmas. Also a thank you note from Mrs. Mae Stack, one of our supply teachers, was read to the members, thanking the S.0.S. 'club for the chocolates she re- ceived at Christmas, Mrs, Marshall also announced that nekt month, February 16, the teachers are to hold an open house in the evening from 8,00 to 9.00 p.m. to give the parents an opportunity to view the pu- pils' work and to meet with the teachers. The open house is to precede our regular meeting and the meeting will be followed by a "cake walk", There are to be 12 cakes and tickets will be "on sale at 10c. each. It is to be hoped that the wea- ther will be favourable and a good attendance for this occa- sion. -A. Gray, H. Polak, A. Redshaw Soci Commins Appointed Appointments to 10 special | committees were approved last week by Ontario County Coun- cil. Agriculture and Reforesta- tion: B. Harrington, chairman; J. Betty, J. Doble, A. Gray, F. Hockley, H .McKinnon, R, Nes- bitt, E. Oyler and E. Walker, The Labor Relation Commit- tee: C. Laycox, chairman; J. Balk, J. Gibson, J. Hall, J. How- den, R. Murison, N. Smith and H. Westcott, County, Matters Committee: Mrs, J. McPherson, J, Ball, L. Doble, J. Dryden, W. Gillespie, and D, Shier. Entertainment and Special Events: W. Gillespie, chairman; V. Aldred, J. Gibson, G. Brooks, R. Murison, E. Oyler, N, Smith and O. Morris. Emergency Measures Organi- zatjon; G. Brooks, chairman; V. Aldred, J; Batty, C. Healy and! By County H. McKinnon, Board of Directors of the Children's Aid Society: J. Dan- cey, chairman; I. Boyd and E. Quantrill, = ARPA Committee: R-Nesbitv-- crairman; C, Healy and O. Morris. Ontario Regiment Centennial Committee: R. Murison. Association of Ontario Coun- ties; Warden W. Gould, The Department Heads Salary Review Committee will be com- posed of C. Laycox, chairman; J. Hall, E, Quantrill, E, Oyler, H. Polak and R. Hockley. WES ou LANE PLUMBING - HEATING ELECTRIC Port Perry, Ont. Office 985-2473 Res. British auto sportsman R. R. C. Walker (above) has had a life-long devotion to fine machinery. Obviously he knows something about cars .. but one thing he didn't know was how remarkably quiet the 1966 Ford is. hand-finished Jaguar Mark 10. UAE "1966 Ford quieter than my Jaguar? Not jolly likely!" said Rob Walker Y ... then he drove the Ford. Ford's Quiet Man, who recently demonstrated the extraordinary quality f the 1966 Ford to owners of some of the world's most expensive luxury cars, here discusses the '66 Ford LTD with Rob Walker at his family's estate in Wiltshire, England. Compare your car with the quiet of Ford's solidly built body. Take a "Quiet Test" today. British sportsman Rob Walker was skeptical about comparing the quiet of the '66 Ford with his A But then he drove both cars, and said, "This really is astonishing . .. | believe this Ford of yours really /s quieter. Astonishing |" Compare your car with the '66 Ford and you'll understand his astonishment. Ford's quiet ride is a direct result of more built-in quality--a strong, solid body that gives you quietness that compares with the world's most expensive automobiles. This quiet quality means more value for you because today's Fords are built-for years of dependable operation, years of owner satisfaction. And with it all, of course, come Ford's wonderful new ideas for your comfort and convenience, Stereo Tape players. Silent-Flo ventilation. A "Magic Doorgate" on wagons that swings out like a door, and down like a tailgate. And a host of other features offered first by Ford. Visit your Ford Dealer for a quiet revelation of the solid quality you get in a Ford, 4 TEST DRIVE THE QUIET QUALITY OF THE 66 FORD TO BUY OR LEASE=-SEL YOUR FORD DEALER Manchester Garage * MANCHESTER, om i587 ta